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Realistic or Modern Survivors of Airplane 626

Quiet Is Violent]hi... is this still open? [/QUOTE] I think so! [QUOTE=Isacoolbow]I don't think so @[URL="https://www.rpnation.com/members/remainingquestions.44047/ said:
Welp, better safe than sorry.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]hi... is this still open?

Hey sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Yes the RP is still open just make a sheet!
[QUOTE="Samuel James Aran]Can I make a request that people add a 'Location' section on their posts so I can easily interact with them?

Ok yeah sure
Right straight up. Is there anyone out characters should be aware of. Like we out sleeping in the open. Is there anyone about that's gone go slasher on our ass?
Mine probably won't, depends on how desperate he gets to getting home
AidanCee said:
Right straight up. Is there anyone out characters should be aware of. Like we out sleeping in the open. Is there anyone about that's gone go slasher on our ass?
Your group has a fire going, doesn't it?

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