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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Just please be careful. " she said watching the two repair themselves. she turned to Cinder. "Maybe. Just make sure they dont cause any issues."
Cinder sighed with a smile “alright fine, but you owe me for this”
Hugin and Munin seemed to be somewhat at peace as they began building something from the spare parts lying around-
“I apologize, my name is Merlin” the man replied “and I brought you here because we are in need of help” he added

"Merlin? Like the ancient Arthurian Legend Merlin?" Ben asked. "Still don't get what's wrong with my clothes." (He's gone back to his UAF outfit. That was my favorite)
"Yeah king Arthur's Merlin is the only merlin I know. But that is just legends.. yeah I dont get what wrong with our clothes either. I just came from freeing some people. " Fate said.
She walks out, carrying her sword still.
Spectre pulls a radio from his pocket and listeners for a moment "The distraction has gotten a bit out of hand. We need to escape from the roof."
"To the roof then" she nods and heads for the nearest stair case to get to the roof.
As they sprint to the stair case Spectre sees Edpool trying to open a large vault door “What the hell are you doing?” Spectre says, breaking his usual calm and collected composure.
"Yeah king Arthur's Merlin is the only merlin I know. But that is just legends.. yeah I dont get what wrong with our clothes either. I just came from freeing some people. " Fate said.
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

“I see, so in your time I’m a mere story, and to answer your question, I can’t have you walking around here with those, you’ll likely be caught and then killed” he replied
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth

“I see, so in your time I’m a mere story, and to answer your question, I can’t have you walking around here with those, you’ll likely be caught and then killed” he replied

"Killed? I'm Ben Tennyson." He said. "Killing me isn't as easy as just saying it."
"Yeah we dont get killed that easily. " Fate said. "What do you need help with Merlin? It must be something big"
Loren waited until the man was out of view before walking back home himself. As he walked, Loren felt like he didn't achieve much tonight. First real gig he got in the few weeks he started and he only took out one criminal which probably doesn't mean anything since the last two thugs that were leaving probably carried their unconscious friend to safety. Loren then glanced at his backpack. At least he has the gun he snagged from the unconscious thug. It gonna be pretty difficult to practice using the thing when he has 7 bullets left, so has to play it smart like always.

Loren then turn his attention to the part of his shirt that conceals his bandaged bullet wound. With a wound like this, Loren would have to be stupid to go out as Mortal tomorrow night, or the night after that. At least it would leave a cool looking scar after it healed. Oh wait, that would be bad since he want to make sure that people don't suspect him. Loren guesses he won't be wearing any tank tops or short sleeve t-shirts anymore. Loren continues his walk back home.
Loren finally finds himself at his doorstep. He proceeds to pull the door key out of his wallet. He never thought about getting a key ring or bothered learning how to even attach keys on it. Loren unlocked the door and entered his apartment.
"Killed? I'm Ben Tennyson." He said. "Killing me isn't as easy as just saying it."

"Yeah we dont get killed that easily. " Fate said. "What do you need help with Merlin? It must be something big"

“It will still be better for you two to blend more” he replied before his apprentice came in with clothes for them “I tried to get clothes that could fit you, but I didn’t know your sizes” the girl replied as Ben and Fate could see the dragon tail behind her
“It will still be better for you two to blend more” he replied before his apprentice came in with clothes for them “I tried to get clothes that could fit you, but I didn’t know your sizes” the girl replied as Ben and Fate could see the dragon tail behind her
"Thanks." Ben said taking some of the clothes.

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