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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

For the first time kleo watched as casey let a smile excape. another feeling of relief set over him seeing as she is starting to show her true self to him. He seemed a bit confused as she talked, wondering how she didnt seem to be bothered by her animal instincts. surely she couldnt have just brushed them off right? i mean, wolves are known as predators so that really shouldve made it hard he thought. 

"I know when i was younger and before i had more self control even in this form i couldnt fight the urge to hunt. There were even times i would notice a rabbit flee by me and i would immediately chase after it while as a human." he explained a bit trying to figure out how she could have avoided it, could there wolf self really be that much different though? then it hit him, "wait...are you and your wolf not one mind?" he said hesitantly not really sure if that was an appropriate question or not

Even he looked confused... Casey flicked ball her ears. He had all the urges a wolf had while only she had one. This was so strange... He didn't seem like he was an actual wolf, but he was taught how to be a human. How did this not make sense to her? Well, it made sense if she didn't think too hard about it.

Casey wagged him explain and nodde din understanding. She shook her head again. "See, I don't get that. Maybe it's beca-" She was cut off as he spoke again, posing a question. Her eyes widened, her moth hanging open a bit. "I-I.." How did he guess? Or did he know all along??

'Yes! Yes! He guessed!'

Kleo definitely enjoyed how long they have been talking. Even if she wasnt aware it was helping his body heal up faster from the changes and he didnt want to stop. he managed to si up fully now but still leaned against the tree and he rubbed his eyes a bit to help focus more before turning his attention to casey again.

"hey sorry.. you dont have to talk about it right now if you dont want to." he stated clearly seeing as he guessed correctly and it seemed to put her in a kind of shock like state. was he not supposed to know? he was nervous he may have upset her by figuring it out and putting it so bluntly. is ears tucked back and he lowered his head slightly as he waited to see what she was going to do.

Tuesday. It could have been any other day. But it had to be Tuesday. On top of it all it was raining. Which would not normally be a problem for her. Her long raven colored hair was sticky and drying slightly from her mile and a half walk through the woods to "cool off" as she put it. Today was definitely hard. Soul or not, she still had emotions. Her emotions today were all sour. First she woke late for school, then she forgot to feed her hounds leaving them to find her hungry and angry. An hour of slobbery licks and human souls her dogs finally gave/ in and took off. Last because she woke up late the shower water was frozen to the bone in temperature. Easily not a problem if it hadn't been today. Her problem was not with her dogs. It was not with the rain which was still manageable even as she walked towards the school it was the fact that today marked the first year since she'd been gone. It was a shock at how someone so sweet, with not a thing on her record would be snuffed out like a flame unwanted and unneeded. A chill ran down Sanctuary's spine. It lasted only a second in time but it was enough to make her shiver. Grasping at her bare arms the girl made it back into the school. 

She he was not too quickly determined to make it right into class again so instead she wandered the halls looking for some trouble or to reap havoc. The halls were void of life. Not a soul seemed to be skipping or wandering around of their own volition. She glanced in a few rooms wondering if anyone skipped. Not everyone was a perfect entity. Everyone had slipped out of class at least once in their life. To the bathroom or to the halls for whatever reason they made an excuse for. She wanted someone to talk to. Anyone at this point. Her loneliness was starting to get to her. 
'If you don't spill my existence I'm going to take you over and tell him  myself! Heaven knows got tried enough that I can!' Her wolf said in an almost whining tone.

Casey looked down and took a deep breath. "No, I'm sorry, it's fine." She looked up at him, ready to tell. It's not like she had a choice. But she remembered the very few people that ended up figuring it out thought that not only was she a freak of nature, she was a freak of nature with schizophrenia. "Werewolves are born with two parts. Each part is a person, but one is the wolf side and one is the human side." She swallowed, feeling a twinge of fear in her chest. "These wolf sides go by the name Lykaios... without my, Lykaios I would be a normal human. And if my Lykaios would happen to get ripped form my being, not only would it be unbearably painful, I would probably die within a couple days because she is the source of my power." 

Casey paused to take a breath. "I call my Lykaios Mitz. When I turn into a wolf, she's in control. And she can take over if she wants when I'm in a weak or exhausted state. I guess... you don't have one because you were originally an actual wolf..." Casey anxiously looked at Kleo, afraid he'd have nothing nor with do with her.

Kleo listened carefully with his eyes gleaming with curiosity. He couldnt believe how different they were even though they shared the same features. How would it feel to have something just..take over your existence almost as they please? He could tell something was bothering her, perhaps just her talking about it? he wouldnt know until time passed and they became closer and didnt want to push it. 

"i see" kleo began "i was kidnapped when i was a pup by some kind of carny..gypsy.. people or something like that as my grandfather told me. i really have very little memory of that happening. my grandfather, whom you may have guessed isnt my "actual" grandfather but thats what i knew him as. anyway, he seen how they treated me and didnt like it and he escaped with me and one other to the woods which i lived ever since as he taught us how to be proper humans in hopes we could function in a society like normal despite our physical appearance. i guess this school is what he had meant by that" Kleo didnt realize he had said so much until he found himself catching his breath again. "We have different outlooks on our self as a werewolf, with me being a wolf first and you having your.. lie-kay-ose.. right?" he stated feeling a little embarrassed knowing he didnt say that right, but shook it off quick and briefly placed his hand on her leg and looked her in the eyes again. "either way im glad you decided to tell me. Its nice to have someone to talk to again" he smiled reassuringly at her 

So he didn't hate her for her difference... what a relief that was! T'was like a weight lifted from her shoulders.

Casey listened with her ears twitched back in sympathy. Did they treat him horribly like she was..? Probably not... she couldn't imagine anything as worse than what she'd faced for being a werewolf, but, what if it was? Her eyes widened at the thought.  

"Lie-kai-ohs." She corrected with a sliver of amusement, sensing his slight embarrassment. But again, when she was touched she flinched a little, but forced herself to relax and meet his eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered, sincerity flickering through her eyes. 

Kleos face flushed a little still feeling goofy for mispronouncing it. "lie-kai-ohs.. got it" He said letting out a bit of laughter. though he was taken off guard at her thanking him, and the look in her eye made it appear that she truly meant it even though he wasnt completely sure as to why she did it. his smile stretched back across his face and his ears perked up a bit as he was pretty happy again. 

"thanks for what exactly?" he asked trying not to sound too pushy for an answer. 

Casey let her ears perk a little by as well, she closed her eyes for a few seconds and when she opened them her look had not changed. She still had that same grateful emotion in her eyes. He really had no idea that him just existing, and being so nice to her meant. From what she could tell... he was genuine. And she knew what signs to look for. She hadn't had someone (besides her mum, or course.) genuinely be nice to her for, well, ever.

"For being here, being you. Being... so kind.." She replied in another whisper, for fear of she spoke any louder her voice would crack or wobble.
Kleo was a little frozen. he really wasnt exactly sure what to say right now. though he knew it was still gonna be a while before he was ready to get up and start walking around again normally. he stretched a bit just to feel how much soreness was still there to be sure and as he expected it was still bad, but getting better for sure. 

"thanks for being myself? well that much is easy" he said smiling only trying to be a little playful. "you have pretty eyes when you can actually see them" he said without thinking. then he looked down and felt his face grow warm, Why did i just say that? where did that even come from? he thought frantically not know what to do now that he just made it awkward.

Did he jus-... Casey's cheeks grew hot as she stared at him in surprise, unsure how to respond. Why'd he just compliment her like that out the blue? She blinked, looked at the ground awkwardly. Mitz was laughing her head off in the background, which wasn't helping, and Casey did her best to drown it out. What was she supposed to say now?? Her first instinct, how she'd trained herself, was to snap at him, but she decided against that. So she looked around, embarrassed that her checks were a light red. 

She knew he couldn't walk, because when he stretched she could see the look on his face. But she couldn't help but blurt out the stupid question in an effort to move past his comment.

"Can you walk?"

If he couldn't, she could just... leave. Or pick him up and carry him out... yeah, like that wouldn't be awkward. It seems like the only option was for her to just sit there, in an awkward silence even after she spoke.

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Akira looked first at the now filled crater before acknowledging Daniel "Thank you both. I'm still very sorry I do want to make it up to you" he said looking up at he sky. As Akira looked up at the sky he closed his eyes and focused on the stars and more so than the stars he focused on the moon "Ah there should be a full moon tonight and hopefully clear skys" he said smiling, eyes now open again "Mary if we are getting ice cream I'll treat you both, get anything you want" he wasn't completely happy but he was ready to got over the events from today. As Akira and his friends walked toward the shopping area he thought about what he saw Mary do with the ground and he green light that enveloped her 'There's no way....it had to be a coincidence, but what if she really is related...' he thought before returning his thoughts to his friends. He stopped walking for a moment and looked up at the sky "Dadis this what you meant by something to live for? Is this my trial?" he wanted answers and not just for his trial. He needed answers on Byakko and more than the he needed answers on Belladonna, a witch he thought he smiled himself with the power of the sacred beasts behind him 'I was able to 'beat' her thanks to the other four but if Byakko is on her side.......we might not stand a chance this time' he wasn't liking the way events were unfolding and he worried most that people, the mortals around him, might get hurt or worse because of him. After a moment he began walking to catch up to his group and then looked at Mary and cracked a slight smile on the corner of his mouth "Well no use worrying about it now" he said aloud a little more cheered up than before.

@JustAlexandra @NextGenRolePlayer
Kleo still couldnt believe what he had said. he had thought at first it was a harmless complement but as soon as the words came out he felt embarrassed even though he wasnt fully sure why. unsure of what was going to happen next he could see that she was about as flustered as he was which was a slight relief that he wasnt the only one. it seemed they were quiet forever waiting on her to say something or for him to think of anything else but felt too scared to talk again at the moment until she asked the question. 

"not exactly. not yet at least. it shouldnt be too much longer though i dont think." kleo said with his ears tucked again and his head hung a bit he was afraid to look up at her right now. "you dont have to stay if you dont want... ill understand.." he hesitated when saying that. in all honesty he really didnt want her to leave. he enjoyed her presence and he knew if somehow there was something in the wood that could hurt him he wouldnt really be able to defend himself. realizing now how much he messed up putting himself in that situation when she could have just left without engaging conversation with him. so far she stayed though, she didnt seem like the type to talk to just anyone. was there more to it than that?

Casey chewed on her lip, still trying to recover from that awkward silence. She felt that her cheeks weren't was warm, but she was still a little flustered. She almost straight out asked him why he would do something like that but had decided against it and blurted out the other question. But she saw that he was just as flustered as her, which she wasn't sure if it was a relief or concern. Least to say, she was uncomfortable.

When he spoke again, she kinda pinned her ears back the rest of the way, hesitantly looking at him and seeing that he was looking down. She figured what he said earlier must've slipped or something, but still, what if he was just planning to think it? When he said she could leave she almost did, realizing how much she wanted too. Even her body twitched as if she was going to get up. And she did, stand up. She was trying to make a decision and for once her Lykaios was silent as a.. a.. ant. 

But, instead of walking away, she walked a couple steps to a tree infront and a little off to the side of Kleo. She sat down against it, being careful not to crush her tail, and faced the werewolf boy.

She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, resting her chin on the as well and set to looking at Kleo. She didn't speak because she didn't know what to say, so she sat almost silently.


(I return! And I feel like maybe I might have gotten a little sleep!)
As night approached Sanctuary returned to the outdoors. In just enough time to see the bright and quite beautiful full moon. It lit up the night in a soft blue luminous glow. Her dark brown eyes widened. It was beautiful, it felt like she was being touched by her best friend. Her only friend. A smile landed on her face and she decided for a walk once more. Wandering around she found more people out here. "so this is where they are ditching to." She smiled again watching them have fun. It was cute. One of Sanctuary's dogs suddenly appeared snuffling and snorting slightly. "They are not souls you van eat," she said while running her fingers down its spine.  Her hounds were not the prettyiest of things. They had large faces which had drilled out holes for their noses and their eyes. Inside the sockets were not eyes though and instead harvested a deep amber flame to which only glowed when hunting. They also were tall and lanky. Their bones stuck out in some places where others had ragged skin pulled over their bony frame. She loved her dogs despite this look to them. They resembled much of everything like her. 

Deapite her beet best efforts to keep her dogs from reaping their own havoc. The moment another arrived the two were off and towards the group of people. Sanctuary darted after them in fear they would ruin any friendships she wanted to make. This was a part of second chances. And they were going to ruin it for sure.

the dogs made it to the people. Two to be exact. They were leaning against a tree looking particularly snugly and warm. The dogs made high pitched yipping and squeaking noises as they approached the two. Their eyes burned with fire red. Sanctuary watched in silence wondering what they were doing. People could only see the hell hounds if it was their time to see them. Maybe things here were different but she was told to keep them from eating any souls- here. In her fear Sanctuary broke another rule and appeared right next to her dogs taking her scythe to their throats. 

"I am terribly sorry. For um- them," she said to the couple. "If you can see them that is..." it was still an honest question. "If you can they do not cause harm..." she promised in a shaky voice. Her dark black schythe was being knawed at now in anger. 


Kleo sat there resting. though it would seem his recovery was begining to speed up a little he still had no chance of walking at this point. Once he seen Casey get up he thought for sure that was it and she was off so a small tear began forming. He didnt like feeling vulnerable and had no idea what was going to happen next. Although when she sat down only a couple steps away and was looking over at him still a sigh of relief fell over him as he wasnt going to be alone again after all. Still trying to figure out why he felt so embarrassed for complimenting her eyes. with kleo being a loner most his life he really didnt understand the concept behind flirting which is why he was just as confused as she was. 

he was getting ready to speak again when he heard a commotion rushing over to them. he couldnt exactly tell what it was but his inner-wolf sense was running rampant inside him as they drew near. he wasnt sure what to do but when he noticed the same sense was right near casey it was like his mind ran on auto-pilot as he forced himself to his feet with a loud grunt ready for anything. before he could ask if she could sense it too thats when a strange voice had came from behind them and explained what was going on. what the hell is she talking about? is what shes refering to what i was sensing? Kleo thought to himself.

"what are you talking about? Who are you? What the hells going on here?" he asked the stranger with a bit of annoyance in his voice and hiding the fact he was hurt pretty well. He wasnt sure how he got this sudden burst of energy from when only moments before he could barely reach up to scratch his nose.

Casey was just beginning to get lost in her thoughts when she heard a grunt and blinked to find Kleo forcing himself to her feet. With wide eyes, she quickly jumped up and looked around. Something must be drawing near for Kleo to get up like that so soon. But she did sense sow thing. And heard the faintest snuffling and growls drawing near. She took a few steps toward Kleo, knowing that he couldn't defend himself if he tried.

Then someone spoke, and she whipped around to see a girl holding a large scythe out in front of her. Them? She was about to ask what was going on but Kleo beat her to it so she didn't speak, instead letting out a low, wolf-like growl.



That was all she could do. 

Stand and look scared. They couldn't see them, and why should they. As far as she knew they had no reason to see them. "I..." she started shakily. Her still damp black hair covering half her face. She opened her mouth again but this time to try to send her dogs away. She had no bait to give them for she had used it all that morning. Her fear slowly began to rise and then the panic set in as they both tried to advance. "I'm sorry. Just ignore them. If you act like you can't see them. You won't but if you try they'll have you," she offered as a only suggestion.

It wasnt unknown that Hell hounds only came for the souls that were corrupted. Sanctuary didn't have dangerous dogs. She just had hungry ones. It was hard for even them to cross over to the human world to take souls. She could t even leave without her watch. "Ah!"  Her watch, it would surely work to remove these dogs but until they came back she would be stuck here. Permantely. Fear and unknowing what they would do she grabbed her watch set it for the human world and looped it around the dogs. Plucky it was a watch so she set it for 24 hours from now. That was surely enough time to send them away... right? She hoped so. 

A few few seconds passed and the aura around the grounds lifted. Sanctuary collapsed to her knees begging the two for forgiveness. "They just haven't eaten in a while," she promised in a thick French accent. Her friend had trained her to remove it manually. But fear prevented her from trying to hide it. "It's so hard to get from this world to the human one... and... and they you see..." she stammered. "They.... they feed off of human souls." 


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Kleo noticed casey getting up to help stand ground though instinctively he put his shoulder in front of her even though he was still in no condition to fight, but his usual protective nature kicked in when he sensed possible danger. he listened to her talk again and wondered what was going to happen next when all of a sudden he couldnt sense the danger anymore and thats when she explained a bit on what just happened. with a small sigh of relief Kleos leg twitched and he fell to his knees and wiped his face. he was still way too exhausted earlier to do all of that but it was almost like his body was on auto pilot. after a couple seconds he took a deep breath and brushed his hair out of his face. 

"but...im not exactly human" Kleo stated as he perked his ears up and flicked his tail around. 


Casey was a bit confused to say the least, she had no idea what the girl was saying. When Kleo stubbornly kept in front of her she opened her mouth to object but the girl spoke again. Some last bits of aura were disappearing and  the girl dropped to her knees. As did Kleo, but both for different reasons. When Cadey saw Kleo drop she did a little half step so she was kind of infront of him, but off to the side. That last line of the girls explanation... Casey's eyes widened and she glanced at Kleo. "But I do...- I am." She swallowed. Kleo's soul was of the wolves. Ad though Casey may have werewolf blood, her soul was human. Whatever this girl was talking about, judging by the look in her eyes, Casey had just been on the verge of death. 

This sudden realization hit Casey moderately hard and she felt her knees weaken, threatening to give out on her staying just strong enough not to do so. Though she did place a hand on a nearby tree for stability.


The French girl wished she could promise Casey she was fine. She wished that when her wolves returned that they would be not hungry. They didn't need guidnece to do their jobs. They were workers for the devil himself. Irritation from the unknown sent a snort through her lips and nose. "Um," she started. "As long as you don't see them you should be fine." A safe reassuring voice escaped her lips. It was hard to say that she wasn't proud of it. "You haven't done any killing as a human... right? And no deals with the devil?" That one was a big one. Most people didn't believe they had but in most cases they had at least one deal. Knowledge of not. The devil wasn't a easy man to reconcile with. You made a deal and you lived up to it. 

Sanctuary should have known. After she had died she made many deals with him. Countless deals all lived up to and paid up to her last one. She shook her head winding away from those thoughts and bent to the boy almost as if she had remembered his existence. 

"You look hurt, are you weak?" It was an observation. "I think I can help," In short she wished she could heal him but all she knew were madicinal medicine and plus she couldn't touch anything human. Anything earth bound was impervious to her too. It made living possible. All without her watch she was incapable of even pretending she was human. "But I think I'm going to need your help," she said as she moved her hand through the male's shoulder demonstrating her inability to touch mortal things. "The school gave me my watch which makes touching things possible. But for now all I can do is be seen and heard. I um... used... it to get rid of my dogs."  



(this is fun. Thanks! ^~^)
Kleo was still unnerved even though he didnt appear to be in any danger. When he heard Casey speak it hit him hard and he just felt bad for what he had said so nonchalantly, how could i have been so insensitive towards her? he could sense the fear in her voice of what just happened and anyone else in that situation wouldve felt the same, but it all comes down to what the other said: human. Its true though Kleo can hold the shape and has the exact characteristics of a human he was born a pure-blooded wolf and that is where his soul remained. it took very wicked, and very powerful magic to achieve what they did from what his grandfather said. once he noticed Casey had gotten a little shaky to the point of bracing herself he gasped slightly and was just about the ask her if she was ok when the other spoke before he could and when he turned his head he flinched slightly not expecting her to be right there. the slight touch by the other gave him goosebumps. he couldnt explain the feeling but the sheer presence of this girl made his stomach feel paralyzed, though he wasnt really afraid of her.

"my help? it doesnt take a keen eye to see im hurt. its natural pain though so to speak, i just have to wait for my strength to come back and ill be fine like nothing happened." he said, he wasnt trying to rude but the whole situation confused him. what were those things? why did they come to them? was casey really in danger? what could he do to help... he looked the other in the eye "Before we go on seriously who are you? i dont think asking a name is such a big deal. especially given our current situation." 

((Sorry for such late response. It has been a long last couple of days))

"Well, normally I wouldn't allow someone to pay for me, but I can't turn down free icecream!" she said cheerily. "And don't worry, Akira. Everything will turn out alright! Things always do, even if it doesn't look so good now," she said, smiling at him when he caught up. The three walked in the direction of the front area. It was turning into afternoon, not late but it wouldn't stay light for many more hours. Mary had a bad habit of staying up late, every night, and getting up late. She may be a generally happy person, but she was not fond of mornings. Her father had signed her up for morning classes though, against her knowledge. He wanted her to be a morning person, because he was. She was foreseeing a lot of sleepy mornings, at least until she, hopefully, got used to the new schedule. 

"Daniel, Akira, What class do you have in the morning? If you have a morning class. My father signed me up for them," she said, frowning. "I don't like mornings, but it might help if I had someone I knew to look forward to seeing." She thought that if she had someone to talk to, it would help wake her up. She wanted to do well this year. 

They were nearly at the ice cream cart when Mary noticed her hand glowing purple. "Oh my..." she said, looking down at it. "That can't be good," she pursed her lips. "At least it doesn't hurt," she said quietly. This had never happened to her before, but it didn't hurt so she wasn't incredibly concerned. She had heard of her kind having side affects after calling on the divine powers, but nothing like this. It was quite a pretty color, though. She waved her hand through the hair, watching the purple trail a bit. "Oooh, pretty," she said, entranced by it. "This would make a lovely photo." 


(For some reason I can't tag NextGen ? 
Sanctuary's brown eyes widened suddenly. In this state her name was important. Any mortal who knew it could have the power to use her at their own will. As unnerving as this situation turned out to be she ended up shaking her head. 

"I uh, cannot tell you that," she said softly. 

"Unfortunately if you know my name it would be hard to get the dogs off you." Protection of her name meant she needed someone or something to help in case they knew it. Instinctively the devil gave her four hell hounds to protect her name. She wasn't sure how the lore finished and the only other person besides him that knew her name was her best friend. She was gone so no one needed to know. 

"All you need to know is that she shouldn't be in any harm. I am also in no way meaning to cause harm. I uh.... just wanted to make friends," she cracked a nervous smile and shot back up to her feet. Her long raven coloured hair flipped back behind her in the wind. She still smiled in the hopes that they would not think her crazy. It had been too long since she had any friends. Sanctuary was also a social creature making her job easier at times and harder on others. But she rarely made any friends that stayed around once they knew her profession. 

No no one wants to be friends with a death reaper. 

No one. 



(I'm running out of things to say. Sorry for the late response. I was hoping hunted would get their say...)

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