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Realistic or Modern Take Me Home Country Roads - CS



Basic Bitches Not Wanted
Take Me Home Country Roads
Character Sheet

Age (18-20):
Nicknames (Optional):

Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Skin Tone:

Likes (8):
Dislikes (8):

Personality (1-2 paragraphs):
Short Bio (2-3 paragraphs):

Anything Else?:​

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Basic Name: Mercedes Zabielski
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nicknames: Sadie

"I am a mud & mascara kinda girl."

Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Hazel
Skin Tone: Tan
Height: 5'5
Weight: 135lbs

Likes: car races; makeup; heels; boots; old cartoons; loud trucks; dogs; sweet tea
Dislikes: losing; being told what to do; baseball; sweating her makeup off; rap music; hats; snakes; hot tea
Hobbies: mudding; singing; taking pictures

When she's not working, Sadie is definitely a fun loving girl. She can drink someone under the table, which is surprising for someone of her small frame. She enjoys it, too. One of her favorite things to do is take the top and doors off her jeep, and then go mud slinging. The interior of her jeep is fucked, but she doesn't care. It's hella fun and if someone says mudding, she's automatically in. While she doesn't race herself, she likes watching others do it. She's proud and stubborn, a true southerner, but she's also a good listener and gives advice usually whether you want to hear it or not.

Short Bio:
Sadie was born of a country father and a city mother, so she feels like she got the best of both worlds. Her mother taught her how to apply the perfect winged eyeliner, and her father taught her how to drive in the mud. She got her love of the country from him, and even her uptight mother learned how to let loose when she met him back in the day. She has two younger siblings, twin brothers who are about a decade younger than her, and they're as rough and rowdy as boys get. Sadie loves it.

Being the oldest, alot of responsibility falls on her when her parents are working or out of town. She doesn't always mind it, though now that she's eighteen she wants a bit more freedom from being the responsible one. She wants to let go and live her life before deciding what she wants to do for the rest of it. She works at a local 711 part time, nothing grand or fancy, but she is a pretty sociable person so she likes it. Lately, though, her parents have been fighting alot more, and she tries to spend as much time away from the negativity as possible.

Vehicle?: jeepjeep
Job?: part time cashier
Anything Else?:


coded by DeerPrince DeerPrince
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  • Name: Pepper Harrison
    Age (18-20): 19
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Nicknames (Optional): n/a
    Occupation: Assistant Baker
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Raelynn Myers
Age (18-20):
Nicknames (Optional):

Hair Colour:
Chocolate brown with hazel highlights.
Eye Colour:
Light grey
Skin Tone:
130 lbs
Likes (8):
☑ Good books ☑ Writing ☑ Music ☑ Dogs ☑ The Incredibles ☑ Rollercoasters
☑ Loyal friends ☑ Exploring/Adventuring

Dislikes (8):
☒ Untrustworthy people ☒ Being cold ☒ Being around crowds of people ☒ Toxic friendships/relationships ☒ Spiders
☒ Writer's block ☒ The fact that Pluto is no longer a planet ☒ Being tired

Writing short stories and poetry, and playing the guitar.
Personality (1-2 paragraphs):
Raelynn is a quirky girl. She enjoys doing a multitude of activities that range from reading to hiking on trails. There's almost never a dull moment with this girl, except in certain situations. Rae enjoys being with her close friends and being around those she loves, she would do anything for them. When it comes to new people though, she can be reserved and shy. She is quite the ambivert.

Although she can be outgoing and spontaneous, Rae also deals with a bit of anxiety. Being around large crowds of people, or various different things happening at once can cause her to panic. She also tends to overthink things and worry a lot. But, nevertheless, she stays her quirky self and enjoys having fun.
Short Bio (2-3 paragraphs):
Raelynn's parents had married at a young age, 21 years old. They didn't have a single clue on what to do, where to live, or what came next. All they knew is that they loved each other, and that was enough. They soon settled down in a small, rural town that was perfect to raise a child in. The open fields and the friendly neighbors helped them make that choice. Soon after, Raelynn Myers was born. She was and still is a spunky young girl with a wild heart. As she grew older, she made close friends that stuck with her through thick and thin.

Raelynn's mother developed leukemia when Rae had turned 16. To get better treatment for her illness, she was transferred to a hospital miles away in another city. Her father had decided to go with her so she wouldn't be alone but feared what would happen if he couldn't pay the hospital bills. Raelynn decided to take up a job as a waitress in their hometown and save up money for her parents. Her mother, unfortunately, passed away 6 months later, and her father came back to the rural town. Raelynn continued to work when her father couldn't, paying bills and buying food. She never stopped working, even to this day.
No car, just a bike.
Waitress at the local diner.
Anything Else?:
Lives with her father, but usually stays with one of her close friends. Checks in on him from frequently.

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Sawyer Matthews

Sawyer - Meaning: Cuts Timber
"Don't look back, you're not headed that way."

basic data
NAME: Sawyer Redmond Matthews
AGE: 19

HAIR COLOR: Dirty Blonde
EYE COLOR: Dark Grey With Specks Of Blue
SKIN TONE: Warm Ivory
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 168lbs.
Jeep 2002 Wrangler <-- Link
JOB: Works At Dad's Car Shop
OTHER: Lives With His Dad And Has A Pet Dog Named Kilo
-Bull Riding
-Greedy People
-Small Spaces
-Excessive Makeup
HOBBIES: Horseback Riding, Working on Cars, Bull Riding Competitions, and Cliff Diving

RELATIONSHIP: In A Long-Distance Relationship
COMMUNICATION STATUS: Loves talking to people but if he's tired or in a bad mood he gets irritable and tends to snap at people.
- Can Fix Anything In A Car
- Making People Laugh

PERSONALITY: Sawyer is a very laid back kind of guy. He loves to help whenever he can and is quite the extrovert. However, if you do happen to catch him in a bad mood you do not want to get on his bad side, often times the only person who can calm him down are his best friends (<-- open position). Sawyer tends to be a little pushy without realizing it and has a bad habit of being too competitive sometimes. He does not like working unless he's doing something he loves, he loves to enjoy life, let loose, and go to parties no matter what he has to do the next day. He wants to find his meaning in life but while doing it, he wants to have fun.
HISTORY: When Sawyer was a child his mother died shortly after giving birth. His father did a good job of raising him but Sawyer still longs for that female touch of things. Sawyer was about 8 years old when he started becoming interested in horses, his father didn't fully support his interest thinking it was a girly thing but let him try it out, thinking he would lose interest. The first time he mounted a horse he fell in love, he fell in love with the sound, the feeling, everything. Sawyer's dad let him continue with his horse interest thinking it would teach him at least something. At age 15, Sawyer started working with his dad at his shop and volunteering at the local horse ranch, he was there while they were hosting one of their competitions and he saw this girl who he thought was the most beautiful girl in town. He asked her if she wanted to go out for ice cream and they did, turns out she was only in town for a few more days, but they continued to keep in contact and visited each other whenever they could. Now Sawyer has grown up and is out of school still trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life besides party every night.

Credit goes to Cychotic

I also made sure this was mobile friendly
Finnegan Black

Age (18-20):



Nicknames (Optional):

Hair Colour:
Dark brown kept shorter with the front spiked

Eye Colour:
Darkish blue

Skin Tone:
Sun kissed to a bronze tan



Likes (8):

Dislikes (8):
Obnoxious people
Rap music

Horse riding, Motocross Racing, wheeling, mudding in the truck, boating.

Personality (1-2 paragraphs):
As a young boy, Finnegan had always been taught respect and honesty, he carries this with him to this day, always being polite and opening the truck door for any woman who happens to be riding with him. However Finnegan was no stranger to hard work as he grew up on the family ranch, often helping with the ranch work and house work.

Finnegan was not raised a fool and is bluntly honest when it comes to his opinion and his feelings. Finnegan will gladly tell someone he doesn't like them. Finn doesn't like to use violence but will throw fist's if he ever had to.

Short Bio (2-3 paragraphs):
Growing up on the family ranch wasn't always a chore. Finnegan enjoyed the work before school and being able to spend time with the animals, his father and of course his grand father who lived with them. Finnegans grand mother had passed before he was born so he never had the chance to meet her but his grandfather had been there with them since day one.

Middle school was a hard time for Finn as he often got made fun of for his dirty clothes an at the time Finnegan had braces. The taunting did not last long as he entered highschool he was able to get his braces removed and he was working a part time job at the grocery store, able to buy new clothes. High school was the turning point for Finnegan as he found his love for the automotive industries and motocross. Buying his first junker truck at 15 he then proceeded to work on it and fix it up. By senior year he had his diesel running perfectly, however the paint still needed to be touched up and minor details needed fixing he didn't care. Right after prom however his grandfather passed of a heart attack, it took a toll on Finn. He and his grandfather had been close, he was the one who had taught Finnegan everything he knew.

Now graduated and into the real world he had gone back to school to be a mechanic for both cars and motorcycles. Finnegan still lives at home to help his father with the ranch chores and house maintenance.


Full time Automotive and motorcycle technician for a shop in town

Part time motocross racer




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Greyson Jacobs

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nicknames: G, Grey

Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Eye Colour: Green
Skin Tone: Light Tan
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 165 lbs

Likes: His Truck, Tractors, Lacrosse, Football, Parties, Working, Swimming, Hunting
Dislikes: Spicy Food, Snow, School, The City, Traffic, When people break his things, Sunburns, Losing his hat

Personality: WIP
Bio: WIP


Job: Small Engine Mechanic

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