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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Akira decided he would head back to his room and sleep and wait for a chance to talk to Mary tomorrow. As he made his way back to his room he walked by the fixed hole Mary had made after he smashed his fist into the ground 'She really is amazing' he thought as he bent down and rubbed his hand across the fresh patch. After admiring her handy work he remembered something Belladonna had said today about still only having feelings for him 'She should be long dead. How is it even possible for her to be alive?' He couldn't figure out any possible way for her to have been around for all this time. 

While walking he decided he would check to see if anyone from the afternoon was alright so he went to the infirmary. When he got there he found the wolf boy that had been unconscious earlier now awake and basically fully functioning "Hello sorry I didn't think anyone was still here......just came for something to relieve a headache" he lied trying to sound like he had another reason for being there. As he waited for a response he walked farther into the room rather than wait at the door "Sorry about our introductions earlier I didn't mean to scare you off as I did" he felt bad for causing the boy to run but didn't know of any other way to put it.

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@GreyGremory im really not trying to be rude with this post but what im about to said needs to be said. If youre going to be apart of an rp you HAVE to read what everyone else is doing EVEN IF IT DOESNT APPLY TO YOU. I know our characters are supposed to be roomies and thats fine i have no issue with that, however if you had payed attention to what @HuntedFox wrote she had casey take kleo to the infirmary and NOT his dorm room. i get it that sometimes an rp can be misread, or misinterpreted but she was pretty clear on where we she had them go. sorry if this comes off as rude but this is partly what we were referring to about the confusion. Now maybe you can play it off as thats what your character was planning on telling him or something like that?
But I did say he went to the infirmary. It's literally in the first sentence of the second paragraph. I'm sorry if I didn't make it very clear but I did say he went to the infirmary @Nuuchi

Akira decided he would head back to his room and sleep and wait for a chance to talk to Mary tomorrow. As he made his way back to his room he walked by the fixed hole Mary had made after he smashed his fist into the ground 'She really is amazing' he thought as he bent down and rubbed his hand across the fresh patch. After admiring her handy work he remembered something Belladonna had said today about still only having feelings for him 'She should be long dead. How is it even possible for her to be alive?' He couldn't figure out any possible way for her to have been around for all this time. 

While walking he decided he would check to see if anyone from the afternoon was alright so he went to the infirmary. When he got there he found the wolf boy that had been unconscious earlier not awake and basically fully functioning "Hello sorry I didn't think anyone was still here......just came for something to relieve a headache" he lied trying to sound like he had another reason for being there. As he waited for a response he walked farther into the room rather than wait at the door "Sorry about our introductions earlier I didn't mean to scare you off as I did" he felt bad for causing the boy to run but didn't know of any other way to put it.


I can edit the post to make it more clear if you like just let me know.
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Woooooow lol thats embarassing i honestly didnt mean to post that. I had misread it the first time and was getting ready to leave so i typed that out real quick. Then when i double checked it i seen my mistake so i never hit send. Turns out my sister thought she was helping me out by posting it for me... So youre fine and i apologize for the idiocy on my end
((Lol this situation made me giggle. I guess I better start reading everyone's posts now Lmao. I'm a bad RPer)) 

Mary continued the walk to her dorm room. It would be nice to lay in her bed. She took out the paper she had been keeping in her back pocket and looked for her room number. "306..." she repeated in her head as she climbed the stairs to the third floor. Before she had even reached her room she realized that there were common rooms on every floor. She took a look at hers. It seemed to have a very modern vibe. Every floor had been something different, like vintage or sea themed, but it was like she was matched with the style that was meant for her. Most people assumed that she loved pink cute things - there was no end to the amount of pink things she had in her room back home (most given as gifts) but she loved modern things the most. 

She opened the mini fridge which was stocked with drinks and a few condiments. Someones leftovers seemed to be in there as well and she wondered where someone had the time to order food already. "Perhaps they brought it from home?" she thought. There was a big TV. Not the biggest she'd ever seen but she didn't watch a whole lot of TV anyways. 

Once she had had enough of the common room she went to find her room. She opened the door with the key she had been holding onto. The room was horribly bare, nothing special about it at all. There was two bunk beds with two desks underneath, one dresser (with two rows of shelves) and a faded purple carpet on the floor. She frowned at the sight. Compared to the common room this looked pretty bad. She found her stuff placed neatly next to her desk and immediately went to unpacking. She put her clothes in, what she assumed was, her side of the dresser, exchanged the blanket that was on the bed with hers from home, set her laptop on the desk and hung up the few pictures she had brought with her. It looked a little bit better, but nothing special. She decided that this needed to change, and went to online shopping. Her father had given her a credit card, and she supposed that he would understand if she spent a bit of it trying to make her new room feel like home. 

(@snoozySashimi - idk if you get online anymore but if you want to pop in this would be a good time :D
Elena arrives by the gates with her leather jacket, black high heel boots, and black skinny jeans on. She smirks at the school and looks around for anyone to help her. "Are they really in class already? What a bunch of geeks." Elena starts to walk in and she looks at the sunset as her eyes glow for a while then go back to normal. "I wonder how this will go for me... Meet some new boys... Have some fun." Elena closes her eyes and listens in on her surroundings. She hears talking, footsteps, lockers. Then she opens her eyes and smiles as she walks to the administrators office looking around and seeing all the people staring at her, especially the boys. 

((Is that good enough?))
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((@KaraRPMikaelsonFray It's good, If you don't have a room mate, my room mate hasn't been on the website in like, 10 days. He/She never even posted in the group, I'm pretty sure, so if you want you can be Mary's roommate :)  ))

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Spot trotted up to the large metal gates which stood in front of her. Tall and intimidating. She sat down at the edge of the paved road. Watching for a moment as a bird climbed into the sky, and disappeared into the clouds. The sky was beautifully blue. With clouds of cotton lazily drifting overhead. The Academy itself was large and impending. Through the sensitive  noise of her canine form, she could smell a mixture of various people. As well as food, from some far off kitchen, and the crisp scent of wood from the forest nearby. She was unsure as to how she would enter the property. Nervously the canine paced the front gates. Her powerful shoulders moving, causing her pelt to ripple. She appeared to be a german shepard, with floppy ears, and a white spotted coat. Her left eye was brown, while her right eye was a brilliant sky blue. Her fluffy white tail wagged behind her, but stuck close between her legs. She was scared and excited. This school offered so much opportunity. A chance to leave the farm, and get a degree. Maybe in something like engineering? Or Marine Biology! She wasn’t sure what. But this school, and gate, would be her gateway to a new life. As she stood, she noticed a female, wearing a leather jacket and black high heel boots. Her tongue flopped out happily. A chance to get inside, surely! Without a second thought she slipped after the girl. Managing to rush through the gate after her before it closed. She followed the girl. Retaining her canine form, as it was the form she was the most comfortable in. Gently she nudged the back of the girls calf, to try and catch her attention.[/SIZE]

((Warning, I ain't rp'd in like, at least 6 months XD))
Elena stops and turns around, "Now just who are you? And why are you following me around? Cant you see Im busy?" Elena leans against the wall looking at the other new girl and possibly looking at all the cute boys smirking then looks back at the furry little girl. "Do you know when school ends here? I already have a beautiful idea and this school seems boring." Elena crosses her arms thinking, "And Im hungry too." Elena frowns and fiddles with her ring.


Spot tilted her head curiously. Her floppy ear slightly covering her right eye. She was unsure as to what the female ment. Spot had to look up at Elena, as the dog was only 1 foot and 8 inches to the shoulder. Quite small for a dog of her cross. Her tail wagged wildly behind her. A bright blur of snowy white behind her slightly shivering hind legs.  Only one thought was running through her head  as Elena spoke. 'Friend!' the thought rang through her head like a beautiful symphony. In both human and canine form, she had a habit of having a tunnel vision. Once one thought got into her head, it wouldn't stop until she either reached the goal, or found something else of interest. And she was rather easily distracted. 
"Just stay out here." Elena walks into administrations office and after a hour or so Elena had all her classes ready with the room number for her dorm and her locker. After she found her locker she starts to put her things inside and her backpack then she got her books and walked to her first class. "This outta be fun." Elena entered the class and took her seat in the back by the windows.

((I feel like spot is the only person Elena met... She dont bite guys! Much...))
{I feel like in my world it is always raining. Like seriously. ALWAYS.}

mid afternoon. 

Morning after the accident andthe chaos. 


What started off off as a drizzle turned into an all out nightmreish day for the young wolf girl who forcibly so had to take this form to keep herself from devouring anything that even slightly had human blood in them. She wasn't just compleately a wolf so this would make sense but if she even tried to take her human form lord only knew what would happen. This simple me yet scary fact kept her far from the school but the rain however drew her in a little closer. 

She was a large black black wolf with red tipped fur. The angrier she got the more she looked like she was draped in blood. In the daylight she looked like a shadow. In the daylit-rain she smelled like a wet dog and had matted not to beautiful fur. How long would she have to go in hiding like this? She proved she could not be trusted in her human form and not to mentioned proved that she couldn't be trusted period. Her only savation was a pretty drab looking bush just outside the school yard. It was a good sized brush and it covered everything- that was except her long wet tail. A whimper escaped her chops out of her own putty until the faint whimpers of another caught her ear. Just like that her ears perked and fear raged inside of her. It was Casey! The girl she met if you would call her apperence a meeting the night before. Why was she crying all of the sudden.

In the light the girl looked cute. She was t too large but not too small either. Coyoty found her father cute in the daylight and slowly shifted to get a better view of her. Last night was a disaster. Everyone knew it and everyone was secretly hoping that it hadn't gone that way. At least she was. Plus after daylight struck everyone had dissappered. She was still curious about that man who had adverse thoughts about a God she knew almost nothing about. A God that was on legal one of hell in the nine that existed. The underworld was where she was sure to be going but this Casey looked pure, clean and beautiful. 

"Are you okay-" the wolf rather did not say but thought outwardly. It was not a secret that most lycans could communicate even without exchanging words. It truly was about body language. But when that failed. I. E. Coyoty being in a bush and fearing she would frighten this perfect entity off she chose to stay put and think what she wanted to say except that she forgot other lycans. Pups hear her thoughts. "Oops" came out right after that and she stuck her red-toned nose out of the brush. 

Her friend had left her. Spot did not know what to do know. She glanced around confused. Her flat pink tongue ran over her nose for a moment, as her eyes scanned across the school hallways. She knew she needed to go sign up for her classes, and get started. However, as began to trot into the office it caught her attention. The smell of rain. Her ears perked up, the best they could. Catching the muffled sound of a soft sprinkle on the rooftops. Without so much as a second thought, she rushed outside. Pushing her way out of the front doors, and into the lush grass fields. She tore off running. Happily barking and jumping. Sprinting up and down the gorgoeous green fields. The smell of damp earth flooded her senses. While her claws tore at the mud beneath her pink paw pads. She leapt and rolled, catching as many drops in her mouth as possible as she ran. She barked and howled. the sounds of her joy echoing about the fields.

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