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One x One Supernatural

Name: Mimi Amamori

Age: 17

Sexuality: Asexual/ Aromantic

Occupation: Hunter-ish (helps out but isn't one really)

Species: Angel

Personality: Happy and bubbly most of the time. Very geeky and loves video games, manga, anime, and comic books. When in danger, she protects her friends with her life. Is a pretty awkward angel, since she's new at it.

Crush: Will never have one :P

Special ability(s): Flight, mind reading, healing, and other angel powers but pretty much only uses the first three.

Weakness: Angel Blade

Other: Was a human before, but since there were so many angels that either died or were killed, God had started making new ones out of humans, hoping that they would create a better species and hopefully world (thought it would be a cool plot twist, but if you don't like it I can change it)



Here's the pic link if you can't see it:

Anime Angel Girl Wings With Clouds wallpapers

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