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Realistic or Modern Superpower school

CosmicChangeling said:
Did that actually work? Did one of her crazy shitty plans actually work? Her defensive stance softened just slightly as the creature began to force out its name. Kurt. "Kurt...I'm Lexi. We're going to-"
Fucking shitaki mushrooms. He cut her off roaring. His spit flying into her face. It lunged and bit into her arm. The fangs dug in and she felt the bone snap. Lexi screamed, water forming in her eyes.

And then she blipped out of sight. To the wolf one moment she was there, as he dug into her arm ready to rip it apart, the next she was on the other side, her skin repairing as she flexed her should be broken arm. But what happenned for lexi was she just let time slow down, slip into hyperspeed. The wolf was frozen clamped into her arm as she cried and screamed. Struggling she pried open its mouth as she tried to take her arm out. The pain blinding and there were minutes where all she did was swear and try to coax herself to continue. For Lexi....this was a thirty minute grueling process to which when she freed her arm she staggered back and tried not to whimper. Backing up just far enough to get out of the way.

To Kurt this was a second in time.

"I prefer Lexi. I'm sure you prefer Kurt. I already experienced death, Kurt. Do you have a family, Kurt?"

Because this worked so well the last time...
He turned, growling, before he noticed her bleeding arm as it healed, and the tears in her eyes. "I'm.... sorry..." he whispered, as The Wolf continued it's advance, roaring, ignoring everything she said, swinging claws at her, until she mentioned family. He froze, flaming eyes widening.

"M-my... family?" he stuttered, seeming to look straight through her. "They.... I-i......... I-i used too....." he got out, as he stepped back, his claws seeming to recede, the flames seeming to cool for a moment. "But... t-they were k-killed... b-by some gang..... k-killed m-my parents.... burnt the house..." he continued. This was hard for him, as The Wolf was still fighting him, so much so that he could barely get his words out without a struggle. "A-and I-i k-k-killed-AND YOU NEXT!" The Wolf roared, taking back over, as it charged, throwing itself at her, attempting to knock her to the ground.
If Starling was here, she would know what to do to contain him, to maybe revert this wolf back to this Kurt, whoever he was. Lexi was grasping at straws and playing a game of dodge. She felt like a small mouse in a cage with a giant lion wanting to finish off its pray. He lunged, but this time Lexi rolled out of the way, going right. The heat from his firey body was intense, it was like being under a tanning bed....probably an oven if she was to let it sit on her or crush her body.

"You're going to have to actually catch the prey to kill it." She said. "Kurt. I'm sorry about your family. Pain like that doesn't go away." She backed up. She wasn't going to hit this thing...Kurt. Hitting him would fuel whatever monster was inside. "He helped you....he helped you fix what happened right? Kurt...I don't have the same story. I can't begin to understand that....I'm really sorry. If you're sorry about my arm. You're going to have to work with me." She slammed her fist as hard as she could into a tree. The root began to break from the ground as the fist went through the trunk. Lexi winced withdrawing it back. "See...dangerous. I've done bad things too. I know dangerous. I know the monster feeling...but I need you to work with me Kurt, not Wolfie."
Katerang said:
The principal Pondered for a moment... "Well I'm going to have to talk to her brother about not being enrolled here but..." He looks up at min and elastic and simply asks, "Did anyone die?"
Min looks at the principal and crossed her arms "No, nobody died. It was just Ren having fun. We used to play all the time." She began to remember the times they played. Ah the ice cream monster...... good times, so much red, truly a summer to remember...... She smiled at the memory and then realized where she was. She snapped out of her trance and shook her head. "No, no deaths"Min looked up at Mr. Elastic with a 'your on my list' look ........none yet........

(And now I have class =.= I'll be back in a hour)
She rolled to the side, and he flew past, crashing into a bush. he ripped himself out himself out of it, whipping around to face her, growling. The bush began to be devoured by the flame, as he advanced towards her. Kurt didn't know how long this game of cat and mouse would last, and didn't know how it'd end, it was painful, to keep watching him attack Lexi like this, and have no control over it.

Kurt listened to her words, even as The Wolf continued charging forward, swinging it's claws at Lexi. She had a point, and he realized, that maybe she really did know what it was like to be a monster. Had she killed anyone too? Even if it was true or not, he did know that he would have to work with her to force out The Wolf, even if just temporarilly. He concentrated as hard as he could, and tried pushing the Wolf back out. The Wolf froze, as it was about to swing again. "Alright," Kurt said, with a sigh of relief, "What should we do then?" he asked.
Mr. Elastic rolled his eyes as the principal asked if she killed anyone. No. But he wasn't there. He didn't feel what that....thing....felt like.

Portals glared at him like he was a dart board and she was going to throw as many as she could in his eye sockets. Fuck like he cared. To prove it he smacked her upside the head again. "Eyes on him not me princess."

Bring it. He wasn't scared.


She....didn't know.

She had no clue what to do. I'm not a hero Kurt. Advice from me wouldn't do you any good. I'm making all of this up as I go....but I doubt you want to hear that.

Her shoulders relaxed as she got out of her defensive pose. How many tang tops was she going to go through the week? Too many....

She took a step forward and then another. Her heart beat hard against the chest as she looked at the large firey beast. "I don't know Kurt...." She said taking another step until they were a foot apart. "But well figure it out. You're not going to be alone. I guess...first we get you back to being...you."
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"Ow!" She exclaimed as Elastic hit her again. She turned to the principal "is this even legal?" She pointed to Elastic, she was fed up with getting smacked for doing nothing. Ohhhhh just you wait Mr. Silly String your powerful now, but if...........grrrrr...........I EVER GET STRONGER. I will show all of you what I can. Her head pounds harder than before. god......I will kill someone...... Ren's voice appeared in her head It's probably from downloading all those brainwaves from the cube. "No, it's not. I have enough voices in my head thank you, please leave," Besides don't you have a project to do for me? You should get to it brother. Min looks around and realizes that she said part of her conversation out loud. There were many possible reactions she could have done, but she chose to ignore it all together.


Sipping a delicious, concoction in a V.I.P lounge on some remote are Ren was curing his headache with a lot of booze and ladies. His ear buds out for a while he was happy to relax after a intriguing battle. "To think ladies if I hadn't snapped, we would still be going at it. Ah, a shame the human mind can only comprehend so much." He smiles at the other girls around him as they cooed and complemented him. Although he should have felt satisfied he was empty, in the wave of glamour there was emptiness. He tried talking to his sister, but she didn't seem to be in the mood. However she did help him remember 'his' assignment. He got up, letting some of the girls falls off his lap. "Oh shiz! I forgot!" He jumps through a portal and smiles at the girls "later babes put everything on the tab." He pops up behind starling and phases out of tangibility, (ha that's the word intangible). Then he pokes her head "Yo!"
The principal shrugged and stroked his mustache before answering, "This school is held under different rules than any in the country. The reason for that is because we offer the choice of Hero or Villain. It is very radical and dangerous for those two sides of superpowers to be in the same building. So I only really have one rule. Don't kill anyone." He pointed a finger at Min,"This includes teachers... Actually especially teachers due to the fact it is hard to find Supers that actually WANT to teach here... Anyway, I really wish you would stop bringing students up here for such stupid reasons Mr. Elastic. I mean really, all the last one did was steal your snacks! And he is a Villain... It's to be expected really..." He went and sat back down in his chair. "You both are off the hook, But if either of you see... Ren? is that right? Well if you see him, send him up to my office. I could get sued if I let an unenrolled child wander the halls."


Mr. Darke burst through the door to the visiting area, and immediately all the guns pointed in his direction. He didn't care he ran up to the two girls and bent down to the floor to make sure they were both alright. Nialla first. She didn't seem to have any physical ailments and she was still breathing... Good only passed out. He turned to Vi and was taken back. This girl was severely injured... What... She was just a young girl! How could this happen?! The guards were milling about nervously up on the second floor, unsure how to respond to the man who had come bursting through the door...

"HEY!" Darke's voice came booming up through the room startling them and causing one of their guns to go off accidentally. When the room quieted from the bang, Darke called up. "I NEED TO TALK TO YOUR WARDEN."

...A few minutes later...

Darke was carefully placing Nialla in the car he had borrowed. He only had to get them far enough away from this awful place then he could teleport them back to school and see if the girl was really alright... He hoped the Warden would honor their agreement. There wasn't much he could do for Vi but he had used up all of his favors here to do what he could. He would accumulate more as time went by but for now he wasn't welcome back any time soon. Hopping in the drivers seat he started the short drive back to the field.
CosmicChangeling said:
Mr. Elastic rolled his eyes as the principal asked if she killed anyone. No. But he wasn't there. He didn't feel what that....thing....felt like.
Portals glared at him like he was a dart board and she was going to throw as many as she could in his eye sockets. Fuck like he cared. To prove it he smacked her upside the head again. "Eyes on him not me princess."

Bring it. He wasn't scared.


She....didn't know.

She had no clue what to do. I'm not a hero Kurt. Advice from me wouldn't do you any good. I'm making all of this up as I go....but I doubt you want to hear that.

Her shoulders relaxed as she got out of her defensive pose. How many tang tops was she going to go through the week? Too many....

She took a step forward and then another. Her heart beat hard against the chest as she looked at the large firey beast. "I don't know Kurt...." She said taking another step until they were a foot apart. "But well figure it out. You're not going to be alone. I guess...first we get you back to being...you."
"Thank you Lexi, I just hope that it works..." he sighed, as she approached him slowly. She seemed relaxed, out of her defensive posture, open for the kill- too late. Kurt hadn't realized The Wolf had pushed him out again, and those thoughts weren't his own. "WEAK HUMAN!" The Wolf roared, lunging forward, stabbing it's claws into Lexi's chest, before swinging it's arms, throwing her off the claws, and onto the ground several meters away. The Wolf roared in victory, and approached, ready to feast.

No....... Kurt thought to himself, terrified and stunned, as Lexi's body slumped against the ground, blood pouring out. I couldn't have... The Wolf..... I had him under control...... he thought, as the flaming abomination lowered itself to her, and opened it's jaws. Kurt pushed against The Wolf with every bit of willpower he could muster, attempting to shove the beast out before it ate her. And The Wolf, surprised by the sudden rush of guilt and feeling, was shoved out, as The Wolf's body changed back into Kurt, who was conveniently clothed in the same garb he was wearing earlier. He knelt, looking down at Lexi's body, tears welling up in his eyes, his thoughts filled with the fact that he had just killed an innocent. Another innocent, to be precise. "P-please.. L-lexi.. I'm s-sorry!" he stuttered, as he put a hand to her neck, checking for a pulse. "I'm sorry!" he whimpered, as he thought he had found none.
"NO ONE TOUCHES MY EGGO WAFFLES UNLESS I SAY SO!" Elastic bellowed, his body stretching five feet taller as he yelled, a vein throbbing at the top of his forehead.

But the student was allowed to do....whatever. Fine. He snapped back to his 5'4 height. His nostrils flared just slightly, but he fixed his bowtie and walked out. Alright then, he'd just keep his eyes on Portals and the other one. Atleast he liked the other one.


Her grey eyes bulged almost out of their sockets. Her insides felt like they were burning away as the claws stuck through her back. Mouth hung open, time stopped and everything was frozen in place. Lexi gagged and a small gasp escaped as the fire surrounding the claws was frozen as well. The heat still there, still intense. It was so numbing she couldn't think, her brain just registered pain.

It was probably a good ten minutes inside hyperspeed before sound returned and everything moved in fluid motion again. that might have been because her head drooped forward limp and ragged. The wolf tossed her like a doll and there was no resistance...almost like a husk. Lexi's power was not hyperspeed. It wasn't strength. It wasn't rapid healing. It was just her molecular make up. Her super power was the ability of her cells to break apart, grow, split, become another cell in such a speed it was unfathomable to keep up with it. That meant her body and thoughts naturally went that speed, in order for it to survive the friction her muscles adapted, giving off the appearance that she had three individual powers....when it was just one.

So as Kurt rushed over to her and picked up the back of her neck, holding her very relaxed arm looking for a pulse, her cells were already going through mitosis and repairing. Killing off the dead ones and just repairing. The pulse was faint and then picked up, moving faster and faster. The open wounds began to heal. But the power of fire on the claws was still there. Lexi snapped awake, her mouth earlier had drooled of her own blood but this time she let out a cry of pain, reaching for the first thing to grab to help restrain herself.

Pregnant women in massive pain can break bones in grabbing a hand or wrist. Just from a knee jerk reaction.

Lexi had grabbed Kurt's wrist, still dilerious she just squeezed trying to bite down her initial reaction to scream and cry as it burned, her insides burned. She squeezed not registering the quick popping sound of bone just breaking in the grasp.

And then the pain was gone. The long gashes no longer existed, the only evidence was her body covered in blood. Her arm shook as she looked down at what she did. Looked at the stranger who appeared to be holding her body. "I....I can' take you to the nurse....I didn't mean...you were able to pull him back in."
Min smiled and looked at the principal "So I'm free right?" Min didn't wait for a answer she opened a portal and fell down into it. As she crashed through the multiple dimensions she felt a tinging pain in her head and screamed as the dark consumes her.

Darkness. Ever reaching darkness, encompassing every direction. Nialla didn't know where she was, or why everything was so dark, but she didn't really care. It was peaceful, silent, serene. For some reason, Nialla didn't try to escape it. It felt inviting, like she belonged there, in the dark. It kept her hidden. It kept her safe.


Light. Blinding, intense light, burning into every pore of Vi's skin, the heat feeling like a sun being injected into her veins. Her blood felt like lava, her skin burned black, her entire body was filled with the agony of flame. She needed to leave, to escape the hellfire, to run and run and run until shelter was found. She had to hurry before the fires of light consumed her.


Almost as soon as the blissful darkness enveloped her, it left. Nialla yelled, trying to run after it, to catch it, but she couldn't. She began to panic. Her safety was gone, her protection vanished. All that was left was nothingness.


After what felt like centuries of agony, the light receded. The pain, the suffering vanished without a trace. Vi felt alive again, all of her fear and suffering was gone. All she had was nothingness.

And that was all she wanted.


Nialla began to crack, fear and desperation overwhelmed her. How could she escape? What did she do wrong? Why was this happening? She didn't have time to think too much on it, because after a moment the emptiness receded, replaced by the sound of tires driving over a bumpy road.


Vi whimpered upon being forcefully awoken by a guard, holding his weapon as though he intended to use it. She knew how it went. He would threaten her and, if she didn't move, start beating her until she begged for mercy. She prepared for the beating, she hadn't begged before and she wasn't going to beg him. That light was enough pain, there was nothing he could do that could hurt her like that.

And sure enough, he kicked her in the side, beginning a surprisingly short session that Vi doubted would lead to too many bruises. Upon escorting Vi to her private cell and leaving, he was replaced by a much larger man in a prisoner's garb, a man Vi easily recognized as the second hand to Briggs. Was it time to cash in the favors she owed?

"Beatings will stop. You tell Briggs what happened with the girl and the protection continues." With that he left, not saying another word. Vi knew what was implied, tell Briggs everything upon their next meeting or her body would be open to the entire prison population. She hated having no choice in matters like that, but it was far better than the alternative.


Nialla gasped at the sudden feeling of being awake. She was temporarily blinded by the immediate transition, but it only took her eyes a moment to adjust. She didn't know if she was to panic or feel relieved at the idea of Darke driving, but she accepted it. He got her this far.

"What happened?" She asked, still sounding exhausted.
CosmicChangeling said:
"NO ONE TOUCHES MY EGGO WAFFLES UNLESS I SAY SO!" Elastic bellowed, his body stretching five feet taller as he yelled, a vein throbbing at the top of his forehead.
But the student was allowed to do....whatever. Fine. He snapped back to his 5'4 height. His nostrils flared just slightly, but he fixed his bowtie and walked out. Alright then, he'd just keep his eyes on Portals and the other one. Atleast he liked the other one.


Her grey eyes bulged almost out of their sockets. Her insides felt like they were burning away as the claws stuck through her back. Mouth hung open, time stopped and everything was frozen in place. Lexi gagged and a small gasp escaped as the fire surrounding the claws was frozen as well. The heat still there, still intense. It was so numbing she couldn't think, her brain just registered pain.

It was probably a good ten minutes inside hyperspeed before sound returned and everything moved in fluid motion again. that might have been because her head drooped forward limp and ragged. The wolf tossed her like a doll and there was no resistance...almost like a husk. Lexi's power was not hyperspeed. It wasn't strength. It wasn't rapid healing. It was just her molecular make up. Her super power was the ability of her cells to break apart, grow, split, become another cell in such a speed it was unfathomable to keep up with it. That meant her body and thoughts naturally went that speed, in order for it to survive the friction her muscles adapted, giving off the appearance that she had three individual powers....when it was just one.

So as Kurt rushed over to her and picked up the back of her neck, holding her very relaxed arm looking for a pulse, her cells were already going through mitosis and repairing. Killing off the dead ones and just repairing. The pulse was faint and then picked up, moving faster and faster. The open wounds began to heal. But the power of fire on the claws was still there. Lexi snapped awake, her mouth earlier had drooled of her own blood but this time she let out a cry of pain, reaching for the first thing to grab to help restrain herself.

Pregnant women in massive pain can break bones in grabbing a hand or wrist. Just from a knee jerk reaction.

Lexi had grabbed Kurt's wrist, still dilerious she just squeezed trying to bite down her initial reaction to scream and cry as it burned, her insides burned. She squeezed not registering the quick popping sound of bone just breaking in the grasp.

And then the pain was gone. The long gashes no longer existed, the only evidence was her body covered in blood. Her arm shook as she looked down at what she did. Looked at the stranger who appeared to be holding her body. "I....I can' take you to the nurse....I didn't mean...you were able to pull him back in."
He knelt there, tears falling form his eyes, as she continued to bleed out. He didn't know much about First Aid, and knew no way to stop a wound like this. Then, he noticed her pulse getting stronger and stronger, and he looked at the wound on her chest, his eyes wide, as the wound began to heal, as well as the other wounds he had caused her. "I'm really, really so-" his apology was cut off, as she latched onto his wrist, and began to squeeze. His eyes widened, and he tried to yank his arm out of her death grip, but to no avail. He heard a pop, and several snapping sounds, and knew what happened.

When she finally let go, he stumbled backwards, landing on his back. He sat there, looking at his arm, which was bent the wrong way, as his hand hung, rather limp. "T-that was my wrist," he muttered, attempting to bite back the pain. "Y-you don't need to take me to the nurse anyways, I'll.... I'll be fine," he said, gulping. "And.. yeah, I guess I did..... but the question is... for how long?" he asked, looking up from his arm, looking at her.
She sat up looking at his mangled wrist, hand limp and beginning to swell but you could tell it was completely broken. She looked at both her hands, shoving them into her pockets. "You're going to the nurse." She said. Didn't matter if he said no, she would just let her body slip into hyperspeed and she'd take him there herself.

He looked down on his luck, scared...his eyes just begging for help as if she was the answer...or the one with the answers. This kid is completely fucked if he's looking at me for enlightenment. Fucked. Fucked. Fuuuucked.

"I guess we just look at the positives. You did it. You're you, and we'll go from there. No sense dwelling on what ifs when we got the present to worry about." She said. She then held her hand out. "I'm Lexi. Nice to properly meet you Kurt. New around here?"

She didn't wait for the hand to shake, she just slipped to hyper speed, picking up his body and walking through the forest. For Kurt it was a whirlwind in his belly as one moment sitting in the forest, the next he was sitting on a cot in the nurse's office. There was a blonde nurse who rolled up a newspaper and smacked it across Lexi's nose. Like a dog when they misbehave.

"What did I tell you? Another one? You really brought in another student today? Are you frikken kidding me?" "He was...his wrist." "Teachers...students. You just happen to be around whenever an accident happens." She bopped her nose again. "I'm sorry, you should-" Bopped her, Lexi's nose wrinkled afterwards. "Out." "I just want to-" Bop. "Out!"

Lexi frowned and blipped out of sight. Kurt would find either now or later in his pocket a folded up post it note. When you need it - 617-321-2048. The nurse rolled her eyes grabbing the boy's wrist. She snapped it straight, there was a popping sound but then warm light coming from her hands as the bone began to heal.


She didn't fight the nurse so much. The nurse had been right. Between March, Ren, Min, Skylar, Nialla, and the stranger Kurt....she had brought in many injured people. Some of it was her fault. It was ok though. She had something important to do. If Kurt felt stressed or needed it, he'd call she'd be there.

Ask Starling how to calm down werewolves. That was something she needed to do. Maybe Tara could see the future on it, how to do it from the future.

But right now, Lexi remained in the void (or hyperspeed) walking around as everyone lay frozen like dolls. Going to the principal's office, she began to go through the secretary's computer files and hard files finding whatever she could on Min. There was next to nothing but she wrote it down, printed a few copies, folded it up and put it in her pockets.

She had parent names and addresses. Tara was going to come with her. She needed answers and Tara now could see the past, so she needed to come. Lexi waited until she was outside the principal's office to hear sound, people running around and time being back to normal. Tara would be there for lunch. That's when she would propose her half baked crazy plan.
"Im not going to even question what kind of scavenger hunt this is so getting the ring shouldn't be that difficult..." he looked at the way Kriss wanted to hurt him and how lucky he was that Starling prevented the raccoon girl from ripping him to pieces. Heck he wanted to beat himself up for what he did and began thinking to himself again. I guess I deserve this for not listening to myself earlier about avoiding others

If he hadn't followed Kriss around in the first place then he wouldn't have been introduced to Aidan and wouldn't have his memories seen by the guy which led to all of this. The reason why Cobalt was thinking this is not because of his hate for his memories being shown but the fact that he hurted another good person who let's be honest, can't protect himself.

Scratch looked at his situation at the moment, currently, he had been in this school for several hours to find that everything in this school wanted to kill each other through various ways. All Scratch wanted to do was show off his amazing talent for technology, but this school was way too crazy for him, even his laid back attitude had started changing. The boy soon stood up, looking to his side to find that weird faceless girl, plucking away at her strings with a blank expression on her face. Scratch sighed and stared to make his way to the exit of the school, on his way to escape this school, he had heard a various assortment of horrifying stuff through the school and he ignored it all by turning on his music.

Scratch found the entrance of the school, and opened the doors into the normal world of normal human beings. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of fresh air... Maybe he should make a machine to clean air... Later idea for the future. When Scratch opened his eyes, he found some random orange haired boy holding some schedule inside of hands. Interesting enough, the corners of his lips were sewn shut, but Scratch want going to question that at all, he is going back to his lab and tinker with his inventions. "Word of advice, this school is completely crazy." The Smurf soon left the school, never to return.


Gail was slightly confused on what that tall kid had said to him, but he assumed this place would be different from any regular school. He looked at his schedule and noticed he was late by several days and almost half the school day was gone... He was so screwed in days.

The orange haired kid soon entered the enormous building with not a single idea on where any of his classes lay inside this super powered school. Well, he had one idea. Wonder around the school, and try to find someone to tell him where to go to reach his next class. Gail started to walk in any random direction, hoping to find someone inside the empty hallways.

Gail continued walking around the school, he couldn't really ask if anyone was their as his voice could only go as high as a harsh whisper because parts of his mouths were unavailable at the time, and he hoped it would stay that way. However, some random girl had suddenly materialized right in front of him, causing him to slam right into the red haired girl. Gail soon feel stumbled back only a couple steps, but immediately went to go check on the girl he had slammed into.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to walk into you! You just suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and I couldn't stop myself. Please accept my apologies." The orange haired boy had managed to whisper his forgiveness towards the random stranger, and waited for her to either accept his apology, or not accept it.


Trish was still in the same position she was in when the blind kid was trapped by the earth power guy... She really needed to learn names, but didn't have the time for such things at the moment. However, things changed when some unknown power had started to emit inside the building, the force it was emitting was something very powerful and familiar. Trish started to get to her feet, still playing the same song that she had been repeating for almost the entire day and started to walk in a random direction. She wasn't heading towards the source of power, but just randomly walking around the school, she didn't really want to figure out the strong power emitting from this school.
Starling jumped slightly at someone poking her head. She turned around to the smell of Alcohol. "Ren? Have you been drinking." The kid standing behind her smelled like he had been swimming in it. "You do know you are underage right?" She was worried slightly that if he was out of it more things would go wrong. Cobalt commented about the ring, "Savolts ring... I haven't stolen his hat yet so I don't know if I can get the ring..."

Kriss smiled knowingly, She was Savolts best student... So she knew they were going to go about this all wrong.


Darke looked legitimately relieved when Nialla woke up. He smiled, "not much you just passed out and then I took you to the car... I wanted to take you back to the nurse just incase." He didn't mention seeing the warden... it wasn't as fruitful as he had hoped but... At least he tried to do something. "How are you feeling?"
"Don't know yet." Nialla said, easily transitioning into the conversation. Which was surprising, considering how awful she was at conversations after usually just waking up. "I haven't collapsed to the floor in pain yet, so we'll know how I feel if that does or doesn't happen." She sounded surprisingly optimistic, despite being knocked unconscious only a few minutes earlier.
Katerang said:
Starling jumped slightly at someone poking her head. She turned around to the smell of Alcohol. "Ren? Have you been drinking." The kid standing behind her smelled like he had been swimming in it. "You do know you are underage right?" She was worried slightly that if he was out of it more things would go wrong. Cobalt commented about the ring, "Savolts ring... I haven't stolen his hat yet so I don't know if I can get the ring..."
Kriss smiled knowingly, She was Savolts best student... So she knew they were going to go about this all wrong.


Darke looked legitimately relieved when Nialla woke up. He smiled, "not much you just passed out and then I took you to the car... I wanted to take you back to the nurse just incase." He didn't mention seeing the warden... it wasn't as fruitful as he had hoped but... At least he tried to do something. "How are you feeling?"
Ren smiled at the girl "Yes, but maybe in this country everywhere else age is pointless." He smiled "very well" he opened a portal and popped out another smelling like roses. He walks over to her and smiled at her "so Blondie whats up with you? Whats new? What are your innermost secrets? Hows it hanging?" He walks around starling ignoring the others around her. "You have my full attention baby, tell me about yourself."

(nap time.....)
Gail would collide into a red headed girl wearing plain forest green cargo pants and a black sports bra, her entire torso covered in blood, her pants splattered in it.

Lexi was holding a piece of paper with the names of Mon Johanna's parents and current living address. She had not noticed anyone or anything until there was a thud.

Her fingers gripped tighter on the sheet as she backed up to see a boy with orange hair her blood stained on his shirt and....his mouth sewn shut? Broke raised confused she folded the sheet of paper and stuffed it in her back pocket.

"You don't have to be sorry. Not like anyone got hurt." She tried to smile. She was covered in blood and looked like an r rated movie action character right now. He'd probably get a good look make an excuse and book it.

Why was his mouth.... Was it any of her business? Nope....she literally had words with a giant wolf on fire... This shouldn't surprise her.


Holding both pieces of his walking stick Aidan got to his feet. Thank god his mother prepared for such an occasion hr had twenty spares in his dorm room.

Though he did go through thirty of them last year.... 50 the year before.

The smell of roses was overwhelmingly strong. "Did we teleport to a garden? My would Mr. darke want us in a garden..." He stomped on the floor with one shoe. "Nope hallway.... So roses were teleported here...."

Colbat the giant was still here but he kept his somewhat word to be silent. Out of respect of him invading too much on a persons personal life but he was still twitchy about Kriss and what the super human could do to her.

((Ren gets to meet Aidan!))

Ren continues to pester Starling for her attention till he heard a loud stomp on the floor. As he turned he noticed a tiny little squib of a boy and smiled. He looked over at the boy and smiled he noticed that the boy is blind. Well there are two things I could do from what I know from Min he's a fool. But fools are my favorite to play with and blind fools even more. He glanced at the boy and opened a portal over Aidan and a wave of cold air and snow fell onto him. Then he opened another on the the right of him as a hot desert and to the left a rainy tropical forest. He then turns back to Starling and smiles.
When Gail had slammed into the stranger that appeared out of thin air, he didn't notice her appearance in the first few seconds, but he started to realize that wasn't any normal red shirt. Before he knew it, his nostrils took a deep sniff of the recently spilled blood and that was very bad. Gail's stomach almost roared when it started grumbling and he winced at the sheer pain of hunger. The orange haired kid clamped his nose, so he could no longer smell anything, he forced a smile upon his face, but his stitches was making the smile quite scary. When he tried to speak, his whispered voice was slightly filled with pain. "I'm glad you accepted my apology, but do you require a new set of clothes, or some kind of medical attention?" If you put any attention to Gail's teeth, you would notice they would be unnatural sharp, almost like shark teeth. That sight is quite strange, and the forced smile might cause accidental fear when talking to people.
Oh Jesus.

Lexi skipped a step back, some of her blood dripping on the hallway floor. Sharp teeth. Very very sharp teeth. Lexi didn't want to ask what his super power was. It probably involved chomping and she already was a chew toy earlier today. No need to make that a trend for her. "I'm fine," she forced a smile. "Believe it or not....this is the second time this week this has happened to me. Guess I just attract....fighting."

She did feel uncomfortable though. Lexi exhaled a breath and let her body slip into hyperspeed. Walking away, she went up to the dorms, cleaned herself off the best she could with baby wipes since water wouldn't turn on when she was in this speed. Baby wipes, soap and water bottles since the water was right there. Such a stupid way to clean off, but she'd take it, take a normal shower later. SHe changed into another white tang top, this time black cargo pants and headed back. She made sure to grab Min's address and information and put it in these pants before she left.

Back to the hallway with the boy that sewn his mouth shut and looked at her like she was a meal. Hands in her pockets she concentrated and the sounds of normal speed returned. For this boy it was like watching a broken frame. She was there, still there but in a fraction of a second looked almost cleaned off and a change of clothes. "That better? Do you need help with something? I gotta find a friend but, if you need something I can help."

Help quickly. It was almost lunch, she was going to grab food, grab tara and book it out...skip Turner's class just to get more intel on Min.

((Gonna wait on Starling for Aidan cause...Kriss might be included in it, poor bastard)) 
Rock walls. Bounce houses. Fake poisoness snow. FAKE SNOW. No. It was cold against his skin and it was happenning again as there was heat coming from the opposite direction.

He had no clue what would happen if he took a step forward. Wincing his eyes shut, his heart beat faster panicking as he rotated his body, the half that was freezing was now warming up as the half that was burning was cooling off. He rotated himself again accordingly. This way he wouldn't accidently step in...quicksand....or...or some black hole of doom.
Ren looked at the boy's reaction and had to laugh. "Oh geeze this kid, he looks like a spinning top. What is he doing?" He was amused he looked over at the boy and closed the portal above poor Aidan to be replaced with a tiny portal in front of the boys face that spurted a tiny stream of water into his face. Ren was so amused he lost focus of his goal, getting to know Starling. Min wouldn't be happy, but hey you don't see prime entertainment like this everyday. Ren opened a portal next to him and put his arm in it and poked Aidan in the back.

(Gosh I am having too much fun messing with him xD )
Kriss had hit the wall, "Great catch Aidan..." She was going to go torture him about it when she saw Ren Making him spin with some stupid portals! Oh that is not cool! She went to leap at Aidain and save him or go threaten Ren's life when...

Starling gave Ren a push into the portal he had just made to poke Aidan, So much for her having his full attention...

She grabbed his hat at the same time... Hey, It was a nice hat. She couldn't help but want to try it on. Besides she was hoping to give Ren a taste of his own medicine and she couldn't let anything happen to the hat.
"Well I'll be sure to keep a good eye on you when we get back just incase... I mean! I'll get... um..."He was floundering... He had managed to keep his cool up to this point but he was starting to show how much he actually cared for his students... and this one was younger than all the others so he legitimately felt like he had to protect her. Usually it was the opposite he tried to show them in a safe environment how dangerous the world really is... but this girl already knew what that was like... He... Feelings. Now he knew how March felt about them.

"We can have the nurse check you out..." He ended lamely then added when it came to him, "After all this I think you have a legitimate excuse to skip the rest of the day if you would like! And it's pretty much lunch time. I can technically teleport you anywhere to get food... If you would like." This is ridiculous.... He was being... nice.

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