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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

Shaun let out another small chuckle, using his back to push himself off the wall he was leaning against.

"Why not ditch the place for the day then?" He asked, a small smile on his face.
"What's say I come along for the trip? I wouldn't feel quite right leaving you alone right now." His smile wavered slightly as he winced from the pain, a little bit of blood trickled down his finger and he hid his hand behind his back.
Holow took in a shaky breath. She looked back, her gaze traveling over him. He didn't seem like he was having the best time here either, and she looked down. "If you want." She said in a small voice.
Holow was still slightly nervous, not sure weather to trust him. If he made a move to hurt her, she was sure she would scream bloody murder and cause a scene. She just crossed her fingers that he didn't ask personal questions. She began to walk farther away from the school, her fingers wrapping around the sleeves of her sweater.
Nick asked to go to the bathroom and on the way over he saw Holow and Shaun sneak over to the door and approached the two stealthily, trying to scare them. He whispered, "Boo!" in both's ears.
Holow let out a blood curdling scream, kicking her leg back and racing for the nearest tree, hiding behind it as her eyes began to water again.
"What the flying f**k?!" Shaun screamed, really not expecting that, "What the hell?!"

Shaun clenched his fists and stepped in front of the guy that had just given him a small heart attack.
Nick was kicked in the leg and collapsed to the marble ground in pain. The man didn't seem like he was enthused to try to decide to help or not.
Clarity sighed grabbing her bag out of her locker and walking to the exit. There was no way she could go back to class now. She saw three people outside and stood near the door not sure if she should go out or not.
Holow could be heard crying behind the tree. Not only was she going to have nightmares about her parents murder and bulling, but now that was going to be there too.
Shaun stared down at the guy kneeling on the floor in front of him, his hands shaking quite alot. His breathing was heavy and fast, he took another step forward and almost convinced himself to do something stupid, before his mind took him back to the crying girl that had vanished.

"God damnit, are you stupid?" He hissed, looking around for her.
Clarity pushed the door open slowly trying to make it around the three of them without them noticing. That was a bit hard though since there wasn't really anything to hide behind.
Nick stood up in pain, he noticed that his girlfriend Julia had heard his howl of pain and ran to him. She assisted him and brought him to the nurse's office, kissing him on the forehead as he laid on the bed.
Shaun put one of his hands shakily against his mouth and started breathing a little slower, staring at the ground. He needed to leave right now.

"I'm outta here." His voice cracked as he started walking backwards, tears forming in his eyes.

He turned around and started walking out of the schools courtyard, holding his wrist tightly.
Clarity sighed as two of them left but the one girl was still there. She noticed she was crying and went over to her. "Hey you okay?" She asked nicely.
Holow had seen that the man was gone and slowly came out of her hiding place, rubbing her eyes gently. She made a brisk walk towards the exit, wanting to leave like nothing else in the world.

Holow ignored the girl and kept walking, sniffling slightly.
Clarity sighed once again unable to help someone. She just kept walking down the street to the music store. She knew Mikayla, a high school dropout two years older than her, would be there.
Shaun ended up sitting on a bench in the park with his legs crossed, listening to music. He was feeling a bit better now, but regretted what he did before, he always did.
Holow was at the opposite end of the park, being that it was the park closest to her house. She was sitting on the swings, humming a little tune as she tried to calm down.
The more time went past, the worse he started feeling. He sat on that bench for a long time, ending up sitting in such a way that his knees hid his face, a slow stream of tears dripping onto his trousers. He started scratching at his wrist, making it worse.
Holow's eyes where still puffy, and her face was pretty red. She spent most of her days here, singing a soft tune her mother liked to sing to her when she had nightmares or when she was sad. She noticed someone curled up in a ball on a bench in the distance. She bit her lip, wondering if she should help.
Clarity walked into the store and Milayla sighed. "I don't blame ya kid. School's rough" She brought a stool out for Clarity. "No kidding, maybe I'll drop out someday and we can start a band together" She smiled getting two guitars, one for her and one for Mikayla

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