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Sword and Chains

Marley smiled at what he said.It felt good to know that he would be looking out for her.She felt safe despite everything that happened that day.It was also very nice to be called something different than slave...maybe sometime it would sink in that she wasn't one anymore.Surprisingly,she was out like a light,actually snoring softly.
Drew fell asleep almost immediately. Today was a long day and it wore him out. He was glad Marley was safe in the end. Drew was going to do all he could to help her.

Morning came and Drew woke up from the sun shining through the window. Drew sat up and cracked his back and looked back and watched Marley asleep. He stood up and went to wash his face and teeth and change clothes. Once he was done with all that he sat in the chair by the bed and pulled out his journal and wrote the events of yesterday.

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