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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Akira's eyes grew wide with shock "Mary stop using your power! Damn, I thought i took something like this happening into account" he said as he rushed over to her from the front of the group 'Gods please help me!' he was sure what it was but he didn't want to believe it. Akira started remembering how Belladonna had a similar aura after learning how to channel divine power. This aura had crushed her sanity and tainted her soul and turned her into an almost demonic creature that Akira eventually destroyed......or so he thought. He returned his full attention to Mary who was still bewitched by her new glow "If i had known you could channel divine magic i would have gotten Suzaku to get you out of there well before Byakko had shown up" he was scolding himself for being so ignorant to the possible reasons the girl was at this academy in the first place as well as the fact that he was acting like a mortal male does when that male is in love with a female 'Why me dad? Why did the god in this situation have to be me?' he thought before grasping Mary's delicate hand. 

Akira focused on the energy in her hand and began to form a vacuum with his soul. After a few moments he could feel the corruption that had appeared on her enter his body and fuse to his own power. When he couldn't sense anymore of the darkness that had been in her just a minute ago was gone he let go of her hand and then winced from the strain of the evil energy "Please promise me that you never use any magic like that kind ever!" he said to Mary before collecting himself and standing straight again. Almost immediately after the power had finished fusing to his own he felt much better, almost as though he hadn't just taken in the dark force. He looked again at Mary and Daniel and then took a breath "Okay so Ice cream on me oh and im not sure if i even have classes but ill accompany you to them if you like?" he said trying to change the subject. he hoped everything would be okay like she had said but something told him it wasn't that simple.

@NextGenRolePlayer @JustAlexandra
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(Guys! I'm SO sorry I haven't been posting! I got really behind in school and wasn't able to tell you I couldn't get on for a couple days. Im rlly sorry! :0)

Casey looked between Kleo and the otherworldly being. When she was asked if she had killed someone she paused, not as if she were taken aback, but because she... she shook her head 'no' in response to the question and worked on calming herself.

When the girl, well... at least Casey thought it was a girl, bent down towards Kleo she stood up straight and narrowed her eyes, preparing to attack if the girl hurt him. She didn't buy what the girl said and when the stranger swooshed a hand through Kleo's shoulder Casey let out a quiet growl, to cover up that face she was scared. 

She he had been in life or death situations before but she's never seen something like this... she didn't like it. Casey shouldn't be in any harm? Didn't the girl just finish saying how Casey could almost die again??

When the girl with the secret name stated she 'just wanted to make friends' Casey pinned back her ears and let out a slightly louder, almost on the verge of cautious growl.

She didn't want to be friend with something that would kill her. Or something that had pets that would kill her. Her tail swayed uneasily and she kept a sharp gaze locked into the stranger.


"It's so pretty!" she said, not understanding. "I have called on the divine magic plenty of times, Akira, this is just a side affect i'm sure. I'll be fine." He grasped her hand, and whatever he did made her hand feel weird. Tingly. "What did you do?" she asked, rubbing her hand, trying to make the tingly feeling go away. "I kind of liked it, it was pretty," she said in a quiet, innocent voice. She waved her hand around like she did before, but the purple aura didn't come back. "Aw..."

She pouted a bit.

"Akira, I can't promise that. What if I can't keep it? What if I need to use it? Nothing has ever happened to me before," she said. She didn't want to make Akira upset, but she didn't think she could promise she wouldn't call on the Divine power. She didn't use it a lot, but sometimes she needed to call on it, for one thing or another. 

"You owe me some toppings on my icecream, Akira," she said jokingly, "You must have classes! You must come with me in the morning and we will figure out where you should be. Hopefully we have some classes together."
Kleo was definitely happy that casey was officially protective of him right now. even if its only until he is healed he is just happy to have someone he can call a friend? is that whats happening? he thought it was strange that considering the situation this is what hes thinking about right now. Kleo felt annoyed when she wasnt allowed to state her name, even if its for their protection she still could have given them a name to call her even if it wasnt her actual name. He tried to brush himself off a bit but he was still too sore to move his arms quickly so they just kind of fell back into place when he tried. He made a glance over at casey with a look in his eyes showing her how confused he is before he spoke. 

"Strange way to make friends by letting your dogs loose, although that would explain why i was able to sense them i guess. still though with a mysterious nameless...girl? standing next to me i cant help but have suspicions on whats really going on. What am i supposed to call you then? what am i supposed to say if i ever ask someone where to find you? also maybe opening up with sticking your hand through someones shoulder before even somewhat of an introduction was set in place isnt exactly best way to gain someones trust. Now i cant speak for my.." kleo hesitated slightly and looked over at casey hoping she wouldnt get upset at what he was about to say. he clears his throat, "i cant speak for my friend here but my grandfather always taught me that everyone deserves a chance regardless of the situation. im going to have to have something to call you at least. i cant just run around saying 'hey you with the face' you know?" 

Kleo sometimes hated his good nature. casey, the new and first girl hes met in years was just in danger? or she wasnt really? he wasnt sure though with him being nice to this new girl he was really worried that casey would be upset with him so he thought he would try and scoot a little closer to casey, but also not between them. 

@HuntedFox (totally cool lol everyone has a life away from the rp :P )

@CZDoubleU (also sorry about late response, i completely forgot to check this yesterday for some reason)
This was exactly how she didn't want things to go. This day was turning out to be a disaster and Sanctuary had not enough social skills as it was to do anything about it. "Geez, this is a mess..." She whispered below her breath. Clearly this was the worst thing to happen to her. "I can explain only that I did not send my dogs on you they kinda.... well they just spawn to me. I am not entirely from this world the watch the headmaster gave to me keeps me from becoming um... how would you put that.... See... through?" The poor french girl had years of experience with talking, she spoke seven different languages when she was a human but now. it was much like speaking to a wet sack of potatoes. She was taken a back by the way the female wolf girl started growling at her. 

"Dogs are much easier to get a long with," she whispered under her breath. Her bed friend could make friends with any kind of animal, they all loved her and she was queen of repelling living things, she ate humans for pete's sake. The girl shook her head. "Don't be mad," she suggested next. "pr at least try not to be. I mean no harm really I swear I just want friends and my dogs will come as no harm to you I will make sure of that. They should come back with a full belly of human souls.... Human as in still is... if that makes sense." she paused for a moment and thought of what name to be called, her friend almost always called her by her middle name even after she told her her first name and that did not seem to make the any issues. She smiled sudden ly and stood straight as a pin. 

"You can call me Amoré. It's ittalian for good or love... Like MMMMMM that pizza is amore!'" she mustered a half smile nervously and looked down. 



Geez this post is SO SHORT. 

I plan to add another character but I have noticed everyone seems to have relationships and their own things going, i felt kinda bad for just inserting myself into this... anyone have any suggestions on how I should put her in? That way I do not do this again? 
Least to say, Casey was exceedingly uncomfortable in the current situation. So she had done what she taught herself and acted hostile because she knew she couldn't run away. The only reason she as still standing there was because Kleo was down for the count. She didn't like the girl. But it wasn't as simple as that. She was afraid of her. But of course she couldn't let them know that! She was afraid of everything in this school. It was new. But she couldn't help but be a little frustrated at the girl whenever she spoke under her breath, for she could hear each word, quite clearly. Obviously this situation was a "mess". And "dog-" what? Why the little-...

Casey sucked in a breath, debating on what to do when Kleo began to speak. She didn't move her eyes off of the stranger as he spoke, but very abruptly she snapped her gaze toward him when the word 'friend' escaped his mouth. And it was like alarm bells went off in her head. Was that... what they were? Friends? Her eyes widened just slightly, but seemingly out of despair. No... they couldn't be friends! Why were they friends so soon?? She got too close... friends-... friends meant-... friends meant he'd hurt her! He'd only last until he got bored, and then.

Casey took a step away from Kleo, forcing herself to look away from him because she knew she had been staring. She looked at the ground for a good amount of time before turning her eyes back to the girl. She didn't want the girl to catch on to the distress she was feeling so she put in a frown and took a hostile step towards the stranger. Her eyes searched the girl's and she suppressed another growl. The stranger had the death scent on her. She lowered her voice, because she wasn't sure what else to do when she spoke. "Yeah, dogs are easier to get along with. Shame we're these strange, half breeds, yeah? Bad enough we're part wolf. We'd be so much less wild if we were of dogs. But we still have the hearing of them. And if you think this is a mess, you're right. Now you may have managed to get in his side but you will never be on mine.I want nothing to do with you. Or your death mutts." Her eyes narrowed as she watched how the girl would begin to process it. Casey knew the risks of being on the bad side of something-.. someone that deals with death, but she didn't see any other way out of it. She took a few steps back and crossed her arms, leaning against the tree she was sitting against earlier. 


Akira was sure he had done the right thing but the ease at which he removed the corruption was high. He had never purified anyone as fast as he had just now and it was almost to good to be true but he had witnessed it and still couldn't believe it. As they got their ice cream and Akira pulled the out the wallet his father left him he noticed it was an offering collector "Unbelievable, he left me his offering collector, the godly currency device that all gods have when on earth" he was amazed that his father left him his and rather than give Akira the one he originally owned. He looked inside the wallet and pulled out 40 dollars and paid the person at the counter "Thank you very much and keep the change" he said as he walked away with his friends "Mary if we do have classes we should probably check before tomorrow rather than tomorrow if you'd join me?" He wanted to make everything up to her and daniel but figured t would be easier to do with them seperate.

(sorry I just got off work and am really tired so it will be a bit short)

@JustAlexandra @NextGenRolePlayer
Kleo listened to amore as she spoke and he tried to be as calm as he could over the situation. mainly because if anything did happen his body hasnt healed nearly enough to defend himself properly. his body twitched slightly, the situation was making him want to change to his wolf again and run off, but he fought that feeling hard knowing that another one so soon could possibly kill him. maybe there was a way to stop the pain? either way he doesnt know how to do it right now so it doesnt matter that isnt an option right now. The way Casey spoke staggered kleo. hes never heard her speak that much and with such a vengeance. He admired her fire though, supposedly most people would be put off by such rude arrogance but kleo enjoyed that she spoke her mind. 

Kleo feeling completely clueless on what to do he managed to bring himself to his feet again. 
"amore, thats a nice name i suppose. still though, better than you just being nameless." he tried hard to fight his frustration but eventually it got the better of him. he didnt think that was what she meant by what she said but hearing casey go off did light a fire in his heart though and he almost saw red. though that couldve been the combo of him forcing himself up. Kleo stagger stepped over to the tree he was leaning up against earlier trying to remain calm, but the dog comment kept flying through his mind "we're not dogs. we are WOLVES!" Kleo shouted at the end and his eyes turned nearly black as he punched the tree he was standing by, chips of bark and small splinters of wood fly out and fall to the ground. with bloody knuckles and a clouded perception he spun around "you say you want friends and you insult us, dogs are a very low breed of wolf and nothing but mutts ill have you know that im PURE bred! i dont take myself higher than anyone and i always put others before me but i will NOT sit here and have you insult Casey and I."

Kleo somewhat snapped back to reality as his eyes returned to normal "im...im sorry.." he managed to slip as his body collapsed in a ball and he began to sweat and start breathing heavy, almost as if he was about to change again, but so soon? he thought he had better control than this but he knew there was no way he could handle another one. He fought hard and it started to suppress but the feeling was still there and he was still struggling 


Sanctuary did not respond. Partly because she couldn't but also because she didn't know how to. Of course wolves- half human or not had immpecible hearing. So did a bunch of other creatures she'd been around. She made reference to being able to communicate with her own dogs easily but it wasn't meant to be a harmful statement. It also wasn't meant to be one that was heard by anyone but her. She guessed that if she didn't want it heard than she shouldn't have said it at all. To hell with face palming herself or getting angry. It wouldn't do her any kinds of good here. A little stroke of fear settled in her heart when Casey said she would never be on her good side which evidently said she would never be a friend of hers. It upset her to say the least. 

Now more than ever she just wanted a friend. 

That was until the tree exploded. Wood chips flew through the girl in its sudden explosion. She was taken a back even though she couldn't actually get hurt because of them. The girl started to cry now. Tears streamed down her face- how human like of her to start this  incessant sobbing. The more he yelled at her the quieter she became until she fell to her knees. It was all over from here. She mine as well have been eaten by them instead of the other way around. How badly she wanted to. But she couldn't. She was a death reaper and they don't cry like this. She stood. Her eyes burning fire red with anger. 

"I wasn't trying to anger you! I was simply suggesting that dogs are easier to deal with because they listen better. They don't JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS!" Now she was yelling. She was no better than the two of them. And every fibre of her being wanted to open up the wound on dogs and stick her little finger in it until they started to bleed. She was good at finding what insulted them the most and jabbing them with it like a sharp stick. Fear ended this when she watched the boy curl up into a ball- wait. She had seen this before. 

"You bialogically change into a wolf!?" She questioned with a hard swallow. Biological was something someone she knew took. She was much better at taking it then this boy. Her bones could crack and reform without her feeling any kind of pain anymore. Clearly this boy had not mastered or had mastered all he could. She took a staggered step up and stepped back following quickly on her heals until she nearly slammed to her butt. She caught herself just in time worried that if his change triggered like this was anything like she encountered what kind of danger it could bring. Wolves of all shapes and sizes including her death hounds flocked to the sound of a bialogical change. To protect and help. It wasn't their fault. It was instinct. 

An ear ear defying sound of a wolf howl was heard In the distance. 


Casey glanced at Kleo, knowing she'd never aced that way around him. Well, she'd only met him twice. But she's been more reclusive than snappy. But he didn't seem alarmed or anything, so that slightly relieved her. But she saw the building look in his eyes. He was angry. At Amore? Casey blinked in surprise as Kleo jumped up and smashed his fist into a tree in his fury. She threw her hands up to shield her face from the wood slivers, a few small, sharp ones getting stuck in her arms. She let out a small yelp of pain though it was more surprise than anything, panic flaring within her. Her first instinct was to run. Angry people were the most dangerous. Every part of her, except Mitz that was, screamed at her to flee for her life. But she stayed, as if her legs couldn't move. And she heard what he was saying...

Kleo was furious at Amore, so Casey should be safe for the time being... She looked at her arms and pulled out the chips, wincing slightly and biting her lip. But the small wounds would easily heal within a couple minutes. She looked cautiously up at Kleo,  barely paying attention to what Amore was saying in her retaliation. Casey's eyes widened as she saw the signs. And almost immediately Kleo was on the ground and Casey beside him on her knees. She looked up and snarled at Amore. She had set him off and now he was changing again! So many changes in so little time could very well wreck his being! Her wide brown eyes scanned Kleo in a scattered manner and she scooted back a couple feet, knowing he needed room.

But what she couldn't understand was why Anore was acting so afraid. Then a pricing howl sounded and Casey pinned her ears back, a little whine of pain escaping her.


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Kleos body twitched and shook as he fought an almost losing battle with himself. you cant change kleo, get ahold of yourself. you know there is no way youl be able to handle another one so soon, not after you felt what it was like to have two so soon. he thought to himself trying to control his anger. It would seem that his his emotions are heavily tied to his wolf self and thats why he was forced earlier, FEAR, and now hes nearly been forced once more, ANGER. he had thought that hopefully since he had now figured it out that it wouldnt be such a big deal for him as long as he had found a way to calm himself down enough. Amore yelling back at him, although he knew he deserved it, wasnt helping any. it was about that time he had noticed out the corner of his eye that Casey was at his side peering down at him almost as if she was searching for a way to help him. help? she should know theres nothing she can do? was there? surely not.. he thought about it hard wondering if she knew something he didnt. Then he heard her snarl, she seems to be protective over him almost as such he was of her, but how could that be? Kleo isnt familiar with any kindness from strangers, which is probably why he rather enjoys Caseys fiery attitude rather than being pushed away by it. 

Hearing that helped out tremendously, his anger slipped away slowly but surely though he decided to keep it to himself why he was able to relax so quickly, at least for now. Thats when he heard the almost deafening screech of a howl in the distance, and now he almost felt torn. Hes practically changing right now even though he was able to hold it off but with the howl does he stop fighting and shift in case of a possible threat? or does he stay in his human form knowing that another change could be his last.. He looks at Casey after hearing her whine knowing she heard it too. he didnt say anything but it was clear he was trying to get her opinion knowing that she knows exactly what its like to be a werewolf.


Why she didn't think of this before. Sanctuary had no idea. Wolves were pack animals. It was only natural to be in a pack when things like this occurred. A strange sensation followed by the stench of mixed death and wet dog filled her nose. It was right on them, and the worst part was, she could not sense a heart beat or hear breathing. And why should she? Wolves didn't need to breathe... right?

"wrong!" A low snarl was heard right behind her. 

More than fear fear struck her when she turned laying eyes on the larger than normal all black wolf with piercing red eyes. It stood hunched and snarling at her keeping a close eye on Kelo. 

"Stay out of my head!" Snapped the girl in a squeaky voice. 

"Are you afraid? An immortal like you afraid of one like me?" The wolf continued to snarl. "And just what are you afraid of I wonder..." the wolf launched herself in the air and came down taking sanctuary by her arm. The girl squealed even though this didn't hurt. The wolf's mouth clamped hard on her arm even though no blood came the girl's arm did not go through it. This wolf stayed clamped to her arm for what felt like ages until she decided to speak again. 

"You can't run from me. Why don't you go back to hell where you came from!?" The girl hicked up on the backs of her legs then tossed the girl back making her slide across the grass. 

Sanctuary froze after suring her land. She was afraid that if she missed her landing this wolf would come after her. Might not kill her but would come straight for her and riddle holes and scratches all over her body. But this was thisnwolfs favourite game. Always has been to turn sanctuary into a rag doll thanks to what. 

"You have only ever been to hell once. That doesn't make this okay," said the girl but the wolf stayed perched in front of Kelo snarling at Sanctuary. She kept her distance such as long as she did too. "Oh!" She face palmed herself. "Now you are protecting him!? What insanity is this? You don't even know him!!!!!!!" The girl started laughing at the weakness of her wolf pull. No matter how hard she tried. She was still 50% dog making her instincts in that form so much more. 

"I did not think he was in danger until I smelled your carcass!" 

"You are the one that smells of rot!" Snapped the girl in return knowing this would world not take stance away from what she was protecting. Werewolf or not they were all wolves deep down inside. Sanctuary smiled sadistically next. "Should I be the one to tell them?" 

"Scatter like the rat you are!" Snarled the dog with her dark reddish black fur on end. 


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Casey was confused and afraid, though she tried to hard not to let it show some feeling escaped through her eyes. She had to... distance herself from Kleo but... but she didn't want him to be gone. When he looked at her it was like... like he was asking. Why was he asking her? It was his life. His being, his choice. Why was he asking her?? Her eyes widened, and without her thinking they looked like they were pleading. She might not have known it but she didn't want the chance of this change being his last. Without saying anything she was asking him to try. To try to stay, to suppress it.

Then a large black wolf appeared and Casey's eyes snapped upwards and she scrambled infront of Kleo, stumbling to her feet as she watched the loud exchange between the wolf and Amore. Were they talking of Kleo when they said 'him'?? Her eyes widened and she felt her legs become a little shaky. But... she felt something. A feeling she'd felt so little it was strange. Determination. 

If if the big wolf meant to harm Kleo, it would have to go through her. So she pinned her ears back, raised her tail and slid into a battle stance. "Don't... worry." She whispered, unsure if she was speaking to Kleo or herself. And Casey watched, with her newfound determination.


Mary licked her icecream happily. "Umm, what does an offering collector do exactly?" she asked curiously.He had gotten money out of it, and it looked like a wallet. She couldn't really tell if he was happy or not about having it, but she had gotten her ice cream and she was enjoying it very much, so she didn't really care a whole lot at the moment. "Wow so yummy," she said. "Nothing is better than ice cream on a hot day!" she said as it began to melt down her cone and she licked the dripping ice cream. "Uwah! It's dripping!" she giggled. 

She watched Akira pay, and when they were walking away she spoke quietly, so the person behind them at the ice cream stand couldn't hear. "You know that was probably only 10 dollars. 40 is a little more than a tip!" she said. "You shouldn't spend all your money like that, Akira, what if you run out?" 

"Of course I'll go with you! You're right, today would probably be best to go find out. I don't know what I was thinking," she shook her head a bit. "She began licking her ice cream again, floating gently along. "Can you fly too, Akira? I don't know very much about gods, but it seems like you can do a lot. Even with your powers being lesser than normal." She said, looking at him. He clearly did not have any wings, or if he did Mary had no idea where he was keeping them. 


(it still won't let me tag next gen??)
Kleo seen and understood fully. he knew not to change and isnt fully sure why he thought it mightve been a good idea but he was just scared of the situation feeling vulnerable. His body relaxed and as he rolled over on his side and stretched out his legs. body covered in sweat and his knuckles now slightly throbbing in pain. what triggered him to lose control? hes been scolded, made fun of, and yelled at plenty of times but this time something inside him snapped. he thought slowly and remembered mentioning Caseys name in his rage and thought that must have been it. his protective nature and seeing she was in danger had to have been the combo but he still was confused over it.

when this new wolf appeared he didnt know what to think and nearly was scared for his life. then he seen casey putting herself in between him and it and with reassuring words he watched as she somewhat shook into her fighting stance. Kleo was breathing hard though he managed to let a couple words escape, "be...careful..." seeing as how he had reacted he thought if worse comes to worse he can see about letting his anger take him again but only just enough so he doesnt change. it was risky, but if thats what he felt would be necessary then he would do it if the time came.


Akira had gotten just a regular cone with some vanilla ice cream "Hmm of all the human foods this has to be an innovation" he said as he savoured its taste. He looked to her and saw hers start to drip "Here let me do something about that ice cream" he said while he focused on the air and focused on cooling the air around her cone "There perfect back to being the average consistency. Oh and I can fly but depending on how long it's been since I started using my elemental powers I might not be able to for very long, at least not without help" he pulled out a tag and started chanting "Crane, eagle, hawk, raven! Fly forth and bring wind! Fall forth and grant me flight! Come forth celestial vestment!!" He said aloud and with a flash of gold his back was adorned with beautiful paper bird wings. Just as he summoned the wings he felt a dark presence in the forest but not nearly as bad as Byakko "Mary let's go someone needs our help!" He said before jumping upward using the wind to control his steering and gliding.

 As he made his way closer the the forest he could see through the trees to find three individuals and three darker looking hound like creatures all baring their anger at each other 'Hmm well im not just going to let possible corruption stay around here and hurt possible innocents' he thought before diving down at high speeds before stopping just above the trees and landing right between the bigger wolf like creature and the Lycan girl he had seen earlier that day "Dark beast, return to the void you crawled out of!" He yelled after taking out some battle tags. 

@JustAlexandra @NextGenRolePlayer @Nuuchi @HuntedFox @CZDoubleU
The wolf girl was taken a back by the sudden threat coming at her on all sides. At first her primary goal was to keep the werewolf safe from sanctuary. Now it seemed the primary goal was to keep herself from tearing off these people's heads. An anger inside her caused her already red eyes to start almost glowing. Then she started to shape shift once more. As seamless as when she took this form her other started to take over. First her hands, they shrank into human fingers, then her legs and her spine until she stood but not in her normal form. Instead she took a form where her hair was the colour of the snow itself and her eyes still loomed in a fiery red. She stood straight stark with nothing but her huge inhuman wings covering her backside and her long snow hair covering her front. The definite downside to becoming her full wolf, her cloths were completely gone. 

"Whoa guys," she held her hands up. "I am not the enemy here you know." She smiled after speaking in her thick German accent. 

Her large black wolf ears flicked and her matching tail swayed back and forth. She stood smiling like sanctuary until the girl yanked out her large scythe. 

"Oh put that thing away, you are not impressing anyone with that little Spanish dagger." Snarled the snow haired wolf girl. 

"You're the one holding a dagger!" Returned the other girl. In a sudden flash the wolf girl moved to Sanctuary, appearing behind her, grabbing strands of her equally long hair. 

"You see everyone around you? They want to kill me,. It no one can touch you except me, so, who is it gonna be... humm?" The wolf girl smiled and stepped down  away from Scantuary. "I mean no harm, I was just protecting... Kelo...was it Casey?" She turned to the two wolf-humans. Then to Akita. She flashed to him just as quickly as to Scantuary. Quickly she investigated the boy. "Hummmmmm" she purred. And what exactly are you supposed to be?" As she investigated him, she noted his tags. They looked odd, confusing and new to the wolf girl. She had not been in society for too long and this society killing was not allowed. Humans were her food. There were none here. Even if the blood of any creature within a vicinity of her would sustain her it did not taste good. Plus, if it helped, there was no one here she loved making her hungrier and bored. It took way too long for her to get here and to have done so right as a wolf hybrid was changing. It was uncool to her. 

'I wouldn't trust her if I were you, I know that no one has to trust me... but you cannot trust her."



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"Be careful..."

Those words rang in Casey's head as she shakily stood between the commotion and Kleo. All of this was just fairytales brought to life before her very eyes. She might've  been more terrified than anyone during this eventful evening. She'd been near death once already and now she might be again. She couldn't discern who was the bad guy and who was the good. So she was just stuck in her stance, feebly 'protecting' Kleo. But those words that the wolf boy said came back to her. Be careful... how could she be careful if she wasn't  even in the fight? Of course the fight dealt with powers far greater than her own but she could at least stop acting like a soggy dishcloth hung up to dry.

Casey took a deep breath slowly getting ahold of her breathing. Someone needed her. So she needed to be collected. She stopped her shaking and narrowed her eyes, using them to track each person's movements. Glancing back at Kleo to ensure he was still alive gave her confidence as she made herself a little more dangerous looking. Though to these strange people she must seem like a tiny ant.

Then out of the blue someone landed in the forest. Casey's eyes widened. It was that strange boy from earlier! What was he doing here?? And the girl with huge wings that used to be a wolf asked her a question, but didn't wait for an answer. But she decided it was best if she answered it anyway.

"Protecting? It seems as if your doing the exact opposite! You're protecting no one but yourself." She swallowed and waited, her fists at the ready if she were to be attacked.



Akira looked confused after the seemingly corrupted animal turned into a girl with Snow White hair and no clothing "Im not sure what exactly is going on here but you all need to get out of here it isn't safe!" He said with a serious tone as he put his tags away "And if you must know I'm a god, but currently a severely weakened one" he answered the white haired girls question before looking to the girl holding the scythe behind him. The girl wasn't anything to special but he was sure she wasn't human "You know that those hounds of yours are much to dangerous to keep around here" he said as he gestured to the demonic dogs at her side 'Why are Izanami's hell hounds here?' He thought to himself before going over to the boy lying on the ground. The boy was injured but he was still alive "We need to get him to someone who can treat his wounds. They all seem internal, must be the result of a rushed transformation and with no seal. I'm surprised he's survived this long in this state" he said as he slipped a tag from his holster "Gentle hands, cleansing wind, heal and purify. Come forth at once healing current surge!" After his chant, divine energy enveloped the tag and then disappeared with the tag and entered the Lycan boys body. He got back up and the looked to the Lycan girl who had ran from him earlier "He will need more than just this to be completely healed. I've only dulled the pain but his injuries are still there" he said before looking to the sky and jumping straight up and began soaring into the sky once again and returned to Mary "Sorry about that didn't mean to leave you mid conversation" he held his hands together almost like a prayer and bowed slightly to apologize.

@CZDoubleU @HuntedFox @Nuuchi @JustAlexandra

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((I'm kind of confused about what exactly is going on so i'll just try to do my best lol))

Mary hurried to keep up with Akira, flying towards the forest. She felt guilty, but she did not want to go back anywhere near the forest. Last time had not gone the way she would have liked it to, and she wasn't excited to get into something else again, but if someone really needed her help she couldn't just say no! They got there to find a fight nearly happening, and a wounded boy in the middle. Mary gasped, he seemed to be hurt badly. 

Luckily for her the fight seemed to calm down. She walked to the boy with Akira, looking at him as Akira spoke. Something wasn't right. He was injured, of course, but even Akira's healing didn't seem to alleviate his pain. She frowned, watching his face. After a few moments, Mary put her hand over the boys stomach, closing her eyes and praying to the divine powers, asking them to numb the boys pain. She was no doctor, but she could do this for him. Her hand pulsed blue light into him, and she watched his face ease with the leaving pain. It wasn't much, but she smiled anyways, glad she could do something. 

She was so preoccupied she didn't even hear Akira, and turned to him, smiling widely like an excited child. "Look, Akira! I numbed him!" she said happily. "I know it isn't the ideal thing to do for him, but it's better than him lying there in pain."

She looked at the others, standing around her. "I'm Mary. An angel," she said, smiling to each of them and fluttering her wings a bit. "I don't really know any of you, or your names, I apologize," she said as she stood up. "You know fighting is against the rules, right? I will keep your secret though," she said, still smiling at them all. 
Akira after apologizing started feeling around for any signs of corruption "Thus forest definitely isn't safe not even for the three of us" he said gesturing to himself, the girl with the scythe and the white haired girl "Can you two feel a heavy presence in the deeper areas of the forest? It should have a wild but also very pure feel to it" he was hoping Byakko was gone but the presence he felt from his former friend was still out there. "Lycan, I'll need you to carry the boy there while we get out of the forest. I'll watch the rear for anything that might attack us and the girl with the hell hounds should take the rear with me. As for the strange one here she can take point and lead us out of here" he said assigning jobs to the other strong beings in the group. He looked at Mary and noticed no obvious signs of corruption so he thought he was only obsessing "Mary can you take the time to heal the Lycan girl as we go as well and keep the wolf boys fever down to be safe" he felt he could trust Mary so he gave her probably the most important job that he and the other two couldn't do as well as she could. Akira was about to start getting everyone in formation until his surroundings changed suddenly leaving everyone else back where he was before "No that's impossible! How did I not feel this magic? I should still be able to counter even the highest levels of human magic" he was trying to evaluate the situation and make his best decisions but before her could process everything, a voice as beautiful as flowing water had begun to speak "Ah my dear Watatsumi it's wonderful to see you again❤️" he looked in the direction the voice came from and found Mary standing there smiling. It wasn't long before he realized that she wasn't Mary "No, you should be dead! How are you still alive" he said as he took out some spell tags and held them out "Belladonna this isn't possible. First of all how did you escape my eternal binding and second how did you corrupt Byakko?" He was looking for answers for so many questions but only those two came out. As he waited for her answer he watched as the walls around them morphed and changed "How I got out is a trivial matter and as for Byakko he was very willing to become my pawn. He was very much in love with me from the start but I only have eyes for you darling, even now I still do and that's why I sent him after you" she said so casually as though this was an already known fact. Akira felt trapped and needed a way out but couldn't for the life of him figure out what to do. He hoped the people he was with just a moment ago would be okay without him. He steeled himself 'I will get back to them!' He thought as he prepared to fight.

(I'm going to make a couple posts like this so that we can clear up any confusion before I return him to the group)

@Nuuchi @JustAlexandra @CZDoubleU @HuntedFox
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{Since I am more than slightly confused. I have made a post. But I cannot garantee it is any good. I'm not following what @GreyGremory is laying down. I kinda just want to abandon the whole situation entirely but that wouldn't be any fun. I took Sanctuary out near the end. In the hopes no one else would get confused as myself. I will add her later on when this is over. She's not any good anyway being all invis and what not anyway. I have also left out the tag for Kelo's owner because I do not wish to peg him with notifications when he returns. I hope he feels better though! (Ps, the flu has been going around. And where I life a "nasty" storm is taking over everyone is thinking this is some sort of armagedden. I should be fine though.)}

"What?" Sanctuary said searching the grounds for her dogs. As predicted the hounds weee long gone by now. "There aren't...." she trailed off confusion washing over her face. Her fingers clenched tighter around her scythe. "This got strangely confusing quickly..." she mumbled just under her breath. It was true she could feel the presence in the forest but all she could honestly feel was Coyoty's ability to leach the life off of the living trees when she didn't feed for a while. It begged the question, when really was the last time the girl fed? She was into this nasty habit of going weeks without doing so making her weak hungry and bored. Her thirst for death was about as strong as Sanctuarys'. 

Coyoty looked onward ward with a strong sense of confusion. It wasn't just what she was picking up off her raven haired enemy. Instead it was the utter lack of blatant ignorance on the situation. "Do you pay attention at all?" She questioned once more in her thick German accent. "The only two people who are hurt right now are the boy, Kelo and maybe the hell girl received some minor damages from my wolf form." 

"More like mangy mutt," whispered the girl under her breath. Getting glared daggers did nothing to silence her ever so Coyoty continued ignoring her. 

"Who the f are you and what are you doing here? Where did you come from, why are you referencing Izanami inside your head and who in the crap is Mary. What makes you think you can take the lead all of the sudden? You are not my boss and o do not have to listen to you!" The wolf girl started her growl in the back of her throat letting it summer there until she was finished. In truth she had just come over here to protect possibly one of her wolf friends from the presence she experienced from Sanctuary. This girl was a death reaper. Izanami had nothing to do with any of that. She didn't have any hell hounds as far as she knew, this mother was a god who parished in the underworld after she died giving birth to her son which scorched her skin to death. She didn't even make it to hell where Sanctuary was from. On top of that there was no correlation to the two of them. "And as little as I would like to admit it. There are no hell hounds here. And you would know that had you paid any attention at all." The girl snorted when she finished and Sanctuary put her hands up. 

"As fun as this is. I do not feel obligated to stay here anymore. So I am just going to take my leave now, I shall see you guys later," with that the scythe wielding black haired girl vanshied into thin air. And why should she have stayed? It wasn't like she was needed. Needed maybe to obey orders. But if she was any good at that she would not have been in hell. 

Cotofy stood stone but was bor afraid. Just still confused. None of her questions were answered and she spoke all of them in which she had. Glancing towards the two wolf creatures she sighed pulling her ears back. She had made a huge mess of what was supposed to be her first day at school. It was nothing like home and now a potential other threat lurked in the forest threatening to consume them. 

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Akira was about to attack when his surroundings changed again and he was back in the clearing where he had summoned Suzaku "How in the world did I get here?" He was teleported back into the forest just as fast as he was teleported it of it. He looked around and noticed that his tags were still intact and the arrays on them were changed slightly "A power seal key spell tag. So she made these before leaving" he was thinking very hard as to why his sister would do it but he thought he had better find the others first. After running for a while he had finally realized just how far into the forest they had been when Byakko had shown up "If she hadn't gotten us out of here we would have been done for" he said slightly out of breath before seeing some foot prints or rather paw prints, although they were much larger than any wolfs so he had to assume it was Byakko on the hunt "If I don't find them soon they won't stand a chance" he was hoping he found Byakko first before Byakko found them.

@HuntedFox @Nuuchi @JustAlexandra @CZDoubleU
(Yeah, I'm pretty confused myself as to what @GreyGremory is trying to say... So I'm going to follow @CZDoubleU on this one in hopes we'll be able to sort it out. ^^;)

At the mention of the Hellhounds Casey's heart thumped with fear and she perked her ears in hope to hear them. Upon looking up, she saw that Amore looked greatly confused and was dancing the grounds as well. Casey shook her head and tried to clear it, looking over at the boy who was spurting nonsense about magic and such things. She was about to bomb him with questions but another voice beat her to it. Casey blinked to see the girl who used to be a wolf trying to take control of the situation and end her, and everyone else's confusion.

Hearing conformation that there were no Hellhounds present calmed Casey as much as such a thing could, but the vague mention of a darker threat put her at unease. She didn't want to go anywhere with that strange boy and his companion. Nor did she want Kleo to be touched by strange magic. 

So Casey took it upon herself to get them both out of there. She whipped around and hefted Kleo into her arms, thanking no one in particular that she was werewolf, and started off at a brisk walk, not turning to see if they were going to stop her. She considered breaking into a jog and decided it was best, for as long as she could. She needed to get away.
((Okay, so I am confused just as much as everyone else. Mostly with who everyone is, which I guess I should just go read the character lists, but I am lazy. Also I thought Belladonna who looked like me was in the forest, but we seemed to have abandoned that part? I'm just going to go with that though, because I am intrigued with the potential relation between her and Mary. Also did Belladonna go away? I think so, but I can't really tell lol. Can someone explain to me what is going on with this hellhound business aswell?))

Mary nodded at Akira, walking over to werewolf girl. "Is it alright if it touch you? I must to heal your wounds, otherwise it will not be as effective," she touched her without waiting for a response, eager as she always was. She put her hands on the girls shoulder, and the blue light emitted from her hands again. She closed her eyes, asking for the divine god's powers, but held onto it this time. She could keep the power for a short time, but she had heard stories of those who became greedy with their power. "Perhaps that is what happened to Akira's friends," She thought, as she healed the wounds of the girl. "It isn't the greatest job, and I recommend you see a true healer, but you should be okay for now," Mary smiled at the girl. 

Mary kneeled on the ground at the boy again, an icier blue coming out of her hands, cooling down the boy. It was easier to use her powers when she was holding on to them. She hardly had to think about it at all. She turned suddenly when she heard a voice from deeper in the woods. A girl, who looked almost exactly like her was there. She stopped cooling down the boy, losing track of her powers and completely distracted by what seemed to be her doppelganger. She stood up, not noticing the conversation going on between her and Akira. She caught one thing, though. The words "Belladonna". 

"But...you like just like me..."Mary said quietly, not even sure anyone could hear her. She wasn't even sure she cared. Belladonna didn't seem to notice her, either, but Mary almost wished she did despite what she had heard about her. She took a few steps towards her, but Akira and Belladonna disappeared into thin air, and Mary was left without really knowing anyone she was with. "Where...?" she said quietly again, looking around for them but not expecting to find them. She frowned, unsure of what to do. She wanted to go back to the school, lay in her bed and forget this had ever happened. She hadn't even seen her dorm room yet and she had already had a near death experience, seen her doppelganger, and come up on a fight between were wolves and hellhounds. She turned around, looking around but not really seeing. 

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