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Realistic or Modern Superheros vs. Super villains


Six Thousand Club
Character Sheet





Hero/Villain Appearance:





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Name: Penelope Matthews

Age: 19

Gender: Female



Hero/Villain Appearance:


Powers: Ghost-seer

Weapons: a Sword. (Shown in picture above.)

Personality: Cocky, Trickster, Smart, Silent.

Biography: As a child her parents were murdered by one of the highest villains, and she hates both heroes and villains because the villains killed her parent, and the heroes showed no effort into saving them. She now is a neutral person who steals for a living and still goes to high-school.

Other: She's a flirt when it comes to something she wants.
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Name: Storm Ryder

Age: 18

Gender: Male



Hero/Villain Appearance:


Powers: Smoke Screen, Night vision, Music scream

Weapons: None.

Personality: Quiet, Depressing, Sweet

Biography: When he was little his powers were out of control and he accidently killed his family with his music scream and he doesn't know it. He is in an adopted family and they have not told him yet. His family is always away but he gets fed and is taken care of.

Other: He always hums quietly and no one better yell at him for it or he, well, you just don't wanna see.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-12_9-0-7.png.7fa9e7d524d2e18e66fe8147df801ad5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-12_9-0-7.png.7fa9e7d524d2e18e66fe8147df801ad5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Cheesesandwitch said:
Name: Storm Ryder
Age: 18

Gender: Male



Hero/Villain Appearance:


Powers: Smoke Screen, Night vision, Music scream

Weapons: None.

Personality: Quiet, Depressing, Sweet

Biography: When he was little his powers were out of control and he accidently killed his family with his music scream and he doesn't know it. He is in an adopted family and they have not told him yet. His family is always away but he gets fed and is taken care of.

Other: He always hums quietly and no one better yell at him for it or he, well, you just don't wanna see.
Name: Eric Locchet.

Hero Name: The Vanguard.

Age: 78 (appears to be 21).

Gender: Male.



Hero Appearance:


Basic shapeshifting (allowing him to change his appearance). Immortality. Proficiency with swords and medieval weaponry.

Weapons: Long sword.

Personality: Kind and helpful, but remains unattached. As an immortal he knows that eventually anyone who he cares for will die long before he does.

Biography: The youngest of three brothers. Eric was born as the son of an immortal warrior, his brothers were hundreds of years older than him. His father had been the leader of a covert group of assassins for millennia. When his father thought that Eric was old enough (at the age of 21) and ready, the young warrior was subjected to a trail by combat against his own brothers. Though his older brothers were more experience Eric still proved to be a better combatant. He killed his brothers and proved his right to succeed his father to the throne. But after the forced death of his brothers Eric only resented his father. He fled his father's assassin organisation and went to America. That was fifty seven years ago. Since he has turned his attention to helping others, after seeing people suffer for decades he wants to help as much as possible.

Outside of being a superhero he has set up a rather large computer business. Though this business is also a front as he uses the technology to track, watch and survey the people that he wants to protect. Further more his company has donated a considerable amount of money to charity (both foreign and domestic) over the years.

Other: Can be really sarcastic. Enjoys making other people feel awkward or out of place, but not to the point that it causes them discomfort or pain. Is bound by his sense of honor. Uses his powers as a shapeshifter to disguise himself when going out as a superhero.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-19_6-41-53.png.1ae336799d36e16af6397dd8fc21c52a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86180" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-19_6-41-53.png.1ae336799d36e16af6397dd8fc21c52a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Cole Daven

Age: 18




Hero/Villain Appearance:




Powers: Necromancy


Personality:He can control the dead, so he's not exactly the friendliest type. He's soft spoken and passive, but he will do anything to protect who he cares about, since he failed with his family.

Biography:Cole and his sister were sent to an orphanage after their recently widowed mother committed suicide. Cole had been 11, with his sister being 7 at that time.They were adopted shortly by a family who turned out to be cruel. He tried to protect his sister from their alcoholic stepfather, but he couldn't always be there for her. Once night, things got especially heavy. Cole struck out, and released his pent up anger. Their stepdad was sucked into the earth by the small army of the dead Cole had created. But Cole couldn't control it. His sister vanished along with his stepfather, and Cole has been living in regret ever since.
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(Yeah, gotta revise my character.)


Astraea Conover







Hero/Villain Appearance:


(Ignore outfit, she'd never afford that.)


Fire Manipulation


She used the sword until it was stolen, now spoons and sticks work for the street girl.


Astra gets rather feisty, though she cannot speak,, she shows her anger through actions (Mostly Sign language). If she trusts you, she'll show the side of a longing child who never really got a chance to be one. If not, well, prepare for insults.


Astraea was named after a greek goddess, one her mother rather admired. She symbolized hope and innocence in the women's eyes. Too bad she was way wrong. At seven months old, her father was tired of the crying and walked to her crib. With an angry shout, the man crushed her vocal chords and tossed the baby down. The man was immediately placed in jail. The hospital saved Astraea's life, but could do nothing for the baby's voice. Any attempt to speak brings quite a bit of pain, not to mention difficulty. At age five, Astra managed set her toys on fire. That lead to many more tears. First the rug caught, then her. Then the couch, leading to a massive inferno. Her mother threw the baby out the window and into a pond to try and save her. Astra couldn't cry, couldn't speak. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, she whispered the one word she could 'Mommy'. And then the house collapsed. Silent sobs wracked the child's body.

Astra raised herself on the streets, never getting caught and never begging. She did indeed steal several purses, and gangs money. Whenever she was close to being caught, well, she sacrificed her arms to burn the other. If that happened, she would have to deal with months of pain from third degree burns. So, she did her best not to get caught.


-Yep, her weakness is also fire.

-She is a mute

-She will sign insults all day.​

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