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Realistic or Modern Survivors of Airplane 626

Samuel James Aran

Human Ninja
This is the character sign up! Whoo! Here's the character sheet:




Job before the crash: (This will determine your skill for survival. I'll pick the skill and type out what your skill does in the OCC)

Stats: (10 points to spend max of 3 per stat)





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  • Name: Nora Karlin

    Age: 21

    Personality: Nora is a very social person, by having to serve drinks to people she has be come quite good at reading people as well as being very charismatic. She control her emotions fairly well. Meaning she won't cry over a cut, but isn't emotionless. She's of average intelligence and isn't very ambitious. She can also be courteous when it suits her needs. Nora is very loyal, but isn't very trusting. She can be flirty and affectionate at time. While at others she can be nurturing and sympathetic. She is pretty observant, but not to the point of scrutinizing every little thing. Nora can also be known as a risk taker and will never back down from a fight. Even though she lacks in strength.

    Job before the crash: Mixologist

    Skill: Excellent Cook, cooks using less vital ingredients like water or raw food.

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Name: Daniel Kerridge (Dan)

Age: 16


Dan takes a little while to open up to new friends ... however, is a fine public speaker, and is almost "too" talkative when with real friends. He's brave ... or more he tries not think too much about what he's doing when in dangerous situations. Completely and utterly absent minded ... can't stay on task and daydreams constantly, especially if tired. However if he becomes spooked, scared, or somebody really needs him, he can be really brilliant. Polite, and rarely agressive. Above all, Daniel is very industrious if he is passionate about his task.

He also has some experience with german and guitar.

Job before the crash: Student, and member of the Australian Scouts.

Skill: Survivalist, Knows the right things to do at the right times. Excellent at knowing whats edible or non edible, safe or poisonous.

Strength: 2

Perception: 1

Charisma: 2

Intelligence: 3

Agility: 2
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Name: Dimitri Morozov

Age: 25

Personality: (God damn, writing a persona is so hard xD W.I.P))

Job before the crash: Military Pilot

Skill: Military Experience, knows what its like to survive having done it before. Great at building traps and shelters. Knows the ins and outs of aircraft's.

Strength: 3



Intelligence: 3

Agility: 1
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  • Name: Leo Mor

    Age: 26

    Personality: Leo is very sassy and can very much remind you of that bad student at the back of the class. He is also quirky from time to time and is very good under pressure, although it may seem that Leo like to work with people he is a loner at heart and will probably disappear from the group often.

    Job before the crash: Musician

    Skill: Musician: Find your instrument and you can calm peoples tensions and tempers. Keep people sane despite all that happens.

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  • Name: John Veletri

    Age: 25

    Personality: John is very risky. He tends to take big chances and usually does stuff no one else will do. He will come up with impossible sounding ideas that he will almost always share and plead to do. He dislikes violence, but will use it if only necessary. He has a high anger tolerance so he doesn't get mad much.

    Job before the crash: Computer Engineer

    Skill: Great Scavenger: Can scavenge technology from the wreckage to build contraptions that may aid in rescue or other things.

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Name: Antonio (Tony for short)

Age: 23

Personality: Sly, decisive, and cunning.

Job before the crash: Con man

Skill: Trader, good at getting people to give you what you want and good at getting more for things they want.


Strength: 2

Perception: 2

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 1

Agility: 2
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Name: Isaac Lund

Age: 32

Personality: Optimistic, creative, tends to hide his true emotions behind optimism, he hates the thought of loosing someone he cares deeply about. Since he grew up as a boy scout, he has a variety of basic survival skills.

Job before the crash: Electrition, part time mechanic

Skill: great hand eye coordination, can create simple underrated technologies with the right materials, examples (radio, gas motors, generators, fix motorized vehicles)

Strength: 1

Perception: 3

Charisma: 1

Intelligence: 3

  • Name: Asher Millward

    Age: 28

    Personality: Asher has a quiet but outgoing nature. He likes to be around people, and is generally good at most social situations. However, he doesn't take centre stage often, as he prefers to listen to others. Because of this, people tend to describe Asher as soft-spoken and courteous, but that doesn't mean he lets people walk over him. He doesn't want to force his views on others, as he finds it horrid if others do this to him. Asher believes in second chances, but he also thinks people should be punished if their choices have done harm to others. However, he doesn't view it as his place to be judge, jury, and executioner.

    Job before the crash: School Nurse

    Skill: Medic: Knows the in's and out's of the human body. Capable of using medical supplies to heal injured.

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[QUOTE="Samuel James Aran]This is the character sign up! Whoo! Here's the character sheet:
Name: Aidan

Age: 25

Personality: Kind Funny. Loyal. Slightly hot headed but never to his peers.

Job before the crash: An electrician.

Skill: Engineer: Can maintain and upgrade electronics built by other survivors.




Charisma: 2



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Michelle "Mitchy" Price



She likes to make people uncomfortable. Why? No idea. She thinks it's funny. When people are uncomfortable, she feels better. Of course, she still wants friends. She just wants friends who will deal with her quirky behavior. That's partially why she doesn't have many friends. She's very quirky. Mitchy is intelligent but she really lazy. She never did her homework or studied for tests but she still got straight A's. She always wants to be a part of everything.

Job before the crash

high school student but has taken three college courses (forensic chemistry, human anatomy, and biology)

Skill: Nurse, able to assist the Medic with various medical tasks.


Strength: 1

Perception: 2

Charisma: 2

Intelligence: 3

Agility: 2
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(This is my first Role Play so feel free to guide me :D )

Name: Jack Davidson

Age: 34

Personality: Always wants to be the funny guy but frequently fails to achieve it. Jack is abrupt and will call a spade and spade with no concern to peoples feelings though he does know how and when to pick his fights, when he is sober at least. He spends a lot of time reading and has a creative streak which he expresses through photography.

Job before the crash: Winemaker, specialises in Shiraz and Merlot but makes a good Riesling.

Stats: (10 points to spend max of 3 per stat)

Strength: 2

Perception: 3

Charisma: 1

Intelligence: 3

Agility: 1

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c938ee03f_images(1).jpg.7274faebdbcdd7ace0dda17eb9e05393.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119126" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c938ee03f_images(1).jpg.7274faebdbcdd7ace0dda17eb9e05393.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Rae Kartain




Rae is always very fiesty, yet sophisticated, yet fun. She always seems to hold bundles of emotions at one time, and with her off days and on days, and the way she acts around people always changing, you could even categorise her as a Sociopath. A very confused sociopath. Her time for fun is always but do not underestimate her, because in a time of need and seriousness, she will become the most mature person you've seen out (while at the same time sarcastic). Rae is the type to revel in her silent acheivments. Like a referenceshe understands, or the simple out witting and small yet greatly impacting showing up of another individual. Rae lives for the smaller things in life. Most of the time. Also, she is humble, no doubt about it.

Job before the crash:

She was a professional Model before the crash, infact she was (extremely) highly paid and no shit, a Victoria Secret Model. She also is/was a professional Gymnast, critically acclaimed (nailed it) and excellent and brilliant at her sport. She works/worked between Australia and America, as she is Australian.


With her being a gymnast, she has an amazing agility and edurance, which makes her fast and adaptable in environments like the ones they find themselves in. Perhaps messages, especially runs for food and such, anything of the tasking sort she will look up to, she is in a more than good shape at the moment. Do not underestimate her Agility and Passion.


Strength: 2

Perception: 1

Charisma: 2


Agility: 4



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Name: Jean McArthur

Age: 18

Personality: She is well, basically a pain in the ass. Reverse physiology is how she lives. Don't do that... She will do it worse than you have ever seen. Don't say that... She has no volume control and she wiiiilll say whatever she wants. She was sent away by her parents to live a "more settled" life with her grandparents in the states. She's 18 and full of spit and whisky.

Job before the crash: No Job. Really just getting high where she can and when she can.

Strength: 0

Perception: 2

Charisma: 3


Name: Christine Koval

Age: 17

Personality: Christine is a really nice girl, caring. She is pretty shy, although can be kind to people who get to know her better.

Job before the crash: Cook in a restaurant, was going to visit her familly in Poland.

Stats: (10 points to spend max of 3 per stat)

Strength: 1

Perception: 3

Charisma: 2

Intelligence: 3

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Name: Jack (Black Cat) Jones

Age: 22

Personality: A friendly personality and an extremely skilled lair, he is good at what he does. He loves heights and the night sky, as well as rain.

Job before the crash: Mercenary/assassin


Strength: 2

Perception: 2

Charisma: 1

Intelligence: 2

Agility: 3
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Name: Fallon

Age: 20

Personality: Kind of stubborn, is nice once she thinks she can trust you. Pretty quiet otherwise. She hates being challenged, and she will take on anyone or anything, regardless of her chances of defeating the opponent. She can get pretty foolish with her choices, yet she has a really perception, being able to sense many things.

Job before the crash: College student. Was studying science.

Stats: (10 points to spend max of 3 per stat)

Strength: 2

Perception: 3

Charisma: 2

Intelligence: 2

Agility: 1
Name: Zoe Tompkins

Age: 17

Personality: tough, hardened. She doesn't care if you are upset. It's about the task, not the emotions.

Job before the crash: Pre-professional track star and archer


Strength: 3

Perception: 2

Charisma: 0

Intelligence: 2

Agility: 3

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