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Superhero vs Villan


Three Thousand Club
A clash comes between a superhero and villian, fighting for what seems like hours but what will happen if a greater threat tries to destroy them to. Will they continue to fight each other? Or the real threat?
Aqua Skull was on a building rooftop, eating an apple while she was watching the people below go on with they're daily lives. She enjoys seeing people happy without a care in the world, but she has this strange feeling that something will turn it all around
Lucas is walking down the street trying to find the spy that the government had sent to watch him. He was tipped off from a friend of his
Lucas kicks the door to the spies house down storming in "Where are you?" he shouted
"Im Havoc and I came here to deal with the government spy"
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"He chose to help try to recapture me" Lucas snaps sparks in-between his fingers "I'm going to show him that was a bad choice"
(Yess) "good choice" he said as he started up the stairs to find the spy
(i don't like coffee) Lucas finds the spy and grabs hold of him. Shocking him until he went limp then tossed him aside "thats what you get," he said leaving the building
She sees him and pays for her drink before leaving and catches up, "Did you get what you needed?" she asks
he looks at her "yea he is dead now"
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"you seem pretty interested in what I'm doing. Why is that?" he asks

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