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T R U S T ✨

? Madden Carter ?

Madden watched Wes opened his mouth then closed it shut, with the reaction she was given it seemed like he was too scared to ask her about his mom. "It's okay Wes, I'm over it. She's gone and I can't do anything about it." She shrugged. Madden was right, she can't do anything about it. Her mother died of cancer and it wasn't curable, end of story. Madden took another drink of her water when Wes spoke up.

Have you ever thought about being a band? Not that you need to, you're great as is, but have you?"

Madden raised a brow. "
Yeah actually but I don't know anyone that knows how to play instruments. And besides, what am I going to call the band?" Madden giggled. It was true that she thought about having a band, it would be fun and she could make new friends as well. "I don't know where to start. Maybe later." Madden sighed, her phone buzzed in her bag. "Excuse me." She muttered awkwardly as she switched her phone on. It was an alarm, her father was coming home in ten minutes. "Shit!" Madden exclaimed as she began to stuff the ukulele into her bag along with her phone. "I'm so sorry but I have to go. My dad is going to be so pissed at me." Her voice trailed off as she got ready to leave. "Thanks for coming Wes. That was really nice of you." She smiled at Wes for a longingly second before running off into the crowd.

Madden raced out of the club, her head looking for the quickest route home. Turning on her heels, Madden ran home, going through bushes and past pedestrians until Madden reached her home's backyard. She released a soft sigh when she saw her bedroom window opened. Madden chucked her bag into the window, a perfect hit. Next, she chucked her shoes. Madden rubbed her hands together in a nervous matter. She grabbed the nearby ladder and leaned it against the roof, slowly climbing it until she got into her bedroom. Madden scurried to her bed. A knock came from Madden's door as her father's head peaked in. "
You okay Mads?" He asked. Madden just nodded quietly, awkwardly pointing at a book next to her. Her father just nodded at his daughter and closed the door. Madden took a deep sigh. That was too close

Wes Foster

Wes' eyes trailed after Madden as she made a mad dash for the door after hurriedly explaining why she he had to leave and thanking him for coming. He couldn't help the grin that tugged at the corners of his lips, giving a little shake to his head at how much he'd already admired the woman, knowing well that it was ridiculous to be developing feelings this fast. His eyes lingered on the door a moment after she left before he lifted his drink to his mouth, chugged it, and left a tip on the table.

The rest of his night was uneventful, save for the passing thought of Madden.

The Next Morning

Wes awoke to the sound of his door creaking open. Snapping upright, he flung his covers to the side and just when he'd placed a foot on the ground, he saw his dad looming in the doorway with a raised brow and breakfast in hand. Wes sighed, lowering his head. He hadn't had a clue why his nerves were so hyperactive, but he took a second to reestablish a steady heartbeat and shot a forced smile at his father.

"Jesus, kid, you're gonna give yourself a damn heart attack one day," his father chided. He gave a click to his tongue as he strode over to his son and placed the tray of breakfast on the bed with a level of carefulness. Wes shot his father a baffled look, and he must've caught it since he scoffed. "Eat."

"Thanks," Wes said, trying to keep the caution from his voice. His dad gave a nod so short Wes almost missed it, then left. As his father left, Wes' eyes fell down to the breakfast tray, and his stomach rumbled. It was an oddity for his father to show kindness toward him, and even more so that he gave his son breakfast in bed. His gaze swept over the crispy bacon, peppered eggs, and toast before they landed on it. A note. Picking up a strip of bacon, he took a bite as his other hand unraveled the note.

It was an invitation -- to his and Madden's wedding. He felt his stomach drop. Beneath the cursive script of
Wes Foster and Madden Carter was a note, scrawled in careful pen strokes.

We'll find you a tux.

? Madden Carter ?

Madden woke up to the sound of soft chatter downstairs. Rubbing her eyes, she shuffled out of her bedroom. As Madden went down the staircase, she saw a whole staff running around her house. Madden's eyes shot wide open. "What's going on?" She asked yet no one answered. Madden began to feel giddy, too much was going on around it. She felt like her life was going out of control in front of her eyes. Soon, she saw her father in a beautiful black tux and a sly grin on his face. "Madden my darling, why didn't you get up earlier?" Her father scowled. Madden looked puzzled, was she suppose to get up early? Mr. Carter hustled Madden into the living room where two middle-aged ladies stood there with a welcoming smile.

Madden gave her father a confused look. "
What is going on?" Madden asked, gazing back to the ladies. The two ladies started to walk towards Madden in a synchronized fashion, giving Madden chills down her spine. Madden's father slowly backed away, slipping a small envelope into Madden's hand. She hyperactively brought the envelope into her gaze. She ripped the envelope open and read the cursive letters on the soft baby blue card.

'You are invited to the joyful occasion of Madden Carter's and Wesley Foster's Wedding. '

Madden's heart dropped and smashed into two. Out of all days they could have picked, it had to be today. The two ladies continued to smile, shuffling Madden onto the couch so they could show her different dresses. What did it matter anyway? Madden was marrying someone she didn't love. What happened last night seemed special, almost magically. She hates falling for this sort of romantic cliche but it was true. She couldn't help wipe off that grin after seeing Wes, but this isn't how she wanted to see him, unhappy and unlovingly while she walked down the isle. Madden looked up and saw a wedding dress that almost seemed perfect for her. "
I'll wear that one." She muttered, her voice sounding as if she was still in disbelief.

Wes Foster

The day leading up until now flew by in a blur. Between getting dragged around by his father and his entourage of stylists to find a suit and the dread that settled within his chest, his brain was fried, thoughts few and fleeting as he trailed his father like a zombie. For all intents and purposes, he seemed to be one; his father scarcely gave a thought to how Wes would feel, using him for little more than a face for a company and an advertising scheme. Wes knew it was bullshit, but standing up to his father seemed comparable to fighting a dragon with a wooden sword.

Now, Wes stood at the end of the aisle with his hands linked with Madden's. The cathedral was filled with the clicks of photographers' cameras, the soft murmur of those seated in long, wooden benches as they gawked at Madden and Wes, and rehearsed lines of the priest. Wes wasn't paying attention -- how could he, when he was swearing his life to a woman by force? He liked her, of course, but this marriage far surpassed that. It was difficult to focus on much else than the sound of his pulse.

"Wes Foster, do you take Madden Carter as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." The words were automatic. The priest inclined his head to Madden and asked the same.

"You may now kiss the bride."

A first kiss with someone was supposed to be exciting and an experience that'd make your heart race and stomach flutter with the possibility of blooming romance. This kiss was nothing like that. Wes leaned in and pecked Madden on the lips, and though he felt a spark of elation, he couldn't help but felt he'd just sealed a contract that bound him to his father forever. Applause pattered in the cathedral hall as Wes extended his elbow outward for Madden to hook her arm on his, and they strode side by side down the aisle, Wes slapping on a grin as his eyes scanned the crowd and landed on his father. He looked so nonchalant. For a moment, Wes toyed with the idea of breaking his composure and snapping at his father, but instead inhaled deeply and exhaled just as so.

"Please tell me you think this is as insane as I do," Wes murmured, quiet enough for only Madden to hear.
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? Madden Carter ?

Madden's life became a blur, the two women slipped Madden into the dress and braided her hair to the side. The entire idea was stupid, what was her father going to get out of it? More money she assumed, he forced his own daughter to marriage for money. How selfish of him. "You ready darling?" The first lady asked, slipping the white veil into Madden's blonde hair. She forced a soft grin onto her lips and nodded to her. Madden was hustled out of her house into the church. The next thing she knew, she was standing next to Wes with their hands interlocking and the priest continuing with the ceremony. Madden forced herself not to cry, this was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, so why couldn't she pretend to be happy, at least for her father? Madden gaze went to the priest as he continued.

'Madden Carter, do you take Wes Foster as your lawfully wedded husband?'

Madden took a deep breath and replied with 'I do.' Madden gave Wes a quick glance before looking back at the priest. After the ceremony, Wes gave Madden a small peck on the lips. That's it? Shouldn't it be convincing, her father was going to be so pissed if the media sees through their act. Turning around on her heels, Madden slipped her arm and intertwined with Wes' arm. A forced smile came upon her red lips as she walked down the isle with Wes by her side, most likely the only sane person in the world. ''Please tell me you think is as insane as I do..'' She felt his soft breath tickle her ear. Madden nodded at Wes. "They're all insane." She whispered back.

Wes Foster

"They're all insane."

Wes gave an absent-minded nod that was little more than a tiny bob of his head, his eyes leaving Madden to scan the scene around them. Distant relatives and famous strangers clapped their hands while their lips curled into rehearsed, pearly-white smiles, the patters of the applause intertwining with their hushed banter and the celebratory music of the band.
They're all insane. Nausea churned in Wes' gut. With each step the newly wed couple took, the more he realized the weight of their marriage -- it felt as if a snake had taken it upon itself to constrict his chest, his lungs' fight to expand growing weak as their struggle to gather oxygen was crumbling, bit by bit. The clapping turned cacophonous, and when Wes caught eye of the people around him, he blanched. Gone were the perfectly constructed smiles and in their places were splits in their faces, stretching from ear to ear, that collapsed and opened with the bellows of their taunting laughter. He had to get out. It was all surreal.

Trying to remind himself what he was seeing wasn't real, he kept walking. He couldn't allow his calm facade to deteriorate, even though his heart threatened to beat through his chest. He forced his gaze forward, and when they reached the end of the hall, Wes took a hard right, grabbing Madden's hand instead of being linked at the arms. He hadn't looked down to see Madden's face. It was only when they both were in a secluded corner of the cathedral that Wes stopped, turning to face Madden as he gripped her shoulders. "Whose idea was this?" He frantically searched the blonde's expression for answers, but pressed on. "Your father's? Mine?"


? Madden Carter ?

Madden kept her weak yet beautiful smile on her lips. Her father gave her an accepting nod as they walked down the isle. Madden felt like she couldn't breathe, she just wanted to scream to the world how horrible this idea was. The flashing of the media, clapping from family and famous strangers mixed into one strange noise. The room seemed to be tiny well, for Madden anyway. As Madden looked behind her she was whisked away to a corner of the church. Wes pressed Madden against the brick wall, his large hands gripping her shoulders. Madden was terrified but so did Wes. She didn't know what to do, should she calm him down or fight back. She couldn't go through hurting him, not now. Madden took a deep breathe in and stared at his eyes. "I don't know." She murmured with a small stutter.

Madden wrapped her tiny fingers around his hands and removed his grip from her shoulders. She slowly slid down the wall and sat on the ground, this was like deja vu. Her sitting against the wall waiting for someone to rescue her away from this terrible reality. Her gaze went to the dark rose bouquet that was gripped in her hand. Madden pulled a rose out and placed the rest next to her. She slowly picked at the petals, dropping them one after the other. The roses reminded of her mother, graceful and beautiful. She was a beauty to see, Madden wondered what she saw in her father. Flashbacks came flooding to Madden like a tsunami.

"Alexander please, make sure our principessa gets married before her life is wasted." Rose softly gasp, the frail woman slowly losing her life on the hospital bed. The heart monitor filled the room with a continuous beep. Alexander looked at his wife longingly, it was too soon for her to go. Why did it have to be Rose? Alexander looked outside and saw their beautiful daughter swinging her legs wildly, waiting for her mother to come out of the room looking all better. Madden was filled with pure innocence, something Alexander was grateful for. Rose slowly began to close her eyes, she was losing the energy to keep fighting this war. Alexander looked at Rose, her eyes were losing their color. What use to be a shiny diamond blue was now an ugly grey. "Alex, I want peace between the Fosters." Rose spoke her final breath as her eyes finally shut. Alexander came out of the room and went straight to his daughter. "Is mommy alright?" The girl asked her bright blue eyes searching for an answer. Alexander sighed and grabbed the girl's hand, leading her outside the hospital. "You are going to be a beautiful Foster my principessa."

Madden looked back down to the roses. It was her father who planned this all along. Madden dropped the rose as a single tear ran down her pale cheek.

It was my father Wes."

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Wes Foster

Wes felt Madden's dainty hands curl around his, removing them from her shoulders as she slid down the wall. It hadn't taken long for regret to settle in, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from speaking. Scaring her was the furthest thing from his intent. Watching Madden pluck off the pedals of a flower she pulled from her bouquet, Wes rubbed the back of his neck and was almost sure he'd messed up royally -- until he caught eye of the tear trailing down Madden's solemn face. "It was my father Wes."

Seeing a woman cry was one thing, but seeing Madden like this was another. Whether it was from his growing feelings from the woman or the fact that she was so strong and well put-together, Wes couldn't bear seeing her upset. It wasn't
right, but then again, what was in the kind of situation? They both walked down the aisle, ushered by their fathers' influence, and vowed their lives to each other for the appeasement of public eye. He crouched down in front of Madden and, tenderly, he swept away her tear with his thumb.

"Look, Madden," he began softly, then hesitated for a moment. He gave a quiet exhale. "I'm... I'm sorry this is happening. It shouldn't be -- not like this. This whole situation is fucked. And although we're going through the same thing, having this relationship and getting married, I wanna let you know I'm here for you." Before thinking, he reached out and gently grabbed her small hand. His thumb ran over the top of her hand, back and forth, in small, light motions, and it was only then that he felt his words were odd. He fought the urge to go back on his offer, because he really meant it. Instead, he gave a half-sided smirk. "You know," he murmured, "We could probably sneak out of here. The big she-bang's over with, and I doubt our dads will have much else to do besides gloat to the press. I could drop you back off at your place, if you want." Releasing her hand, Wes stood and extended his hand. "Whaddya say, beautiful? We can grab coffee?"

? Madden Carter ?

Madden looked at Wes hesitate to speak to her, she was about to become a trainwreck if didn't escape. Madden looked up, her eyes starting to well up. "We could probably sneak out of here. The big she-bang's over with, and I doubt our dads will have much else to do besides gloat to the press. I could drop you back off at your place, if you want." We spoke and Madden had to agree, that's all her father wanted. Her daughter to be married to a guy she truly thought his father was a vicious man. "Whaddya say, beautiful? We can grab coffee?" Madden looked at Wes with a blank yet fearful face. They could escape from this emotional rollercoaster or stay here and obey their fathers. Madden took a deep breathe in and grabbed Wes' hand, lifting herself from the ground with the help from him.

What are we waiting for? Let's go." Madden spoke and raced out of the church with Wes by her side. It was nice to get away from the publicity for awhile. Yet that all soon stopped when the paparazzi saw them.

"Madden and Wes! Are you two married now?"

"Madden what's up with the bridal look?"

"Show us the ring!"

Madden looked around, it was almost like Deja Vu all over again, it sent chills down her spine . She scanned for a place to hide, where could they go? Wes looked like he had no clue. It was time to step up, especially after what her father did. Madden grabbed Wes' hand and led him into an alleyway. "
Give me a lift up." Madden ordered as she climbed over the fence. "Come on!" She yelled in a hurry. Once they were both over, Madden began to ran but noticed her dress was stuck on the wired fence. "Shit!" She yelled, with no other option, she used her energy and ripped the bottom half of her dress, at least she could run now. Madden signalled Wes to follow him and ran as fast as she could, making sure Wes was near her. Madden stopped and noticed an old building that was disguised. "Come on!" She muttered, grabbing his hand and leading them into the old building.

As they entered, Madden ran into the first room she saw and stopped. Her breaths were heavy but short after that massive workout, she reminded herself to go back to the gym soon. "
Now what?" Madden asked once she regained her breath. Her eyes gazed into Wes' eyes, searching for hope and comfort.

Wes Foster

For a moment, Wes believed Madden would reject his hand, but relief washed over his worries when the blonde-haired woman took a breath and put her hand in his. He felt the ghost of a grin tip his lips.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." The woman darted out of the church afterward, with Wes falling into step after shaking his surprise. The pounding of their feet hitting the ground was the loudest sound for a while -- that is, until they got outside.

The roar of the paparazzi was immediate and deafening. They crowded, desperate and all but frothing at the mouth, around the newly weds, spewing meaningless questions that'd serve no other purpose than to get them a paycheck. After all these years of constant exposure and bearing the weight of public scrunity, Wes' patience was nearing empty, but especially after a big event like this, he knew to keep his tongue in check, mouth shut, and eyes forward. His jaw ticked as he stole glances at his surroundings, searching for escape. Nothing. Huffing a breath through his nose, he resolved himself to bear through the press' shouting until he felt a small hand curl around his.

The duo darted into an alleyway, Wes helping Madden climb over the fence, afterwards scrambling over himself.
"Come on!" Wes heard her yell. The ripping of fabric followed not long after, and after casting a look over to the bottom of Madden's dress, he ran with the woman hand-in-hand. Ahead of them stood a building in shambles, abandoned-looking and desolate, and the duo sprinted their ways inside.

In place of the paparazzi's screaming, Wes' pulse pounded in his ears. His breaths were ragged, and his chest urged more air into his lungs with each intake, his throat burning each time air scraped past it. Bracing himself against a wall, his breath slowly wandered back to him.

"Now what?"

He looked at Madden, then did his best to mask his own surprise. This was the first time Madden ever looked at him like that before. "We wait," he offered. His head swiveled around to take in his surroundings. He sighed. "Or we can find a place or sneak out of."

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