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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Now i cannot access your memory, only your thoughts... whats up with that building with the singularity."

“From what I’ve gathered, it used to belong to an entity that was the dark center of the universe” she replied
Tyson nods. "Let's do it. They're likely heading to the Mayor's office if they haven't already made it there."
"But we have to be careful. We have no proof and let's be real in I'm probably the only one who believes a deer. " she said and looked at the deer. "Thank you again."
“From what I’ve gathered, it used to belong to an entity that was the dark center of the universe” she replied
"Does not ring a bell... it appears to be a beacon for gravity itself... say... it may be a monlitch that creates a force similar to 'the great attractor".. god of the singularity? of infinite strength..?"
"Does not ring a bell... it appears to be a beacon for gravity itself... say... it may be a monlitch that creates a force similar to 'the great attractor".. god of the singularity? of infinite strength..?"

she shrugged “no idea, just told you what I’ve learned”
"But we have to be careful. We have no proof and let's be real in I'm probably the only one who believes a deer. " she said and looked at the deer. "Thank you again."
The deer smiles and then runs off.

"Yeah. We're gonna need to build a solid case first, especially since it involves such high profile people." Tyson said. "And we also have to do it in a way that they can't just weasel their way out of."
The deer smiles and then runs off.

"Yeah. We're gonna need to build a solid case first, especially since it involves such high profile people." Tyson said. "And we also have to do it in a way that they can't just weasel their way out of."
"Yeah that might be hard but we can do it" she nods
“I don’t have to explain anything to you” Killian replied a bit frustrated
"Why I'm curious what makes you think you shouldnt explain things to me. You want answers. It's why you and your boy friend got me and the other clones here" he said smirking.
"Why I'm curious what makes you think you shouldnt explain things to me. You want answers. It's why you and your boy friend got me and the other clones here" he said smirking.

She was getting more frustrated “listen here you weasel, you and the other clones are products of a mad man that needs to be stopped, period!” She stated

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