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Realistic or Modern Superheroes and Villains Characters


Name: Tobias "Toby" Jones

Age: 22

Gender: male

Appearance: tom_eddsworld_fanart_original_au__by_lcharliesb_dej6i3y-fullview.jpg

  • Monster Physiology: Tobias has the ability to transform into a 10-foot-tall Quadriplic monster with purple fur and andy striped horns
  • PyroKinesis: Tobias is a pyrokinetic able to manipulate fire from his surroundings or using his own body heat.
  • Enhanced strength: He's more potent than an average human.
  • Power exhaustion: Tobias using his powers can result in fatigue after a few minutes of use of his powers if he gones longer than that he'll well- pass out for a couple of days to recover.

Backstory(optional): N/a

Other info(optional): N/A
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Name: Tobias "Toby" Jones

Age: 22

Gender: male

Appearance: View attachment 1023352

  • Monster Physiology: Tobias has the ability to transform into a 10-foot-tall Quadriplic monster with purple fur and andy striped horns
  • PyroKinesis: Tobias is a pyrokinetic abile to manipulate fire from his surrounding or using his own body heat.
  • Enhanced strength: He's stronger than an average human.
Weapons(optional): N/a

Backstory(optional): N/a

Other info(optional): N/A

Please provide a weakness
(my first hero.....UUUUGHH)

Hero or villain or neutral: Hero

name: Kōsen Shinigami Voidsman

Code name: Red Jade

Lover: Dr Voidsman

Age: Being semi immortal she's lived to see her country and others flourish to what they are today but she can still die

Gender: Female

Shogun 2.jpg

Powers/abilities: Clone mimic, limb augmentation, Tanky Armor, high agility, and Armor repairment

Weapons(optional): Hyper obsidian tipped blade, throwing stars, and daggers

Weaknesses: Her physical weakness is an old battle wound locate on her side and if injured in that one spot she'll be weakened and have to retreat

Backstory(optional): When she was born she was gifted with her with immortality to become a warrior and serve her country. she was only 37 when she met Doctor Colmer in Japan. during their time together they grew closer together and eventually vowed to be lovers till the end of time. but soon they realized they had different outlooks on how they wanted to live. she wanted to be a hero and help others where as Colmer chose to be a villain...the 2 still kept in touch but vowed if they ever met in the battlefield they would fight each other. she spent most of her life in central park training her abilities and powers for combat

Other info(optional): While she tends to be gentle she's a respectful warrior. when she defeats an enemy it's tradition to offer them a smaller blade to take their own life as to show they accept their defeat. she honors her enemies no matter who or what they are.

Name: Tobias "Toby" Jones

Age: 22

Gender: male

Appearance: View attachment 1023352

  • Monster Physiology: Tobias has the ability to transform into a 10-foot-tall Quadriplic monster with purple fur and andy striped horns
  • PyroKinesis: Tobias is a pyrokinetic able to manipulate fire from his surroundings or using his own body heat.
  • Enhanced strength: He's more potent than an average human.
  • Power exhaustion: Tobias using his powers can result in fatigue after a few minutes of use of his powers if he gones longer than that he'll well- pass out for a couple of days to recover.

Backstory(optional): N/a

Other info(optional): N/A
Looks good to me
(my first hero.....UUUUGHH)

Hero or villain or neutral: Hero

name: Kōsen Shinigami Voidsman

Code name: Red Jade

Lover: Dr Voidsman

Age: Being semi immortal she's lived to see her country and others flourish to what they are today but she can still die

Gender: Female

Shogun 2.jpg

Powers/abilities: Clone mimic, limb augmentation, Tanky Armor, high agility, and Armor repairment

Weapons(optional): Hyper obsidian tipped blade, throwing stars, and daggers

Weaknesses: Her physical weakness is an old battle wound locate on her side and if injured in that one spot she'll be weakened and have to retreat

Backstory(optional): When she was born she was gifted with her with immortality to become a warrior and serve her country. she was only 37 when she met Doctor Colmer in Japan. during their time together they grew closer together and eventually vowed to be lovers till the end of time. but soon they realized they had different outlooks on how they wanted to live. she wanted to be a hero and help others where as Colmer chose to be a villain...the 2 still kept in touch but vowed if they ever met in the battlefield they would fight each other. she spent most of her life in central park training her abilities and powers for combat

Other info(optional): While she tends to be gentle she's a respectful warrior. when she defeats an enemy it's tradition to offer them a smaller blade to take their own life as to show they accept their defeat. she honors her enemies no matter who or what they are.
Sure I think it's ok. Just be careful with the immortality stuff
And befoe you say anything I'm not going to use OP characters from them either

As long as you don’t just copy the character straight from their respective world with all their powers, gear, weapons, etc. without providing originality. Otherwise I will say no immediately.

An example of what I’m talking about is a while back we had a new person that tried to bring in DOOMGUY from DOOM Eternal complete with all his weapons, abilities, and gear, with no originality.
As long as you don’t just copy the character straight from their respective world with all their powers, gear, weapons, etc. without providing originality. Otherwise I will say no immediately.

An example of what I’m talking about is a while back we had a new person that tried to bring in DOOMGUY from DOOM Eternal complete with all his weapons, abilities, and gear, with no originality.
Name: Mihaly A. Shilage

Nicknames: Sol 1 and king

Association: KGB

Former associations: Powerless Hero

Profession: Fighter Pilot

height: 6'3

weight: 117lbs (When in civilian clothing) 245lbs (when in his flight protection suit)

Age: 67

Gender: M

Appearance: 2022-09-20.png

Vehicles: SU-30M and a classified aircraft nicknamed Strike Wyvern

Weapons(optional): Makarov and combat knife

Backstory(optional): Mihaly was an Ace pilot serving in the Cold war before the KGB found out about him. He served in the US Air forced and was credited for his 48 air victories (Victories= planes shot down). How ever during the War in Vietnam he was shot down and only had enough fuel and gliding power to make it to Communist China were he was then turned over to Russia and served in their air force as well. though yes he may be old he still puts up an impossible fight when in the air fighting. After his so called "capture" by the Russians he's refuse to return to America under no condition but he was assigned to work with Dimitri and Nikolai Petrova thus forcing him to bring his squadron to America as well.

Other info(optional): Mihaly tends to be a cold uncaring man but when it comes down to it he's willing to put his life on the line for his friends and Comrades. he's well trained in hand to hand combat and able to deal with a maximum of 4 enemies at once. however because of his old age his back usually is in pain and forcing him to move at a more steady pace.
uperhumans (ones with powers)

Hero or villain or neutral: Hero

name: Earl Johnson

Code name: None

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: Six foot three. Strong athletic build. He has spikey hair and blue eyes. His outfit usually consists of blue jeans and a black shirt covered by a yellow hoodie with the hufflepuff crest on the right pec.

Powers/abilities: He has magical abilities that he can focus through a magical conduit. He is also athletic and a skilled flyer. He is also a parseltongue

Weapons(optional): A birch wand about 8 inches long with unicorn hair and a nimbus 2001.

Weaknesses: He can be killed like any other. And although he is not unintelligent he often leaps before he looks which gets him into trouble.

Backstory(optional): He did a full seven years in hogwarts and was going to become an auror when he ended up here. He was testing out a new spell right as the wards broke which drew him into this world.

Other info(optional):
Name: Mihaly A. Shilage

Nicknames: Sol 1 and king

Association: KGB

Former associations: Powerless Hero

Profession: Fighter Pilot

height: 6'3

weight: 117lbs (When in civilian clothing) 245lbs (when in his flight protection suit)

Age: 67

Gender: M

Appearance: View attachment 1023937

Vehicles: SU-30M and a classified aircraft nicknamed Strike Wyvern

Weapons(optional): Makarov and combat knife

Backstory(optional): Mihaly was an Ace pilot serving in the Cold war before the KGB found out about him. He served in the US Air forced and was credited for his 48 air victories (Victories= planes shot down). How ever during the War in Vietnam he was shot down and only had enough fuel and gliding power to make it to Communist China were he was then turned over to Russia and served in their air force as well. though yes he may be old he still puts up an impossible fight when in the air fighting. After his so called "capture" by the Russians he's refuse to return to America under no condition but he was assigned to work with Dimitri and Nikolai Petrova thus forcing him to bring his squadron to America as well.

Other info(optional): Mihaly tends to be a cold uncaring man but when it comes down to it he's willing to put his life on the line for his friends and Comrades. he's well trained in hand to hand combat and able to deal with a maximum of 4 enemies at once. however because of his old age his back usually is in pain and forcing him to move at a more steady pace.
Musicnotes Musicnotes
(You have final say but this one looks fine to me)
Name: Mihaly A. Shilage

Nicknames: Sol 1 and king

Association: KGB

Former associations: Powerless Hero

Profession: Fighter Pilot

height: 6'3

weight: 117lbs (When in civilian clothing) 245lbs (when in his flight protection suit)

Age: 67

Gender: M

Appearance: View attachment 1023937

Vehicles: SU-30M and a classified aircraft nicknamed Strike Wyvern

Weapons(optional): Makarov and combat knife

Backstory(optional): Mihaly was an Ace pilot serving in the Cold war before the KGB found out about him. He served in the US Air forced and was credited for his 48 air victories (Victories= planes shot down). How ever during the War in Vietnam he was shot down and only had enough fuel and gliding power to make it to Communist China were he was then turned over to Russia and served in their air force as well. though yes he may be old he still puts up an impossible fight when in the air fighting. After his so called "capture" by the Russians he's refuse to return to America under no condition but he was assigned to work with Dimitri and Nikolai Petrova thus forcing him to bring his squadron to America as well.

Other info(optional): Mihaly tends to be a cold uncaring man but when it comes down to it he's willing to put his life on the line for his friends and Comrades. he's well trained in hand to hand combat and able to deal with a maximum of 4 enemies at once. however because of his old age his back usually is in pain and forcing him to move at a more steady pace.

Musicnotes Musicnotes
(You have final say but this one looks fine to me)
(Fine with me)
Hero or villain or neutral: Villain

name: Charlotte "Der Fuher" Friesenger

Age: 41

Gender: F


Powers: Militant summoning.
She has the ability to summon soldiers to her side in order to fight along side her. (Unlike Dimitri and Nikolai) she requires no replacement for them if they die. she can summon a simple scouter to a battalion of soldiers. with her personal favorite being a group of flame troops and armored MG men. this takes time however as she has to think of looks, age, weight, and what weapon her soldiers have to use

abilities: Super human strength, augmented skeleton, tough and skin.

Weapons(optional): She uses an assortment of weapons so it's really not know what she sticks to

Weaknesses: she's mortal and can still die

Backstory(optional): (I'll make backstory later

Other info(optional): (And same later as well)
Hero or villain or neutral: Villain

name: Charlotte "Der Fuher" Friesenger

Age: 41

Gender: F

Appearance:View attachment 1026719

Powers: Militant summoning.
She has the ability to summon soldiers to her side in order to fight along side her. (Unlike Dimitri and Nikolai) she requires no replacement for them if they die. she can summon a simple scouter to a battalion of soldiers. with her personal favorite being a group of flame troops and armored MG men. this takes time however as she has to think of looks, age, weight, and what weapon her soldiers have to use

abilities: Super human strength, augmented skeleton, tough and skin.

Weapons(optional): She uses an assortment of weapons so it's really not know what she sticks to

Weaknesses: she's mortal and can still die

Backstory(optional): (I'll make backstory later

Other info(optional): (And same later as well)
(So are the soldiers she can summon human?)

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