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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Not on purpose there was a few gunshot holes I patched up. I Invited him over. We hung out a little while you were dead." She said
"Right. Well don't let hum just walk around. He's a bull in a china shop." He said.

(OKAY I'M MOVING ON!) Ben transformed into XLR8 grabbed Fate and headed towards the smoking city.
“Is there any way to differentiate him from his clones? Like a small tell or action?” She asked
"No idea" Alex shrugged. "The clones only showed up after Jeremy killed Wolfe. Now we're unsure if he killed the real Wolfe or the first of these clones."
Misty nods. "I'll keep that in mind"

(That's fine) Fate looked around as they head to the smoking city.
He took the book and started flipping through it. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (this is the time for him to come across whatever Black Beard has)

When they got there they saw the streets riddled with corpses, cars were scattered around many if them also in fire having crashed into walls and eachother
He took the book and started flipping through it. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (this is the time for him to come across whatever Black Beard has)

When they got there they saw the streets riddled with corpses, cars were scattered around many if them also in fire having crashed into walls and eachother

As he flipped through the book he found a strange part that stated Black Beard the legendary pirate had come across a gold orb with mysterious power that lead to him conquering the Caribbean.
As he flipped through the book he found a strange part that stated Black Beard the legendary pirate had come across a gold orb with mysterious power that lead to him conquering the Caribbean.
"Hold on." He said. "Black Beard... This warrents..." He started going through his oersonal library pulling everything he could on Black Beard. "I have to call someone." He said running off
He took the book and started flipping through it. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf (this is the time for him to come across whatever Black Beard has)

When they got there they saw the streets riddled with corpses, cars were scattered around many if them also in fire having crashed into walls and eachother
Fate looks around. "What in the world has gone on here. "

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