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Fantasy Sword Art Online

Amare te stesso

Someone Who Loves to Write
Character Sign-Up:





Game: (Sword Art Online, Alfheim Online, Gun Gale Online)

Race: (If from Alfheim, or Monstor Tamer, or just human)

Appearance: (anime preferred)

Weapon: (Pic and/or Description)

Spells: (if from Alfhiem)



Relationship Status:

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Name: Kate Lynn

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Game: Sword Art Online

Race: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.5fc1fc47ae308fe0125b0060ddce1883.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.5fc1fc47ae308fe0125b0060ddce1883.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


What it looks like so Kate can carry it around:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.6504f7f3cdd794e2060728218f8cadfd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96914" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.6504f7f3cdd794e2060728218f8cadfd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What it can transform into if she needs it:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.46a9d3ee08da8845c37f1291da0d0188.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.46a9d3ee08da8845c37f1291da0d0188.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spells: Healing, night vision, invisibility, temporary flying, allusions


Kate is very loud and feisty. She is very head strong. She will always want to be better so she can protect her friends. She will jump infront of people if the are about to get hit. She will always heal people with her spells when they are hurt. She will always train because she wants to become better than she is. She always pushes herself and people around her so they can become better too. She is extremely stubborn when it comes to people telling her what to do so that's why she plays solo most of the time but she will sometimes team up with people if it's stupid for her to go somewhere alone.

Bio: She grew up in a normal household and a younger brother. Her parents loved her and her brother but she could tell they didn't really love each other. She grew up loving computers and video games. When she heard about the game Sword Art Online she pleaded her parents to help her pay for it because she didn't have enough money herself. When she got the game she played it instantly but now all of the players are stuck in the game.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: Jake Sahvoz



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Why can't people just appreciate how much effort I put into not upsetting them.

Into not saying what is on my mind to them.

Into not telling them the bad news of the day.

Into not telling them about my problems and helping them deal with theirs instead.

Why can't people just appreciate how much effort I put into not becoming a serial killer.

And murdering everything in my life that makes me feel like dying.

Name: Joy Gale Hanns

Age: Four-teen

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Latent Homosexual



Game: Sword Art Online||S.A.O.

Race: Game A.I.||Believes he is human.



Seen as a 14 year old boy measuring at 164cm tall(5'4 1/2), with ruby red or emerald green eyes (His eyes switch between colors. Red is when he is using his powers as an A.I.) and golden blonde hair. He has a small frame and a feminine appearance, however can look wicked threatening when he so desires with his red eyes. He has a tattoo of some wings on his back, and several ear piercings.

Often wearing a black torn cloak and a black or white rabbit mask, Joy is an independent character. He only wears the mask when in a large group of people, any other time he can be seen without it. Under his cloak he wears a simple brown shirt and black skinny jeans. He wears boots over his small feet and white gloves to cover his scarred hands. His pale hands have cuts on every inch of them, however, Joy does not know the reason why.

When he uses his A.I. abilities he gets a few extra "accessories". His eyes gain a deep red glow and he sprouts small pink wings.



Joy uses a scythe as his weapon. The large tool is red and the blade is in the shape of a bat with one wing larger then the other. The scythe is about as tall as Joy is himself and was made from a strong ore in the game. He carries it on his back, but if it gets to annoying for him he can detach the top from the bottom and use the bottom half as a spear instead. The top can be used as an over sized boomerang. Around the hilt of his scythe are chains which he can remove and use to his will, not to mention at the bottom of the hilt there is a secret compartment that hold small crystals. He only has the teleportation and healing crystals (and small ones at that), however, but is searching for more crystals to add to his collection.

Spells: Although Joy isn't from Alfhiem Online he still has a few abilities up his sleeve. Joy can use special access codes to do any sort of magic, but his magic is limited to how much energy he has. If he runs out of energy he can't use any magic at all and will have to use his weapon to fight instead.


Personality: Joy is an A.I. from the game. In result, he seems to have no emotions at all. However, he can feel tiny sparks of fake emotion. Though he doesn't let those small sparks show and prefers to become strong without other people's help. He will help those weaker then him, and even some who are stronger. He doesn't take well to being weaker then other people though and often gets into competitions with them.


Bio: Joy is an A.I. in the game of Sword Art Online, although he doesn't know it. He thinks he is in the same situation as everyone else and is a real person, though it is far from the truth. He believes he was a normal kid in high school, a gamer because of a lack of socialization and friends. He got mixed up in the game through that. Of course, this is not true. Joy has no idea he is an A.I. in the game and doesn't know any of his abilities as one, therefore being unable to use them.


Relationship Status: Open

Crush: TBD


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[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 4715379, member: 42789&quot]





Why can't people just appreciate how much effort I put into not upsetting them.

Into not saying what is on my mind to them.

Into not telling them the bad news of the day.

Into not telling them about my problems and helping them deal with theirs instead.

Why can't people just appreciate how much effort I put into not becoming a serial killer.

And murdering everything in my life that makes me feel like dying.

Name: Joy Gale Hanns

Age: Four-teen

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unaware Homosexual



Game: Sword Art Online||S.A.O.

Race: Game A.I.||Believes he is human.



Seen as a 14 year old boy measuring at 164cm tall(5'4 1/2), with ruby red or emerald green eyes (His eyes switch between colors. Red is when he is using his powers as an A.I.) and golden blonde hair. He has a small frame and a feminine appearance, however can look wicked threatening when he so desires with his red eyes. He has a tattoo of some wings on his back, and several ear piercings.

Often wearing a black torn cloak and a black or white rabbit mask, Joy is an independent character. He only wears the mask when in a large group of people, any other time he can be seen without it. Under his cloak he wears a simple brown shirt and black skinny jeans. He wears boots over his small feet and white gloves to cover his scarred hands. His pale hands have cuts on every inch of them, however, Joy does not know the reason why.

When he uses his A.I. abilities he gets a few extra "accessories". His eyes gain a deep red glow and he sprouts small pink wings.



Joy uses a scythe as his weapon. The large tool is red and the blade is in the shape of a bat with one wing larger then the other. The scythe is about as tall as Joy is himself and was made from a strong ore in the game. He carries it on his back, but if it gets to annoying for him he can detach the top from the bottom and use the bottom half as a spear instead. The top can be used as an over sized boomerang. Around the hilt of his scythe are chains which he can remove and use to his will, not to mention at the bottom of the hilt there is a secret compartment that hold small crystals. He only has the teleportation and healing crystals (and small ones at that), however, but is searching for more crystals to add to his collection.

Spells: Although Joy isn't from Alfhiem Online he still has a few abilities up his sleeve. Joy can use special access codes to do any sort of magic, but his magic is limited to how much energy he has. If he runs out of energy he can't use any magic at all and will have to use his weapon to fight instead.


Personality: Joy is an A.I. from the game. In result, he seems to have no emotions at all. However, he can feel tiny sparks of fake emotion. Though he doesn't let those small sparks show and prefers to become strong without other people's help. He will help those weaker then him, and even some who are stronger. He doesn't take well to being weaker then other people though and often gets into competitions with them.


Bio: Joy is an A.I. in the game of Sword Art Online, although he doesn't know it. He thinks he is in the same situation as everyone else and is a real person, though it is far from the truth. He believes he was a normal kid in high school, a gamer because of a lack of socialization and friends. He got mixed up in the game through that. Of course, this is not true. Joy has no idea he is an A.I. in the game and doesn't know any of his abilities as one, therefore being unable to use them.


Relationship Status: Open

Crush: TBD



Character Sign-Up:

Name: Hiroki Yameda




Game: Sword Art Online

Race: From Alfhiem

(the boy with the wings)


Spells: Night Vision, Healing Magic, Wind Needles

Personality: shy but outgoing, kind, trustworthy, kind

Bio:Hiroki has always lived in the world of Alfheim, but he will soon meet all of the people stuck in the game. He is somewhat experienced with the fighting style, and will not hesitate to help people out.

Relationship Status: single

Crush: no one at the moment.

Ldybug123 said:
Character Sign-Up:
Name: Hiroki Yameda




Game: Sword Art Online

Race: From Alfhiem

(the boy with the wings)


Spells: Night Vision, Healing Magic, Wind Needles

Personality: shy but outgoing, kind, trustworthy, kind

Bio:Hiroki has always lived in the world of Alfheim, but he will soon meet all of the people stuck in the game. He is somewhat experienced with the fighting style, and will not hesitate to help people out.

Relationship Status: single

Crush: no one at the moment.

Sebastian Verlac


Weapon:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.1c355c7c5e0f1aa1545194051e951e05.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96909" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.1c355c7c5e0f1aa1545194051e951e05.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Game:Sword Art Online

Crush: Kate Lynn

Status: Single

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d479f5c0c63302f287e47b35c52ec7dc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96910" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.d479f5c0c63302f287e47b35c52ec7dc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kent Christensen








Sword art online










Holy sword (not as powerful as heithcliff)


Nothing is special about Kents Personality. He's an easygoing guy that doesn't get heated very often. Most of the time he might seem emotionless, but he is probably bored. He does have a heroic side to him, but it only shows up when it's needed. Kurt is open, and can easily be aproached. There is no ounce of shyness in his body.


Before SAO Kent was concidered to be a sword fighting mastet. He won awards from the tournaments that he attended, and he even made some money from it. He was getting bored of winning, and decided to take a break, but he soon found interest in a game that was coming out. Sure he wasn't a huge fan of video games, but everything about it was a breath of fresh air for him. Except now he's taped inside of it with a bunch of people that he doesn't even know.

Relationship Status:



None as of right now.

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Eagershadow3 said:


Kent Christensen








Sword art online







Paired up with a small shield.




Nothing is special about Kents Personality. He's an easygoing guy that doesn't get heated very often. Most of the time he might seem emotionless, but he is probably bored. He does have a heroic side to him, but it only shows up when it's needed. Kurt is open, and can easily be aproached. There is no ounce of shyness in his body.


Before SAO Kent was concidered to be a sword fighting mastet. He won awards from the tournaments that he attended, and he even made some money from it. He was getting bored of winning, and decided to take a break, but he soon found interest in a game that was coming out. Sure he wasn't a huge fan of video games, but everything about it was a breath of fresh air for him. Except now he's taped inside of it with a bunch of people that he doesn't even know.

Relationship Status:



None as of right now.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.225c7a7fe843e66c8ac54be9c58bddb0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.225c7a7fe843e66c8ac54be9c58bddb0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Venus Yevns

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Game: Gun Gale Online | GGO

Race: Human

Appearance: Venus has pastel blue hair that is extremely long, reaching a few inches below his shoulders. It is usually pulled up into pigtails or a ponytail to minimize the chance of it setting on fire in battle. His eyes are big, and a bright curious blue, they're always clouded with thought and glossy for some reason. He has a very smooth complexion, skin resembling that of Snow White, he also has a bright blush that contrasts against the pale skin. He has weird tattoos going up his arm of vines and dragons, though he doesn't know where he got them from.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8b62ef65728230b7254f2b3f6677c8f8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96922" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8b62ef65728230b7254f2b3f6677c8f8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.f05cedc8489a36aa77c7953ae62f88e1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.f05cedc8489a36aa77c7953ae62f88e1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Personality: Venus is very sweet when out of competition, he cares about everybody and includes every person, though he would rather smaller groups over large one. He fears being alone so he tries to find somebody that is both powerful and friendly. But in competition he shows no mercy, not on his time, more likely than not they're going to die. He's very good at using guns, quick and sharp he has a weird sixth sense where he can detect life around him. He protects his guild at all costs, even if it means his own life. Especially if somebody he cares about is in it.

Bio: Venus used to be a major hacker, going into game files and replacing textures, character skins, buildings everything like that. At one point he deleted his own log out mechanism, no matter what he tries he cannot escape the game. He remembers very little shout the real world, only the fact that he had a large family. Judging by his memory loss he would assume that he is seventeen or eighteen.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: TBD<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8fc57f6829edd7be07f264ae5de7cabd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8fc57f6829edd7be07f264ae5de7cabd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Phantasia said:

View attachment 215692

Venus Yevns

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Game: Gun Gale Online | GGO

Race: Human

Appearance: Venus has pastel blue hair that is extremely long, reaching a few inches below his shoulders. It is usually pulled up into pigtails or a ponytail to minimize the chance of it setting on fire in battle. His eyes are big, and a bright curious blue, they're always clouded with thought and glossy for some reason. He has a very smooth complexion, skin resembling that of Snow White, he also has a bright blush that contrasts against the pale skin. He has weird tattoos going up his arm of vines and dragons, though he doesn't know where he got them from.


View attachment 215711

Personality: Venus is very sweet when out of competition, he cares about everybody and includes every person, though he would rather smaller groups over large one. He fears being alone so he tries to find somebody that is both powerful and friendly. But in competition he shows no mercy, not on his time, more likely than not they're going to die. He's very good at using guns, quick and sharp he has a weird sixth sense where he can detect life around him. He protects his guild at all costs, even if it means his own life. Especially if somebody he cares about is in it.

Bio: Venus used to be a major hacker, going into game files and replacing textures, character skins, buildings everything like that. At one point he deleted his own log out mechanism, no matter what he tries he cannot escape the game. He remembers very little shout the real world, only the fact that he had a large family. Judging by his memory loss he would assume that he is seventeen or eighteen.

Relationship Status: Single

Crush: TBD

Name: Jake Sahvoz (real name is Jake Kuroki)

Nickname: (later in the RP he'll get this nickname) The Midnight Swordsman

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Game: Sword Art Online

Race: Human



Weapon: 2 dark repulsers (that he doesn't get until later on)



Personality: Humorous and jokes around alot, knows when to be serious and is quite kind once you get to know him. Always got a grin or a smirk on his face.

Bio: He is Damen Kuroki's older brother and Jade Kuroki is their younger sister. After the disappearence of his brother, Damen, Jake turned to online gaming to take his mind off things in hopes that he could accomplish things that he could not irl. He was one of the lucky few to score a slot in the SAO beta test, though he got farther than most of the beta testers. He made it to floor 10, so close to floor 11 but none of them could. Now that he's been trapped in SAO he plans to seclude himself so he won't have to go through the pain of losing someone.

Relationship Status: Single ;)

Crush: Kate Lynn

Other: Ex beta tester

Class: Swordsman
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[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 4722664, member: 42789&quot][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26663-scarlettrose16/"]@ScarlettRose16[/URL] Dayum Kate. Taking all of the boy's love now, eh?

Lol I have no idea what I did
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Name: Jake Sahvoz (real name is Jake Kuroki)
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Game: Sword Art Online

Race: Human



Weapon: A black lightning blade


Personality: Humorous and jokes around alot, knows when to be serious and is quite kind once you get to know him. Always got a grin or a smirk on his face.

Bio: WIP

Relationship Status: Single ;)

Crush: Kate Lynn

[quote name="x xD i T T 0X x' date=' post: 4722876, member: 42789&quot][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26663-scarlettrose16/"]@ScarlettRose16[/URL] Oh wait... I think I know the problem here. Kate is the only fricken girl.

Can I remedy this problem and create a second character?

Sry I'm limiting to one character per person

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