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Supernatural: What's Mine (Destial)


"Damn it, Cas! You haven't picked up your freakin' phone in two weeks. Call me..!" Dean practically shouted into the receiver of his cell phone before ending the call with a sharp push of the off button. He knew he shouldn't get too annoyed with the guy - he barely knew how to make a voicemail - but something just didn't feel right. Something was gnawing deep in his gut that there was a reason Castiel wasn't picking up the phone.

The issue had first come up when about a day short of two weeks ago, Dean tried to pray to Castiel. Something with regards to the damn Mark of Cain on his arm, looking for guidance or help on the particular subject. He honestly hated asking for help, but when things turned out tough, or when the end seemed near, Dean knew that Cas would always be there. Through thick and thin.

And yet, here he was, on his knees, praying. And where was Castiel?

Sam had protested for about an hour about Dean leaving the motel to go find the guy after Dean had received a suspicious, taunting voicemail from Crowley, but of course, the eldest brother wouldn't hear of it. There was just something all wrong about their angel friend going missing for this long and it made him sick to his stomach waiting around for something to happen or for Cas to suddenly appear like he normally did.

"I don't care that it's dangerous with me being out there with this stupid mark, okay?" Dean pointed angrily towards the motel door, gun held sharp towards the ground in the other hand. "Cas is out there, Crowley knows where he is, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit around and wait for something to happen. You can sit here and mope about all you like." With that, Dean high tailed it the hell out of there before Sam could whine any more. He slipped into the Impala (carefully, of course), slammed the door (also carefully), and revved the engine to life. Rolling away from the motel, Dean drove the Impala straight into town to the location that Crowley had specified in the voicemail.

When he rolled up to the building, at first he had to scoff. It was just an old abandoned warehouse. "Really, Crowley? That's creative.." he muttered nonchalantly while stepping out of the car, gun in hand, and stealthily making his way to the door. Entering the threshold of the building, which was just a large, open space with random boxes covered with dusty blankets and sheets laying around, Dean took a few steps forward with the gun cocked. "Cas?" He called out, "You in here..?"

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Of course, Castiel could hear each pained, needful prayer that the hunter spoke. It didn't help his conscience to think of how desperately he wanted to appear to the hunter to answer those prayers, especially when there was no hope of escape from the Enochian symbols carved into the handcuffs around the angel's wrists. His captor was a sly one, one not to be underestimated.

Crowley's eyes wandered over his angelic captive's marked up torso. The trench coat and suit coat had been discarded somewhere nearby in the spacious room, leaving Cas only in his white button-up shirt and trousers. The demon grinned evilly as he began to approach his toy again, angel blade in hand. "Shall we do this again, angel?" he asked gruffly as he used the blade to pop each button off Castiel's shirt.

A yell in pain was ripped from the angel's throat when Crowley pierced the blade deep into his shoulder. "Where's your boyfriend now, Castiel?" The demon mocked. "And how will he react when he sees how I ruined his sweet angel's face?" Crowley grinned sickly, quickly tearing the blade out of Castiel's shoulder and making a cut down his cheek.

The angel had squeezed his eyes shut tightly and cried out in agony when he was stabbed. His eyes soon shot open when he tried to pull his head away, but only let out another agonizing noise.

Crowley chuckled darkly, finally setting the blade down to wipe his blood-stained hands. "Just wait, Cas. There's more," he assured, looking over his captive. He had Castiel right where he wanted him- bound to a chair- arms and legs chained to the ground. Even an Enochian collar around his neck which weakened him immensely.

Castiel's eyes opened hopefully when he heard the sound of a door opening, soon followed by his name. "Dean..?" The angel choked out hoarsely from all the screaming.

Castiel's pained voice was a flood of relief to Dean, but it also boiled his blood beyond anything he had ever felt before. Maybe it was the mark causing this rise in emotion, but the moment he rounded the corner of the room to find the angel strapped down to a chair, blood pooled around him, Dean knew it was more than just the mark. Inhaling sharply, his green eyes shifted sharply towards the lingering figure of Crowley behind his friend and his stomach sank into a pit of anger.

After two weeks of not seeing his friend, he noticed immediately after setting the wounds aside, he looked incredibly weak and decrepit. His skin was pale, clammy and he could tell he was shaking a little from the pressure of the pain he was under. Unforgiveable.

"What the hell is this, Crowley?" Dean gestured to Castiel as he addressed said demon, his teeth gritting slightly at the sight of the angel's cuts and stab wounds. This was entirely unacceptable. "You think this is a game or somethin'? Because I'm not laughing." Coming closer to the spot where Castiel sat, his gun still hitched on his shoulder, he growled. "This is a bad time to pull this kind of crap. I could tear you limb from limb right now!"
Castiel was incredibly relieved to see the hunter after being in Crowley's clutches for so long. The constant pain and torture had taken its toll on the angel, and he was unsure of how much more he could endure. His half-lidded eyes sought out refuge in Dean's green orbs, something- anything about him to take his mind off of everything else.

"You're cute when you're mad, Squirrel," the demon toyed, rather enjoying the whole ordeal. "It's called payback for everything you've double-crossed me for." Crowley's eyes wandered over the bleeding angel. "Don't think he's lost enough blood for this to be fun..." He shrugged slightly, making a quick, deep slice across Castiel's chest.

The angel's head tipped back when he cried out in pain. Castiel looked down at the floor, practically terrified to even face the demon's next move. This was quite obvious when his trembling body made the chains around him rattle.

"Ah, ah," Crowley warned as he saw Dean step closer. "Wouldn't want to... Make any hasty moves, would we?" He grinned, forcing Castiel to look up by lightly scraping the angel blade up his neck. The demon held the blade there as a threat and watched the hunter carefully.
Green eyes met with pained ones for a brief moment and Dean found a sort of sad solace in them. "Cas, I'm gonna get you outta here.. Just hang on." However, the eyes didn't linger there for long because the demon began speaking to him just then. The hunter glared coldly at Crowley, a fist balled in a tight ball. The anger was boiling under the surface, as if Dean were a pot with a lid, waiting to spill over.

"What the hell are you talking about, double-crossing you?" Blinking once or twice, his eyes narrowed and he paused in his movements just as Crowley had slashed across Castiel's chest. A low growl rumbled in his upper chest as his scream echoed in his ears, setting the fire in the pit of his stomach ablaze.

Lifting the gun again, he aimed it for Crowley's head and sneered, "Aw, is Crowley butt-hurt over not getting what he wanted outta me? Come on. Let him go now before I spray paint the wall with your brains." Dean threatened, his patience wearing thin.
"Maybe your angel is really feeling butt-hurt because of our little playtime earlier," Crowley smirked dirtily, lying to the hunter just to get him going. The demon brushed off the threat to turn to his table of torture gadgets and instruments, grabbing an oddly shaped container of holy oil. "Want to see how to fry and angel?" Crowley cackled evilly, taking in the terrified expression on Castiel's face. "Of course... I'll just test it out for now on a smaller scale," the demon hissed, pouring some of the oil on Cas' shoulder.

The angel struggled wildly, well aware of what was next and how holy oil burned tremendously when lit with fire. "No. No... No!" Castiel chanted anxiously, letting out a scared whine when he felt the liquid being poured onto him. He watched Crowley stand with his fingers poised in a position where he was prepared to snap his fingers. "Dean.." The angel begged desperately. "Dean!" Castiel called out before making the most heart-wrenching scream when the demon snapped his fingers to light fire to the patch of oil on his skin.

"Oh my, now that had to hurt," Crowley teased, loving every minute of what he was doing.

Castiel felt like he was on the verge of blacking out, but found no such relief. The angel only whimpered loudly after the fire was put out. "No more.. No more.." He pleaded, now gasping for breath.
There was no way this could be happening right now! Dean was cursing himself silently, cursing that he didn't help Castiel sooner. If only he had known! That darn demon was really pushing his buttons, and when he pulled out the holy oil, his stomach dropped again. "No, Crowley.." He said, holding a hand out slowly. "You don't have to do this. Just let him go and we can talk."

But it was too late. Castiel was begging his name and Dean swallowed heavily. "Cas!" He shouted loudly, watching his friend's eyes widen and horror and then he was releasing a blood curdling scream. That was enough to make him snap.

Rushing forward, the instinct to kill in full throttle, he lifted the gun and shot a bullet at Crowley to distract him. All while shouting, "Damn you, Crowley!" He came close to the demon, lifting him up with a tight clutch of his hand into his suit and rushing him backwards, slamming him into the closest wall. His face was pressed close into Crowley's and his expression was almost feral. "You have gone too far!!"
The reddened, scorched patch of bare skin on Castiel's shoulder still pained him terribly. The angel had never undergone such torturous and merciless acts. His eyes were closed tightly, hoping everything was long over, and his clothes were soaked with blood.

"Ow!" Crowley growled, discovering that the bullet had grazed his shoulder. The demon actually appeared scared, especially seeing how the mark enhanced Dean's rage and power. "Sure you don't want to compromise?" He asked, holding his hands up slightly in the hunter's grip. "Let me live and you can have the broken angel... Well, what's left of him," Crowley offered, glancing to his celestial captive.

Castiel looked like he was drained of practically his entire life force, struggling to keep from falling into unconsciousness. He tried his best to keep his hazy eyes fixed on the situation. "Dean.. Watch out!" The angel called, catching that Crowley had a knife stashed in the elastic of his pants, ready to grab and strike at any moment.

The demon seized what opportunity he had left, now thanks to the snitching angel, and swung the blade upward in a poor attempt to slice the hunter.
"Like hell I want to compromise with you," Dean practically snarled, his eyes ablaze with rage. It was difficult to control the mark sometimes, but he found himself soothed under its wrath at this particular moment. No one was going to continue to harm Castiel - not under his watch. "You've gone too far, Crowley."

Pushing the demon further against the wall to cause him discomfort, he barely registered Castiel's words but his instinct from the mark picked up that he was about to be impaled. His free hand tossed the gun to the side so he could grab Crowley's wrist as it directed the blade towards him. "You won't want to do that." Dean growled, using little to no effort to bend Crowley's wrist, forcing him to drop the blade and hopefully breaking his wrist in the process.

Almost nose to nose, Dean glared, "Get the hell out of here before you wish you could die." He threatened, "And don't ever think of laying a hand on Castiel ever again, for as long as your sorry butt lives."
Castiel practically sighed in relief when the demon hadn't gotten the upper hand on Dean. He listened emotionlessly to the snapping noise Crowley's wrist made.

"Ah!" The demon hissed, glaring at the hunter. "I thought we were friends. Do you break all your friends' wrists?" Crowley listened to Dean's words with a rather vacant expression, not exactly caring. "Aww. Not even in the sexy way?" He teased, referring to not ever touching the angel again. "Fine... Party pooper," Crowley huffed, eventually raising his good hand and snapping his fingers to disappear.

The angel's breathing could be heard echoing in the empty room when Crowley had stopped talking and vanished. Each labored, heavy breath was exhaled shakily. "Dean..." Castiel slumped over some, but lifted his head enough to look at the hunter. "Feel like I'm dying..." He choked out, having a difficult time figuring out in his mind what was reality and what was not. Castiel had leaned over so much that he soon landed to the floor on his knees, bloodied wrists still cuffed behind his trembling form.
"Not even in your worst nightmares," Dean sneered at the demon, the blood pumping thickly through his veins even as Crowley had snapped himself away. It took a few long moments for Dean to centre himself, finding that he was needing to take deep breaths in order to calm the rage that was threatening to overcome him. Only when Castiel muttered his name did Dean pull himself out of that self centring to look over his shoulder at the angel.

A dull ache was in his chest as he immediately crossed the threshold of the warehouse to kneel down beside Castiel just as he fell. "Easy there, Cas. I'm gonna get you outta here, okay?" Dean reassured as he uncuffed his friend quickly, then brought him into his chest. Pulling his phone out, he dialled Sam's number and as soon as the man picked up, he said rapidly into the phone, "I got Cas, but he's badly injured." He gave Sam the coordinates and the glanced down to said angel, whispering, "Just focus on me, Cas. Don't pass out on me, okay?"
Castiel nodded slowly when he was told that he would be able to go home- that was certainly a relief. "Ah... Thank you," he spoke roughly. The angel's arms painfully come around to the front of his body when they were freed, as if they had been in that position for quite a number of days. His trembling hands gripped Dean's shirt tightly like someone was going to take the hunter away from him.

"Mm... I'll try not to," the angel grunted, gazing up to keep his focus on Dean. He quickly found comfort in those green eyes and even felt a sense of peace wash over him. A sudden, sharp cough came from his chest, and soon Castiel had coughed up a small pool of blood in his hand. "Nngh..." Castiel groaned heavily, letting his head rest limply against the hunter's chest. "My.. Coat..." He reminded Dean quietly, actually worried about leaving his signature apparel.
"I figured you'd be relieved to hear that." Dean said softly, the harshness of his rage completely absent now. It was almost hard to believe that he had been practically frothing at the mouth while having Crowley suspended against a wall. It reminded him of a ravenous animal.

While holding Castiel close to him, the man decided to cough up some blood and his eyes sharply analyzed him. "Ah, crap..." He muttered. However, he couldn't stop an amused look from overcoming his demeanour as the angel reminded him about his coat. Dean just chuckled, "Here you are, puking up blood, and you're worried about your coat? Man, you need to get your priorities straight." The amusement bled through his voice but he still looked up nonetheless to look for said item. It had been tossed somewhere close by, so he made himself a reminder to get Sam to grab it.

Glancing back down to Castiel, he muttered more gravely again, "How you holdin' up?"
Even though Castiel felt like complete crap, he offered a slight smile when he was told to keep his priorities in a row. "I like it though," he protested softly. His hand weakened more, if it was possible, and slipped from Dean's shoulder to fall in the angel's lap. "It's rather hard to hang on..." Castiel explained lowly upon being asked if he was doing alright. "...Trying my best though," he muttered, eyes studying the hunter's face again- it helped him to stay awake.

The angel jumped in terror, scrambling closer to Dean when he heard the door to the warehouse building open swiftly and the bright light flooded in. It had been quite some time since he'd even seen the sunlight or any light for that matter. Not sensing the demon, and assuming hopefully that it was Sam, Castiel relaxed against the hunter once more. "Mm..." He groaned in relief, partially burying his face into Dean's chest to shield his eyes from the bright intrusion.
Dean nodded grimly and brought Castiel closer, his stomach sinking as his hand fell into his lap. "Just hang on a little bit longer."

The warehouse door creaked open and he looked up, all while bringing Cas closer to him and also feeling said man pushing himself against him out of fear. Dean made a mental note then to kill Crowley for this later. Squinting his eyes against the light, he spoke out, "Sam?" hoping that it was indeed his brother and not another demon.

"Yeah!" came Sam's voice as he came around the corner, eyes on the two of them crumbled on the floor. His expression softened at the sight, "Aw, man, Cas.." he hesitated, "Let's get you home."

Helping Dean to lift the angel, one brother on each side holding an arm, they carted him out to the Impala and slid him into the passenger seat as comfortably as they could. They even reclined the seat so he didn't pinch any of the wounds too tightly and make them bleed more. Sam retrieved Castiel's coat from the warehouse while Dean strapped the angel in to the seat, loosely, then got into the driver's seat. "You good?" He asked, starting up the engine.
Castiel slowly peeked from the hunter's safety, up at the younger Winchester. "...Sam..." He huffed out, seeming as though he was having a difficult time breathing. His weary, blue eyes glanced between both brothers while he struggled to keep his head up. The angel let out a painful groan as he was hoisted up to his feet. Despite his wobbling and legs giving out at first, Castiel provided as much aid as he could so the two could help him reach the Impala.

"Th-Think so..." Sitting carefully in the seat, the angel hissed lowly and his hand quickly went to a place on his left side- the worst of his bloody wounds. He began uttering an uncontrollable, whining noise as the open wound gushed blood from the movement. Castiel shakily attempted to ball his shirt up some and press it tightly against his side. The celestial being tried to heal himself with his free hand, but only a small spark of light emitted from his palm unlike the usual light.
Dean blinked, his expression turning immediately to concern upon reading the painful look on Castiel's face. Pushing out of the drivers seat, he rushed over to the passengers side and threw open the door. Blood was gushing everywhere at this point and he cursed, "Damn it!" Kneeling down, he placed his hands over the wounds to try and stem the bleeding while looking around for his brother.

"Sam!" Dean shouted, hearing the man's heavy footsteps running in their direction. When he saw the sight before them, he paled and pointed to the car he drove in. "I got a first aid kit," he said, rushing away again.

By now, Dean's hands were bloody and he looked up to Castiel to make sure he hadn't passed out. "Cas, listen. With a wound this bad, you might not make it ten miles. We are gonna have to stitch you ourselves, at least to keep it from bleeding you out until we get back to the motel."
All the yelling and panic from the two hunters was muffled by the threat of his own body trying to lose consciousness, but Castiel surprisingly held on. "Nnn!" He grunted loudly from the pressure against his gaping wound. "S-Sorry about... c-car..." The angel practically wheezed the words, knowing how much the Impala meant to Dean and how his blood would ruin the upholstery. He then looked desperately to Sam and watched him leave again.

Castiel nodded repeatedly when he was told he wouldn't make it back to the motel unstitched, but as the seconds ticked by they felt like hours and he was losing hope. "Dean... C-Can't... Hahh.." The angel gave Dean a deep, apologetic gaze when his eyes started to lose their ocean colored luster. He instinctively grabbed the older hunter's arm for safety with as much force as he could muster. Castiel's eyes began to get heavy and his uncoordinated breathing patterns slowed some.
"Don't worry about the damn car, just try to hang on, okay?" Dean said rather loudly, trying to keep the angel together but the seconds were ticking and he didn't know if this man was going to pass out or die. There was no way dying was on the schedule tonight. He was sweating bullets now, his breathing heavy and rapid as Sam returned with a first aid kit from the car. That was when Castiel had grabbed hold of his arm and his green eyes connected with the blue as they were beginning to fade.

Inhaling sharply, Dean reached over to grab at the kit and pull it open, getting bloody finger prints all over the white casing but he didn't care. Castiel's life was on the line now. "There's no way I'm letting you die." Determined, he pulled out the medical supplies he needed, such as disinfectant, a needle and the proper string for stitching wounds up. Dean tried to steady his shaking hands by taking deep breaths, his fingers unscrewing the cap to the bottle of the disinfectant and pouring it over the wound. "He can't heal himself, he's too weak. We need some freakin' angel juice or something!" He was shouting, although he didn't realize it as he threaded the needle and, without warning, poked the head of it into the skin where the wound started.

Sam came up behind his brother, taking hold of Castiel's face and trying to get him to focus. "Cas, hey. Hey.. just hold on, okay? Don't fade out on us, not yet. Okay? We need you to stay awake."
Castiel's hazy eyes watched the hunter set out the utensils and things he would need to stitch up the wound. The pool of blood was quickly gathering around him and he became extremely nauseous. The angel's abdomen soon tightened, his body threatening to vomit, but nothing came out except several hard coughs and wheezes.

He nodded upon hearing Dean's voice. Only a slight whimper came out in discomfort when the needle pierced his skin- his body was mostly numb from the severity of the pain Crowley had dealt. The angel looked to Sam, or so he thought. His eyes only focused in the younger Winchester's general direction where he had picked up his voice, which made him realize he was slowly losing his sight and everything was eventually becoming pitch black.

Castiel panicked which picked up his breathing and caused him to tense up. "C-Can't see..." He said desperately, terror obvious in his tone. The angel's other hand gripped Sam's shirt, unaware of the exact location he'd grabbed, while the other remained on Dean's arm. He forced himself to relax some so the eldest brother could stitch him up with ease.
Sam held Castiel upwards, as much as he could with Dean in the way, anyways. His eyes never left the angel's, trying to help him stay grounded, especially when he started to gag a little. "Focus!" He tried to snap his fingers, press his forehead to Castiel's, anything to keep him from fading into blackness. Whatever caused his friend to panic seemed to work though because it brought him into a more alert state, grabbing onto whatever he could and Sam whispered, "Cas, I need you to think of something. Okay? Think of something that makes you feel alive. Or, or.. something that gives you joy." His main goal was to keep his friend talking, occasionally looking down to his brother to see the progress of the stitches.

A few lines into the stitch and Dean was already covered in blood. His arms mostly, but even some had splattered on to his face but he didn't care. His green eyes were focussed on the wound, trying to sew it as tightly closed as he could. Even with Castiel's firm grip on his arm and his body relaxing to his operation, he tried to remain steady handed. He was about part way when a good portion of the bleeding had subsided, but it was still gushing in smaller amounts. The eldest Winchester was muttering comments to himself, such as, "Don't die," or "C'mon Cas," while trying to pick up on the conversation that was going on above him.
The first this that shamelessly came to the angel's mind that made him happy was Dean, but he didn't admit in aloud. Of course he loved Sam as his friend, but he felt that he and the eldest brother had an actual bond. "...The two of you make me happy," Castiel stated, trying to keep talking like he was encouraged to. "Dean's fascination with pie... Sam's pranks..." The angel continued. "..Always helping me.." He felt himself smile slightly while he held onto the two brothers.

The needle stitching his wound up didn't seem to faze Castiel all that much except for a few occasional grunts. "What makes you happy?" The angel questioned, not asking one in particular. Maybe Dean would speak what was on his own mind and say that Castiel made him equally happy. He gave a large, random smile at the thought, but assumed the hunter wouldn't come out and say it if he did feel the same way especially in front of Sam.
Dean couldn't help but crack a smile when Castiel mentioned that they made him happy - even his weird fascination with pie was a thing. Continuing to sew the needle through, he listened to his words as he stitched the wound. Slowly, it was coming together and his friend would hopefully stop bleeding. At least till they returned to the motel. Castiel continued to talk though, asking them both the question. Naturally, Sam was the first to reply to it, stating, "Well, you guys.. and Bobby.." and his voice trailed, "Doing research? I don't know. Dean, what makes you happy?"

Blinking, he looked up from his work and stammered a bit. "Um, well," he started, quickly averting his eyes. He knew something was there with regards to Castiel, but he hadn't quite put his finger on what it was that gave him that warm feeling. Cause, yeah, girls had made him feel that way before, but somehow it was way more profound with Castiel than it was with any other girl he had been with. "Um," he tried again, feeling his brow sweating but he'd blame that on his concentration. "Well, just.. Doing this kind of stuff - well, not the stitching and the wounds and stuff - but just... saving people I care about." He could feel his cheeks grow hot so he pressed on with the stitching until the wound was finished. He didn't have any scissors so he bit the end of the string off of Castiel's skin and tied it up accordingly, then set the supplies aside. Glancing up to his friend, he gave him a half smile and touching his arm, "There, I'm done. How you feelin'?" He asked, trying to ignore the flutter in his gut.
Castiel hummed in agreement when the brothers said what made them happy. Just when everything had appeared so dark and bleak, the angel thinking his end was inevitably near, a bit of progress was made. His deep wound was stitched and had stopped bleeding for the time being, and his vision was slowly starting to clear. "A tiny bit better actually," Castiel partially smiled in response, lifting his hand to Dean's face and staring at him as if he hadn't seen him in ages.

The angel carefully rested his hand back in his lap, trying not to take things to quickly- it just felt good to have finally stopped losing blood. "Thank you," he whispered to them both while he checked over Dean's handiwork. The hunter's reddened face and sweat was barely noticed, but Castiel said nothing of it.
It seemed that the angel was finally able to relax a little bit, so Dean released a pent up breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Good, uh.. No problem." He too looked over his own handiwork, making sure that it was all closed up as much as he could get it. Then, he reached down to grab the disinfectant and he poured some on his bloody hands and arms, trying to clean himself up a little bit so that baby wouldn't be entirely covered in blood.

Sam then piped up, "We should get you back to the motel so you can rest." He turned slightly on his foot and gestured to the other car. "I'll meet you back there?" He suggested.

The eldest Winchester peered at the youngest and gave a slight nod, "Yeah, okay." He then pulled his jacket off and gently laid it over Castiel to prevent him from getting cold, then closed the passenger door and went to his side. The car was still running so all he had to do was strap himself in, but before that, he turned to the angel and asked quietly, "Do you need anything?"

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