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Fantasy Swampwood High // OOC

I would like to take a second to talk about tone, because I just realized I didn't address it in my interest check and I had some very clear ideas!! I want this to be a pretty light-hearted slice of life, and might even dare say that I want it to be a bit of a comedy. Sure, there's going to be drama, but I'm really looking for like... High school drama drama, you know? And not even really big high school drama. Like... Who's going to the masquerade with who stuff.

I understand that's not what everyone's after with rps, but I'm really just looking for a short term rp for the holidays. (Though if it passes Halloween and this rp is still alive, I'm more than down to extend it past that should you all wish! And if it gets to that point, we can definitely discuss shifting the tone and whatever else you guys want.) If you want to drop knowing this, that's fine- Just let me know. I understand I might not have been clear enough about my expectations in the interest check, and that's definitely on me :)
I still don’t know what mashing is.
So there's the song Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett and that is what whether or not your character's monster type can mash is based on. It's a subjective thing- Basically, if my comod and I can imagine your character's monster type dancing to the song, then you're good to go. If not, then not so much.
This site has a list of common guests that night appear:

This site has a list of common guests that night appear:

Wow! I didn't even know this list existed!! Very helpful, though!!!
Hello, I have decided I would die for Edward Carver. I have also realized that today is Tuesday, which means I promised y'all a starter >:3 You can still add characters after that gets up, of course. I'm going to encourage but not require some relationship building- I'll have stuff for Clark and Quill up soon!!!
Hm! Realized my characters might not actually interact a lot with any of the other characters before this rp. Love that for me /s
Just wanted to pop in! I know I left the starter VERY vague- I wanted to give you guys some freedom for what you can go do!!! If you guys wanna plan a bit before posting, I'd welcome it :D

I'm probably going to have Clark at the baked goods section of the fair buying things.

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