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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

{Last i checked MY hellhounds were sent away like LONGGGGGGGGG time ago. I am just going to sit this one out... .I am too confused to even fathom up another post. especially when my last one was Almost completely ignored. Lets remind ourselves if we are going to take lead of the story LET SOMEONE ELSE IN ON IT!}
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(Ok I'm sorry I wasn't aware they were sent away. I read it over before making my post and it didn't have anything of the sort that I noticed. Also to clear things up Izanami is the Japanese deity of the underworld and is very much a goddess that would still be around. I sent Akira away to try and figure out a way to undo the confusion. Oh and I'm confused on some of the names since they keep changing @CZDoubleU

Akira decided he was going to take a break before continuing his search for the others but he didn't know where to start so he chose the Byakko sized prints left in the ground "Not sure what happened exactly but I'll find them, even if i have to fight you, Byakko" he said talking to no one while he carefully followed the tracks through the forest. He felt like he was just walking farther into the forest but he didn't have any other choice he had to reserve as much energy as possible to fight if he had to 'What the hell is going on here? How did she get out of "it"?' He thought to himself as he felt the darker energy get closer and closer. As he got closer to the eerie energy, also started to see some light breaking through the trees "Is that the outside? Maybe but first things first, lets seal up Byakko" he smiled as he walked toward the dark energy but he felt something was wrong. When he could finally see where that dark feeling was coming from he finally saw what looked like a cocoon made of negative chi "This can't be? Is this really how she escaped?" He looked at the organism in front of him and remembered a similar incident years ago. In his memory he saw Belladonna and a masked figure in front of what looked to be a large dark cacoon and then he flashed back to the present "Is this a second attempt at what ever she was trying to do?" He asked even though no one was listening "Well you could say I don't like to waste a good opportunity" said a deep rough male voice. Akira knew the voice but he was hoping it wasn't who he was thinking. After turning to see who spoke he felt a large amount of pressure against his cheek and was tossed into a tre farther away from the dark object "OW! Byakko what the hell? Why are you doing this?!" He held his cheek while asking his old friend to answer him "I'm doing this so that we can finally be rid of you. So that Bella and I can finally be together with no disruptions" said the beast like man as he turned and walked toward Akira. Before anything else could be said Akira took out one of the new tags from Suzaku "Shine bright, burn the impure to ash! Burn forth and consume the wicked! Astral binding first level seal release!!" He chanted before a circle of yellow formed around him and a beam of gold light shot into the sky. Akira stood with in the light but now with a bit of his lost power returned "Even if this is only temporary I will beat you and drag you home to be punished" he said as the light dimmed then disappeared. 

Akira shot a flaming sphere at the cacoon like object causing it to burst into a large purple flame "Bastard how dare you attack all our hard work! I will kill you and bring your head before her as punishment" said an angry and slightly distorted Byakko. Byakko lunged and attacked Akira scratching his stomach with a flick of his claws. Akira jumped back and then focused his energy into the earth sending rock after rock at Byakko who would just dodge and avoid every potential hit "Stay still damn it!" He wasn't having any luck with hitting him so he decided he would try a new tactic. Byakko struck again this time injuring Akira's shoulder causing a small gash just before the collar bone "If this is all you got them I'm not scared!" He was boasting and was getting ready to finish Akira off. Akira took out a few more tags and focused his energy into one final chant "Move and become dust, stand and become mist! Transference!" He yelled before throwing his tags around himself. In one brilliant gold flash he was nowhere near Byakko, this time reappearing in a small area in the forest. After his release was over he felt exhausted "Damn! That.....is to much for my body....right now" he said as he propped himself against a tree holding he wound on his stomach. In the distance he could hear Mary's voice in the distance along with a few others "Help! Help!" He tried yelling before his vision dimmed and then he lost consciousness.

@JustAlexandra @CZDoubleU @HuntedFox @Nuuchi
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Kleo was lost in his thoughts as he lay in caseys arms, but as of right now he wasnt aware of where he was at the time or had any knowledge that she was carrying him away from all that was happening. He was conscious of his thoughts and tried to figure out what happened. he remembered why his body was so exhausted easy with his back to back changes. He remembered meeting a new... girl? Then he let a small yelp be heard as he remembered that Casey had been in trouble. Then he remembered getting mad..REALLY mad.. though he wasnt entirely sure what he did while he was like that except that afterwords he had actually managed to fight off a change which hes  never done before. maybe that was why he slipped to this mental state? until a brief memory of another showing up.. then talk about magic.. he wasnt sure..

Kleo had managed to come to a bit noticing his surroundings were moving slightly. He looked around with his eyes slightly until his gaze looked up at the one carrying him then his eyes grew wide but only for a second. his hand reached up almost as if he was on auto-pilot and brushed her cheek slightly as a soft smile stretched across his face. Though it was only for a second before his body fell unconscious again only this time he felt more safe than he had before even though he wasnt completely sure what happened to begin with. 


(blehhhhh i hope that good lol with kleo being out and unaware of what happened really i didnt know what else to do)
Kleo was getting a little heavy... 

Casey huffed as she continued to jog through the trees. She kept running through what had happened in her mind and, it was almost beyond her understanding. All these strange creatures were terrifying... she was doubting coming here was a good idea. Except, she met another werewolf. One that seemed okay! He was kind, but surpisingly to her had quite a temper on him. A temper... Casey bit her lip as her mind wandered. She didn't want that temper turned against her... and Kleo said that they were friends. Already! Why did they have to be friends? Couldn't they just continue find as they were? By saying they were friends Kleo gave her a time limit. 

Casey looked around at her surroundings, and that's when she felt Kleo stir. She slowed her pace a little so she could look down at him. She was a bit surprised to find him looking right back up at her. He was reaching upwards... no. He was reaching towards her! Casey's eyes widened slightly and she felt his fingers brush against her cheek. Which, because of the doubting thoughts her reaction wasn't too positive. Upon his brushing her cheek she had jerked her head backwards, her arms twitching as if they threatened to drop the boy. Casey swallowed hard, knowing very well she couldn't drop him. He'd get hurt again. She slowly looked back at him to find him unconscious and she let out a shuddering sigh.

Casey took another quick look around, realizing she had stopped. So she started again, going at a fast walk, and wishing she reached the school soon.


(I think it should be okay, since everyone's kinda dispersed.)
Kleo was out almost as soon as his fingers brushed her cheek. It was the only way he could  think at the time to say thanks for the help since he just couldnt find the words. He dreamt of when he was very young, his grandpa was teaching him how to walk as a human. The dream was making his unconscious self bear a soft smile as time with his grandpa was the happiest in his life. He took a few stumbles of course but picked up on walking rather quickly. His grandpa suggested it must have been because of the spell that he was able to learn human characteristics. Then he was trying to teach him a few words which of course lead to grunts and growls. Then hearing his grandpa yell in pain when he stubbed his toe caused Kleo to try and mimic the shout which turned out to just be an average wolf howl. The memory was so strong that him howling in his dream caused his unconscious body to emit a tiny howl before his face went back to his soft smile. 


(i see... i didnt want him to just pop back awake again so thats why its so short lol i figured hed wake up once they stopped)
(Did I ruin this one for people I'm sorry if I did I won't pull anymore stupid things like this again I swear. @JustAlexandra @CZDoubleU

Akira awoke later and found himself in his bed in his room bandaged up and almost completely healed "How did I....." he didn't know how he got back to his dorm room so he looked around for any sign of Belladonna "Nothing. It was nothing" he said to himself before noticing a small note siting on his night table. He picked it up and began reading 'I did what I could for your wounds but from what I heated from sister Suzaku and your wounds being gashs from Byakko I could only close the wounds and heal any internal injury. Please stay well brother and know we are all awaiting your return. ~Genbu' after reading the note he set it down on his desk only to watch it melt into sea foam "So that's how I got back but then what happened to Byakko and Belladonna......and that black creature in the woods" he remembered seeing that creature a hundred or so years ago. The memory wasn't pleasant but he knew what kind of creature it was but the size was almost more suited for the human world, as if they were planning something on the planet rather then up in he heavens. As he thought about this he decided he would go out to the roof and see the stars 'There is a full moon out tonight, maybe some star shaping' he started feeling a little better. He always liked star manipulation and creating new things and he also hoped Mary would be awake. He wanted to apologize properly and make things up to her in full. 
Casey shook her head, realizing she was speeding up. It felt just like the last times... she was fine until she started to think. When Kleo move just slightly Casey would look down at him and see that smile. He must be dreaming... She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, flinching when he emitted a small howl. M-must be a vivid one... she reasoned, feeling a relieved sense wash over her as she passed the tree line. And she bee-lined for the door. She had worked out where to put him since she did know where his dorm room was, and he'd probably have roommates. Casey would bring him to the infirmary where he could be safely watched so Casey could leave.

As she approached a door she struggled with opening it until she just set Kleo down, opened the door, picked him back up and walked through. She briskly walked through the halls, following the little signs that said 'Infirmary'. But she didn't she had been more relieved since she got to the school to see those wide double doors. She brought Kleo in, uncomfortably talked to the nurses and told them what they needed to know. They led her to a small bed where she gently set Kleo down. 

Casey glanced at the nurses, and looked back at Kleo. She needed to go before he woke up... so why did she feel she needed to stay? How do you want two opposite things at the same time?? It's so confusing... Casey sighed and turned around, walking towards the doors.

((I'm still here, sorry. I went to a football game yesterday night and when I came home I didn't have the energy to come up w/ a response. Everyone seems to be in different places again, so i'll just go with that))

Mary had heard someone yelling behind her in the forest, but, despite her most futile attempts to find where it was coming from, she could not. She wasn't even completely 'there' as she had just seen that Belladonna was the spitting image of herself, and she just didn't have a grip on reality at the moment. It took her a long time of stumbling in no particular direction to get out of the forest, but she had made it eventually, following her gut. When she came out onto the more official of the school grounds, there were three guards there waiting. 

"Hi, guards. I was...I was just going for a walk, that's all," she said, biting her lip nervously. Could they tell what went on there? Would she get in trouble? She didn't like lying, but how could she tell her parents she got in trouble on the first day of school?

"You know the rules, Angel, no going too far into the woods. There was a displacement in the walls force, and you are the only person who I have seen go in there," one of them said, crossing his arms and looking down at Mary harshly. 

Mary couldn't take it anymore, and tears welled in her eyes and her wings drooped."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do anything!" she said, desperately wishing that she could tell the guards everything that had happened, but she knew she couldn't do that to Akira. "I was just trying to clear my head. Everything is so new here and I can't find my dorm room!" she lied, her stomach bunching up. She hadn't even had a chance to look for her dorm room yet. 

The guard looked awkward, giving strange looks to the other guards before the extra two walked away. "Uh...listen, it's okay. Why don't you just tell me what room number you have and I'll point you in the right direction, okay?" Mary nodded, feeling grateful she had gotten out of getting in trouble but still feeling bad about lying. "Umm...r-room 602," she said, sniveling. The guard pointed her in the right direction, and she thanked him, walking off to the building he had pointed to. "Thank goodness that went alright," she thought. 
Kleo was peaceful throughout most of the transition. I suppose the combination of the movement stopping and feeling his body temp slightly rising from the blanket made him wake up finally. Remembering his dream and trying to hold on to those thoughts for as long as he could before opening his eyes. He didnt remember when he awoke in Caseys arms back in the wood and had no idea where he was so of course he was just about to let out a howl until his eye managed to catch a person walking away. He studied for a moment seeing as his eyes werent at full focus yet until he noticed the tail and knew that it had to be Casey that had brought him there. 

"C..Casey?" he said softly as he managed to get himself in a sitting possition propped up by a pillow. "I hate to ask, especially since you are leaving. but.. do you mind telling me what happened?" Kleo stretched a bit and to his surprise it didnt hurt as badly as it did before

The stars at night were really one of the few things that Akira really admired above anything else. When he came into existence he wandered and found no clarity in being alive until he took the time one night 170 years ago on the request of a young woman with a small child in her arms. The small child years later would be the Mad Queen Belladonna. While Akira sat on the room of the dorm building admiring the cosmos he couldn't help but think of what happened earlier that day 'Why did she have to show up? Why did Byakko betray me?' All questions he asked himself until he decided he would look around and place a few barrier seals on the school yard. Akira grabbed a bunch of tags from his room before making his way out into the school yard "Hmmm maybe I should start with the forest border..." he was about the head toward the forest before he saw Mary walking through toward the dorm building. He felt an urge to walk over and apologize but he also knew that he had dragged her into something that had nothing to do with her "No maybe I should just stay away......Ah to hell with it" he walked right over to Mary but froze when he got close to her. He tried to move his body but he couldn't do anything 'Oh come on you're acting like a foolish mortal male! Get a grip Watatsumi she is just a mortal angel girl' he tried thinking seriously, but his mental and emotional states were two different sides now. In his heart he was scared she might hate him for everything that had happened today "Mary......I......I'm sorry.....for everything" every word that came out of his mouth was hesitant and filled with a mortal fear he knew wasn't right.

(Anyone know approximately what time it is in the RP?) 

Casey stopped almost rigidly, closing her eyes and cursing silently. She was almost away! Ugh, what a perfect time for him to decide to wake up. Casey knew she didn't have to. She could pretend she didn't hea-.. but she already stopped... she could tell him that she did mind and she'd tell him some other time? She shook her head, turned around, and pulled up a nearby chair just to sit on the edge of it. "Uhm... yeah, okay..." She took a moment to think, and decided to start from the beginning, where he should remember, so it be easier for him to piece it all together. She hoped she told it correct because she had been more confused than a fart in a fan factory.

"We were talking in the woods..." Casey started off,  looking the ground and recounting how a two hellhounds almost ate her soul, and a girl appeared just in time to stop them. Though she left out the part where Kleo called her a friend. She told How the stranger had compared them to dogs and that Kleo exploded, which set him on the path towards a change which he was able to surpress.

"Not too long after the first girl, Amore, showed up another one came. She showed up as a big black werewolf and later turned into a strange looking girl with big wings..." Casey told how the wolf-ish girl seemed to think she was protecting Kleo, and was interupted by a boy who landed between them and started spurting things about divine beings and magic. She left out how she had jumped out infront of Kleo to protect him in hopes he might've forgotten. Then she recounted how Amore left and the boy got teleported somewhere.

"You were basically in a catatonic state and I decided you'd best rest here instead of a forest." She glanced up at Kleo and swallowed, standing up. "Uhm.. I better go now."

Kleo was clearly was having trouble trying to fathom what Casey had been telling him. magic? a wolf with wings? yes i suppose Kleo has some memory of it but that doesnt mean he wanted to except it right away. I thought only gypsies possesed this.. magic.. Either way his only encounter with the stuff made him who he is today and his grandfather was keen on how evil it was so he wanted nothing to do with it. what if next time they force him to stay human? or even to stay as a wolf... Kleo has grown quite fond of his human half and enjoys being able to interact with others in words more than just emotions. either way he listened to casey explain everything but he couldnt help but feel she was holding back. Why would she hold back though? did i do something? did i say something? Ive tried everything to be nice to her and still she just... Kleo trailed off in thought and began to have a somewhat sad emotion fill him. She was about to leave, he figured she would. it was clear she wasnt too comfortable being there right now anyway. I wont try and stop her again.. perhaps after some time with her thoughts she may relax a little.. or perhaps not.. He thought to himself one more time, but he didnt want to remain silent the whole time. 

"Thank you Casey" his words were low so she didnt feel obligated to stay but he knew her wolf ears would still pick up on in anyway. he turned his head towards the window, unaware of what to do now that he has been bed ridden. The thought flew through his mind wondering what happened to his shoulder bag? He cant really do anything about it right now unfortunately..

((I'm sorta new here, and I was wondering if this rp is still accepting?))


Fluffymarshmallow kinda disappeared, but she didn't clarify that we weren't accepting, and I think this could use some more characters so you could go ahead and make a Character Sheet and if it meets the requirements you could join us. ^^;

Here's the link to the form:

(Someone please tell me if I'm out of line here. I don't want them to get left out. 0-o)
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Casey wasn't sure. It was pretty simple. She want sure what she just said, or how to process it. She wasn't sure where to go, And she definitely wasn't sure what to do. She tilted her down and put her wrist to her forehead as she walked towards the doors. But she get six steps when she heard his voice sound. He was telling her thank you. But that didn't make her slow down. In fact, the only reaction she have was a quick perk of her ears, than her pinned them back. she stuck her hand out as she the double doors and pushed one side open, disappearing behind the swinging entrance.

Casey briskly walked down the hallway, folding her arms like she kinda hugging herself and looking at the ground infront of her. She needed to go somewhere to be alone... she didn't want to go back to the forest right now and she knew someone was probably in her dorm. Where else was there for her to go? After a bit of thought, Casey found herself running outside, along the side of the giant school building. After a couple minutes, she finally rounded the large  corner and collapsed on her knees, conveniently by a large bush. She covered her mouth and just began to cry, as quietly as she could.

Her shaky hands reached inside she rocket and pulled out her watch. She wanted to go back home. Yes, wherever she lived had guaranteed pain waiting for her but at least she knew what to expect. And on the other side of the portal would be her mother... Casey whimpered, curling up and leaning against the wall of the school. Everything scared her so much... it was horrible. Faeries? Magic? Divine beings? She'd never seen any of those before and to know that most of every student in this school was so dangerous and she was only... her. What, she could turn into a wolf. She couldn't even do it on command yet! And good good would that do against a giant fireball? She felt tiny and vulnerable. She hated that...

Fluffymarshmallow kinda disappeared, but she didn't clarify that we weren't accepting, and I think this could use some more characters so you could go ahead and make a Character Sheet and if it meets the requirements you could join us. ^^;

Here's the link to the form:

(Someone please tell me if I'm out of line here. I don't want them to get left out. 0-o)

thanks! :3 I'll go ahead and make a character))
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Ryan”Spot” McCoy|| 16 years old|| Female|| shape shifter- her animal form is a dog. A mutt to be exact. An Australian and German shepard. Her body shape is much like a german shepard, but with floppy ears, and slightly longer fur. Her fur is white, with spots of black and brown. While her left eye is brown, and her right is blue.And is about 20 inches tall, to the shoulder. || Spot is about 5’0, and about 100 pounds. Little girl compared to most others that try to size up to her. She has waves of brown and black hair. As her hair is oddly splashed with different colors, naturally. Her hair reaches down to her shoulders, and it typically a bit messy.With her hair parted to the right, with side bangs. While her eyes are two different colors. Her right eye is blue, while the left is brown. Her face is oval shaped, with deep set eyes. Her eyes themselves have an innocent, puppy like quality. While her lips are thin. Her skin is almost paper white. And burns real quick, and real easy. However she doesn’t tan. So she can almost always be seen with a lobster red burn somewhere. Her nose, lips, and around her eyes are slightly pink as well.|| She wears light blue short typically, that are just barely knee length. While her shirts are typically a bit large. And go down to her mid thigh. They are typically bright colored, with big graphics on them of flowers, or popular tv shows. She typically wears flip flops. As she tends to like to go barefoot, and they are easy to slip on and off.|| she is as straight as a plank|| She loves peanut butter, steak, fluffy carpet. Really anything that a dog likes, she loves.|| She hates thunderstorm, and gets startled with loud noises.|| She is a shy, innocent little thing. She always looks to the positive. And often acts before she thinks. She easily gets caught up in the moment. And While she loves the attention of others, she has issues actually talking with people. And being social. That’s why she oftens stays in her animal form, as she finds it easiest to get along with others. She has no long term plans for the future. Only that she wishes to finish high school, and maybe go to college. Only, she worries that she will be unable to pay for an education. So she figures that after, she’ll probably return to her family's farm.|| She was born and raised on a farm in a small town in Utah. She grew up with a loving and father and mothers. And 3 older brothers, and 3 older sisters. She was the runt of the litter. Her mother was a australian shepard shapeshifter, while her father was german. She grew up working on the farm, with her mother homeschooling her, until she was old enough to be accept to the supernatural academy. [/SIZE]

Name: Age: Gender: Species: Appearance: Sexuality: Significant other/Crush: Likes: Dislikes Personality: Bio: ...
(@HuntedFox as far as times go I was thinking it was around afternoon but a lot of stuff has happened so it could be the next day? Then Mary just would have stayed up all night lol ))

Mary was deep in thought and when Akira spoke to her she jumped. "Oh, Akira..." she said, not really sure what she even wanted to say to him. If she even wanted to say anything to him at all. She bit her lip, looking at the ground. "Akira I really like you and I like being your friend, but it's already been twice just today that I've been in dangerous situations," she frowned. She didn't like to have these kinds of conversations, but she didn't like how she felt in general either. The whole day was not what she wanted it to be. "And that girl, that woman, she looked just like me. Why did she look just like me?" she asked, finally looking up at Akira. 

She didn't speak for a moment, looking at the ground again. "I almost got in trouble with the guards, Akira. On the very first day of school. How would I have told my parents that?" She frowned. "I had to lie..." Mary was silent... not sure what to say anymore but not leaving either. She didn't want to not be friends with Akira, but she didn't like where things were going either. She considered herself a good person and student, and so far what had she shown for herself? 

"It's almost dinner time, and, I have to get to my dormroom..." she said, trailing off. 


I haven't read your character or anything, but you probably want to post it in the character thread (it's above) 

Also I would put some spaces between your sections just to make it easier to read :)  
What did I miss. Um... lol? Could I get a re-cap. I got busy at work with inventory.... my job has this thing where they hate to have their counts off. ... anyway. Someone- recap. I want to jump back in but not the way I did before. 
Kleo had woken up of only what he could assume was some time later. his body felt like it was nearly fully restored and he was able to walk around again. He got out of bed and took it slow walking to the nearest window trying to figure out what to do with his current situation. is this really what grandfather had wanted for me? i dont fit in with anyone..not even of my own kind it seemed.. Why am i here? should i just leave and never return? then again, what do i have to return to... those were the few thoughts that raced through his head real thick. He stretched out wide and thats when he realized the bandage wrapped around his chest and over one shoulder. With further examination he noticed there was also a bandage around his left knee but that seemed to be the extent of it. Even though he had immense soreness in his right hand it didnt appear to be damaged. 

He couldnt figure out how he had lost his memory of what all happened. was he really out for that long? he thought he was pretty much there right up until everyone started leaving, but then again the last thing he remembered was being dropped off by casey. She always acted like she didnt want anything to do with him, so why did she help him then? she couldve just left him and possibly never had to deal with him again, but she risked it to save him. Kleo knew not to be pushy if they were to meet again and he may not even tell her how he felt at all just in case it ends up scaring her off. 

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