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Fandom Sword Art Online

Did this just waste your time?

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Marcus saw another player come out and start fighting. He didn't see him trip, but Marcus did see him beat the boar. Marcus walked over to him and said, "Hey I'm Marcus. I was just wondering if you wanted to be in a party with me today?" Marcus asked as he put his sword away and smiled at him. Marcus then held out his hand to shake the other guys.

@Ib All Alone

(How did you do the hp bR??)
Krillin said:
"Oh I understand now. But im really not very brave." Says Kita. She lays down next to Hana and looks at the sky. "I used to of died to be able to live in this world, but now that I have to it's different. I don't know how ill make it. I have no one here with me. But maybe we can have eachothers back. I feel like we would make a great team." Says Kita smiling.


HP: 100__

ST: 100__

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana sighed softly, looking up at the sky. "I wonder... how other players are dealing with it?" At first, Hana had actually been contemplating suicide, and wondered if other players felt the same. She looked at Kita with a soft smile. "I'd love to make a team with you, Kita, if you'd allow me." Hana said, giving a soft giggle. "We might want to get up off our butts though and do something to level up, that way we don't end up the weakest players, eh?"
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Kojima turns to the man and smiles. "Sure, I could always do with a new friend!" Kojima brushes himself off, before he opens up his menu and starts a party. He then sends an invite to "Marcus." Kojima closes his menu and looks back to the man. "Oh, sorry, my name is Kojima, nice to meet you." Kojima bows down for a second, then looks back up. "So are you a beta tester too? I just assumed, when I saw you take off your armor."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Damage.jpg.5f55fa4c9fb8fa2cc7b4def567329242.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Damage.jpg.5f55fa4c9fb8fa2cc7b4def567329242.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


(I will tell you in the Out Of Character Chat)



  • Damage.jpg
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Nope not a beta tester. I have what people would call Bi-Polar. So I get a manic high. Its where my brain works faster, causing my reflexes and sense to work and function faster. So Kayaba asked me to play this game, to see how my brain would react. So you could say I'm a little test subject myself in his eyes." Marcus said this as he accepted the party request, and equipped his specially made sword.

@Ib All Alone
"Wow that is cool. Do you think you will have good reflexes in game too? You might need them, looking at the situation as it stands." Kojima stated, as he pulls out a lesser potion and empties it. "Well anyways, since we are in a party now, do you wanna go level up a little?" He asks, pulling out his starter sword. It feels very uncomfortable to Kojima, seeing as he was more accustom to large broadswords and great swords. Nevertheless he was still semi-proficient in many types of swords, and anything with a blade.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/SAO.jpg.569f08663697e3f152ebf0768587dfa6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/SAO.jpg.569f08663697e3f152ebf0768587dfa6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Col Balance- 36




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"I would love to be your partner. I dont think I'd make it far without a strong person like you." Says Kita smiling. She stands up and extends an arm for Hana. "Come on. We got a lot if work to do, friend." Says Kita cheerfully.
On the plains of Floor One, a boot stomped impatience. The person who it belonged to let out a heavy sigh, one of his hands holding tightly to the handle of Siegfreid. He shook his head as he thought to himself.

'So. This is it. Crazy bastard.'

A message popped up in his notifications; his next mark, he must have guessed. He opened it out, to see it only contained a few words.

Kita Shino.

Do not fail me.


He sighed again; whoever this poor person was.....he was sorry for what he had to do. He cracked his knuckles and began his march to find this person.
Krillin said:
"I would love to be your partner. I dont think I'd make it far without a strong person like you." Says Kita smiling. She stands up and extends an arm for Hana. "Come on. We got a lot if work to do, friend." Says Kita cheerfully.


HP: 100__

ST: 100__

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana got up, embarrassed. "D-don't say such things. You're to nice." She said quietly, fumbling her fingers and looking at the ground. She looks up at Kita with a smile and nodded, looking around for a moment before taking a few steps forward and turning around. "I'll race you there!" She said, turning around once more and waiting to see if Kita was going to run.
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"And I'll beat you there!" Says Kita playfully running toward the field. She was glad to have found a partner, and such a nice one. She reaches onto her back and draws a sword and dropping into a jog. "Maybe once we get through a few floors we could start a guild. It would be so fun! You would have to lead it though. Im not smart enough." Says Kita.
Krillin said:
"And I'll beat you there!" Says Kita playfully running toward the field. She was glad to have found a partner, and such a nice one. She reaches onto her back and draws a sword and dropping into a jog. "Maybe once we get through a few floors we could start a guild. It would be so fun! You would have to lead it though. Im not smart enough." Says Kita.


HP: 100__

ST: 99_

SG: 100_

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana smiled and dashed after her, managing to at least keep up from behind. Hana slowed down as Kita did, managing to keep herself to at least stay by her this time. Hana had to open up her inventory, still kind of running, and pull out a beginner's sword which then appeared at the side of her waist. She glanced over at Kita as the girl spoke, blue eyes giving off a menacing look. Even though she had a king face, sometimes, if caught in the right angle, she could appear as a mean-spirited child. It was rare though. She looked back ahead of her, the angle ending and her awkward glare loosing it's touch. "Me, lead a guild? No way!" Hana said, giving a choked giggle to herself. She'd never be able to do it. For several reasons. "Honestly, you give me way to much credit!"
"It seems like you dont get enough credit. But really I bet you could lead a great guild. I would be your first member. Kita Shino proud member if The Hana Guild!" Says Kita smiling.
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Krillin said:
"It seems like you dont get enough credit. But really I bet you could lead a great guild. I would be your first member. Kita Shino proud member if The Hana Guild!" Says Kita smiling.


HP: 100__

ST: 98_

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana brought a hand up to brush against her cheek in embarrassment. "Okay, okay, but if we do actually make a guild we will not be calling it The Hana Guild!" Hana said, giving a big grin. Normally, in a conversation like this, Hana would have locked herself up and wouldn't have responded to Kita's compliments, but something inside of her said she could trust Kita. Spotting up ahead, Hana couldn't help but notice a little group of boar-mods. She stopped herself to a slowed pace and stared at the creatures, blue eyes slightly widened. "Oh wow, they look to life-like!" Hana exclaimed, smiling once again. She put a hand on the hilt of her sword and pulled out the blade. It was nothing impressive, just a beginners item.
"I dont know I like the name." Says Kita. She sees the boars and smiles. She slowly walks towards them before increasing into a jog. She swings her sword at the boar slicing it. "There stronger than they look." Says Kita. "Team Hana is a go." Thinks Kita smiling.
He had only been walking for a few minutes before he came across two girls, who seemed to be fighting boars. He approached then quickly; perhaps they have the information he seeks. Once close, he cleared his throat to grab their attention.

"Excuse me. Have either of you seen a Kita Shino around here?"

He realized he might be a strange sight to see, a man decked out in strong armor with an intimidating sword at his side, and with the red diamond PK'er symbol above his head, he was easy to stand out. He had to hope these low levels didn't know what the diamond meant, and try to act as friendly as possible until he got his information.
"Kita Shino here." Says Kita smiling. She didnt notice the PK diamond. Even if shedid she didnt know what it meant. "How can I assist you?" She asks.
Krillin said:
"I dont know I like the name." Says Kita. She sees the boars and smiles. She slowly walks towards them before increasing into a jog. She swings her sword at the boar slicing it. "There stronger than they look." Says Kita. "Team Hana is a go." Thinks Kita smiling.


HP: 100__

ST: 98_

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana stood back and watched for a moment, seeing Kita's moves and examining them with an interested look. After a moment, Hana took a step forward and drew back her sword, watching as one of the boars turned and glared at her, beating it's hoof against the ground with a gentle snort. As it began charging, Hana flung herself forward and hit the boar right at the side, watching it disperse right before her eyes. For a moment, something twinged inside her and her heart twisted, causing her to loose balance and fall over. She sat on her butt, staring at the mark where she had hit the boar and killed it, her eyes looking at something no other could see before she stood up and looked at a second boar, giving a graceful movement before attacking at it too. She turned once she heard a voice, and gave a slight gasp to the sight of a man. Instinctively, she scampered over to Kita and went behind her, setting a hand on the girl's arm softly and staring at the man with a dark look. "Who's he?" Hana whispered, her flints of blue eyes unwelcoming to the newcomer. She noticed the red diamond before his head, and wondered what it meant. She hadn't seen anything like it before, although from some experience from other games, could tell it wasn't something good. As Kita introduced herself, Hana tugged at her arm and shook her head signaling this guy wasn't good.
Kojima runs towards a boar and stabs it straight through the stomach. Somehow it has a sliver of health left and Kojima finishes it off. A screen pops up congratulating him on getting to level 2. He gets some col as a bonus and even some boar skin. His health is sent up to 500 and his some of his stats go up, also. "I'm getting stronger already!" He grins.

(Sent from phone)

Col Balance- 153

Xp- 489 to Level 3
"Whats wrong?" Asks Kita as Hana tugs on her arm. She turns around and sees the concerned look. "Mister who are you?" Asks Kita with a frown.
The Black Knights' eyes widened under his helmet. He had found her already? What a lucky break....but also a dreadful one. One of his hands slowly went to the hilt of Seigfreid as he asked her once more, to be sure. He didn't want to hurt the ones who were innocent.

"You are Kita Shino?"
~@Knight Nate this is the very first day of SAO, so there is no way you would have good armor, and a specific sword. You probably wouldn't have a pk crystal either. So you may need to rewrite your character for the early part of the vame to work around that. Thankyou.~
"Maybe I am. Maybe im not." Says Kita trying to be stubborn respecting Hana's warning. "Who are you. And what do you want." Asks Kita trying to sound tough, even though it doesn't suit her at all.
(@Ib All Alone He's supposed to be a big scary player from beginning to end. He's no gonna kill someone. Not yet. PM me if you want to discuss this further.)
The Black Knight let out a grunt as she pretty much confirmed his suspicions. His hand dropped from the grip of his blade and he turned around, walking back the way he came. Killing her now wouldn't do anyone any good; she didn't even have that much experience. He walked away from them and into the endless plains without a word. For now, he can wait.....
Kojima notices a man, maybe even slightly larger then Kojima who is at 6' 2". He is almost a foot higher then the two girls. Kojima watches as he converses with them. He also notices a sizeable boar, probably about level 5, near them. That would be good xp, Kojima observes, but it would also be hard to take down. He turns to his new friend, and asks for help.


HP: 100__

ST: 99_

SG: 100__

LVL: 1__

XP: 23/100__

Kita Shino :: @Krillin

LOCATION: Open Field

Hana fidgeted, her eyes dead set on glaring to the red crystal above the man's head. She stared as he turned himself around and walked away, feeling rather satisfied. She rushed around Kita, shaking her by her shoulders. "Are you okay!? Who the hell was he?" Hana yelped, still shaking Kita's shoulders before letting go and backing away from her just a bit and giving a gentle shake of her head. "Bad news, I say. Did you see his red cursor? I knew he wasn't a good guy because of the cursor. You have a green cursor, and so did everyone else in the town. So I assumed he was bad because of the different cursor." She said, her words escaping her lips quickly before she brought her hands up to the sides of her head and rubbed at her hair. "I was so scared, I didn't know what I was going to do if he had..." Hana paused and opened her eyes, blinking a little bit and staring off where he had left. He looked around, suddenly spotting another male who seemed to be conversing with yet another. She gave them a stone hard suspicious glare before crawling back over to Kita and pointing at them. "Do you think they're with him?" Hana asked the taller girl, bringing her hand down and looking back over at them. They were to far away to see their cursors, and after what Hana had just seen she was probably going to be suspicious of everybody. Because she wasn't already.

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