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Supernatural: What's Mine (Destial)

Castiel let out a slightly amused, but sad sigh before he explained. "No. We were designed to be warriors, Dean. We don't have such luxuries like humans do," he thought a moment before he kept going. "We were like a family though, and we did keep each other's wings brushed since we had no need for vessels in heaven. It's actually quite similar to what a massage would feel like to humans, but it's an act between family members and mates only," the angel explained, wondering when the last time was that he'd had his feathers groomed.

Having no clue how dangerous a massage could be for someone with the mark, and how it aroused someone sexually, Castiel persisted with his hands on Dean's skin. After all, the angel had never had a massage, how was he supposed to know what it felt like? "A-Am I doing something wrong?" He asked obliviously, although he did notice Dean's voice becoming gravelly and that his body was heating up.
At that, Dean had to suppress a laughter. Brushing each other's feathers? "And let me guess, you had a pillow fight after and drank out of fancy tea cups?" He joked, the amusement thick in his voice. What a concept it was to do such things. He couldn't even imagine that it would feel remotely similar to a massage, but he just shrugged and put his face back into the pillow. That is, until Castiel started scratching his back and his body became lit with fire.

"No, you're not doing anything wrong," he began, taking breaths while lifting his nose to the top of the pillow, inhaling the angel's scent there. "You're doing all the right things, just that the back scratching is a little.. I dunno, sexual, to me at this particular moment?" He wondered if that was even the right word to use but he settled on it. Turning a little on to his side so he could get a better look at the angel, the moonlight caught his green eyes and lit them up while illuminating his playful smirk. "You're just too innocent for your own good, Cas."
Castiel frowned a little when the hunter mocked what he remembered of his now diminished family. It might sound off the wall to a human, but it was an act his species performed to bond and he rather missed it now that he was reminded of it. "Y-You'd be surprised how nice it feels... And our feathers get in knots whether they're visible to your kind or not so grooming is important," He offered lowly, but then dropped the subject.

"Sexual?" The angel gave a strange look. Even when he wasn't trying to be sexual, that's exactly what ended up happening. Humans confused him to no end. "Do you want me to stop then?" Castiel almost asked in a provoking manner as his nails teasingly started to withdraw from Dean's skin and stop the enjoyable sensation. His bright, blue eyes caught the green ones and were locked. A hint of a blush crept up on the angel's cheeks when he was told how innocent he was. He supposed it just came naturally.
Dean blinked at the angel, seeing the confusion that was evident on his face just then. Did he want him to stop? Honestly, no, but he knew if they kept going in this direction that Sam would have a really interesting thing to wake up to. He wasn't sure if he wanted to chance that. Releasing a sigh, Dean laid back down without unlocking their gaze. "The scratching maybe. My body is reacting to it pretty strongly and I don't want to hurt you," or have endless teasing from Sam for the rest of his life. The guy already knew too much.

Taking deep breaths, Dean turned again so that his entire body rotated under Castiel's body. This made it so that the angel was pretty much sitting on his lap. Arching his eyebrow, he grinned, "Well then." He had no idea the angel was sitting so low on his backside, so this position was rather suggestive to his not so innocent mind.
Castiel nodded, "Okay. I understand," he then gave a slight smile. The angel was going to proceed to rub Dean's back again, but his hands ended up propping himself up on the hunter's chest. Even if Castiel didn't seem to know to much about sexual interactions, his body was telling him that this was a position for such intimacy.

A dark blush spread its way across the angel's face while his eyes remained fixed. He remembered what their agreement was- to wait until the mark was off and his energy was restored until either of them even thought about doing anything- but Castiel's heart began to pick up the pace. He discovered Dean's body to be irresistible, and so his hands waited some number of minutes before they took a chance by sliding partially under the eldest Winchester's shirt to rest on his abdomen. Of course he told himself he would make sure not to go all the way, he just wanted a peek.
Laying below Castiel was something entirely different now that they had confessed their feelings than it ever had meant before. Dean was looking up into his face, those blue eyes just radiating in the moon light and he found himself relaxing into them. It was if they were an incantation and he was under a lulling spell. It soothed him, even as the hands snuck under his tee. A soft smile graced his lips a little and his cheeks flushed.

"Cas, this.. This is actually really relaxin, you know?" He said calmly, closing his eyes and just letting the warmth of the angel's hands flutter over his abdomen. It somehow washed away the tension. His own hands landed on Castiel's thighs, resting there, his fingers unfolded in a vulnerable, relaxed state. This was ideal.
Delighted to see that Dean was content and finally relaxed, the angel smiled warmly down at him. "I'm glad you think so too," he said quietly, all the while his hands were rubbing gently over the hunter's stomach and chest. The angel had always imagined how it was to touch the eldest Winchester- to know what he felt like- and he had been envious of the women in Dean's life. Now Castiel didn't want to give him up to anyone.

"Do you feel any better?" He asked when he felt Dean's hands rest on his hips- unaware up until now how much he liked them there. Castiel slowly lowered his head to the hunter's stomach, which shifted his body some, and ghosted his lips over his skin to place a gentle kiss. The angel sat back up, just as slow, to gaze down at Dean again. His eyes held a hint of lust as they did earlier.
It had been an awfully long time that Dean found himself being able to relax like this. He figured it was a combination of the sweet touched that Cas was giving him plus the amount of beer he had drank. All of it was soothing him into a sort of blissful, lullaby like state that he recognized as drunkeness, but he chose to ignore it. If that was possible.

Castiel's hands were ghosting all over his skin, raising goosebumps, and Dean pulled his eyes open a little bit to look at the angel. "I feel loads better," He grinned sheepishly, still holding the angel by the hips as he began to move. Dean watched as the man lowered himself down and placed gentle little kisses on his skin and he could feel the heat rising in their wake. A tired, yet satisfied groan emitted from Dean's throat as his eyes closed again, taking in all the subtleties that was being left on his skin.
Castiel was feeling solely intoxicated on Dean. He didn't require any alcohol to almost have what one would call a high on the hunter. Everything about the man- how he felt in the angel's palms, his fragrance, handsome attributes, and yes... Those blissful noises alone had Castiel's mind and body coming undone.

Encouraged by the sweet sound the hunter emitted, Castiel leaned down again. This time his hands worked nonchalantly to raise Dean's shirt with every kiss placed. He kept working his way up the man's chest, neck, chin, and finally gazed down hazily at those lush lips. The angel leaned in to close the distance between Dean and his own parted lips, unable to resist tasting them once more.
"Cas.." Dean almost whimpered from the sensations that the angel was giving him. His eyes still remained shut so he could take in all that was relaxing him into this blissful, drunken state. His mind was spinning in only one direction - Castiel. Whatever he was doing to him, whatever he wanted to be accomplishing, Dean wasn't sure but he knew it was working. His muscles relaxed with every kiss, every gentle caress, and he felt like he was floating on a cloud. Is this what heaven really felt like?

Dean wasn't expecting the kiss on his lips and he melted into it, allowing it to warm him all over and shoot tingles in all different directions. His hands lifted from the angel's hips to have one rest on his cheek and the other on his lower back, bringing him closer into him. The kiss was sultry, sweet and intoxicating (and maybe that was the beer adding to it). Inhaling the musky scent of the angel, Dean felt himself completely relax and become one within himself, albeit sort of numb from the alcohol. He allowed Castiel to do what he wanted for the time being, feeling as though it was an entirely different type of freedom.
Castiel hoped that the hunter's reactions weren't caused solely by the alcohol and that he was just acting in his drunken state. He shook the thought off. If Dean hadn't had anything on his mind about the angel, he wouldn't have indulged in beer in the first place. His instincts were taking over in union with what he was feeling- leading to a pleasurable product that the eldest Winchester was now receiving.

Hearing how much pleasure his actions were giving the man gave Castiel a sense of accomplishment and made him delighted that he was the one giving it. His eyes that were once wandering over any skin he could find, now fell shut the moment their lips met. The angel's head spun in ecstasy from the kiss they shared, leaning his body inward when he was caressed. The sound of their moistened lips gently clashing together drowned in Castiel's ears which led him to utter a soft whine in sheer bliss. "..Dean..." He whispered breathily.
The kiss was soft, tender, and unlike anything Dean had felt previous to now. It made him feel airy, his head sort of soaring among the clouds and the birds. He held the angel close to him, allow him to hover over as they shared this kiss. The noises that their lips made caused a slight stir in his gut and Dean just inhaled everything about the angel. It never occurred to him that someone - that particular someone being Castiel - could have this sort of effect on him.

Castiel's breathless whisper had Dean's heart rate pick up a little and he parted from the kiss to respond to his name with, "Mm?" Opening his eyes, the green orbs peered up into blue ones and he took in all of the angel's features. His hands landed back on Castiel's hips, holding him firmly. "What is it, Cas?" His own voice came out in a gentle whisper, caressing the silence with his words.
Castiel slowly arched his back some while he sluggishly sat up and gazed down at the hunter as if he was in a drunken state himself. His eyes fluttered partially open when his name was whispered- lust clear in his ocean colored orbs. Although the angel had never felt this way before, he somehow managed the words to express it. "Why do you have to be so desirable? I don't want to wait," he teased - which also happened to be the truth.

His hand gently grabbed Dean's to place a kiss on the back of the hunter's hand before resting it over his heart on his chest. Castiel's heart was racing while his half lidded eyes gave the eldest Winchester a glazed expression. He could only assume these sensations were normal since he could tell Dean was experiencing them as well. If it wasn't for the younger brother asleep in the bed adjacent to their own, the angel just might let those temptations flow and put them into action.
Dean couldn't help the playful smirk that formed on his lips at Castiel's words. "I can't help that I'm adorable," he teased right back. Obviously, the angel was struggling to hold himself back and he was glad to see that he wasn't the only one. Running his fingertips along the angel's sides, he met his gaze with those enticing blue eyes and took a deep breath.

"I happen to think you're pretty desirable as well, just as a side," Dean whispered, whipping his arms around and using his core muscles to pull Castiel. Dean asserted himself in such a way that he kept the angel close while flipping them around so that he was the one hovering over Castiel. That cocky smirk stayed on his face as he leaned down and kissed the angel firmly on his lips.
Castiel gave a small smirk of his own to the comment, but mostly felt the lust for the hunter to take over. His body shuddered and he let out a quivering gasp when Dean's fingers were traced along his sides. The man was too much of a tease and Castiel was having more of a difficult time holding back than ever.

Enjoying the feel of Dean's strength around him and now hovering above him made the angel let out a slight groan. His hands quickly went to the eldest Winchester's upper body and squeezed every muscle he could get his hands on. "..De-" Castiel breathed out, but was quickly silenced by the hunter's lips. Squirming a bit underneath Dean, the angel eagerly parted his own lips and began nipping at his bottom lip.
Dean inhaled the angel's scent, letting it match with the alcohol and intricate him further. A moan was deep in his throat as he placed his kiss on Castiel, holding himself firmly above the man. He only parted from the kiss to lay even more sultry kisses along his neck, taking all of him in.

"I can't decide if my dream is more interesting or the fact that this is happening right next to me while I'm sleeping." Came Sam's highly amused voice.

Dean literally flew off of Castiel out of shock, falling off the side of the bed and colliding not so gracefully with the floor. Rubbing his head, he groaned. "Damnit Sammy.."
Castiel's neck was surprisingly sensitive, Dean being the first one to discover the fact. The kisses along his delicate skin had him in a small fit of pleasured whimpering noises. His eyes had fallen shut some time along the way which let him take in each movement and touch with more focus.

Upon hearing Sam's voice, the angel's eyes flew open and he quickly propped himself up on his elbows. They had just produced more fodder for the cannon - an occasion the youngest Winchester could easily throw up in either of their faces when a discussion or argument was present. "S-Sorry..." He muttered.

He merely rested on the bed in shock, unable to speak or move really.
Having no idea that Castiel was so sensitive in the spots he was choosing to kiss, Dean continued on just by gauging the reactions he was receiving. His hands firmly gripped the blankets on either side of the angel's head, keeping him held strongly above him. It was only when Sam's voice had broken the silence that Dean faltered to the floor, having sort of smacked his head on the way down. The room was sort of spinning now - between the collision of his head to the bed, the mark's urges, Castiel's whimpers and the immense amount of alcohol he drank, Dean was in a bit of rough shape. Pulling himself up, he eyed his brother with a scowl. "You scared the crap outta me!"

Sam held his hands up in defence, "Sorry. I didn't realize you guys would be swapping spit while I was asleep."

"Okay, fair point," Dean said after a moment of hesitation, bringing himself up onto the bed but keeping his back faced towards his brother.

Confused, Sam scratched his head, "What the hell were you guys doing, anyways?" Well, that part was obvious, but he meant it in a more serious way. As in, he had never seen his brother be with another man and it was totally flabbergasting. "Cas, you should be sleeping.."
Castiel's blue eyes had shifted from the glazed over, lustful appearance to one of shock and surprise. He reached his hand up nervously to check his neck for any marks - the touch of Dean's lips being deeply missed. After listening to the Winchesters' conversation and noticing how the eldest hunter was radiating some pent up vibes, Castiel chimed in finally. "Are you okay, Dean?" He asked with a concerned look as he sat up and studied the man's head with his eyes, knowing he had hit it pretty hard.

The angel's attention went to Sam when he was addressed. "I um... Was having a nightmare. Until then I was sleeping fine surprisingly," he explained while he swung his legs over the edge of the bed to sit, giving a soft sigh. "It seems he's still burned into my mind... I can't get away from him," Castiel stated in a bit of a distressed tone in reference to Crowley. He leaned over some and put his head in his hands, fingers tugging at his hair slightly from stress.
Dean rubbed the sore spot on his head in agitation, hearing Castiel's concerned voice. He knew he meant well, but now he was irritated, so he just sort of muttered a quiet, "Yeah, I'm fine." And left it at that. He should have known better, that Sam would wake up at some point, but he had put the concept so far back in his mind that it almost didn't exist. That is, of course, until it happened. Sighing, he pushed himself up off the bed, pacing the room a little with his arms folded across his chest. Still, he didn't really face Sam or Castiel, the embarrassment high in his cheeks, shining pink.

The youngest Winchester watched with a sort of incredulous look on his face as the angel tried to comfort his brother, who suddenly wasn't having any of it and started pacing. His green eyes turned back to the angel who was then talking about Crowley and he frowned a little bit, "It's going to take some time, Cas.." he offered sympathetically, half grinning, "Although, I'll admit I didn't expect you to find comfort in Dean.."

"Shut up, Sam," Dean stated irritably, his eyes narrowed at his brother.

Chuckling nervously, Sam shook his head and looked up to the angel, "I guess it's a bit late for me to ask if I've interrupted something, hey?"
Feeling that he was only irritating and upsetting the eldest brother even more, Castiel dropped the subject. Dean had warned him that his younger brother would wake up, but the angel had only pressed on and now blamed himself for the situation they were in. His mind was now bustling with unwanted thoughts and worries about various things to which he finally lifted his head wearily.

"Thank you, Sam," Castiel said in return to the youngest hunter's sympathy, giving a small nod in appreciation when their eyes met briefly. When the angel heard the second part, he felt a sudden, embarrassed blush tint his face. "You've got a good brother, Sam. You of all people should know how caring and what a protector he is," he stated calmly.

Unable to stand his thoughts and the tense air in the room, Castiel carefully stood with a slight grunt as he was careful not to pull or stretch the stitches. "I'm going out for a walk," he stated to them both as he headed to the door. "I can't sleep anyway. At least, not for a while I assume." With that, the troubled angel disappeared out of the motel and gently closed the door behind him.
Dean quietly paced the room, agitated and exhausted beyond belief now. His body was running on booze and adrenaline, so he wasn't entirely sure when he would pass out or for how long, but at this point, he was sort of looking forward to it if it meant he didn't have to deal with the embarrassment. His green eyes followed Castiel out the door, then met with his brother's.

"Yeah, sure.." Sam murmured, watching the embarrassment flood to his angel friend's face. He really wasn't expecting any of this, and judging by their reactions, neither were they. Rubbing his neck nervously, he could only nod when Castiel spoke of leaving to go for a walk. There really wasn't much more to say at that point so he just watched him go, breathing deeply. Then, turning his eyes on to his brother, he went to say something but the eldest Winchester just eyed him, telling him silently to not say a damn word.

Moving to the couch, Dean laid himself out onto it and gave a deep sigh. "We'll talk about it later. I'm going to sleep." Turning to face his back towards Sam, he stared at the back of the couch for a long while. Hearing his brother sigh and lay back down, he let his mind drift into thought about how nice it felt to be all curled up in Castiel's neck, kissing him and making him squirm.
The storm had finally subsided outside except for a light, sprinkling rain. The angel didn't mind at this point if he was rained on some - he enjoyed the fresh scent of the air to much to retreat back into the motel room. Thankfully, there were only a few people out whether it was to take their dog out or go to the motel's vending machines so Castiel merely sat down on a damp bench under the overhang of the building. He let out a slow breath as he curled up on the bench to listen to the pitter patter of rain.

The angel's mind continued to race with thought after thought, shifting between Dean and everything that happened with Crowley. The demon was twisted and sneaky - tending to remain in someone's mind even after they had escaped his dirty clutches. Castiel's expression slightly scrunched up in anger towards the man.

After several minutes, he allowed his expression to neutralize and tried to calm down. If he couldn't get any rest or sleep, he'd never heal or be of any use to help Dean rid himself of the mark. Castiel wished sleep came easier, but it seemed impossible at the moment so he remained outside in the peace and hoped no passerby would ruin his sliver of tranquility.
Naturally, Dean was unable to sleep. Staring at the back of the couch was becoming rather boring, but he waited for a long while until he could hear Sam drawing deep breaths before sitting up. Looking around the room, which was pitch black except for the alarm clock, Dean noticed that Castiel still hadn't come back. The bed they were both previously on were empty. Pushing himself up off the couch, he moved slowly to the mini fridge. Opening it, he peered inside, hoping to find more alcohol but there was none, so he closed it with a sigh.

Since Castiel hadn't returned and he obviously wasn't sleeping, Dean decided to leave the motel room. Gathering up his jacket and his keys, he slowly opened the door and headed outside into the rain. There wasn't really anyone outside except for the odd night owl or people returning from the tavern. Castiel was no where to be found. Sighing, he pulled himself into the Impala and started it up. May as well go for a drive to settle the mind. Pulling out of the parking space, he drove along the gravel and out onto the main road, away from the motel into the town.
Hearing the familiar sound of the Impala revving up, Castiel's head perked up. Even though he couldn't see the eldest hunter or the car, it was obvious to him that Dean couldn't sleep either. Emitting another heavy sigh, partially at himself, the angel glanced around tirelessly. His eyes fell on a piece of paper on the ground with an advertisement that was getting soaked by the rain. It was publicizing a local store's bakery section, and Castiel's blue orbs automatically found the picture of varieties of pie - Dean would be proud.

Thinking to himself that he wasn't going any good pouting or sitting around, the angel stood when an idea formed in his mind. Castiel made his way through the motel parking lot when he spied the convenient store across the street, and looked down the road both directions before walking over. There were still a handful of people going in and out so he assumed it was still open and made his way inside. Mimicking humans he'd watched on occasion, Castiel grabbed a few select items and stood in a short line at the checkout.

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