• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Support


I am the one thing life I can control
  • + Realistic pictures are preferred, but I won't stop you from using anime.

    + It's a "Casual" roleplay, not "Simple", so I expect at least 3 sentences per post. If you need help with adding more to your post, ask me and I'll be willing to help!

    + I highly recommend looking up the averages in speech, mental states, that sort of thing for the child you will rp bc nothing bothers me more than a "4 year old" acting like they're 2 simply bc you can't bother to do a little research.

    -> Of course, children are never perfectly average, and mental disorders do happen, but it gives you a good basis to start with.

    + Try to give everyone a turn to talk, don't constantly turn it back to you.

    + You can have 2 adult characters- each parent can have as many children as you wish, but don't make it too absurd like "they have 7 kids" or anything.

    + I love diversity among the characters! Try to make your character unique, don't copy any other character.

    + Try to keep anything OOC, in the OOC chat.

    + If the thread gets super busy, tag the person(s) who you are directly interacting with so it's easier to navigate okay?

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Cute! Let me know when sign-up info is up! Also, realistic or anime?
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[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]Cute! Let me know when sign-up info is up! Also, realistic or anime?

I have the sign up stuff posted! And I'm going for anime, but I won't stop you from using an anime picture.

The Jaxon's

  • tumblr_nui8wcMoxv1qd9ql4o1_1280.jpg
    Name: Avery Augustus Jaxon

    Age: 27

    Birthdate: December 21, 1989

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Avery is a 6'5 black man, weighing 198 lbs. He is muscled and strong, and is often intimidating to look at due to his height, strength, beauty, and, unfortunately, his color.

  • Men_right_casual_398x365.jpg


    Avery used to be fun-loving and goofy, but he's since been stressed and irritable. He's always got something that needs to be done, and he's just trying his hardest to be able to get it done, while still dealing with the death of his wife, and trying to take care of his twin daughters and preemie newborn. His only joys now are those brief moments in time when all of his children are asleep, and he can kiss their foreheads, push their hair out of their faces, and see them smile in their sleep. Everything else seems to have seeped the life out of him.


    Avery and Daniella Jaxon were happy. They were the perfect couple, even when they unexpectedly got pregnant with twin daughters at 23(Avery), and 22(Daniella).They had a wonderful life. His wife got pregnant again, three and a half years after the birth of the twins, and they were ecstatic. Then there was the accident. Daniella, six and a half months pregnant, was taking a trip to the grocery store, when a teenager slammed into the driver's side door of the family sedan. Her body, Avery was told, was jerked to the side, after her head slammed into the window, causing fetal distress and sending the woman into preterm labor. Sometime during the ambulance ride, it is assumed, the woman lost nearly all of her brain function. She never made it out of the emergency C-section, leaving Avery Jaxon with four year old twin daughters, and a son born at 27 weeks.

  • Name: Daniel Austin Jaxon

    Age: 3 weeks

    Gender: Male


    Daniel is small, only weighing 6 pounds, and has the same skin as his sisters, and it appears he'll have the same dark curls. His eyes are currently too dark to tell the end outcome, but it appears he'll have brown eyes like his father, instead of his mother and sister's blue ones.


    Daniel is too young to have much of a personality, but he rarely cries.

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Bibiana "Bibi" Avana

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_nmzdbj7DJw1r8efu6o1_1280.jpg.08e4e7d27eb80caf8da313daab5d21d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/tumblr_nmzdbj7DJw1r8efu6o1_1280.jpg.08e4e7d27eb80caf8da313daab5d21d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Bibiana "Bibi" Avana

Age: 20

Birthday: Feb 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/6f8e7ae999004ce4976257ff2fe1509a.png.9a9558a41a8927b9e0fd1cbe6c10d515.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/6f8e7ae999004ce4976257ff2fe1509a.png.9a9558a41a8927b9e0fd1cbe6c10d515.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: Bibiana is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause.

Bibiana tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.

While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Bibiana can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

After her husband died she became overwhelmed with everything before her. She was quick to anger, snapped at Carter even if he did nothing wrong. Her late boyfriends family tried to console her but nothing seemed to work. She felt alone, though after having a talk with her late boyfriends grandfather she knew she needed to let go of the past. She is trying to put back the pieces of what she once had

Likes: Cursive writing, Homecooked meal, Her kids laughter

Dislikes: Capital Letters, Chinese takeout, Racist

Strengths: Outgoing, Kind

Weaknesses: Second guesses herself, Quick to anger

Hobbies: She used to do kickboxing but when she became a single parent she put it on the back burner.

Fears: Someone taking her son away.

Digging Deeper

Bio: Her parents were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Bibiana a year later. From what Bibiana could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.

Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Bibiana to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. Overall her mother got a new family and Bibiana got the leftovers at only ten years old.

With her parents, split Bibiana fell into the wrong crowd and at 16 Bibiana had gotten pregnant by her late boyfriend. When her father found out he was furious, demanding to know how she let this happen. He refused to let her child into their home, therefore, forcing Bibiana to put her child up for adoption or to move out. Bibiana not being able to part from her son decided to move in with her then boyfriend.

Life seemed to be going well. They had a stable income from her boyfriend's job as a factory worker. They even were planning to get married in the near future when they could save enough money. Bibiana couldn't be any happier than she was at this point in her life. Then for lack of better words everything went to hell. Her boyfriend died of a work related incident, and three days after she found out she was pregnant yet again. She had to move in with his family as she tried to figure out what she was going to do finacially.





Short and Toned




120 lbs


Light Brown




Long scar down her spine.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/da6ab0939ecd9ee0ffa132ce7f7195af.jpg.f4e1583c0cfdafb5157fddb28af9c897.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/da6ab0939ecd9ee0ffa132ce7f7195af.jpg.f4e1583c0cfdafb5157fddb28af9c897.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Carter Santos Monday

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/3e38e77aec56f43823d12e226237e64f.jpg.469b1c295443cf6f01dded40dac64702.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/3e38e77aec56f43823d12e226237e64f.jpg.469b1c295443cf6f01dded40dac64702.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Carter Santos Monday

Age: 4

Birthday: Dec 21

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/5a027a3b4ed3d2b4c88778979349c690.png.a5e30f49790ca9979482f862b678a511.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/5a027a3b4ed3d2b4c88778979349c690.png.a5e30f49790ca9979482f862b678a511.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



African American & Hispanic




40 lbs






Hair is extreamly curly


Carter is really great company (most of the time!). He finds pretty much everything interesting and loves to know more about how everything works and what it really does. He likes to fill in the pieces of everything so will ask many questions. He will also go away think about things and then come back and paraphrase what we were talking about to make sure he understood it.

He runs over walks, jumps over sits and when things go wrong he will stop completely. He loves to be part of the pack, but also likes to have time on his own. He has the most gorgeous giggle, that warms my heart every time I hear it. He's a total jokester, loves to make people smile.

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Daniel "Danni" Leigh Park

20 Years. May 22nd.

Cis Male


  • tumblr_m5ox60y6oh1r0kr6y.jpg




    Bleached Blonde currently, naturally a light brown


    Dark Brown


    5 foot 10 inches

    Clothing Style: It varies a lot, but the current favorite is a light sweater or sweatshirt on top of jeans, but this is prevented from being worn due to the summer weather.




    Face Claim: Ren from Nu'Est

Dylan Micheal Hayes

5 Years. October 5.

Cis Male.

  • T2zdYYXwpaXXXXXXXX_!!723795671.jpg_430x430q90.jpg


    Mixed. (Korean and White American)




    Dark Brown


    3 foot 4 inches

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giraffesarebetter said:

The Jaxon's

  • tumblr_nui8wcMoxv1qd9ql4o1_1280.jpg
    Name: Avery Augustus Jaxon

    Age: 27

    Birthdate: December 21, 1989

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual


    Avery is a 6'5 black man, weighing 198 lbs. He is muscled and strong, and is often intimidating to look at due to his height, strength, beauty, and, unfortunately, his color.

  • Men_right_casual_398x365.jpg


    Avery used to be fun-loving and goofy, but he's since been stressed and irritable. He's always got something that needs to be done, and he's just trying his hardest to be able to get it done, while still dealing with the death of his wife, and trying to take care of his twin daughters and preemie newborn. His only joys now are those brief moments in time when all of his children are asleep, and he can kiss their foreheads, push their hair out of their faces, and see them smile in their sleep. Everything else seems to have seeped the life out of him.


    Avery and Daniella Jaxon were happy. They were the perfect couple, even when they unexpectedly got pregnant with twin daughters at 23(Avery), and 22(Daniella).They had a wonderful life. His wife got pregnant again, three and a half years after the birth of the twins, and they were ecstatic. Then there was the accident. Daniella, six and a half months pregnant, was taking a trip to the grocery store, when a teenager slammed into the driver's side door of the family sedan. Her body, Avery was told, was jerked to the side, after her head slammed into the window, causing fetal distress and sending the woman into preterm labor. Sometime during the ambulance ride, it is assumed, the woman lost nearly all of her brain function. She never made it out of the emergency C-section, leaving Avery Jaxon with four year old twin daughters, and a son born at 27 weeks.

Aio said:
Bibiana "Bibi" Avana

View attachment 314466

Name: Bibiana "Bibi" Avana

Age: 20

Birthday: Feb 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: Bibiana is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause.

Bibiana tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.

While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Bibiana can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

After her husband died she became overwhelmed with everything before her. She was quick to anger, snapped at Carter even if he did nothing wrong. Her late boyfriends family tried to console her but nothing seemed to work. She felt alone, though after having a talk with her late boyfriends grandfather she knew she needed to let go of the past. She is trying to put back the pieces of what she once had

Likes: Cursive writing, Homecooked meal, Her kids laughter

Dislikes: Capital Letters, Chinese takeout, Racist

Strengths: Outgoing, Kind

Weaknesses: Second guesses herself, Quick to anger

Hobbies: She used to do kickboxing but when she became a single parent she put it on the back burner.

Fears: Someone taking her son away.

Digging Deeper

Bio: Her parents were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Bibiana a year later. From what Bibiana could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.

Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Bibiana to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. Overall her mother got a new family and Bibiana got the leftovers at only ten years old.

With her parents, split Bibiana fell into the wrong crowd and at 16 Bibiana had gotten pregnant by her late boyfriend. When her father found out he was furious, demanding to know how she let this happen. He refused to let her child into their home, therefore, forcing Bibiana to put her child up for adoption or to move out. Bibiana not being able to part from her son decided to move in with her then boyfriend.

Life seemed to be going well. They had a stable income from her boyfriend's job as a factory worker. They even were planning to get married in the near future when they could save enough money. Bibiana couldn't be any happier than she was at this point in her life. Then for lack of better words everything went to hell. Her boyfriend died of a work related incident, and three days after she found out she was pregnant yet again. She had to move in with his family as she tried to figure out what she was going to do finacially.





Short and Toned




120 lbs


Light Brown




Long scar down her spine.


View attachment 314467


Carter Monday

View attachment 314477

Name: Carter Monday

Age: 4

Birthday: Dec 21



African American & Hispanic




40 lbs






Hair is extreamly curly


Carter is really great company (most of the time!). He finds pretty much everything interesting and loves to know more about how everything works and what it really does. He likes to fill in the pieces of everything so will ask many questions. He will also go away think about things and then come back and paraphrase what we were talking about to make sure he understood it.

He runs over walks, jumps over sits and when things go wrong he will stop completely. He loves to be part of the pack, but also likes to have time on his own. He has the most gorgeous giggle, that warms my heart every time I hear it. He's a total jokester, loves to make people smile.

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both accepted!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba6aaa97_ScreenShot2016-07-12at11.31.11PM.png.61bbc21d10e7811eaa61db2bdc7d65fb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba6aaa97_ScreenShot2016-07-12at11.31.11PM.png.61bbc21d10e7811eaa61db2bdc7d65fb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shiloh Williams

Name: Shiloh Williams

Age/Birthdate: 25, October 31st

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba6a4a87_ScreenShot2016-07-12at11.29.06PM.png.9663ea63772a7a7ab25674051f0ab434.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142318" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba6a4a87_ScreenShot2016-07-12at11.29.06PM.png.9663ea63772a7a7ab25674051f0ab434.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: Transgender Male

Sexuality: Homosexual
Picture(s):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba6b176b_ScreenShot2016-07-13at11.42.24AM.png.9ae0eb31c2ca11af232ac305e68596d3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba6b176b_ScreenShot2016-07-13at11.42.24AM.png.9ae0eb31c2ca11af232ac305e68596d3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brief Description:At only 5'10" and 163 lbs, Shiloh's on the smaller side though it's mostly lean muscle. He's scruffy, with a patch of messy bleach blond hair and tired hazel eyes.

Clothing Style: Minimalist/Grunge/Punk/Layers, anything low effort


Tattoos/Piercings: He's covered in them. This includes large plugs, a septum and nostril piercing, and countless tattoos.
In Depth
Personality: Shiloh is a little... much. He's loudmouthed, opionated, and energetic. At times he comes across as rude just because he rarely thinks before he speaks or acts and has a hard time judging other people's feelings. But he's basically a nice guy, just a little childish which makes him great with kids in some aspects. He's fun loving and adventurous, and almost never says 'no' to anything. While that makes him exciting it also makes him reckless. Even if he doesn't seem to have much concern for himself and his own wellbeing, he's fiercly protective of Casey, almost too the point of being overprotective and suspicious of anyone who tries to give him advice. Having been raised in a strict home, Shiloh has gone the opposite route and is very much a free spirit and hopes to raise Casey in an environment of openness and love.

He's not a trusting person and is prone to episodes of depressions. But he's good at hiding it and can power through most problems. Having spent most of his adult life barely above the poverty line, he's resourceful, creative, and incredibly proud, often too proud for his own good.

Likes: Coffee, the beach, dancing, cigarettes (though he's trying to quit), his son, his pet ferrets, Gristle and Cleaver, horror movies

Dislikes: Uptight people, people who tell him how to raise his child or judge him for being a single father, bigots, religion, meat

Hobbies: Skateboarding, playing guitar, sewing/making clothes for himself and Casey, yoga

Fears: Losing Casey, never falling in love again, his parents finding him.
Bio: Despite being raised in a strict Southern Baptist home, Shiloh was always a wild child. He spent his childhood and teen years running around raising hell and no one was all that surprised when he skipped town right after high school graduation. Of course, at this point Shiloh was still living as a girl so the biggest surprise wouldn't come for a few more years.

Shiloh spent a few more years screwing around, partying and jumping from shitty job to shittier job. At some point he fell in love with a boy named James. Shortly before Shiloh's 21st birthday, they maybe got a little too drunk and maybe forgot a condom. After several long talks, the couple decided Shiloh would keep the kid. After all, they were really in love and if it turned out they couldn't handle it, there was always adoption.

But being pregnant made Shiloh realize some uncomfortable truths he'd been ignoring for a long time. Like how much he hated his body and his long hair and his voice and his name and being called a girl and how being pregnant just seemed to make all of that worse. So about five months in, Shiloh made the big announcement- It was a boy. And so was he. James had a difficult time with this and they split up soon after. But Shiloh didn't care much at that point- he was too busy planning his future as a new man.

As soon as little Casey was born, Shiloh began his transition. He's been on hormones for four years now and had top surgery about three years ago. Most people just assume he's Casey's biological father which is technically true. And James and Shiloh are still on good terms so Casey visits him every few weekends. Since having Casey, Shiloh's settled down a little but not entirely. He works as a barista at a small cafe and also serves as a weekly columnist for a local LGBT newspaper.

How They Became a Single Parent: Basically he got pregnant, realized he was a guy, got dumped, and decided to keep the kid.
The Child
Name: Casey Williams

Age/Birthdate: 4, June 21st

Gender: Male


Description of Looks: Casey takes after his other dad and is large for his age, long limbed and gangly. But he got Shiloh's hazel eyes and slight tan, as well as his crooked smile. Casey likes to keep his hair slightly shaggy and is usually covered in dirt.

Description of Their Personality: Casey is a cuter version of his father. He's a rambunctious little troublemaker, the kind of kid that drives more sensible adults insane. He never shuts up or sits still and despite numerous caretakers recommending Shiloh gets him an ADHD diagnosis, Shiloh insists he's just an an energetic kid. He loves nature, bugs, and their ferrets. Shiloh raised him vegetarian and is transitioning him into veganism, and Casey has never eaten meat and never wants to. He can be a bit sensitive and is very distrustful of strangers.



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  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba84501b_EmmaFC.jpg.32ca8a53ada4221a42f98876e614a929.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142373" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba84501b_EmmaFC.jpg.32ca8a53ada4221a42f98876e614a929.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Emma Rose Vanderbilt

    Age: 30

    Birthday:May 14



    Job: Cardiologist


    Ethnicity: White

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 135 lbs

    Hair color: Light brown

    Eye color: Gray

    Clothing Style: Classic, timeless clothing. Tends to wear pants a lot, though.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba86b8ad_ClassicGirl.jpg.ec57704fc62f077295264c06e2d6b014.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba86b8ad_ClassicGirl.jpg.ec57704fc62f077295264c06e2d6b014.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba86d990_Classic2.jpe.c4f849f6ac6f92c22cc84f92958dab8b.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba86d990_Classic2.jpe.c4f849f6ac6f92c22cc84f92958dab8b.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Tattoos/Piercings: No tattoos, has pierced earlobes


    Emma is an incredibly hardworking individual. She tends to finish whatever she starts, and is incredibly driven. She also tries to instill this same mindset in her son.

    She can get along well with others, but her ability to form deep, meaningful connections with people was crippled after a messy divorce. To this day, she is still a little skittish around people who aren't family, colleagues, or patients. She also has stayed out of the dating scene due to "not having the time"- and a fear of being hurt again. And even though she doesn't say so (due to politeness), she is very cynical about 'true love.'


    Bio: Emma was born to loving parents in a middle-class household. Her childhood had its ups and downs, but nothing too major. But in her senior year of high school, she met Trent Waterford, and became his girlfriend. Soon after, Emma got into a seven-year medical program, but remained Trent's girlfriend, as Trent went to the same school. In her fifth year of school, they got married. Three years later, their son Trey was born, and Trent and Emma believed that what they had was true love.

    Two years later, all was not well in the paradise they created for themselves. Trent, now a teacher, was upset that Emma (now a cardiologist) was earning much more than he did, so he began an affair with one of his coworkers. When Emma found out six months later, she immediately filed for a divorce. Three moths later, the divorce was finalized, and Emma had to raise Trey on her own, as Trent didn't want custody.



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deathworm said:

View attachment 314696


Shiloh Williams

Name: Shiloh Williams

Age/Birthdate: 25, October 31st

Gender: Transgender Male

Sexuality: Homosexual
Picture(s):View attachment 314697

Brief Description:At only 5'10" and 163 lbs, Shiloh's on the smaller side though it's mostly lean muscle. He's scruffy, with a patch of messy bleach blond hair and tired hazel eyes.

Clothing Style: Minimalist/Grunge/Punk/Layers, anything low effort


Tattoos/Piercings: He's covered in them. This includes large plugs, a septum and nostril piercing, and countless tattoos.
In Depth
Personality: Shiloh is a little... much. He's loudmouthed, opionated, and energetic. At times he comes across as rude just because he rarely thinks before he speaks or acts and has a hard time judging other people's feelings. But he's basically a nice guy, just a little childish which makes him great with kids in some aspects. He's fun loving and adventurous, and almost never says 'no' to anything. While that makes him exciting it also makes him reckless. Even if he doesn't seem to have much concern for himself and his own wellbeing, he's fiercly protective of Casey, almost too the point of being overprotective and suspicious of anyone who tries to give him advice. Having been raised in a strict home, Shiloh has gone the opposite route and is very much a free spirit and hopes to raise Casey in an environment of openness and love.

He's not a trusting person and is prone to episodes of depressions. But he's good at hiding it and can power through most problems. Having spent most of his adult life barely above the poverty line, he's resourceful, creative, and incredibly proud, often too proud for his own good.

Likes: Coffee, the beach, dancing, cigarettes (though he's trying to quit), his son, his pet ferrets, Gristle and Cleaver, horror movies

Dislikes: Uptight people, people who tell him how to raise his child or judge him for being a single father, bigots, religion, meat

Hobbies: Skateboarding, playing guitar, sewing/making clothes for himself and Casey, yoga

Fears: Losing Casey, never falling in love again, his parents finding him.
Bio: Despite being raised in a strict Southern Baptist home, Shiloh was always a wild child. He spent his childhood and teen years running around raising hell and no one was all that surprised when he skipped town right after high school graduation. Of course, at this point Shiloh was still living as a girl so the biggest surprise wouldn't come for a few more years.

Shiloh spent a few more years screwing around, partying and jumping from shitty job to shittier job. At some point he fell in love with a boy named James. Shortly before Shiloh's 21st birthday, they maybe got a little too drunk and maybe forgot a condom. After several long talks, the couple decided Shiloh would keep the kid. After all, they were really in love and if it turned out they couldn't handle it, there was always adoption.

But being pregnant made Shiloh realize some uncomfortable truths he'd been ignoring for a long time. Like how much he hated his body and his long hair and his voice and his name and being called a girl and how being pregnant just seemed to make all of that worse. So about five months in, Shiloh made the big announcement- It was a boy. And so was he. James had a difficult time with this and they split up soon after. But Shiloh didn't care much at that point- he was too busy planning his future as a new man.

As soon as little Casey was born, Shiloh began his transition. He's been on hormones for four years now and had top surgery about three years ago. Most people just assume he's Casey's biological father which is technically true. And James and Shiloh are still on good terms so Casey visits him every few weekends. Since having Casey, Shiloh's settled down a little but not entirely. He works as a barista at a small cafe and also serves as a weekly columnist for a local LGBT newspaper.

How They Became a Single Parent: Basically he got pregnant, realized he was a guy, got dumped, and decided to keep the kid.
The Child
Name: Casey Williams

Age/Birthdate: 4, June 21st

Gender: Male


Description of Looks: Casey takes after his other dad and is large for his age, long limbed and gangly. But he got Shiloh's hazel eyes and slight tan, as well as his crooked smile. Casey likes to keep his hair slightly shaggy and is usually covered in dirt.

Description of Their Personality: Casey is a cuter version of his father. He's a rambunctious little troublemaker, the kind of kid that drives more sensible adults insane. He never shuts up or sits still and despite numerous caretakers recommending Shiloh gets him an ADHD diagnosis, Shiloh insists he's just an an energetic kid. He loves nature, bugs, and their ferrets. Shiloh raised him vegetarian and is transitioning him into veganism, and Casey has never eaten meat and never wants to. He can be a bit sensitive and is very distrustful of strangers.

Snowflower said:

  • View attachment 314785

    Name: Emma Rose Vanderbilt

    Age: 30

    Birthday:May 14



    Job: Cardiologist


    Ethnicity: White

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 135 lbs

    Hair color: Light brown

    Eye color: Gray

    Clothing Style: Classic, timeless clothing. Tends to wear pants a lot, though.

    View attachment 314798 View attachment 314799

    Tattoos/Piercings: No tattoos, has pierced earlobes


    Emma is an incredibly hardworking individual. She tends to finish whatever she starts, and is incredibly driven. She also tries to instill this same mindset in her son.

    She can get along well with others, but her ability to form deep, meaningful connections with people was crippled after a messy divorce. To this day, she is still a little skittish around people who aren't family, colleagues, or patients. She also has stayed out of the dating scene due to "not having the time"- and a fear of being hurt again. And even though she doesn't say so (due to politeness), she is very cynical about 'true love.'


    Bio: Emma was born to loving parents in a middle-class household. Her childhood had its ups and downs, but nothing too major. But in her senior year of high school, she met Trent Waterford, and became his girlfriend. Soon after, Emma got into a seven-year medical program, but remained Trent's girlfriend, as Trent went to the same school. In her fifth year of school, they got married. Three years later, their son Trey was born, and Trent and Emma believed that what they had was true love.

    Two years later, all was not well in the paradise they created for themselves. Trent, now a teacher, was upset that Emma (now a cardiologist) was earning much more than he did, so he began an affair with one of his coworkers. When Emma found out six months later, she immediately filed for a divorce. Three moths later, the divorce was finalized, and Emma had to raise Trey on her own, as Trent didn't want custody.
both accepted!
  • Beautiful-Short-Hairstyles-for-Black-Women-1.jpg
    Name: Keira Moore

    Age: 28


    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Ethnicity: African American

    Height: 6'4"

    Weight: 135 lbs

    Brief Description: She's tall and slim, with almost no curves and small breasts. She's usually smirking or smiling.

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Dark Brown

Note: If I need to rearrange stuff into paragraphs let me know. Sorry if it kinda sucks, let me know if I have to fix anything.
mikaluvkitties said:
  • Beautiful-Short-Hairstyles-for-Black-Women-1.jpg
    Name: Keira Moore

    Age: 28


    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Ethnicity: African American

    Height: 6'4"

    Weight: 135 lbs

    Brief Description: She's tall and slim, with almost no curves and small breasts. She's usually smirking or smiling.

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Dark Brown

Note: If I need to rearrange stuff into paragraphs let me know. Sorry if it kinda sucks, let me know if I have to fix anything.

  • KkAZk6k.png
    Name: Samantha "Sam" Lockett

    Age: 19

    Birthdate: May 12

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Height: 5'1"

    Weight: 113 lbs

    Brief Description: Short, hourglass body with a hint of toned muscles.

    Hair Color: Red

    Eye Color: Green


NemoTheSurvivor said:
  • KkAZk6k.png
    Name: Samantha "Sam" Lockett

    Age: 19

    Birthdate: May 12

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Height: 5'1"

    Weight: 113 lbs

    Brief Description: Short, hourglass body with a hint of toned muscles.

    Hair Color: Red

    Eye Color: Green



Name: Alex Colts

Age/Birthdate: 21/10/22/1995

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Picture(s): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/download.jpg.9a8a013927309d3e2d1127d2ad80a0a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/download.jpg.9a8a013927309d3e2d1127d2ad80a0a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brief Description: Alex is a fair skinned caucasian male with curly chestnut brown hair, amd sky blue eyes. He stands at 6'1" and has a lean build; which may come off lanky to some.

Clothing Style: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/aaf289550e9e2c96505ba271d5ab5614.jpg.745b3ceacffd0f14c961f9c4a76aacae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/aaf289550e9e2c96505ba271d5ab5614.jpg.745b3ceacffd0f14c961f9c4a76aacae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Alex is pretty chill, and is usually wearing casual clothing. He tends to wear graphic t-shirts in grey or dark tones, jeans, and nike trainers. He's not much for fashion.

Tattoos/Piercings: None


Describe Them: Alex is a laid back go with the flow kind of dude, but is kind of easy to get mad. He comes off as a bit aloof and distant, but really is attentive and pays attention to whatever you're saying. He likes joking, and is a fan of saying inappropriate things at inappropriate times.

Likes - Gazing at things for a long time

Sleeping in

People who are animated and cheerful


Sweet foods

Dislikes - Judgy people


Snooty people

Women crying

Savoury and Sour foods


Bio: Alex was born the middle child to a middle class, surburban family. His parents pretty much ignored him, so he pretty much got to do whatever he wanted. At age seventeen he impregnated a long time girl friend of his. His girlfriend immediately pushed for abortion, but luckily his parents immediately stepped in and offered to take care of the child.

They broke up nonetheless, Alex disgusted at the fact she wanted to kill their child, the girl pissed that she had to go through pregnancy.

Four years passed, and Alex has finally gone through college and got a bachelors degree. He is now living with his son in an okay apartment, in an okay part of town. He is currently looking for a job, so he can go back for another four years to become a doctor.

How They Became a Single Parent: Knocked up long time girlfriend, who he broke up with soon after for being heartless. They lost all connection, and she is currentlt living in another state.

The Child

Name: Caleb Anthony Colts

Age/Birthdate: 4 yrs, 12/23/2011

Gender: Male

Picture: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images.jpg.bd624cf4a7a3feb24bd1337fb28a7645.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images.jpg.bd624cf4a7a3feb24bd1337fb28a7645.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description of Looks: Caleb takes after his father in appearance and in personality. He has his curly hair, except Caleb's is a lighter color, and his eyes. However he has his mothers peachy skin, facial shape.

Description of Their Personality

Caleb is boyish and overall fun to be around. He is rowdy and a bit rough, but is overall very loveable. He hates baths, loves sweets, and enjoys running around outside more then anything. He enjoys competitions and is very inquisitive. Even bugging Alex about his mom, which he stops now to Alex's relief.



  • download.jpg
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CocoForRealz said:
Name: Alex Colts

Age/Birthdate: 21/10/22/1995

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Picture(s): View attachment 315173

Brief Description: Alex is a fair skinned caucasian male with curly chestnut brown hair, amd sky blue eyes. He stands at 6'1" and has a lean build; which may come off lanky to some.

Clothing Style: View attachment 315175

Alex is pretty chill, and is usually wearing casual clothing. He tends to wear graphic t-shirts in grey or dark tones, jeans, and nike trainers. He's not much for fashion.

Tattoos/Piercings: None


Describe Them: Alex is a laid back go with the flow kind of dude, but is kind of easy to get mad. He comes off as a bit aloof and distant, but really is attentive and pays attention to whatever you're saying. He likes joking, and is a fan of saying inappropriate things at inappropriate times.

Likes - Gazing at things for a long time

Sleeping in

People who are animated and cheerful


Sweet foods

Dislikes - Judgy people


Snooty people

Women crying

Savoury and Sour foods


Bio: Alex was born the middle child to a middle class, surburban family. His parents pretty much ignored him, so he pretty much got to do whatever he wanted. At age seventeen he impregnated a long time girl friend of his. His girlfriend immediately pushed for abortion, but luckily his parents immediately stepped in and offered to take care of the child.

They broke up nonetheless, Alex disgusted at the fact she wanted to kill their child, the girl pissed that she had to go through pregnancy.

Four years passed, and Alex has finally gone through college and got a bachelors degree. He is now living with his son in an okay apartment, in an okay part of town. He is currently looking for a job, so he can go back for another four years to become a doctor.

How They Became a Single Parent: Knocked up long time girlfriend, who he broke up with soon after for being heartless. They lost all connection, and she is currentlt living in another state.

The Child

Name: Caleb Anthony Colts

Age/Birthdate: 4 yrs, 12/23/2011

Gender: Male

Picture: View attachment 315187

Description of Looks: Caleb takes after his father in appearance and in personality. He has his curly hair, except Caleb's is a lighter color, and his eyes. However he has his mothers peachy skin, facial shape.

Description of Their Personality

Caleb is boyish and overall fun to be around. He is rowdy and a bit rough, but is overall very loveable. He hates baths, loves sweets, and enjoys running around outside more then anything. He enjoys competitions and is very inquisitive. Even bugging Alex about his mom, which he stops now to Alex's relief.
Sneak peak!


Achlys Fauna

"Death is death, So good god let me give you my life." -Take me to Church

Nick: : Faun, or to most just A. (Though I will write with the name Faun, so it’s not like “A picked up a glass.” It gets confusing for me. )

age: 28

Birthdate: April 5 (Aries the Ram.) 1988


Asexual (neither gender) Though, if she did have a preference it be heterosexual.



+ Taking Care of her Twins.

+ Writing

+ Drawing

+ Digital Artist


- Losing everything

- Being Crammped into small spaces for to long


+ Art

+ Writing

+ Music

+ The Kids

+ Coffee


- yelling

- Sudden Movements

-Sudden Noises

- being pushed to do something

- Bright Lights


Serious, quiet, with loner tendencies. Enjoys solitude and tends to sit back and observe. Private, rarely talks about their feelings.A planner. Well-organized and hard-working. Works steadily towards identified goals. Focused, with well-developed powers of concentration. Will usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. A perfectionist. Clean, thorough, detail-oriented. Avoids mistakes. Logical and analytical.adventurous or spontaneous. Realistic. Fantasy prone. Finishes tasks. Responsible and dependable. Prepares for worst case scenarios, cautious. Interested in security and a peaceful life. doubtful.

Outlook on life: “Death is Death, so good god let me give you my life.” ~take me to church.

Faun (which I keep typing as fuan) wants to just experience life as it is, and though she is cautious now because of the twins, she is very adventurous.


Bio: Born into a strict family, Faun always was itching with adventure. She was a very creative child who always tried her best to impress her father and mother. Though, they always pushed her more and more. She did her best, heck even went out of her comfort zone. She hit her teen years and always snuck out to go explore the woods or hangout with what few (Like two) friends she had. They actually were not bad, just not someone you would want to be seen with. Eventually her family pushed her into getting married at 23. She had the twins at 24. After that, her husband start drinking and one thing led to another in which led to divorce and restriction orders. Now, a single parent of twins Faun is a at home digital artist and single mom. Also shunned by her mother and Father.



Red head. Faun has stormy grey eyes and a slim frame, though has a lot of lean muscle. (There described. )

No tattoos, though has normal ear piercings. (One on each ear) that she rarely uses.

Clothing Style:




The Twins


Alyssa and Melissa Fauna

nick: Lyssa and Lissa

Age: Four

Birthday: March 8th 2012

Description of looks: Blondish-with tints of red hair, grey-blue eyes. They have blonde hair like their father and a mixture of their father and Mother's eyes. They look like their mother if they had the red hair.

Creative and smart, both are book smart and not very social, they seem to be more intrested on just them than having friends. They do socialize.

Last edited by a moderator:

Kiara Vox




Name : Kiara Vox

Nickname : Kiki

Age : 25, November 28

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Straight



Kiara has brown skin with dark brown hair that is dyed burgundy. She has shaved sides. She has brown eyes and thick round lips. She has a curvy figure as well.

Clothing style:


Piercings are shown in pictures

nose -


ear -





Personality :

Kiara is a funny, loving, free spirit. She loves to have fun with friends. But she is EXTREMELY forgetful. She never has anything prepared. She is always sloppy at working. She is always late to school meetings and always would forget the cookies for the bake sale. She never really was ahead in life. When she didn't have children she was extremely out going and flirty, but now she can't keep up with a social life. She may be bad at parenting, but she is still fun and loving to her children.

Vices :

- A bit foolish

- has trust-issues



Virtues :

- Funny




Quirks :

-is always drinking coffee

-bites lip when nervous and bored

Hobbies :

-Loves to sing and dance

Background: Kiara was raised is many foster homes. None really cared about her. But she still worked hard to get a scholarship. She went to a college near her home and tried to become a social worker. Once she was 18 and going to college everything changed. She felt free. She liked it this way, and she intended to keep it that way. She got more and more loose. She began to drink and party more and hook up with more guys too.

One day she met an amazing guy. They were young and carefree. They both loved each other. She was 21 and he was 22. He said he'd do anything for her. But that really put him to the test when she became pregnant. When Kiara became pregnant she dropped out of school, which meant that her dreams to become a social worker were over. She was going to get rid of the baby until she remembered what happened to her as a kid, and she didn't have the heart to put her child through that. The man stayed by her for her first pregnancy but sadly died in a car crash during her second. She has been doing good since then. She has learned that she can still pursue her dreams at being a social worker, to help kids like her.

Macy Vox


Age(s): 4, August 13

Child's Quirks :

-Macy is a honest little girl. When she lies she plays with her fingers and giggles.

Child's Appearance :

Macy has curly hair that goes down to her shoulders. And she has big brown eyes as well

Personality: Macy is a total goof. She loves to haves fun and play. She is very friendly, she loves to make friends. She is very caring and loving. If your sad she always finds away to make you smile.

Jason Vox


Age(s): 5 months,

Child's Quirks :

-Is now crawling and loves to explore and follow others around

-Loves to take the remote to the TV

Child's Appearance :

Big drown eyes with dimples. And has some teeth.

Personality: Jason is still a baby so they don't know much. But It's shown he's playful and a goof, like the rest of his family.

Last edited by a moderator:
LilyannaGaming said:
Sneak peak!


Achlys Fauna

"Death is death, So good god let me give you my life." -Take me to Church

Nick: : Faun, or to most just A. (Though I will write with the name Faun, so it’s not like “A picked up a glass.” It gets confusing for me. )

age: 28

Birthdate: April 5 (Aries the Ram.) 1988


Asexual (neither gender) Though, if she did have a preference it be heterosexual.



+ Taking Care of her Twins.

+ Writing

+ Drawing

+ Digital Artist


- Losing everything

- Being Crammped into small spaces for to long


+ Art

+ Writing

+ Music

+ The Kids

+ Coffee


- yelling

- Sudden Movements

-Sudden Noises

- being pushed to do something

- Bright Lights


Serious, quiet, with loner tendencies. Enjoys solitude and tends to sit back and observe. Private, rarely talks about their feelings.A planner. Well-organized and hard-working. Works steadily towards identified goals. Focused, with well-developed powers of concentration. Will usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it. A perfectionist. Clean, thorough, detail-oriented. Avoids mistakes. Logical and analytical.adventurous or spontaneous. Realistic. Fantasy prone. Finishes tasks. Responsible and dependable. Prepares for worst case scenarios, cautious. Interested in security and a peaceful life. doubtful.

Outlook on life: “Death is Death, so good god let me give you my life.” ~take me to church.

Faun (which I keep typing as fuan) wants to just experience life as it is, and though she is cautious now because of the twins, she is very adventurous.


Bio: Born into a strict family, Faun always was itching with adventure. She was a very creative child who always tried her best to impress her father and mother. Though, they always pushed her more and more. She did her best, heck even went out of her comfort zone. She hit her teen years and always snuck out to go explore the woods or hangout with what few (Like two) friends she had. They actually were not bad, just not someone you would want to be seen with. Eventually her family pushed her into getting married at 23. She had the twins at 24. After that, her husband start drinking and one thing led to another in which led to divorce and restriction orders. Now, a single parent of twins Faun is a at home digital artist and single mom. Also shunned by her mother and Father.



Red head. Faun has stormy grey eyes and a slim frame, though has a lot of lean muscle. (There described. )

No tattoos, though has normal ear piercings. (One on each ear) that she rarely uses.

Clothing Style:




The Twins


Alyssa and Melissa Fauna

nick: Lyssa and Lissa

Age: Four

Birthday: March 8th 2012

Description of looks: Blondish-with tints of red hair, grey-blue eyes. They have blonde hair like their father and a mixture of their father and Mother's eyes. They look like their mother if they had the red hair.

Creative and smart, both are book smart and not very social, they seem to be more intrested on just them than having friends. They do socialize.

accepted! sorry I didn't reply earlier, it said "sneak peak" and was unsure if the CS was completed....
WannabePunk said:
accepted! sorry I didn't reply earlier, it said "sneak peak" and was unsure if the CS was completed....
Yea...forgot to take that out. Oh well.

Rose Montgomerie



Name: Rosalie "Rose" Iris Montgomerie

Age: 21

Birthday: May 13

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Rose is a very cool-headed person, aloof, and very secretive. She is polite and not shy, but she does not talk a lot about things that aren't necessary to talk about. She is smart, and quick witted, and knows how to get what she wants. Rose is a wanderer, she likes to do things her own way and won't change her ways for anyone. She also is horrible with being on time, and can be irresponsible and hard to rely on. Rose likes smoking, drinking, watching television, travelling, playing piano, listening to music, and working with plants. She is very knowledgeable about plants and also astrology, which is another hobby of hers. Rose doesn't really like children, which is difficult, and she doesn't like sappy love, or dogs. Rose has a fear of long term commitments, the exception being raising her daughter. She doesn't like to stay in one place too long.

Rose grew up functionally as an orphan. She has no idea who her father is, and her mother died of a drug overdose when she was little, she doesn't remember much about her. She's lived with her maternal grandmother, both of her uncles, and several different foster homes, it's hard to count how many. She was almost adopted twice by two different foster parents, but they never did the paperwork/things didn't work out. Rose has been abused (not getting into specifics because trigger, although if you need to know for the RP just PM me) and has had a long history with drug abuse. She got pregnant with Robyn when she was only 14, she doesn't know who the father of her child is, it could be one of four men. Being a foster child, the state took her baby away. When Rose was 18, she got her kid back, but she didn't have her act together at all. She was couch surfing and using drugs, so the state took away Robyn for a second time. Rose felt empty without Robyn, so she stopped using hard drugs and got a job as a bartender. A year ago she petitioned the state for custody rights and they were granted, provided she submits to random drug testing, and routine visits from CPS.

Name: Robyn Iris Montgomerie

Age: 7

Birthday: 09/02/2009

Gender: Female


Looks: Robyn is a very pretty girl, with piercing blue eyes, and natural blond highlights in her wily brown hair. She has a soft and sing song kind of voice. She is very petite, she's probably smaller than some of the younger kids, and she is very skinny, almost looks like she's not being fed enough. She also has a persistent cough, she has asthma as well.

Personality: Robyn is very mature for her age, living in foster care made her lose a lot of innocence, for example she knows Santa isn't real. She has a lot of love to give, and really enjoys being with other people in general, especially loving people. She likes to take care of others, and is very well-behaved. She also loves her mom no matter what.
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simkimchild said:

Rose Montgomerie



Name: Rosalie "Rose" Iris Montgomerie

Age: 21

Birthday: May 13

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Rose is a very cool-headed person, aloof, and very secretive. She is polite and not shy, but she does not talk a lot about things that aren't necessary to talk about. She is smart, and quick witted, and knows how to get what she wants. Rose is a wanderer, she likes to do things her own way and won't change her ways for anyone. She also is horrible with being on time, and can be irresponsible and hard to rely on. Rose likes smoking, drinking, watching television, travelling, playing piano, listening to music, and working with plants. She is very knowledgeable about plants and also astrology, which is another hobby of hers. Rose doesn't really like children, which is difficult, and she doesn't like sappy love, or dogs. Rose has a fear of long term commitments, the exception being raising her daughter. She doesn't like to stay in one place too long.

Rose grew up functionally as an orphan. She has no idea who her father is, and her mother died of a drug overdose when she was little, she doesn't remember much about her. She's lived with her maternal grandmother, both of her uncles, and several different foster homes, it's hard to count how many. She was almost adopted twice by two different foster parents, but they never did the paperwork/things didn't work out. Rose has been abused (not getting into specifics because trigger, although if you need to know for the RP just PM me) and has had a long history with drug abuse. She got pregnant with Robyn when she was only 14, she doesn't know who the father of her child is, it could be one of four men. Being a foster child, the state took her baby away. When Rose was 18, she got her kid back, but she didn't have her act together at all. She was couch surfing and using drugs, so the state took away Robyn for a second time. Rose felt empty without Robyn, so she stopped using hard drugs and got a job as a bartender. A year ago she petitioned the state for custody rights and they were granted, provided she submits to random drug testing, and routine visits from CPS.

Name: Robyn Iris Montgomerie

Age: 7

Birthday: 09/02/2009

Gender: Female


Looks: Robyn is a very pretty girl, with piercing blue eyes, and natural blond highlights in her wily brown hair. She has a soft and sing song kind of voice. She is very petite, she's probably smaller than some of the younger kids, and she is very skinny, almost looks like she's not being fed enough. She also has a persistent cough, she has asthma as well.

Personality: Robyn is very mature for her age, living in foster care made her lose a lot of innocence, for example she knows Santa isn't real. She has a lot of love to give, and really enjoys being with other people in general, especially loving people. She likes to take care of others, and is very well-behaved. She also loves her mom no matter what.

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