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Tales of Azura (1x1)


Into The Deep Blue Sea
Three continent emerged together as the last star fell from the sky, all gouvernemental system crashed . The world was plunged into a dark era of Anarchy for more than a century. To protect themselves, people formed guilds and would try to live on with the lack of laws. During that dark era, councils of each continents were formed with the brightest scholars of each regions. They met and proposed a way to find a leader without blood being shed. One solution was found, who ever found the lost Azurian star was to become the heir of the crown.

Zedekiah ''Zed'' Darksbane

Full Name: Zedekiah Darksbane

Age: 19

Title: Lord of Darksbane

Race: Castanic (Half-Human)

Pet: Little Monkey named Zabou

Weapon: Two Handed Greatsword (Name: Zweihänder )

Classe: Slayer


Friendly, adaptable, action-oriented. He focuses on immediate results. Living in the here-and-now, Zed is a risk-taker who lives a fast-paced lifestyles. Impatient with long explanations. Extremely loyal to his peers, but not usually respectful of laws and rules if it gets in the way of getting things done. Skilled and hot-tempered.


Zed comes from one of the noble family founders of Castanica, the Darksbane family. Unfortunately, since he was the bastard son of his father, Caelius Darksbane. He was kicked out of the Citadel once he turned 15. He didn't know who his mother was except that she was human. Since then, his been roaming all around the continent looking for a place to establish himself. He found out about the Quest in a Tavern when a messenger came shouting the last detail of the Council reunion that was held on the Island of Dawn.

Eye Color: Dark blue



Northern Shara:

Capital: Kaiator ( City of the mountains)

A continent practically covered in snow with lots of mountains.

Southern Shara:

Capital: Allemantheia

Probably the most magical place you could ever imagine.

Southern Arun:

Capital: Velika

Mostly humans living there, the only area that has an army.Safest place to live but very rich. Only nobles can afford. They are creating a new order for the eventual leader.

Castanica Citadel:

The second most important city after Velika. In a very gothic like setting, only Castanics live there because of the tension between Humans and them. (Mutual hatred between both cities.)

Island of the dawn: Neutral area that submerged from the ocean once the collision happened. Full of life and a very joyful atmosphere.

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Full Name: Saphire (TsukiRyuu) Tsuki

Age: 400

Title: Lunara's Champion: TsukiRyuuu (Moon Dragon)

Race: TsukiJiin (People of the Moon.) For the most part the same as the High elves, save for a few key differences. Their hair and eyes are iridescent, changing shade based on strength, emotion, and lighting. They posses two wings on their back, but these wings cannot be used for flight without the help of their Deity, Lunara. Wings are often hidden underneath billowing clothing with carefully hidden slots for the wings. They also posses the ears and tails of a Kyuubi, or nine-tailed fox, though hide all but two of their tails. Everything they do is for the good of, and in the name of Lunara.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Nisa.jpg.2b1854796a60962cb0e79d83f0829573.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22848" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Nisa.jpg.2b1854796a60962cb0e79d83f0829573.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Her hair falls to her ankles, on her right hand she has a birthmark of a pale moon-shape, and on her left a dark moon-shape.

Class: Saphire possesses the skill of an Elemental Shadowblade, basically a ninja able to summon and use the powers of Seirei, servants of the goddess Lunara, she is the only one able of using all six elements, though the summoning takes time and she can only have one or two out at a time.

Weapon: She generally uses swords or a bow, though whether she uses a physical weapon or one made of an element changes from situation to situation.

Personality: She is serious but kind, and is loyal to allies until the end. Due to the method of gaining her rank amongst the Miko, warrior priestesses, she is diligent and hardworking. She is not above doing what needs to be done, but does not like ending anyone or anything's life. She doesn't like it, but she'll do it.

Background: The Tsukijin are a very religious people. In fact, their old government was a Halidom, where their leader was also the head of the religion. By rights that places Saphire, as the only Miko since the collision to have been shown to have their Goddess' favor, the leader of their government. Lunara was always a Goddess of peace, and as such she wishes to take the crown, or at least ensure a being hoping for peace does, for the sake of preventing war. She gained the rank of TsukiRyuu, or Moondragon, when she became the Champion of Lunara, her earthly inheritor of will. Legend says the only beings able to be given such a position are those who were spiritually born directly from Lunara, and whom have become strong enough to uphold her will, both physically and emotionally. 
Finished now.



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When~ year 108 , start of summer.

Where~ Outsquirts of Velika

Zedekiah was wandering the wales of Velika like a Vagabond. He drank too much the previous day, drowning in his own sorrow, at a tavern in a nearby village. The Guards of Velika wouldn't let him the city in since he was unfortunate enough to look like his father. In his opinion, being a Castanic was more of a curse than a blessing like most of his old acquaintances pretended.

He looked at the small monkey napping on his shoulder, and started petting him. ''You know, you're probably the only person I could trust.'' He stated. The monkey only grinned and pet his master in return. He laughed but suddenly grew silent as he saw commotion at the front gate of Velika. He walked towards it wondering what it was.
Saphire brushed off yet another member of the Tsukijiin, intent on getting to the tavern just in front of her. She knew that Lunara had, through her, ordered them to scatter, but it was a bit annoying to have them constantly vying for her attention. She was on a mission, find the Star and bring it back, so that at long last peace could be brought to all races. Peace and justice, but mostly peace. Of course, the one small groupie's squawking brought the nonTsukijin from around to stare at the new woman, her iridescent blue hair sparkling in the color of the sky and eyes a stormy dark-color. She knew that for some reason her people were considered by many to be beautiful, but she had no patience for it herself. Still, they were people as well, and she never snapped at someone she viewed as a person.

It took a lot to no longer be a person.
Zed walked towards the gathering, he pushed a few people as they eyed him surprised that a castanic would be around Velika. He looked at the scene, some woman was in the middle of it looking like she could kill you right at the moment. He stared right into her eyes and with a shocked expression writing on his face, he looked at his side, ''Dang, she's cute don't you find?'' he said to his pet, the little monkey simply agreed. He was about to move away when a guard arrived ''Come on now, disperse. No gathering allowed'' he shouted and looked at Zed surprised and furious, '' You!'' he said pointing at him and walking towards him, Zed simply backed away but people pushed him forward, '' Castanic only bring trouble to this world, didn't I tell you that yesterday. Be gone!'' he shouted taking his sword out.
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Saphire, having seen the problem, frowned a bit, moving forward. She ignored the fevered warning not to do anything rash, and asked the guard point blank "What is the matter, sir?" She looked, or rather glanced, at the red-skinned blue-eyed and white-haired youth, but most of her attention was focused on diffusing the situation. Her formerly stormy eyes, now that she wasn't surrounded by a bunch or random people, had paled to a more amenable cerulean, though there were ripples of dark color hinting at her tension. This new color revealed that her pupils were a dark-blue reminiscent of navy. Though her eyebrows were drawn, the soft smile on her face, having shifted to such upon closing in, showed only concern.
Zed wasn't sure how to deal, he knew the guard wouldn't hesitate to take a blow on him. He was still in hangover and was as sure, not ready for a fight. He saw the girl trying to diffuse the situation and he mentally noted to thank her. The guard looked back at the girl, immediately hypnotized by her eyes, ''Well my fair lady, don't you know Castanic carry a curse wherever they go?'' he said pointing at Zedekiah with his pointy sword. Zed gulped as he saw the sword a little too close for his comfort. Zed pushed the sword away with his finger '' Yes but I'm not-'' he was cut off by a swing to his head but managed to duck right before it happened,''Don't you dare touch my sword except if it's too stain it with your blood.'' he said with hatred and glaring at him, like most people did around.
Saphire smiled slightly, A curse. How quaint. "What if I told you, kind sir, that the Miko of my kind were capable of removing such curses." It wasn't true. At least, not without summoning a Light elemental, but it wasn't even a true curse anyway. That groupie had been only skilled in fire, and her kind avoided evil they could not dispel like a plague. She didn't know how long this man had been here, but honestly... "It wouldn't even need for him to be harmed. I could do it for free, right now, if you wished."
The soldier was ticked off, how could you actually purify demons such as Castanic, he lifted his eyebrow,''Well go ahead, prove it to me.'' he said knowing full well it wouldn't work. He didn't believe in such, and looked at Zed ''If she fails, you are hanged in public right here.'' he said having a mischievous grin. Zed breathed hard, what made him get in such a situation. He looked at the blue haired girl, he was grateful she actually tried helping him but right now she was..making it worst for him. ''Ok sir, yes sir'' Zed said nervously.
"Very well sir. You'll have to step back, it might be a bit dangerous for non-Tsukijin." She lightly waved him away, turning towards Zed and mouthing 'play along' to him. She began to chant nonsense words, placing just a bit of meaningless power into the air around her, voice echoing as a result and giving off the feel of a magic ceremony. Her hair began to float up and down in a nonexistent updraft, and her eyes twinkled with a silent mirth at fooling someone like that soldier. She paused briefly, mouthing 'when it get's stronger writhe like you're in pain' before continuing.
Zed walked towards her, his monkey jumped away from him playing along, he was amazed at the scene she was making more people were gathering, he did exactly as she said and then he faked as if it pained him. He was a pretty good actor and even fell to his knee, clenching on his armor faking that his heart was hurting him. He looked up but all he saw was the guard getting ticked off, towards the end of the 'ceremony', he could see that he hadn't believed any of this '' Enough with this bullshit!'' he shouted lifting his sword and smashing it to the ground making most of the pavement break. Zed squeaked and stood back up and immediately grabbed the girl from her waist like a potato bag '' Run for it!'' he shouted as his monkey followed behind and the guard tried catching up
Saphire sighed. "I honestly thought that was going to work. It did every time before." She told him, shifting her feet to keep up with him. "Maybe I should have summoned Akari, or spread my wings..." Still, this wasn't all that bad a turn of events. She was getting out of that stuffy town, and she'd had a bit of fun to vent her annoyance. And besides, even if it had failed she was sure she'd at least gotten this man to enjoy himself for just a bit. Even if in the end she'd just made it worse. "No, Kurogane'd have been better. She does better illusions."
'' I think we did pretty well too, but Castanic's are a race like humains or trolls, not really a curse.'' Zed said chuckling a bit.''The guy only used curse as an insult..by the way, what was all of that? It was amazing!'' he added emphasizing with his arms. He hadn't seen anything of such and it impressed him. His pet monkey climbed up to his shoulder and hide his face glancing hesitantly to the girl in front of them.
She blinked, surprised. "I knew it wasn't a curse, since I felt no evil from you, but for the guard to know as well... "That, my friend, was pointless posturing and gathering magic for show. I did nothing at all, save prepare for what, if I had actually been chanting, would have been a summon of a Seirei, what non-Tsukijin call a Celestial spirit."

((I'ma go to bed.))
'' Damn! That's some awesome power you got there!'' Zed said seating on a nearby rock. Zed immediately stood up as it started moving, he looked back as some creature eyed him and walked away with loud stomping. He gulped and walked toward the girl looking at rock creature walk in the forest,''Urg..This always happens to me..'' Zed said running a hand through his hair.
She giggled, eyes quite literally sparkling with a blue so pale it was almost white. "I can see why, if your kind is all as unlucky as you are, they are disliked." A soft, teasing smile adorned her face, though she waved at the small creature, her tails swishing below the billowing kimono she wore. "However, you seem not to be of a personality which would be worth such hatred, and so I am confused by it." Saphire ran a hand through her hair, hoping that it would darken just a bit so it didn't match the sky so well in this dark forest. If only it would darken to a black, then whomever might be pursuing us would likely be confused...ah, but such is not likely, and so I shall simply have to find a way to hide it. "As our kind have not been out in the world for a long time, might you explain the odd prejudice?"
Zedekiah smiled and noded, '' Well Castanics were always rivals of the humains. We were both the ruling races in our continent and well, once the world we know crashed in a dark era, humans and castanic started accused each other which caused a war that lasted almost a century, it has been barely a decade since the war ended but hatred is still amongst everyone.'' he said looking a bit sad about it but smiled at her, '' What are you by the way? I've been wandering all over the world but never did I see anyone like you.'' he said curious.
"Me? I am a Tsukijin. We came from the continent of Southern Shara, but have always hid within nature, avoiding conflict, and contact, whenever possible." She smiled at him again, allowing her animal ears to lift from their hiding place within her hair. "As you can see we're not exactly like other members of the world. According to legend we were indirectly descended from Lunara and Nocturn, and our leader has always been the highest ranking member of the religion. You could say we were a Halidom. Our ears and tails are a gift of Nocturn, to allow us to serve his wife's will in the world, and our wings a sign of Lady Lunara's favor. Those with a high enough favor are able to spread their wings far, and fly through the sky in times of great need. All we do is in the name of Lunara." She turned towards the heart of the forest, bowing her head, and then returned to facing the Castanic. "Though, that's just a brief overview. If you wanted to know more I could find a historian of our kind in the nearest city, should we part ways. Well, city other than that we just left."
'' It's fine, i'll do my research someday!'' Zed said. He then remembered why he came to Velika at the mention of Historian, he looked back at the girl, she seemed trustworthy and even friendly enough. He ran a hand through his hair, he really needs to get in the city but with his horns, it was evident he was castanic, if he could hide them, it would be wonderful. '' Say by any chance, have you heard of the Azurian Quest?'' he asked. He had found out about it yesterday at the tavern, and decided that he should give it a shot since he knew all of the continents pretty well.
At the mention of the quest her pleasant expression folded into a more serious one. "I have. In fact, I myself am on said quest." She regarded him, while not angrily, with a bit more in-depth interest. He was tall, yes, and had a comparatively cruel face, but to her he had been mostly kind. So far he had given her no reason to distrust her, and so she decided to open up to him just a bit. "I believe we have forgotten to introduce ourselves. I am Saphire Tsuki, TsukiRyuu of the Tsukijiin, and Champion of Lunara. My duty is to ensure the Lady's will is done in this world, a duty I take great pains to perform. And you are?"
'' Oh yeah! My name is Zedekiah Darksbane, son of Joshua Darksbane, founder of Castanica.'' Zed said shyly, he refrain himself from giving any details. Not that he didn't thrust her but because he was embarrassed of them. He looked at her happy that they were both searching for the lost, '' Do you want to team up?'' he said rubbing the back of his head nervously. It's not that he wasn't capable of looking for it alone, it would probably take less time but he was kind of lonely after so many years wandering the world to search for a place to call home.
Her head tilted at his question while she thought it over. She could use the presence of another being to cover her travels, it was not unknown for the weaker of her kind to buy the services of the unfortunate. While the humans may react unhappily at his presence, but she would work with him to plan a way of tricking them if necessary. More importantly, however, she could check if he was worthy of the title of leader for herself. "I suppose, for the time being, I do not mind. I cannot say how long I shall join you, however."
'' Oh it's fine!'' Zed said happy that he could have a temporary companion other than his pet, which he loved and could give his life for it's safety. His pet jumped on Sapphire happily nuzzling on her neck and then giving a huge kiss on her cheek. ''Zabou! I told you not to do that..last time I got in trouble because of that.'' he chuckled grabbing on his monkey.
"Thank you for understanding, Zedekaiah." She said, nodding gratefully towards him. The small monkeys antics surprised her, though she was certain that such creatures were not uncommon in this world. "Your companion is certainly very friendly, isn't he."
'' Yeah.. It's just that we've been stuck together and haven't met anyone that was nice enough in a while.'' Zed said grinning while Zabou played around with his sword. He was indeed a very playful monkey, they had met the first day Zed was kick out of Castanica, he instantly loved him and adopted him. close to considering him a brother, another half. He looked at the sun that was starting to set, ''So, where are you at in your search? I've only heard of this quest this weekend and was about to head to the library to learn of the star.'' he said in all honesty.

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