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Fantasy Supernatural University. Where mundanes end and magic begins.


If I cannot reach heaven I will raise Hell.
Put your character sheets here!

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Full Name:

Shaela Adrian Hayze





Birth Date:

June 30th




Gifted Human

Why Is She Here?

Shae is the "Medium"; She has the uncanny ability to reach out to the "Other Side".


Shea's abilities are:​

  • She can view ghosts/spirits of deceased and communicate with them, even if they have possessed inanimate objects/subjects/people. Shea is also able to repel and run spirits away from an area, compel to employ an armada of ghosts, and may even view a visual conception of a spirit world in a trance if desired.

  • Shae's abilities also flow into being able to do spiritual cleansing on people, and places that might be being trapped by a demonic force.

    *Shea uses stones, sphere stones [crystal balls], pendulums, proclamations, and her own spiritual energies for anything she does.​

  • Shae is extremely perceptive to the point where she herself can become open and allow the spirit of a loved one take over her body for a brief moment of communication between the dead and the customer [ie: the loved one].



Shae has many people who come into her and ask her for a spiritual cleansing, or if they might talk to their dead loved ones, she accepts and it weakens her spiritually because she has to spread out her energy and so what she does to avoid that is she uses her stones and other spiritual objects [as listed in her Power section] and their energies to reenergize herself. She meditates every day for three hours, which increases her abilities and her emotions control a lot of her powers, so she has to be extra careful. Shae is extremely perceptive, and open minded. Things people think are crazy, she will believe them, because she's seen some crazy things herself.

Weaknesses and Flaws:

Shae's weakness is that she feels alone. And this makes her detach herself from other people and rarely speak to anyone. For years she had no idea how to even control her power and it took over a lot when she was younger. Seeing death everyday for a young child was terrifying. She would allow spiritual entities into her world that turned out to be dark forces that sent her into a spiraling depression. She's found comfort in her stones however, and it would be awfully devastating if someone were to steal them. Not only that, she is not superhuman because of this, she ages normally, she is a normal twenty one year old girl. She joined the Amaroff Theatre when she was 19, a nervous young wreck who was always messing up and was she's extremely self conscious. Even though she is two years older now, and more experienced, she still gets self conscious and worried about what others think of her.


Her stones

her cat

being alone

herbal teas







When people ask her things about herself

people who try to call her fake


her irrational, anxious thoughts

knowing that the thoughts probably aren't hers, but someone else's thoughts that are trying to reach out to her.

seeing violence -- her past is the reason she hates violence, if she can try to solve something without raising an inch of her temper, it's a good day.

being cold -- she doesn't like the cold


Shae has a variety of pets, so she ends up tending to them a lot. [she has a dog named Gizmo, a cat named Tiny Dancer and a tarantula named Priscilla]. She also enjoys making jewelry, candles, dream catchers, and other various things. Shae also really likes to read, write, sing and draw or paint. She finds comfort in the arts because she sees colors, and things, that don't exist, but with the right amount of shading and paint, she hopes to be able to capture a small sliver of her world on paper for others to see.


Losing control of her abilities, that she might hold more power than she has already. That her pets will pass, or her stones will be stolen.


She has always been unsure if it was okay to be bisexual or not, so she keeps it secret.

She was in a mental hospital for four years, and still continues to have nightmares and anxiety attacks about it.

Special Markings:

Shae has a lot of piercings on her ears, she has three on her right ear lobe, and two up on her right cartilage, then three on her left cartilage and two on her left ear lobe. She also has a tattoo of a wolf pawprint on her hip with two green wolf eyes peering out of it.


She stands about five foot, two inches and weighs in around 115 pounds. Shae would normally be wearing feather earrings, a white flowy [bohemian] style dress, with a few rings on her fingers, and a brown or blue shawl to wrap over her shoulders. She finds comfort in wearing sandals, or no shoes at all normally. She normally makes her own dresses and clothing out of whatever cloth she can buy.

Personality:/About Me

Perceptive, Open Minded, Intelligent, Spiritual, Emotionally Closed Off to Others.

Due to Shae's gift, she is wise beyond her years, and she is extremely perceptive. Shae is an introvert, she always has been. She finds comfort in animals, long nature/scenic walks, being in her own bubble, reading, writing, and singing. Shae is very into studying, she enjoys studying alchemy [being able to create healing potions, or deadly poisons], astrial projecting [a practice that allows her connection to be stronger to the spiritual realm], and tending to her pets. Shae doesn't necessarily enjoy human contact, due to her history, she's learned that being alone is probably easier because she doesn't think anyone will understand the things that she sees on the daily.

Although Shae doesn't find herself talking to people, she finds people talking to her a lot. Mostly those who find the need to tell her their spiritual experiences as well. Her aura brings a certain calmness wherever she may go and people find her comforting to be around. Even though she doesn't enjoy the chitter chatter, she is still extremely open minded to listening to others, because she believes that everyone has something important to say. Shae is spiritual, not religious. She doesn't believe one God is creating all things on Earth, she believes that many different forces are always at work all the time, and Shae -- since she meditates often and is always trying to expand her knowledge -- can almost feel the different forces shift daily.

Shae suffers from anxiety and depression, which is why her meditation and her vices are so important to her; She finds it hard to focus on a conversation for too long because normally something else is whispering in her other ear, or poking her, or just plain bothering her. Shae's gift translates a lot about who she is, and those who understand and are patient might just get her to crack open her shell and be her true self.

Unlike most humans, she does not fear death. She even tells people that if she were to die tomorrow, she would be okay with it. Seeing death everyday has made her less stingy with the idea of leaving and passing into a spiritual realm.


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Zed Espirito X.
"OH LOOK!!! IM OPENING A BOX OF CARE!....oh..wait...its empty"

  • large.gif

    ALIAS(ES) :Dead Eye

    AGE :15

    GENDER :male

    Race: demonic reaper

    SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Heterosexual

    HEIGHT :6.7

    WEIGHT :103


    NATIONALITY :Russian

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Opalite said:

Full Name:

Shaela Adrian Hayze





Birth Date:

June 30th




Gifted Human

Why Is She Here?

Shae is the "Medium"; She has the uncanny ability to reach out to the "Other Side".


Shea's abilities are:​

  • She can view ghosts/spirits of deceased and communicate with them, even if they have possessed inanimate objects/subjects/people. Shea is also able to repel and run spirits away from an area, compel to employ an armada of ghosts, and may even view a visual conception of a spirit world in a trance if desired.

  • Shae's abilities also flow into being able to do spiritual cleansing on people, and places that might be being trapped by a demonic force.

    *Shea uses stones, sphere stones [crystal balls], pendulums, proclamations, and her own spiritual energies for anything she does.​

  • Shae is extremely perceptive to the point where she herself can become open and allow the spirit of a loved one take over her body for a brief moment of communication between the dead and the customer [ie: the loved one].



Shae has many people who come into her and ask her for a spiritual cleansing, or if they might talk to their dead loved ones, she accepts and it weakens her spiritually because she has to spread out her energy and so what she does to avoid that is she uses her stones and other spiritual objects [as listed in her Power section] and their energies to reenergize herself. She meditates every day for three hours, which increases her abilities and her emotions control a lot of her powers, so she has to be extra careful. Shae is extremely perceptive, and open minded. Things people think are crazy, she will believe them, because she's seen some crazy things herself.

Weaknesses and Flaws:

Shae's weakness is that she feels alone. And this makes her detach herself from other people and rarely speak to anyone. For years she had no idea how to even control her power and it took over a lot when she was younger. Seeing death everyday for a young child was terrifying. She would allow spiritual entities into her world that turned out to be dark forces that sent her into a spiraling depression. She's found comfort in her stones however, and it would be awfully devastating if someone were to steal them. Not only that, she is not superhuman because of this, she ages normally, she is a normal twenty one year old girl. She joined the Amaroff Theatre when she was 19, a nervous young wreck who was always messing up and was she's extremely self conscious. Even though she is two years older now, and more experienced, she still gets self conscious and worried about what others think of her.


Her stones

her cat

being alone

herbal teas







When people ask her things about herself

people who try to call her fake


her irrational, anxious thoughts

knowing that the thoughts probably aren't hers, but someone else's thoughts that are trying to reach out to her.

seeing violence -- her past is the reason she hates violence, if she can try to solve something without raising an inch of her temper, it's a good day.

being cold -- she doesn't like the cold


Shae has a variety of pets, so she ends up tending to them a lot. [she has a dog named Gizmo, a cat named Tiny Dancer and a tarantula named Priscilla]. She also enjoys making jewelry, candles, dream catchers, and other various things. Shae also really likes to read, write, sing and draw or paint. She finds comfort in the arts because she sees colors, and things, that don't exist, but with the right amount of shading and paint, she hopes to be able to capture a small sliver of her world on paper for others to see.


Losing control of her abilities, that she might hold more power than she has already. That her pets will pass, or her stones will be stolen.


She has always been unsure if it was okay to be bisexual or not, so she keeps it secret.

She was in a mental hospital for four years, and still continues to have nightmares and anxiety attacks about it.

Special Markings:

Shae has a lot of piercings on her ears, she has three on her right ear lobe, and two up on her right cartilage, then three on her left cartilage and two on her left ear lobe. She also has a tattoo of a wolf pawprint on her hip with two green wolf eyes peering out of it.


She stands about five foot, two inches and weighs in around 115 pounds. Shae would normally be wearing feather earrings, a white flowy [bohemian] style dress, with a few rings on her fingers, and a brown or blue shawl to wrap over her shoulders. She finds comfort in wearing sandals, or no shoes at all normally. She normally makes her own dresses and clothing out of whatever cloth she can buy.

Personality:/About Me

Perceptive, Open Minded, Intelligent, Spiritual, Emotionally Closed Off to Others.

Due to Shae's gift, she is wise beyond her years, and she is extremely perceptive. Shae is an introvert, she always has been. She finds comfort in animals, long nature/scenic walks, being in her own bubble, reading, writing, and singing. Shae is very into studying, she enjoys studying alchemy [being able to create healing potions, or deadly poisons], astrial projecting [a practice that allows her connection to be stronger to the spiritual realm], and tending to her pets. Shae doesn't necessarily enjoy human contact, due to her history, she's learned that being alone is probably easier because she doesn't think anyone will understand the things that she sees on the daily.

Although Shae doesn't find herself talking to people, she finds people talking to her a lot. Mostly those who find the need to tell her their spiritual experiences as well. Her aura brings a certain calmness wherever she may go and people find her comforting to be around. Even though she doesn't enjoy the chitter chatter, she is still extremely open minded to listening to others, because she believes that everyone has something important to say. Shae is spiritual, not religious. She doesn't believe one God is creating all things on Earth, she believes that many different forces are always at work all the time, and Shae -- since she meditates often and is always trying to expand her knowledge -- can almost feel the different forces shift daily.

Shae suffers from anxiety and depression, which is why her meditation and her vices are so important to her; She finds it hard to focus on a conversation for too long because normally something else is whispering in her other ear, or poking her, or just plain bothering her. Shae's gift translates a lot about who she is, and those who understand and are patient might just get her to crack open her shell and be her true self.

Unlike most humans, she does not fear death. She even tells people that if she were to die tomorrow, she would be okay with it. Seeing death everyday has made her less stingy with the idea of leaving and passing into a spiritual realm.


I swear I never saw this until now. Accepted, if you still want to rp at least.
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]

Zed Espirito X.
"OH LOOK!!! IM OPENING A BOX OF CARE!....oh..wait...its empty"

  • large.gif

    ALIAS(ES) :Dead Eye

    AGE :15

    GENDER :male

    SEXUAL ORIENTATION : Heterosexual

    HEIGHT :6.7

    WEIGHT :103


    NATIONALITY :Russian

Accepted, but is he a demon or half demon or what? I just want to know so I can keep up with the human count.
[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]he is a demonic reaper eheheh

Thats so cool. Thanks for clearing it up with me.

Raven Morningstar

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_inline_n3siw2XwLn1rnhhs5.gif.5cb14fe68b37fd68717eb70d27d7c78b.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126418" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_inline_n3siw2XwLn1rnhhs5.gif.5cb14fe68b37fd68717eb70d27d7c78b.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Raven Cortana Morningstar






Cis Female





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_inline_nk43bvB8Lu1t43flt.gif.ef3d130a5443acf4775a5c69ec20082e.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_inline_nk43bvB8Lu1t43flt.gif.ef3d130a5443acf4775a5c69ec20082e.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fb65ecd_THISONE.jpg.feeb4b893905b2ea528d1adb8979ee62.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126420" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fb65ecd_THISONE.jpg.feeb4b893905b2ea528d1adb8979ee62.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

India Eisley



Hair-View attachment 282373

Clothing-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/girl-goth-hair-leda-monsterbunny-pretty-Favim.com-437028.jpg.a77a1d1827c8be231b59431f5346d1bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/girl-goth-hair-leda-monsterbunny-pretty-Favim.com-437028.jpg.a77a1d1827c8be231b59431f5346d1bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Raven doesn't take shit from anyone. She is rebellious, intimidating and believes that you fight for what you believe in. No matter what. If she believes in something it will take heaven and hell for her to give up on it. She is persistent, determined and hellbent to go against everything society says she should do.She is also very sarcastic, blunt, loyal, and trustworthy. She thouroghly enjoys dark humor and when angry can be dangerous to be around.

Race: Half Angel, Half Demon


She has two cats named Ghost and Shadow.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fb6b44b_Prettycatlookatthisbeauty_8195d0_5839491.jpg.3f78e35e27ecd83e03e8c0146898d68d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9fb6b44b_Prettycatlookatthisbeauty_8195d0_5839491.jpg.3f78e35e27ecd83e03e8c0146898d68d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mab4nxyMAH1r0cc6qo1_500.jpg.5ce32755c55c5e3a5d70c43f01a4f95e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126423" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_mab4nxyMAH1r0cc6qo1_500.jpg.5ce32755c55c5e3a5d70c43f01a4f95e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has tattoo sleeves, her favorite tattoo is this<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Check_this_out--large-msg-117154820.jpg.21ba3122c680f24aeac7b5b07df9338d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Check_this_out--large-msg-117154820.jpg.21ba3122c680f24aeac7b5b07df9338d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

View attachment 282386 View attachment 282387



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