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One x One Tales from Thedas, 9:42 Dragon (Dragon Age RP)


Cool shuppy waddling away from explosions
Name: Farrell Vassell

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Title: Mercenary

Class (warrior, rogue, mage): Warrior

Specialties: Champion

Equipment: Sword and Shield. Armored

Weapon of choice: Long sword with shield, two handed broadsword (second choice)

Bio: Originally from the City of Amaranthine, Farrell was forced to protect his home against the Darkspawn when they attacked in 9:31 Dragon. Though his baptism by fire was successful, Farrell lost his father that day: his only family member. Deciding that he was somewhat successful as a soldier, Farrell left Ferelden behind to travel, tagging along with another vagabond band of soldiers and completing soldiering work around Thedas. As fate would have it, he ended up being hired as an extra guard in Kirkwall just before the First Battle of Kirkwall began. By now Farrell had grown properly into a man to hold his own in combat, and fought somewhat successfully against the Qunari in the city (successful since he managed to score a few kills without getting killed himself, only wounds). His pay was raised by the city guard and Farrell stuck around, earning a decent enough living to get by even though his "band of brothers" moved on, stating a bad feeling by the leader about that city.

Farrell still wondered if he should've left as well, as two years later he fought in the opening battle of the Mage Rebellion, not against the Templars or the Mages, but the monsters that roamed the city all of the sudden while doing his best to protect others and "do the right thing," which almost got him killed again. Before the battle had ended Farrell was already out of the white walls, helping what few others escaped as well. Farrell gained even more combat experience fighting through several contracts by himself or with what others he could gathered, before somehow finding himself within the auxiliary ranks of Empress Celene's forces when the Orlesian Civil War erupted and thrusted him into the front lines.

Fighting on and off the lines for a few years, Farrell finally got some reprieve when the Inquisitor ended the Civil War via Gaspard's execution. Grabbing his final payment, Farrell tried to get to the nearest major civilized settlement when Maker's worst luck hit him. First his traveling band got ambushed by bandits, then in the middle of that ambush Darkspawn came out of nowhere and started massacring everyone. Farrell managed to cut his way out of the melee, but retreated exhausted and bruised from the fighting.


Scars: Many, though nothing disfiguring.

Likes: Occasional peace and quiet. An honest day's work. Having a good time in a tavern.

Dislikes: Cheated out of payment. Backstabbers. Pointless suicide missions. Doing something to inflate someone else's ego.

Fears: Losing someone he cares about.

Dreams: Settling down somewhere quiet.

Romance: None at the moment.

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