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T R U S T ✨

? Madden Carter ?

"Girls like girls and boys." Madden sang to her iPhone as she got ready for the party tonight. It was a big party her father threw every year but this year it was different. Her father, Alec Carter was throwing it with his business enemy Mr. Foster. Madden didn't really care about her father's business, as long as she could be able to do her own thing she keeps her nose out of her father's business. Madden stood in front of her full length mirror as she braided her hair into a side French braid which suited her outfit as well if you'd ask her. Madden continued to hum to the song as she grabbed her phone and clutch, her hair softly bouncing against her shoulders as she quickly left and hopped into her designated limousine. "Good evening Miss Carter." The drive greeted Madden. "Hey Dylan." Madden replied as she sat down in her leather seat. "You ready Miss?" Dylan asked, his eyes focusing on Madden's reflection. Madden smiled with a nod as the limo pulled out of the driveway and drove to the party. Her eyes staring out of the window, admiring the beautiful yet loud scene of New York City.

--Time Skip--

Enjoy your night Miss Carter." Dylan tipped his cap to the blonde girl as Madden waved goodbye to the driver. Multiple groups of paparazzi came up to Madden at once like a bee attracted to a flower. "Madden! Over here!" The reporters yelled over each other. Madden kept a sweet smile on her face, her father taught her how to look after the media during a event like this. Madden looked around and saw a man who looked important. "Look! It's Tom Cruise!" Madden yelled and pointed to the boy. The media screamed with excitement and ran over the the fake Tom Cruise. Madden quietly ran into the party, only to be surprised by a 1000 guest. Madden looked around the party to find her father. As Madden looked around she bumped into someone. Her diamond blue eyes looked up and saw Wes. Madden bit her tongue, she couldn't dare to be rude to Wes cause god knows that he'll probably whine to his father which could lead to chaos again. "Uh.. Hey." Madden muttered with a sarcastic smile. "So.. Your dad is here too?" She asked awkwardly.


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Wes Foster

"At least look like you're having a good time."

Wes hadn't even realized he'd been scowling until his father's comment, and his expression snapped back into politeness. He hated these kind of parties because it was the same thing every time: slap on a suit and tie, make small talk, smile for the cameras, and kiss some ass. Occasionally, something interesting would happen -- a celebrity would snap and attack the
paparazzi, someone would throw up booze worth more than what some people would make in a year, or some false rumor would be spread to destroy someone's reputation. Even then, he still hated these gatherings, but after nineteen years, he was used to them. "Sorry, I --" Wes cut himself short when he realized his father was already gone, mingling with a potential business partner. Giving his head a shake, Wes stuffed his hands in his pockets and was almost ready to head over to the food table when a blonde-haired woman approached him. Madden.

He couldn't help but raise a brow. One of the last things he expected tonight was Madden, the daughter of his father's biggest competition, to talk to him, but he welcomed the company with a small smile. "Yeah," he replied, "he's, uh..." Wes looked around the room -- no sign of dad -- then let out a breath. "Well, he's somewhere." Wesley glanced at Madden. "I'm surprised you're talking to me, actually. With the beef your dad and mine have, I would've assumed he'd forbid you from even looking in my direction," he said, though only half-joking.

✨ Madden Carter ✨

"I'm surprised you're talking to me, actually. With the beef your dad and mine have, I would've assumed he'd forbid you from even looking in my direction," Wes joked. Madden sarcastically laughed at his what seemed to be an attempt at a joke. "Well my father isn't like yours, is he?" Madden snapped back with a sweet tone as she grabbed a champagne glass from a nearby waiter in a quick twirl. Madden took a quick sip from the bubbly liquid then placed it down on the table. "I heard that our fathers paid for this together. Weird huh?" She cocked a brow with a small smirk. To be completely honest she wasn't quite sure why she was even bothering to talk to Wes anyway, maybe it's because he was the only one here her age. Madden took another sip of her drink, she would have to keep her drinking to a minimum, she didn't want to upset her father let alone do it while she was drunk.

So, do you know why our fathers have suddenly decided to remove any of the beef they had and throw this 'social event'?" Madden impersonated Wes with sarcasm dripping from her words. She really didn't like the guy, he was always polite which can get on someone's nerve. Soon, an elderly lady dressed in pure white and fur came towards Madden. "Madden! How is my little principessa?" The lady asked. "Nonna Annie! Va tutto bene." Madden smiled and hugged the woman in white. Soon, Annie looked at Wes with a devious smirk on her face. Annie leaned to Madden's ear and began to whisper. "Chi è questo bel diavolo?" Annie whispered. Madden blushed and waved her grandmother off. "Nonna, this is Wes." Madden huffed. Annie playfully winked at Wes then waved Madden goodbye. "I am so sorry you had to see that. Please don't tell me you speak Italian?" Madden begged. Her mind was scowling at her for handling that situation awkwardly. Madden grabbed her drink and took another sip.

Perché grandmo perché?"n[/uSER]

Wes Foster

"Well my father isn't like yours, is he?" At Madden's remark, Wes brows raised and a subtle, lopsided grin tugged at one of the corners of his lips. In a weird sense, it was almost preferable to have a pretty girl barrage him rather than being praised by strangers for their own benefit -- it felt more genuine. He followed her lead and swiped a glass of champagne, taking a drink instead of a sip. "I heard that our fathers paid for this together. Weird huh?"

Wait, what? Wes had absolutely no idea his father helped pay for the party, and though he searched his mind for any possible reason why he'd choose to do that for a person he's been feuding for years with, he was left bewildered. He made a mental note to ask him later. "So, do you know why our fathers have suddenly decided to remove any of the beef they had and throw this 'social event'?" Her words echoed his thoughts, and before he could respond, an older woman dressed in white approached Madden. Since it didn't seem like his business, he took a drink, but over the rim of his glass he could see the woman's smirk, then the murmurs of a language he didn't understand. After she departed and Madden asked if he knew Italian, he gave a small laugh. He almost wanted to tell Madden he did just to see her reaction. Almost. "No," he responded, taking a sip, "but maybe I should learn." She didn't seem to like him much.

Moments later, Wes spotted his father talking to none other than Madden's father, and much to his surprise, his father looked like he was talking to an old friend. Without taking his eyes off the duo, Wes gave a gentle nudge to Madden's arm with his own, then tipped his chin in their fathers' direction. "Look," he murmured, brows furrowing a bit.
Probably hatching up a plan to take over the world. Starting with dad drinking too much red wine.

✨ Madden Carter ✨

"No, but maybe I should learn." Wes teased Madden with a small chuckle. Madden rolled her eyes and cursed something under her breathe in Italian. Wes just a another nuisance that Madden had to deal with her life and like most girls, she didn't particularly love him. "Look." Wes nudged Madden. "What?" Madden asked with a puzzled looked on her face. Madden's eyes scanned the area, there wasn't anything particular that seem to catch her eye until she saw her father, with him. "That's pretty odd." Madden commented, placing her drink down on the table. She watched carefully as the two business men quietly spoke to each other, her father seemed to be grinning at the Mr Foster was saying to him. "He's crazy.. Probably from this wine." Madden thought to herself, making her bite her tongue in order not to say it out loud. That's a problem with Madden, she has no filter for her mouth at times which can be easily misinterpreted as her being a 'Smart Alec'.

Madden had enough of watching her father talk to Mr Foster after all, he did teach her about the horrible things Mr Foster had done to her father in his perspective anyway. "Come on." Madden ordered as she waltzed to her father. "Papa! Come stai?" Madden asked with a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek. "My principessa. I see you have meet Wesley already." Mr Carter chuckled in a deep voice. Madden's father took a deep breathe in from his cigarette and released a train of smoke from his mouth. "Papa, I told you to stop." Madden sighed, swiping the cigarette from her father's fingers, throwing it onto the ground and burned it out. "Anyway!" Mr Carter

clapped his hands together. "Wesley. Madden. We have decided to make-up for the trouble in the past and in order to show the media that you and Wesley are getting together in marriage!" Mr Carter cheered with a sly grin on his lips. Madden had enough of this. Anger churned in stomach as Madden bit on her tongue, hard. Madden looked at Wes and his reaction. Madden couldn't hold it in. "Come osi! Come hai potuto costringermi ad oggi la persona molto odio! Come osi! Come hair potuto costringere a sposare qualcuno che non amo?" Madden shrieked. The entire party, including the band,

fell into silence as all eyes stared at Madden.

After a few seconds she realized what she had done. Madden looked around at her father's angry expression, Wes' fathers surprised looked and her grandmother not even noticing what happened most likely she found some wine. "I'm sorry Papa." Madden muttered as took a deep breathe in. Twirling on her heels, Madden turned away from everyone, grabbing her things and left the building. The party was still silent. Mr Carter smashed his large fist against the table. "Quella piccola diva!" Mr Carter grumbled. Mr Carter looked up with a sorry expression. "I am sorry my dear friend, my daughter she is like her mother." He chuckled awkwardly. Outside of the party, Madden stood there with her arms crossed in the cold night. She could hear her father yelling from where she standing. "Sono una diva? Lui mi mostra che stronzo.." Madden grumbled. She didn't know what she was feeling anymore, she just felt numb. Madden couldn't handle anything anymore. She leaned against the exterior wall of the building and sat down, pulling the hair band out of her hair and letting it flow loose.

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Wes Foster

The words of Madden's father slammed into him like he'd run into a brick wall at full speed. At first, it was all he could do to not look at his father, time seemingly at a standstill as his lungs refused to draw breath and his eyes drawn to the ground, absent. It took a few moments for Wes to snap back into reality, but when he did, his jaw was clenched and his hands at his sides balled into fists. Anger rolled in waves within Wes. His eyes darted up to meet his father's, who, even after revealing a ploy to use his son as nothing more than a means to furthering his success, seemed content. His breathing became ragged, he could feel it, but he forced himself to breathe steadily and unclench his fists.

Wes glanced over at Madden during her outburst, and thought about going after her. "I'll be out in the car," he told his father, trying to keep the edge out of his voice, before walking away without another word. He made a beeline for the door. He nearly bumped into a waitress, snatching up the bottle of wine on her tray and before she could scold him for doing so, he interjected with, "Mr. Foster asked for it." On any normal occasion, he wouldn't be so brash, but tonight was far from normal. With the wine in hand, Wes walked out the door.

Outside, Wes spotted Madden sitting in solitude with her hair loose, and he looked down at the bottle of wine in his hand. He sighed quietly. He strode his way over to the blonde-haired girl and set the bottle of wine down at her side. "To family," Wes said, mimicking a toast, then, flashing Madden a forced, tight-lipped smile, he left. When he slid into the car, he felt numb.

? Madden Carter ?

Madden's head struck with numbness and pain. She had to pretend to love the one boy, out of the entire world, that she absolutely hated. Madden couldn't bear to go back in there. Not a chance, the reaction she would get would be too much for her sad body to handle. Besides, her father is just using her for his success anyway. Madden didn't care about Wes, her father, Wes' father or anyone for that matter. Madden hated humanity including her family. Madden sat there with her chin sitting on her knees, her hair carelessly blowing in the wind. "To family." Wes spoke quietly to her. Madden looked up with mascara stained tears running down her cheeks. She couldn't speak, not to the one she was pretending to love. She just watched sadly as he placed a bottle down next to her then left. That offended Madden, what did he think she was, a drunk bimbo? Madden watched Wes leave her on the curb. "He could at least offer me a ride." Madden though to herself. Slowly she stood up and dusted her dress off. She was freezing her ass out in the open. Madden grabbed the wine bottle and waved for a taxi. Madden slipped into the taxi and waited for the taxi to stop.

The taxi stopped in front of the
house with Madden having a blank face. "Oi, mind paying me?" The taxi driver yelled. "Right.." Madden softly muttered, handing the driver a hundred dollar note. "Keep the change." Madden waved the taxi away as she trudged inside into her room. Madden chucked her house keys with her phone and clutch onto the hallway table lazily. She was too stunned, the mascara still stained her hot cheeks. Madden went upstairs with the bottle in her hand and headed to her private bathroom. Madden placed the bottle down next to her and looked at her face. This is not the face of Madden she knew, it was a face of one of her father's business plans and that angered her. Madden screamed and threw the bottle onto the white tiles. "Fuck!" She yelled in anger, she was light-headed and feeling unwell. Madden grabbed a brush and pan then got on two knees. Madden swept the broken wine glass into the pan then chucked it into the bin.

After wiping her face clean and taking a long relaxing shower, Madden got changed into her pajamas and went to her
bedroom. Soft acoustic music was playing on Madden's speaker as she tried to calm herself down. Madden sat on her bed and stared at the photo of her when she was five and with her mother and father. They looked happy and carefree, no worries about multi million businesses or important social events and partners, they were just happy. The one thing Madden didn't have anymore, she lost it after her mother died from cancer. "Night mom." Madden whispered, a small twitch of a smile formed on her lips as she switched the lights off and snuggled into her pillow. Madden closed her eyes and began to sing to herself.

"Love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do. Fully undress no training wheels for you. I'll pull them off you."

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Wes Foster

The moment Wes stepped through his front door, he was already on a mission back to his room. Every movement he made to his door felt stiff, and though he maintained his composure, he felt he was close to snapping at his father, especially with the way his dad was harping on him in the car ride back to the house. For the entirety of the car ride, Mr. Foster thought he would make a it a point to pick apart how Wes reacted to his scheme.

"You're acting like a child, Wesley," his father said around the cigarette in his mouth. Smoke seeped out the car window as his father looked at him with something akin to an annoyed disappointment. "It's just for press. You know that." He wanted so badly to just tell him that no, he didn't know, but instead, he bit his tongue the whole car ride home. Madden and Wes were
people, and his father's blatant disregard for that irritated him beyond words.

And now, he'd be damned if his father was going to try lecturing on how important the company's image was. When he finally made it to his room, he couldn't help but release a sigh. Being alone felt like a blessing. And so would taking off this damn suit. He changed into some sweats and a t-shirt, swept up the book from his bedside, and opened it. His thoughts went rampant as he tried to focus on the words on the page, replaying Madden's father's words over and over again, and feeling it over and over again. The feeling of betrayal felt stronger each time, and his throat tightened, eyes burning. Suddenly, Wes shook his head.
This is bullshit. Breathing deeply, Wes attempted focusing on the book again, and this time, he was able to forget the world for a bit between the pages of well-written fiction. The real world could wait for now; he'd deal with his father later.

Still, a part in the back of his mind wondered how Madden was taking the news. She seemed so distraught at the party, and recalling her upset face now pulled at his heartstrings.

? Madden Carter ?

Madden's doe eyes fluttered open as she heard her father carelessly singing in the kitchen. The smell of breakfast drifted underneath Madden's nose as she quickly got up and went downstairs, rubbing her eyes in hope of waking up. As Madden went into the kitchen, a stack of beautiful pancakes sat on the counter top. "Good morning my principessa." Her father cooed in a cheerful voice. This was unusual for Madden, usually the maid cooks for her while her father is at work. Madden couldn't bear to look at her father so she grabbed the plate and went back into her room. Madden went straight her bed and sat down, eating her pancakes. She couldn't care less if she got messy, she wanted another shower anyway. After finishing the pancakes her father came in with a grin. "Principessa, get dress we're going out. Dress nicely!" He ordered as he left the room. Madden was still puzzled. What? Where are we going? Madden shrugged and got changed into a clean outfit.

--Time Skip--

Madden hopped out of the car with her father following behind her. Madden's crystal blue eyes were covered by a pair of dark sunglasses as she tried her very best to cover her face. "This way my dear!" Her father waved to Madden as she lead her to a table at the front of the cafe. The cafe was beautifully decorated with vines and wood, it was one of the places Madden loved about New York, it was cozy yet unique. Madden sat down on the metal chair and crossed her legs. "Now, I have to go to the toilet. I'll be back soon my dear." Mr Carter smiled as he tried to kiss her daughter's cheek. Madden leaned back and gave her father an evil glare. "Io ancora non ti ho perfonato." Madden hissed. Mr Carter gulped and left Madden to herself. Madden's leg began to bounce out of boredom, she was questioning her father's motives. Why would he take Madden at the cafe then ditch her? Soon she saw Wes and his father. Oh no. Madden used her hand to cover her face from Wes in case she saw him, he at out everyone was the person she didn't want to see after what happened last night. "Please don't come here, please don't come here!" Madden begged quietly.

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Wes Foster

Wes eyed his reflection in the mirror, tilting his head to the side, his expression a concoction of uncertainty and moroseness. This morning, his father had bursted into his room and urged him to slap on an outfit with the promise of taking him somewhere nice, presumably to help smooth over the situation from last night. Wes was far from forgiving his father, but, despite so, he agreed to go with him, although reluctantly. He was his father, after all -- and wounds had to start healing from somewhere. So, here he stood, standing in front of his mirror while he fidgeted with the collar of his jacket in an attempt to distract himself from how his stomach churned.

Shortly after Wes smoothed down his collar, he gave a final nod to the mirror for a sense of self-assurance, bore a sigh, then made his way downstairs and hopped in the already running car. With his father casting him a glance, they were off, and Wes did his best to stay calm.

The car ride was a short one. As Wes climbed out of the car, he took in his surroundings; in front of him was a quaint cafe with no more than a handful of people inside, a sky that had been veiled in grey clouds, a few green trees, and a street that felt small and homey. He felt overdressed for a place like this. Baffled, his attention snapped to his father, who was still sitting in the car and seemingly had no intentions of getting out. Wes scrambled back to the car, but the doors were locked. Smacking the door, he cursed, "What the hell?" Wes glared at his father as he gestured for the driver to go, and his son was left behind to grind his teeth and jam his hands in his pockets.
Never should have trusted that asshole. Fuck.

Wes was close to calling an Uber when he spotted platinum hair and a face beautiful enough to belong to a model -- Madden. His immediate reaction was to wonder why she was here, and why now, but it hadn't taken long for the puzzle pieces to fall together. This surely couldn't be a mere coincidence. Coincidences don't happen with his father and Mr. Carter.
They set us up, he realized, swallowing the anger that was rising in this throat.

Exhaling deeply, he weighed his options. Call an Uber or
try to make conversation with Madden. Calling an Uber would probably be the safest choice of the two, but when Wes looked at Madden and saw she was alone. Had her father ditched her, too? Brows pinching together, he rubbed the bone between his eyes with his index finger and thumb, eyes squeezing shut. A moment passed. With his expression fixing itself to exert friendliness and his hand falling back down to his side, he made his decision and made his way toward the cafe. Wes couldn't leave Madden when she'd been abandoned by her dad. That's not to say Madden couldn't take care of herself, because he was damn sure she could, but he knew he'd regret not attempting to sympathize.

With a toothy grin, Wes approached Madden, trying his best to set aside his feelings of unease. "Mind if I sit?" he asked, gesturing to the empty chair across from her, hopeful and anxious.

✨ Madden Carter ✨

"Mind if I sit here?" Madden looked up and saw Wes awkwardly asking. "Well apparently you are my soon to be husband so take a guess!" Madden exclaimed with a huff. Her face was expressionless yet her eyes were filled with anger and hatred. How dare her father ditch her and leave her with Wes. As Wes sat down she crossed her arms, her body language was telling the whole world that she hated the man sitting in front of her. A disorganized waitress came up to the couple as she searched her apron for her notepad and pen. "Hello and welcome to~ Oh my god! You're Wes Foster and Madden Carter! Son and Daughter to Carter Corp and Foster Enterprises! Can I get an autograph?" The young waitress squealed. Madden rolled her eyes, she wasn't in the mood yet she hated letting anyone down. "Sure." Madden awkwardly smiled, giving Wes a quick look before taking her attention back onto the waitress.

"What's your name?" Madden asked. "It's Ruth but people just call me Roo!" The waitress blabbered uncontrollably. Madden just smiled through her teeth and wrote a sweet note at the bottom of a napkin with her signature. "You're turn." Madden hissed at Wes as she slid the napkin towards him. Her lips curled into a smirk as her arms folded into each other once more. Once Wes signed it, the waitress snatched the napkin up, the girl was obviously happy. "Thank you so much! I love your covers by the way Madden, it's so unique!" The waitress complimented. Madden nodded silently as the waitress calmed herself down. "So, what would like to order?" Ruth asked, trying to contain her excitement. "Just a cappuccino please." Madden asked. Ruth nodded and jotted down the order. Ruth finally left once the two ordered, rushing away to tell others about her experience.

"So.." Madden hummed, she was in no mood to talk to him again. "Are you planning to ditch me again for Uber or?" Madden sarcastically spoke, her eyes staring at Wes behind her glasses. "I would of thanked you for taking me home last night after the party but I guess you were just too ashamed? I understand." She evilly smiled, her words dripped with sarcasm and anger. Madden understood that it would of been awkward, but they could of easily talked about the situation. "Look, I don't give two shits if you don't like me okay? But just understand you gotta get over your big ass idea of me being dangerous and offering me a ride." Madden whispered to Wes softly. Madden couldn't crack Wes, he was too complex for her. Sure, she cracked everyone she met, they were an open book but him.. He was different than the rest.

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Wes Foster

Lifting a brow at her comment about their impending marriage, Wes slid into the seat with a tight-lipped smile, folding his hands out in front of him as they rested on the table. He hadn't anticipated her remark, but he supposed he should've. Still, he stayed. His eyes soon darted up to meet the wide ones of a frazzled waitress, who was quick to recognize Wes and Madden both, all but squealing, and he shot the girl a grin. After Madden slid him the signed napkin and crossed her arms over her chest with a smirk, Wes raised a challenging brow, flashing Madden an expression that mimicked hers. He wrote down a note, signed the napkin, and before he could hand it to her, the waitress had already snagged it with enthusiasm.

"I'll have an Americano, please," he ordered. With the blink of an eye, the waitress was already gone. He hadn't had time to contemplate how the waitress managed to move that fast when Madden spoke, venom saturating her words. Wes froze for a moment.
"So.. Are you planning to ditch me again for Uber or? I would of thanked you for taking me home last night after the party but I guess you were just too ashamed? I understand. Look, I don't give two shits if you don't like me okay? But just understand you gotta get over your big ass idea of me being dangerous and offering me a ride."

Hearing this was a revelation to him; had she truly thought that he didn't like her? Had he somehow acted like an asshole?
Well, wouldn't be the first time, he reminded himself, then, leaning on his elbows, locked eyes with Madden. "Look, I..." he began, but the words died in his throat with the escape of a sigh. "I didn't mean to give you that impression. I don't have a problem with you. At all." His voice was patient and deep. "I think you're a strong woman. There's nothing about you for me to hate on. I didn't take you home from the party because I thought you wanted to be alone, because I know all I could think about was being by myself." His eyes fell from hers for a moment while he ran a hand through his hair, brows scrunched together. Maybe he was rude and he hadn't even realized. Living under his father's thumb made it hard to reach out and connect with other people, so whenever he was hurt, his initial reaction was to isolate himself. His gaze returned to Madden. "I... I should've been more thoughtful," he admitted. "I'm sorry."

✨ Madden Carter ✨

]Madden looked at Wes. "I think you're a strong woman. There's nothing about you for me to hate on. I didn't take you home from the party because I thought you wanted to be alone, because I know all I could think about was being by myself." Wes spoke calmly to Madden. "Yeah well leaving a bottle of wine for a girl who's crying on the curb says a lot doesn't it. There's a saying that my father use to say to me all the time and it goes like it; Imparare a dare un cazzo. Learn to give a fuck." Madden softly whispered. Her back slowly relaxed back into the chair as the waitresses bought the couple's drinks. "Thank you." Madden softly smiled as she helped the waitress bring the coffee onto the table. The waitress silently squealed once more then left in a rush. "Actions speak greater than words Wes. Think about it." Madden finally spoke as she took a sip from her drink, the warm coffee gave her a cozy feeling as she continue to drink the hot liquid.

The silence was threatening to Madden's ears, she hated it. She loved the sound of noise, the sound of cars zooming past and the soft chatter people made around the table she and Wes sat at. Yet, it was too quiet for her. Madden finished her coffee, using a napkin to wipe up her side of the table in case she left any spills while was drinking. Madden huffed, she couldn't bear to look at Wes. Even after his apology she still felt awkward towards him.
Why this guy? Madden thought to herself. I would rather date our stupid neighbor's acne face son that him. Madden argued with herself, keeping a blank face. Soon, the waitress came up to the table once more. "Are we finish here?" She asked sweetly. Madden nodded and slid her cup over to the waitress. The waitress picked up both of the cups and left. "I'll pay. You can pay for my Uber." She sarcastically smiled as she stood up and went to the counter. Madden grabbed a twenty dollar note and handed it to the cashier. "Keep the change." Madden nodded as she went back to Wes.

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Wes Foster

"Learn to give a fuck."

The words struck him hard. All he could offer in response was a nod while downing his Americano after smiling up at the waitress and saying, "Thanks." The coffee almost scalded his tongue and throat, burning all the way down his neck until it sat in the pit of his stomach, but he found he hadn't minded at all. With the coldness creeping on the area, he welcomed the warmth.
"Actions speak greater than words Wes. Think about it."

He stayed silent. At this point, it seemed the wisest option -- anything he said would probably come off offensive, thanks to his careless tongue. He placed his empty cup on the table, and the waitress was quick to swipe both Madden's and his up.
"I'll pay. You can pay for my Uber." After Madden had returned from paying the cashier, he opened his mouth to agree to the deal, but he was cut off the sound of cameras clicking. His nerves went on edge. Hastily, he gently grabbed Madden by the wrist, lifted his jacket enough to cover bother of their faces, and hustled down the street. "C'mon," he urged, though his voice was barely above a murmur.

"Hey, Foster, over here!"

"How long have you two been dating, huh?"

"Madden, let's see that pretty face of yours!"

The paparazzi's' questions ran together, and the jumble of their yells made Wes pick up his pace. Footfalls of the press inched their way closer to Wes and Madden. Wes scanned the streets for anywhere --
anywhere -- Madden and he could go to escape these damn vultures, if not only hide momentarily. Just up ahead, a book shop looked desolate, and God, he hoped with all he had that going in there would work. He sped into a jog, keeping a light grip on Madden's wrist, and rushed to the doors of the bookstore. He opened the door and a small bell rang overhead. Sitting near the cashier counter, a middle-aged woman looked up from behind her glasses at the duo, then to the press, and then back.

"Do you guys read books together?!"

"Will you two ever have children?!"

"Madden, Wesley, are you in love?!"

The woman let out a scoff, slammed her book closed, and stormed over to the paparazzi with the fierceness of a tsunami. "Excuse me?" she said, her voice stern and calm even though it was evident her patience was running thin. Her voice did nothing to hush the group, trying to push their way past the woman to enter the store while the clamor they created only grew. "
I said excuse me!" she yelled. A quietness settled over the paparazzi, but they were still antsy. "I will not have this nonsense in my store, do you hear me? Now, leave. I'll call the police. This is a place for quiet, and I have no patience for your kind." It took a moment of hesitancy, but with the mutter of a few curses, the group of paparazzi dispersed in the street, undoubtedly on the lookout for more "stories". The woman let out a huff. "Good heavens," she muttered, then her eyes darted back to Wes and Madden. "You two won't cause any trouble, will you?"

"No, ma'am," Wes responded. "Thanks for, uh, clearing them out of here." The woman gave a dismissive wave of her hand, returning to her seat, opening her book once more, and doing just as she was before. Wes realized his fingers had still been wrapped around Madden's wrist, and he released her and put his arm back to his side. A pink tinge stung his cheeks as he avoided looking at Madden for a moment. "So, Madden." His eyes fell back to the blonde. "Do you read?"

✨ Madden Carter ✨

As Madden headed back to the table she heard shutters snapping and faint voices screaming their name. Without noticing, Madden was whisked away by Wes from the paparazzi. Using his jacket to cover their faces. As they ran away she could hear her father's angry voice screaming at her. "Why didn't you stay with them? That could have been good publicity!" Madden shook the angry voice out of her head. She hated the control that her father had, it was irritating to her. Madden looked back at the paparazzi as they continued on their wild chase. It was quite frightening.

"Hey, Foster, over here!"

"How long have you two been dating, huh?"

"Madden, let's see that pretty face of yours!"

Madden wanted to punch all their smug faces until they weren't smiling no more. Now, you many think that she's psychotic or even a sociopath but she's not. She just hates paparazzi. They were like lions and she was a gazelle. It was a hunting game that could end up deadly. Madden felt Wes pick up his pace. She shouldn't wore these heels today, she would of preferred her Doc Martins over heels any day but alas, her father wanted her to look nice for today, she would have looked nicer if she didn't have a gut feeling that it was a set-up like her father lied to her about. Madden squeaked as they sharply turned into a bookstore. Madden was thrown into bookstore shortly followed by Wes. Madden jumped when the bookshop keeper slammed her book on the counter with an angry huff. Her soft blue eyes kept her gaze on the woman. She seemed quite angry about the paparazzi, Madden knew how the women felt. They were pest, annoying little people who will stick their noses into anything for a story. Shameful really, they deserve to have a life of their own.

You two won't cause any trouble, will you?" The lady asked. Madden shook her head, too frighten to say anything. "Thanks for, uh, clearing them out of here." Wes nodded. "Yes, grazie." Madden softly smiled after Wes. After watching the woman leave the two alone and heading back to her book, Madden looked down at her wrist to see Wes' hand still softly gripped around it. Madden quickly pulled her hand away from Wes, she felt her cheeks getting hotter by the second as the silence made Madden's shoulder's tense. Her gaze scanned at the books along the rustic shelves of the shop as she didn't want to say anything. She took a small gasp of air as Wes spoke to her. "So, Madden. Do you read?" Madden gave a small shrug. "I used to when I was a little kid. My father would read me stories about music and singing. I loved it and I guess that's how I fell in love with the whole concept of music." Madden lips curled into a soft smile.

Her gaze trailed around the room when she spotted a grand piano. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she raced over to it, trying her best not to make a noise. Madden sat down and softly began to tap the white keys on the piano one by one. "
Do you play?" She asked cocking a brow.

Wes Foster

"I used to when I was a little kid. My father would read me stories about music and singing. I loved it and I guess that's how I fell in love with the whole concept of music."

Wes' brows rose as he heard her speak of music, and he grinned. Music was always something he loved -- next in line to literature -- so when he heard this woman speaking of music so fondly, he felt a spark of admiration. The way music flowed, saturated with emotion, life, and death, was filled with overwhelming beauty, and the sounds of it all galvanized Wes.

It wasn't long after Madden spoke that her eyes found a grand piano. He couldn't help but flash a toothy grin as he watched Madden all but burst with excitement as she sat down on the stool, her fingers playing a few soft notes.
"Do you play?"

"Some," he replied, gaze falling onto the piano, "but not much at all. I've got a few songs beneath my fingers, but that's about it." His eyes returned to Madden, and, for a second, his breathing faltered. Seeing her now, hands perched above the keys, filled him with something he couldn't quite pinpoint, but he couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she was. Having a moment of self-realizition, he cleared his throat and shook his head.
Jesus, the last thing I need is for her to see me gawking. "I take it you play, then. How long has it been?"

? Madden Carter ?

"Some, but not much at all. I've got a few songs beneath my fingers, but that's about it." Madden eyes gazed longingly at Wes as he looked at the piano, quickly retreating her focus onto the ground once she saw him looking at her. Well done, just stare at him why don't you?She scowled at herself mentally. But when she heard he played some pieces of music her heart fluttered ever so slightly. Most guys her father would force her to meet were too dumb to focus on academics and more busy about the fame and the looks, everything Madden hated. She admired Wes for his reply yet, she wasn't sure if his answer was honest.

Madden twirled on her seat and looked at the piano, softly perching her skinny fingers on the white glossy keys. The keeper manage to keep the piano in good condition. The way the light shone upon the shinny keys reminded why Madden loved music, it was her dream to show off her talent in her own unique way. With no auto tune or some stupid plastic sounding instruments. She wanted to play each string on a guitar, bang on each drum and play each key on a piano. That's what her heart wants, and she's going to get it. A soft and awkward grin came upon Madden's pale lips as she patted her hand on the seat next to her, signalling Wes that she won't bite.

I take it you play, then. How long has it been?" Wes asked. Madden released a small chuckle, subconsciously running her thin fingers through her platinum hair. "Uh.. Since I was eight. My mother taught me guitar and then I moved onto piano." Madden's gaze went back to the piano. Madden looked up and saw the cat clock that hung on the brown wallpaper wall, the arms of the clock showing that it was 1pm. She forgot what was happening this evening. "I gotta go. Do you want to meet up at the Memphis Bar tonight? I'm performing there and I think you might like it there." Madden asked, feeling her cheeks getting hotter. "I'll see you there." She waved and left the shop.

--Time Skip--

"Hey Matty." Madden smiled at the bar's owner. "
Mads! How ya doing mate?" Matty smiled, his Australian accent flooding his words. Madden smiled and hugged the tall Aussie. Matty was like the uncle Madden never had, he was chill and always had good advice. Plus, he gave her free drinks as well. "Everything's set up. Your guitar is by your stool. Break a leg mate!" Matty voice boomed as Madden went up onto the stage. As the light hit Madden's pale skin she felt nervous. It wasn't like she hasn't performed here before, it's just normal to be nervous, right? Madden slung the guitar strap over her shoulder and sat on the stood, adjusting the microphone to her liking. Madden made a small cough to grab the partons attentions.

"Hey. I'm Madden Carter and to start off the night I'm going to sing some originals." She spoke as she gave off a toothy smile. Madden adjusted herself then began to strum the nylon strings on her guitar. "Find table space and say your social graces. Bow your head, they're pious here but you and I, we're pioneers." Madden sang into the microphone as her guitar lifted her voice. Her gaze trailed around the room, searching for a familiar face to life her hopes up. A small smile came upon her face when she saw Wes. "Find me where the wild things are." Madden sung to chorus, her voice becoming louder and her aura seemed more confident.

Song credit goes to Alessia Cara. I do not own rights to any part of this song.

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Wes Foster

Wes wasn't sure what to expect at Madden's performance, but there he was, stomach uneasy and nerves buzzing as he waited with rising anticipation for Madden to play. He was dressed in all black from head to toe: a plain black tee with jeans and sneakers to match. It was a contrast to the formalwear he was normally pressured into wearing whenever he stepped out of the house, but it felt great. It made him feel normal.

Weaving his way through the crowd, he murmured a few apologies as he tried to find a place to watch Madden. Anticipation stirred in his gut, and his eyes scanned the mass of people as he anxiously bit on his bottom lip. Though the bar was filled with the sound of chatter and people were sat down with drinks in hand, it was evident where everyone's attention was: the stage. The soft sound of a familiar voice snapped his attention to its source, and there stood Madden. All of his focus narrowed in on her.

"Hey. I'm Madden Carter and to start off the night I'm going to sing some originals."

He couldn't stop the goofy grin that spread across his face as she began to sing.
She even sounds beautiful, he awed, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he tried to keep his giddiness down to a smile that didn't look entirely ridiculous. Beyond the way she sounded when singing, he adored how she lost herself in the lyrics, and as the song progressed, she became more and more confident.

✨ Madden Carter ✨

The song finally came to a close as Madden hummed the last few notes. Madden took a deep reliving sigh of relief as the crowd softly clapped. Sure it wasn't something big but it's better than nothing. "Another one I wrote, I just want to dedicate this song to a friend of mine." Madden's gaze went quickly to Wes then back to the crowd. Madden slipped off the guitar and grabbed a dark brown ukulele. "This one is called Young Volcanoes by the way." Madden chuckled. Her gaze went back to the ukulele as she strummed against the strings.

When Rome's in ruins. We are the lions, free of the coliseums." Madden hummed into the microphone. Her gaze trailing around crowd. Soon, more and more came in. Matty looked up and softly smiled at Madden performing, she was a sweetheart that wanted the attention for the right reasons. Matty's gaze soon went to Wes who looked at Madden lovingly. Matty left his bar and headed over to Wes. "How ya doin' mate?" Matty chuckled with a friendly slap on the back. "Ain't she great? A true talented roo." Matty sighed with a smile. "Name's Matty, owner of the joint." He chuckled once more and shook Wes' hand with his giant hand.

We are like young volcanoes." Madden held the note perfectly. Her eyes saw Matty talking to Wes. Oh no, please don't say anything embarrassing. Madden prayed in her mind. Matty had the tendency to speak without a filter. Madden forced her mind to go back to her song. "We will teach you, how to make boys next doors out of morons." Madden's fingers continued to strum against the ukulele. Her mind praying that nothing will go wrong, not especially in front of Wes.

Credit to Fall Out Boy for this song.

Wes Foster

At the feeling of a hand on his back, Wes turned his head to face a man toting a toothy grin, Australian accent thick as he spoke to him. "Ain't she great? A true talented roo." Shifting his gaze back to Madden, he gave a nod.

"Oh, without a doubt," he agreed. A lopsided smile played on his lips as he watched Madden sing and become enthralled in the music.

"Name's Matty, owner of the joint." Wes saw the man's outstretched hand and shook it.

"Wes," he introduced, flashing the man a brief smile as his hand felt back to his side. "Nice to meet you, man." Wes couldn't help it; the moment he was done speaking, his attention snapped back to Madden, watching as she got lost in her music and he got lost in her. Though Wes would hate to fall for cliches, he felt like she was the only person in the room. She was all he could see, strumming her ukelele as she sang. Dear Lord, her voice was beautiful. "God, yeah, she's amazing," he murmured, but the words escaped his lips before he could catch them. He gave himself a mental scolding, then cleared his throat, holding onto the slim chance Matty didn't hear him. "So, does she come here often to perform? I mean, with a voice like that it's hard to believe she wouldn't, y'know?" he asked Matty, stealing only a glance at him before his eyes fell back to Madden.

✨ Madden Carter ✨

"So, does she come here often to perform? I mean, with a voice like that it's hard to believe she wouldn't, y'know?" Matty chuckled at Wes. "Every second night, the poor girl wants to meet someone who can help her with her career." Matty sighed, placing his balance in his left hand and leaned against the bar. The song finally came to a close and so did her shift. The audience gave a petty clap as Madden left the stage. The ukulele never left Madden's grip as she went to Matty. "Hey guys." Madden smiled, her gaze quickly taking a look at Wes before returning her attention to Matty. "Roo! You were a real star out there!" He cheered. Madden awkwardly giggled as Matty squeezed her tightly.

Madden smiled at Wes. "
You came. I'm surprised." Madden smirked. "I gotta get back to the bar. I'll send Sara over with drink, catch ya later Roo." Matty winked and left the two on their own. "C'mon, let's sit down." Madden smiled softly, leading Wes to the back of the bar. In front of Madden was a small booth that had vines curled on the wall. Madden motioned her hand at Wes and sat down, placing her ukulele on the seat next to her. "So..." She hummed, tapping her nails against the wooden table. Madden looked down and saw what she was doing. She scowled herself mentally and stopped. "Sorry, that was annoying." She blushed. Madden looked at his brown eyes, they looked really brown. Not a bad poo brown but a nice melted chocolate brown, she liked that. Soon, the waitress came over. "Whaddya want?" She asked with a annoyed expression. Madden sighed, this was embarrassing. "Can I just have a water?" She mumbled, rubbing her hands underneath the table. "Mkay, and you?" The waitress asked Wes. "Whatever." She rolled her eyes and left. "And that's Sara." Madden sarcastically spoke in a happy tone.

Wes Foster

As Madden made her way over, Wes gave her a toothy grin. "You came. I'm surprised." Wes raised a brow and chuckled.

"And miss your singing?" he replied with a grin, then gave a shake to his head. "Not a chance." He meant it -- he was glad he made the decision to come after all, to see Madden without the pressures of the media. To see her be...
her. It wasn't long before they sat down in a secluded booth at the back of the bar. Twisted vines stretched against the walls of the bar, and Wes' eyes traced over their loopy patterns for a moment before the soft tapping on a table drew his gaze to Madden. She was quick to apologize, with her cheeks turning fifty shades of red. "No, no, you're good." He shot her a smile just as the waitress came. She seemed like she'd rather be anywhere but here.

"I'll take a rum and coke, please," he ordered, only to be responded to with 'whatever'. Releasing a sigh, he decided to let it go.

"And that's Sara."

"She's a charmer," Wes jested, words all but dripping in sarcasm as he gave Madden a half-sided grin. "But, hey," he said. His voice flipped from smart ass to sincere. "You did really, really good tonight. You rock that ukulele, Madden."

? Madden Carter ?


She's a charmer," Madden softly chuckled at Wes' joke. To be quite frank she hasn't felt good in a long time. About four years or so. Ever since her father hit the jackpot, everything fell on Madden's shoulders. Stress, death, and sadness got the best of her at the time and she really never had enough time to let it all out. Thank god she has music. "But, hey, you rock that ukulele, Madden." A small smile curled on Madden's soft lips. "Thanks, Wes, I'm nowhere near as good at the big leagues, but I'll get there." She nodded. As the two continued to talk, Sara came back with the drinks. "Here ya go. Matty says they're on the house." Sara grumbled, continuing to chew her gum. Madden grabbed the drinks and placed them on the table. "Thanks, Sara." She smiled. Sara looked at Madden confused, she wasn't usually this happy. "Whatever," Sara grumbled.

So.." Madden hummed once more, taking a sip of the cold and crystal water. She didn't really know what to talk to Wes about. With what happened in the last two days, she couldn't ask him about their upcoming marriage and then there was how his father was going. She was clueless like a dumb blonde really. Madden rubbed her hands again. It was a nervous tick of hers along with running her fingers through her hair. "So, do you get out much? I mean, without your dad?" Madden asked awkwardly, she hated silence. Even though they were in a club and there was background noise but she hated up close silences. It was uncomfortable. "How's your mom doing?" She asked another question, trying to the keep small talk going. How do you small talk anyway? Madden has always pondered at the idea of 'small-talk'. It was stupid she concluded, you either talk or don't. Madden zoned back to reality, her gaze going straight back to his beautiful brown eyes.

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Wes Foster

"Thanks, Wes, I'm nowhere near as good at the big leagues, but I'll get there."

Though Wes wanted to protest by telling her she was
already there, he held his tongue, giving the blonde-haired girl a grin and nod. Just a moment later, the drinks arrived -- on the house. Wes thanked the moody waitress before lifting the glass to his lips and taking a sip. A brow of his raised at how strong it was for rum and coke, but he wasn't even close to complaining about it since it was damn good anyway. He toyed with the idea of thanking the bartender. Taking another drink, Wes' eyes met with Madden's as she spoke. "So, do you get out much? I mean, without your dad?"

"Sometimes," he replied. "I've got a few friends I'll hang out with every once and a while but it's hard to go anywhere with the paparazzi, y'know?" It was nice to be able to talk to someone about this, someone who could probably relate to having to evade paparazzi while taking even a step out into public. Even though he was close with his friends, it, at times, was sometimes hard to bond. "Oh, speaking of which," he said, "I think you'd like my friends. They're good people. I think you should meet 'em sometime." The words were out before he even realized, and he hurriedly took a sip of his drink before he could blurt out anything else. Wes took a moment to analyze what he was going to say next. "So," he began carefully, "what about you? Do you do more than play here?"

"How's your mom doing?"

"She's good, last I heard. I don't get to speak to her often, with her being out of the house and all." He opened his mouth to ask the same when it dawned upon him that Madden's mother was gone. Eyes darting down to the table, Wes' mouth snapped shut. Wes thought about telling her that he was sorry for her loss, but decided against it; Madden and Wes weren't close enough yet. "Have you ever thought about being a band?" he asked. "Not that you need to, you're great as is, but have you?"

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