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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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"I hope not. Lets not find out. I want to get away from these guys." Says Kita. "That guy was creepy. And that cursor is odd. But the important thing is we are okay." Says Kita smiling. "He couldn't have hurt us though. We are two strong females." Says Kita triumphantly.
Kojima notices as one of the girls glares at her. "That was weird," Kojima thinks, "Maybe I should introduce myself... Well anyways I better get back to grinding." Kojima spots a wild boar and he runs towards it, drawing his sword.

(Posted from phone)

Col Balance- 153

XP- 489 to level 3

(@AnarchyReins I am gonna leave you behind until you post)
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HP: 100__

ST: 99_

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana glanced back at the males and nodded, grabbing Kita by the hand and tugging her away. In all honesty, Hana just wanted to get out of there as soon as she could. She hated guys with a burning passion, and some girls too. But Kita was her friend and whoever the red cursored guy was, Hana didn't want to have anything to do with him. Or anyone else. Although, if she and Kita were to make a guild, she'd probably have to deal with different people. She liked MMORPGs because no one could actually see her. No one knew her. But now, it had all changed. If she went back to the real world all of the people in S.A.O. would know it was her in there. That thought terrified her more then anything and she couldn't help but squeeze Kita's hand tightly.
"Hana are you okay?" Asks Kita being tugged along by her. She didnt mind being dragged away, to be honest she didnt want to be there. It scared her that he had asked for her and just walked away. Kita trusted most people and treated everyone with kindness but that man scared her. It would have been worse if Hana wasnt there. She felt that she could do anything if she had a strong friend to help her. She gave a concerned look to Hana. Hana was her only friend and would not settle for any mood except happiness at all cost.
Kojima notices as the sky begins to turn an orangish-pink color. It was funny, although they were in a deadly situation he could still enjoy the sunset. And in SAO it was breath taking. It was better then any sunset he had ever seen in the real world. As weird as it may have sounded, he liked it here. He didn't like the whole "Trapped in the game" thing, but he could at least enjoy the only things that were enjoyable in the game.

"The sun is going down already? Damn. I will have to hurry up." Kojima begins to attack the many boars scattered across the field.

By the time he was finished it was already dark, and stars were thrown across the sky. Kojima was satisfied with his work and he left to go to town for the night.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/NearDeathL3.jpg.4663688bf8ff3259075854514e2a99c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/NearDeathL3.jpg.4663688bf8ff3259075854514e2a99c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Col Balance- 267

XP- 567 to level 4



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c86d92548_achilleslvl3.jpg.e4f865243a52b5b31aac3a2224249101.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111796" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c86d92548_achilleslvl3.jpg.e4f865243a52b5b31aac3a2224249101.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Achilles currently fighting another wolf. Even though they were in a party together the kind got separated. So he decided to take a quest so he gain some exp, and get the col. So far he has killed 6 out of the 15 he needed. The reward for this quest was a white wolfs pelt cloak, 500 col, and 300 exp. He was thinking about doing this quest twice, so they could form a guild together and then send the other members to do this quest. When Marcus saw the other wolf spawn, he ran over there. As soon as the wolfs paws touched the ground, Achilles used his sword skill, and slashed the wolf. After depleting half of its hp bar, Achilles stabbed it in the head successfully killing the wolf. "Well guess that makes 7/15."




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Kojima notices his party member, killing wolves. "Hey, there you are! Why are you killing wolves, don't Boars give you more xp? Plus I upgraded my sword with a boar skin hilt. It is pretty sturdy." He says, showing it off. It looked akin to leather, and it was a shade of brown.
Well I am doing a quest so I can get a white wolf cloak. Plus I think it can be are guild image. If you are okay with it. I mean plus the wolves give me more col. So what are you doing at the moment? " Achilles asked as he killed yet another wolf.

@Ib All Alone
"Leveling up at the moment." Kojima smiles. "If you wanna base our guild around wolves maybe I should get a cloak too, you think a black one would be cool?" He says spotting a midnight black wolf, as he draws his sword. He shouts towards it, getting it's attention. The wolf sprints at him and Kojima slashes it's side. He jumps away and stabs it again. The wolf disappears and a notification pops up.

New Quest: Wolf Hunt

1 of 15 killed

"What? 15? this is gonna take forever!" He grumbles loudly.

(Posted on my phone)

Col- 297

XP- 467 to 4
Okay cool." Well if you look at this way. Our new guild members will have to do this too. We should probably alternate every member when we get a new. Like one white one, and then one black one. That way we have are own personal teams, but they are a whole guild. While talking Achilles got another two wolves. Well I need 7 more to go. So what should we do after we complete are quest?" Achilles asked as he cracked his limbs a little bit.
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"Meet up tomorrow with everyone for the floor one raid." Kojima states, as he pushes a wolf away and stabs it through the skull.

~2 of 15~

Two more wolves approach and he kills them both, after getting bit twice.

~4 of 15~

~Health- 648 of 750~

Col Balance- 306

XP- 429 to level 4

(Posted on phone)


HP: 100__

ST: 99_

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana stopped and turned around to face her companion, eyes wide and a little fuzzy, as if she didn't know what she was doing before she blinked and nodded slightly. "S-sorry. Guys like that tend to freak me out..." Hana mumbled gently, eyes falling to the ground again. The small girl shook her head and looked up to the sky. "I guess we should be getting a room to stay in tonight, shouldn't we?" Hana asked, giving an awkward chuckle.
"That's a smart idea. But I haven't gotten any work done today, so i'm going to grind a little bit. Maybe we can hit the floors boss in the next few days. If you want to sleep that fine though. I'll meet up with you later." Says Kita. "Oh and before we do anything." Kita sends a friend and party invite to Hana. "You should really consider making Team Hana. That might not be a very catchy guild name though." Says Kita smiling. She jogs off still within talking distance and starts slicing away at a few boars.


HP: 100__

ST: 99_

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__


LOCATION: Open Field

Hana twitched as she realized they were going to be parting ways. Her eyes kept on the ground and she held up a forced smile. She didn't want to be a bother and keep Kita from doing what she should have been doing, so she kept quiet. However, walking alone at night, even if it was on a virtual reality game, was something Hana hated to do. Hana accepted the party request and smiled, "Whatever!" Hana said with a soft giggle, watching as Kita walked away before taking a deep breathe and turning around.

She had begun walking in the direction she believed to be where the town was, keeping herself on a watchful lookout for anything that might jump out on her. She even had her hand hovering just above her sword in case. After a few more steps of walking, Hana saw something twitch in the bush, soon after jumping out. Upon seeing the shadow of the creature, Hana bent down and covered her head with her arms, letting out a loud whimper. She felt something sniff at her foot soon after and she dared to look at the small, harmless mob in front of her. It was nothing but a small chipmunk-like creature, nothing to be scared of for sure. Hana brought her finger down, letting the animal sniff as it as she giggled to herself. "
You scared me there, little guy."

~15 of 15. Quest Complete~

~Rewards- 500 Col, 500 XP, Black Wolf Cloak~

~Level 4 acheived~

"Okay Achilles, I am tired out, I will catch you later." Kojima puts away his short sword and walks slowly to the inn.

"One room please."

Kojima throws himself onto the lumpy hay bed. "This is what I get for 100 Col." He sighs drifting off. "I should be ready for the raid tomorrow atleast..."

Col Balance- 852

XP- 532 to 5
Kita swings her sword at the incoming boars, she kills one but the other knocks her on her butt. "Ow that wasn't very nice." Mumbles Kita rolling out of the way of another attack before killing it. "I need to take this more seriously. I can't be the one that dies on floor one. Plus what would Hana do. I was going to be her first guild member. If I die here I can't do that. Live for friends." Says Kita swinging away. She was gaining fast experience but it was tiring.
Achilles waved to Kojima and continued to fight mobs. He couldn't go to sleep now, his brain was processing faster the never. He equipped his white wolf cloak, and started to fight towards this cave he saw some wolves coming out of. He continued to walk towards the cave, and he noticed a large growl coming from the cave. "Lets see if there is a wolf boss in this cave. Achilles rushed into the cave, and started slaying wolves left and right. Achilles health was at half when he got to the giant white wolf. It had two health bars. Achilles waited for the wolf to attack Him. When the wolf jumped at him Achilles rolled and slashed. He successfully landed a hit on the face. That took a goo chunk of of the wolf's first health bar. Achilles then rushed at it again making two powerful slashes across the beast sides. When hitting the wolf it swiped at Achilles. Achilles health by this point was pretty low. If Achilles wanted to win this fight without dying. Achilles rushed the beast one last time, and cut the beats across the face, then slashed its tendon with his sword. Achilles's mind by this point was reacting on its own. He knew he was getting hurt, but his mind told him otherwise. As Achilles kept slashing at the wolf its health bar was hastily dropping, but Achilles made his health bar go away so he couldn't focus on it. With one final attack Achilles stabbed the beast through the head killing it. Achilles saw the loot drop.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c86f220ec_resultone.png.3a8cea8ccd60fd0f522045eb0b12703e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c86f220ec_resultone.png.3a8cea8ccd60fd0f522045eb0b12703e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Achilles then accepted the rewards. He started walking back to town. When he got to the edge of the city he blacked out due to his health being so low.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c86f66fcf_achilles7.jpg.d6878f205452edceb862dda125a8c3f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c86f66fcf_achilles7.jpg.d6878f205452edceb862dda125a8c3f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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HP: 100__

ST: 97__

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__


LOCATION: Open Field

Hana had gotten up after a moment with the animal below her and began back to the town, beginning to get a little tired.

Hana made it back to the town, taking quick little steps towards the inns. All around her were weird players standing about, drinking from large wooden cups. Hana kept her eyes ahead of her, ignoring the crooked smirks she was given as her pace quickened faster. She felt everyone's bodies shifting around her when she passed, and soon after she came to a reasonable inn. Well, more like the closest inn she could find.

She turned and went in, moving her way to the counter as soon as she could and stood at the desk, staring over at the tall guy standing at the front. He looked back at her, voice gruff as he spoke, "Anything I could get you sweetheart?" The nickname he gave Hana made her shift uncomfortably. Hana looked up at him, blue eyes holding their menacing look. "
I need a room for two." She said softly, shifting before opening up her inventory and pulling out some col to pay with. Most of the money came from her starter's, and she was rather ashamed as to not having anymore for herself. The man gave her a serious look before accepting the money and telling her the room number. Hana thanked him with a gentle bow before heading up to the room.

Hana sat on one of the beds, typing up a message for her teammate. It was a message with the address to the inn and the room number before she turned off the lights and went to sleep.
Aincrad Floor 1 - Day 2

Kojima wakes up abruptly and bolts straight up. He looks around the room, his eyes still blurry. That is very strange attention to detail, Kojima thinks. One second later he murmurs, "Dammit. It is real." He lays back down in his bed for several moments, before crawling out of bed. He gets up and walks around town. The sky is just returning with color, as the sun peaks up from under the horizon. Kojima tiredly drags his feet along the road, searching for an open restaurant. He finds a quaint little place in a small nook in town. Kojima walks inside and is greeted quickly by a smiling woman. Despite the smile, Kojima could see the desperation in her eyes. Kojima beams back, "Greetings, may I have an outdoor seating."

"Yes, of course." she says to him, "Please, follow me."

The woman leads him to the outdoor area, in the front. It is surrounded by a very short, black fence. Kojima orders a cup of coffee, with cream and a cake, with vanilla frosting. She bows and walks back into the building. Soon after she comes back out with his order. Kojima quickly demolishes the cake, and drinks have of his coffee. He sits back in his chair, relaxing, as he finishes off the rest of his cup. He gets up, paying the lady the col, and he leaves. Kojima wanders around the city a little more, noticing several flyers posted around. He finally decides to read one. It states:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Flyer.jpg.fd0e11201596f7f6ef5ac6529f94d04c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111881" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Flyer.jpg.fd0e11201596f7f6ef5ac6529f94d04c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kojima reads the time, it is only in an hour, and he doesn't have good enough gear. "Screw the grinding I guess I will have to buy my stuff." Kojima puts on his black wolf cloak and runs to a local blacksmith. He pays for a pretty nice great sword, and runs to the meeting spot.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/FullHealth4.jpg.d42f46e84c3fdc66ffd052b2c6ee2564.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111882" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/FullHealth4.jpg.d42f46e84c3fdc66ffd052b2c6ee2564.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Col Balance- 208

XP- 532 to 5



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HP: 100__

ST: 100__

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__


LOCATION: Edge of Aincrad{Sitting_On_Stone_Wall}

Hana woke up abruptly, having given whimpers in her sleep. She couldn't dream of anything but nightmares. She stared around, pulling her knees up to her chest and crying. After a while, she stood up again and walked out of the room, her face dark.

She was still without Kita as she decided to go roaming around town. She was poor, and half the people around her had already leveled up. Some players had already given up. Man was that what she was feeling like doing. She had even ended up crawling her way over to the outskirts of town and sitting on a stone wall that led down to the sky. Aincrad had limits on it's property, and it seemed this was the limit. All Hana had done was stare down and think about her life back at home, all the people she knew. In her mind she had figured, if she died, no one would really care. Life would just have to deal without another pretty face to screw around.

Standing up, Hana was about to do it. But something made her stop and she sat down again, burying her face into her knees and mumbling insult to herself from under her breathe. "
Stupid coward. Fucking retard. You deserve to die." Now, she rarely swore, but in her whispers there was a lot of swearing. Hana stayed there, insulting herself, before deciding to do one of the few things she was actually good at. She had started singing.

At first it was low, shaky. Her voice couldn't quite grasp the notes. But eventually, it turned to a sweet song. She was singing it fairly loud, but luckily it didn't seem there were any players around to distract her.
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HP: 100__





None :: Archilles Black @AnarchyReins

Open_Field :: Town

Autumn had woken up, head aching and body cold. She didn't care where she was or what she was doing, all that had filled her mind that morning were thoughts on food.

She had spent all yesterday gearing up. She got herself to level four with just her beginner's sword and had managed to get herself some clothes for the game. When she had woken up in the grassy fields yesterday, she couldn't remember what happened. All she knew was that she was now stuck in the game, and if she didn't leave then she'd never find out what happened. Oh, but she wanted to know so badly.

While fighting monsters yesterday Autumn had thought about how all the other players had lost their families because of Akihiko Kiyaba and his petty game, while she couldn't even remember. She didn't know what she had lost while other people were suffering because of their losses.

So, dressed in a maroon tunic with a white undershirt beneath and some quaint creame pants, Autumn was all goodied up for going back to the town. She stood up and stretched, looking up at the big blue sky above her. In all honesty, she could find she enjoyed the scenery. Autumn began her travels back to the Town of Beginnings where she'd buy more supplies for herself. She found it easier to work alone, not worrying about anyone but yourself. It was the best option in a life or death situation.

However, towards the town Autumn couldn't help but notice a body just laying there. She turned herself to look at the figure before giving a gentle shrug and walking over to him, crouching down. After a moment of staring at him, Autumn decided to finally poke his shoulder, shaking him a little bit before pulling her hand away again to see he reaction.

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