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Futuristic Taikoku Academy

James watched Max and Felix fight for a while before he got bored and went to the Recreational Area. He came back with a candy bar, playing a game on his IPhone. Once and awhile a student would ask him a question and he would give them some random answer off the top of his head.
"Professor...Aren't you supposed to be teaching?" Usahara questioned him with a scathing look on her face. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest.
"Yes. But not now, I'm watching these guys fight. Once they're done sparring, I'll correct them and watch them fight again." James held up his phone and showed while he was playing his game, half the screen showed the room from a moving POV. James then pointed to show a FireFly was going around the room. "That's a FireFly. A type of military RV airplane with weapons and a camera.
"If you don't fail the random test I give out, you pass and move on to Stealth Advanced. If not, you can either retake the class or take a new one. Anymore questions? Because after this, the academy closes."
James looked up and noticed that most of the class was getting ready to leave."Oh. Okay then. Class, tomorrow were gonna head to the range. Were gonna evaluate your marksmanship skill's." James turned off his phone and put it in his pocket before walking up to Max. "Hey Felix. Come on, you guys need to leave. I gotta enable the securities systems."


Maya, Kyle, and Ken sat in a booth next to a window in the diner. Kyle stared down at his menu, Maya was on her phone, and Ken had a plate full of pancakes. They left their cloaks at 'home' and where wearing regular clothes. "So... Maya.... What do you like the most about that Max guy?" Maya blushed and balled up her fist before a waiter came and gave her a glass of ice water. Maya picked up her glass and splashed the water onto Kyle, soaking him. "I hate you Maya.... I really do..."

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