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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Mother fans just be capping idc LOL. But also just art style wise I cannot imagine him taller than Inkling who I always draw much shorter than Joker when I draw them

In conclusion, heights be wack!

Me when it comes to any canon heights:
Screw canon! height is purely based off of vibes and vibes alone smh Like I absolutely hate that “canonically” inklings are apparently around 5 ft and simply refuse to accept it as canon. Human sized inklings are simply wayyyyy too cursed to imagine.

Dont tell Shulk, Min, throw in Pikachu trying to save em from Seph
Dgsjdjdof Shulk, Min Min, Pikachu, and Sora all have to team up to get their yellow haired buddies back!

I too am guilty of drawing Lucas as quite the little bean
Context: I was on discord talking to a friend and he said that he imagined Lucas walking through a field like he does in his hallucination in Mother 3, but in the field he sees Lyn doing something cool like practicing her sparring or archery, perhaps even hunting some wild beast, and he gets one of those childish "Puppy Crush" infatuations with her. So I ended up doodling this.
View attachment 1162583
I don't know why I draw him so tiny. Maybe it's just because Smash has accustomed us to seeing Lucas as a widdle munchkin?
DBSKDJDIDOD omg that is so dang adorable my heart!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️
On a different note, since I didn’t get really any response towards the Yoshi stuff I’ll just go ahead and write the post assuming there were no issues with the general concept of the first post I made about it. I won’t touch into the possible ideas I offered up in the second one given I feel I’d need input in driving those than just doing one or the other

Me when it comes to any canon heights:

Screw canon! height is purely based off of vibes and vibes alone smh Like I absolutely hate that “canonically” inklings are apparently around 5 ft and simply refuse to accept it as canon. Human sized inklings are simply wayyyyy too cursed to imagine.
I feel ya on this. I too go based off vibes for the more stylized characters. Like when I draw Yoshi with my characters he’s likely most of their heights but given he’s so oddly proportioned I just say nope you’re shorter and carry on lol
Me when it comes to any canon heights:
View attachment 1162615
Screw canon! height is purely based off of vibes and vibes alone smh Like I absolutely hate that “canonically” inklings are apparently around 5 ft and simply refuse to accept it as canon. Human sized inklings are simply wayyyyy too cursed to imagine.

Dgsjdjdof Shulk, Min Min, Pikachu, and Sora all have to team up to get their yellow haired buddies back!

DBSKDJDIDOD omg that is so dang adorable my heart!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️
Yea fr screw canon heights should be about my vibes hehe I’m talking when I don’t know shit about some of the heights of the earth bound canons. I played the game too many times and once on the Wii U, my bro owns the og snes cartridge that came with the guide book and the scratch a sniff cards I think. I hang my head in total shame. It doesn’t help I think of one piece with the jacked up heights. We dont talk about Oda’s weird body proportion art style

Yeah Shulk, Pikachu, Sora, and Min Min need to step up as guardians of those kids especially with what’s coming next from Seph in my next post 👀😈
On a different note, since I didn’t get really any response towards the Yoshi stuff I’ll just go ahead and write the post assuming there were no issues with the general concept of the first post I made about it. I won’t touch into the possible ideas I offered up in the second one given I feel I’d need input in driving those than just doing one or the other

I feel ya on this. I too go based off vibes for the more stylized characters. Like when I draw Yoshi with my characters he’s likely most of their heights but given he’s so oddly proportioned I just say nope you’re shorter and carry on lol
Honestly I’d say go for what you have planned it seems like you and Kameron are carrying that scene anyways.
Had this pop up and kind of reminded me of my last Joker post so I'm obligated to share:
The Smash Bros might be in trouble if Joker is their main protagonist LOL! Hopefully he doesn’t get the Smash Bros temporarily erased from existence like he did his whole team then again that’d almost be WoL all over again

Also how could I forget, everyone is probably awakening a persona. I’m sure nothing could go wrong with this
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Also how could I forget, everyone is probably awakening a persona. I’m sure nothing could go wrong with this
dhskdhd oh gosh tell me why I immediately starting thinking up what Personas my characters would have in this hypothetical scenario. I remember a long while ago there was a discussion about what arcana’s the characters could represent so I’ll probably snatch from some of those ideas as well.

Persona: Shishi
Thoughts: So Isabelle’s a shih tsu, which when translated from mandarin literally means ‘lion dog’ so it’d feel illegal to not have her persona be related to lion dog statues. And, since the games already have the Okinawan version of lion dogs (Shiisa), I figure I’d use their Chinese name instead for the sake of variety. As for her arcana, Temperence represents balance, moderation, blending, and harmony, which I think kinda really works with the central themes of Animal Crossing as a series. And, her zodiac sign is Sagittarius which (According to google) happens to be associated with the temperance card as well.

Arcana: Priestess
Persona: Saraswati/Benzaiten
Thoughts: I probably should have just gone with Nayru/Hylia as her persona but that’s boring and I wanted all the personas to pull from real world mythology. Originally I looked towards Greek mythology (Since Alttp specifically has a location called The Tower of Hera) and was very close to picking either Athena or Theia, but eventually I changed course and ended up learning about Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and flowing water. Like with the lion dog, there is already a demon/persona named Saraswati but she hasn’t been used by any main characters and if I really wanted to I could simply go with her East Asian equivalent, Benzaiten. But anyways, the thing I thought that made Saraswati work well outside of being a goddess of wisdom is her association with water (as Nayru is often also associated with water/ice) and her status as one of the Tridevi, a trio of goddesses that represent knowledge, prosperity, and power. 2/3 are pretty much exactly the triforce pieces, you can’t tell me that it doesn’t fit! As for her Arcana, If I remember right in the initial discussion Ploegy was the one to first connect Zelda to the Priestess Arcana, and considering its association with femininity, wisdom, and spirituality, it definitely fits her pretty well!

Arcana: Hermit
Persona: Kraken
Thoughts: dhskfkdkfdhd this persona requires zero explanation so I’ll just skip to talking about her Arcana. Ploegy also was the one to connect Inkling with the hermit card as, outside of the Futaba reference, the Hermit card represents inner guidance and self reflection, which is really fitting considering her role as Inner Agent Three in the Octo Expansion secret boss, as she helps Agent Eight overcoming their own internal battle. As well, with her pretty much leaving Inkling Society in order to completely dedicate herself to agent work, there is that very literal interpretation of her becoming a hermit lol.

Arcana: Magician
Persona: ???
Thoughts: I’ve so far spent two whole hours trying to find any kind of mythical creatures or deities that could fit Pichu and boy was I unsuccessful. Don’t get me wrong there are lots of rat/mouse myths and tons of lightning deities, but from the ones I found not a lot of them really fit Pichu as a character in the way I wanted. I’ll continue to look for possible persona picks later but for now I’ll just explain why he’s the Magician Arcana. From the descriptions I found online, the card seems to be pretty associated with tapping into one’s potential and a few definitions very interestingly described the magician as a “Conduit” between the spiritual and physical worlds. Looking at Pichu, who’s most notable feature is his inability to control his electricity, the magician could represent Pichu having this untapped potential within himself.
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dhskdhd oh gosh tell me why I immediately starting thinking up what Personas my characters would have in this hypothetical scenario. I remember a long while ago there was a discussion about what arcana’s the characters could represent so I’ll probably snatch from some of those ideas as well.

Persona: Shishi
Thoughts: So Isabelle’s a shih tsu, which when translated from mandarin literally means ‘lion dog’ so it’d feel illegal to not have her persona be related to lion dog statues. And, since the games already have the Okinawan version of lion dogs (Shiisa), I figure I’d use their Chinese name instead for the sake of variety. As for her arcana, Temperence represents balance, moderation, blending, and harmony, which I think kinda really works with the central themes of Animal Crossing as a series. And, her zodiac sign is Sagittarius which (According to google) happens to be associated with the temperance card as well.

Arcana: Priestess
Persona: Saraswati/Benzaiten
Thoughts: I probably should have just gone with Nayru/Hylia as her persona but that’s boring and I wanted all the personas to pull from real world mythology. Originally I looked towards Greek mythology (Since Alttp specifically has a location called The Tower of Hera) and was very close to picking either Athena or Theia, but eventually I changed course and ended up learning about Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and flowing water. Like with the lion dog, there is already a demon/persona named Saraswati but she hasn’t been used by any main characters and if I really wanted to I could simply go with her East Asian equivalent, Benzaiten. But anyways, the thing I thought that made Saraswati work well outside of being a goddess of wisdom is her association with water (as Nayru is often also associated with water/ice) and her status as one of the Tridevi, a trio of goddesses that represent knowledge, prosperity, and power. 2/3 are pretty much exactly the triforce pieces, you can’t tell me that it doesn’t fit! As for her Arcana, If I remember right in the initial discussion Ploegy was the one to first connect Zelda to the Priestess Arcana, and considering its association with femininity, wisdom, and spirituality, it definitely fits her pretty well!

Arcana: Hermit
Persona: Kraken
Thoughts: dhskfkdkfdhd this persona requires zero explanation so I’ll just skip to talking about her Arcana. Ploegy also was the one to connect Inkling with the hermit card as, outside of the Futaba reference, the Hermit card represents inner guidance and self reflection, which is really fitting considering her role as Inner Agent Three in the Octo Expansion secret boss, as she helps Agent Eight overcoming their own internal battle. As well, with her pretty much leaving Inkling Society in order to completely dedicate herself to agent work, there is that very literal interpretation of her becoming a hermit lol.

Arcana: Magician
Persona: ???
Thoughts: I’ve so far spent two whole hours trying to find any kind of mythical creatures or deities that could fit Pichu and boy was I unsuccessful. Don’t get me wrong there are lots of rat/mouse myths and tons of lightning deities, but from the ones I found not a lot of them really fit Pichu as a character in the way I wanted. I’ll continue to look for possible persona picks later but for now I’ll just explain why he’s the Magician Arcana. From the descriptions I found online, the card seems to be pretty associated with tapping into one’s potential and a few definitions very interestingly described the magician as a “Conduit” between the spiritual and physical worlds. Looking at Pichu, who’s most notable feature is his inability to control his electricity, the magician could represent Pichu having this untapped potential within himself.
Oh boy this is a whole topic that I could dive way too much in to lol! I’ll have to do this myself when I’m not up at 4:30am suffering from my insomnia Dx so be ready for my own rambles and thoughts cuz god they will happen

But I love this! These are all really fitting and Pichu being the magician is pretty fitting. That’s also Morgana’s arcana. Generally magician arcana members are considered the “guy best friend” and often tied to one of the first male party members / male confidants you meet in the game so I guess Pichu is now Joker’s bestie LOL
Mkay, so I know I have to write for Daisy and for Sheik, but do I need to get caught up with any other of my PCs? I'm so terrible at keeping track of my own characters :,)
XD I found a new song for my Lunaris playlist! To quote a friend when I shared this with him, "A wonderful addition to my Psychic Damage playlist."

💕Aww ty! I really like drawing Lyn too, her design is so simple but so enjoyable at the same time.

Oh yeah! You just reminded me that I forgot to even mention this lol
So Lyn's age range can be from 15-19 in the Blazing/Binding Blade (yeah, they were REALLY pushing it here with Lyn's age). So I'm having her be 16 years old because I prefer her being younger (because LORD knows what happens to Lyn once she's over the 18 mark).

And because she's 16, NO SHE IS NOT ROY'S MOM. Neither is she Sue's or Lilina's!
Though it would be really funny if people DID keep asking her, "Hey, what's it like being the same age as your would-be son?" or stuff like that. The power of Smash Bros is pretty incredible lmao!

She isn't married to anyone either, though I will put in my headcanon that she was subject to a harem consisting of Kent, Rath, Eliwood, and Hector (+Sain if you wanna push it). Lol she's just tryna be an independent girlboss but she's surrounded by dudes 😆

As far as her canon goes, Lyn already completed her crusade for Caelin, and she's known as "Lady Lyndis" now, she's Lady of Caelin, saved her grandfather from Lord Lundgren, yadda yadda. Eliwood and Hector's part of the Blazing Blade was completed too, so let's just say for all intensive purposes, she is post-Blazing Blade and pre-Binding Blade (not like she matters much in Binding Blade anyway).
Good to know! LOL I can just see Lyn being SO fed up with being sought after by so many dudes.
Rath was my top pick for Lyn. Silent badass nomadic archer is yummy, he reminded me of Cloud.
I just realized that everyone in that group before the Ice Climbers showed up was blonde...

Nana: "Are you all siblings or something?"
Popo: "No way! Shulk's the dad, Min Min is the mom, and Lucas is the little baby!"
Lucas: "I'm NOT a baby!"
right?! XD you don’t want the one guy who likely lost custody of the pits for his bad ways I have a funny head canon he lost custody of them too many times until the judge throws the hammer on him that he’s not fit so they go into Falcon’s and Samus’s care. Why am I seeing this a mix of Ace Attorney? And Judge Judy she scares the hell out of Seph one of the other women that scares Seph other than Samus
He's not fit to be anyone's dad wejwfbhfbfjwen
He's literally the bottom in this template sdkjhwbwkhegb
AHH No Ike! Leave IKE ALOnE!! Ahhhhv mmjfsss I shouldn’t laugh I can’t at that screen shot.
Ike is NEVER left alone lmao
I can just imagine the repulsion on his face if he ever meets his fans. "Yune almighty, you people are depraved..."
Fr! Falcon’s class helps Lucas get the girl… and now kiss the girl is playing in my head. Why? Oh WHy! Hikys
Lucas: *Tries to lean in and kiss Lyn*
Lyn: "Aww, are you trying to kiss me?"
Lucas: "No! I was gonna....bite your nose!"
Kudos to you if you got that reference
Good to know! LOL I can just see Lyn being SO fed up with being sought after by so many dudes.
Rath was my top pick for Lyn. Silent badass nomadic archer is yummy, he reminded me of Cloud.
Rath is a solid pick ngl, he's my second favorite out of Lyn's possible husbands, but I always loved the idea where Lyn and Kent elope together to Sacae and stuff after all is said and done. The noblewoman and her loyal knight. It always reminded me a lot of Zelda and Link from BotW.

And yeah I'm having Lyn be very jaded when it comes to romance lmfao, she's a bit oblivious to her own harem tho 😆
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Had this pop up and kind of reminded me of my last Joker post so I'm obligated to share:
Seriously though, it’s more amazing because I think Joker and Lunaris have plenty in common and might have actually gotten along had things been different. I definitely look forward to a confrontation between them! Lunaris could very well be a warning as to what one could become if different choices were made!

I also look forward to a meeting between him and Zelda.

Develius told me they wanted a proper confrontation between Samus and Odessa before they left the game. That would be interesting too, possibly heart wrenching!
Okay okay, time for huge Ploegy is a Persona nerd post. I'll spoiler it all so no huge wall of text, but I will try to include an arcana and two personas (one for in game reference and one for other) just for fun. So ye here is a mess of my thoughts:
Ren "Joker" Amamiya
Arcana: Fool / World
Persona(s): Arsene, Satanael, & Raoul + Wildcard ability to use any persona
Extra: I don't need to explain him. This is all canon

Ann "Panther" Takamaki
Arcana: Lovers
Persona(s): Carmen, Hecate, & Celestine
Extra: Again all canon for her so no explaining. Just an excuse for showing off her other personas

Arcana: Star
Persona(s): ?????
Extra: Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi. Oh why must you be difficult for me! Arcana wise, it wasn't too bad given the star is a lot about joy and hopefulness tied with internal/external struggles which I'm sure he has, but beyond these thoughts I can't say I really can find personas fitting of him. Perhaps I will come back on this one later

Arcana: Hope (Could be argued to be a Fool as well cuz big protag energy)
Persona(s): Roxas & Apollo
Extra: Arcana wise, Hope is an offshoot one that quite literally has only been used on 1 character in a spinoff, but I don't care. Hope, optimism and positivity are all heavily present in Sora and if reserved it shows despair and negativity which he also has shown signs of plus his anti-form could play in to that concept as well. With personas, Roxas is the obvious choice for a canonical game reference given he is born from Sora's heart and his Nobody. Quite literally his other self so it wouldn't be surprising if he were to be a persona especially since Sora housed him for so long too. On the flip side, I did a lot of back and forth on his more mythological persona. I didn't want to use a well known god like Apollo, but he checks a lot of boxes like having ties to being a sky deity (god of the sun and all) which I thought would be a fun play on Sora's names meaning and he is a god of light, which of course Sora embodies light himself. Other thoughts I had for him were Izanagi (Japanese god of Japan and sky/thunderstorms), but he is a persona already and of P4's protag of all things so big nope or Hermes was up there given he is known for traveling as a messenger of the gods which I thought would be a fun tie to Sora's own traveling of worlds, but dismissed the idea

Arcana: Hanged Man
Persona(s): Sora & Hachiman
Extra: Roxas is a weird one given who he is, but I feel he falls in decently well among the hanged man arcana being someone who is stuck in an odd transition state. He hits the whole self sacrificial and self loathing that comes with characters of this arcana as well. Now of course if Sora had him as a persona, the opposite would be true, even though there are probably other possibilities for a persona in the KH universe for him. It makes the most sense to have the two hold that with each other. Now Hachiman was a bit of a stretch, but I spent a long time thinking for him and came to the conclusion to use his ties to commanding samurai nobodies and finding a deity which was tied to samurai to some extent, thus the tie to Hachiman was created!

Pyra / Mythra
Arcana: Temperance
Persona(s): Pneuma & Harmonia
Extra: So first the arcana. I decided on temperance because much of its focus is finding and striking a balance within ones self which is something that both Pyra and Mythra seek independently, but also as a whole between one another. This is a great struggle for them, but becomes a major focus. As for personas, obviously Pneuma as their game tied one is no surprise. She is the true form of the Aegis after all and the result of Pyra/Mythra's acceptance of themselves. Harmonia on the other hand plays into Xenoblade's draw towards Greek mythology while also representing the arcana I have picked for them. As the goddess of harmony, it would be fitting for one seeking such to have their inner self represented by it

Arcana: Hierophant
Persona(s): Sothis & Fukurokuju
Extra: Usually Hierophant characters would be older male adults that guide the protag and Byleth is kinda young, but he still fits it, especially since it serves as the counterpart of the priestess. He is wise, very logical and in some cases could be argued to be a parental figure because of those qualities. He also harbors the feelings of loss, though perhaps not to the extent of holding him back, but good enough for me lol! Sothis is the clear persona choice for his FE3H one given he literally is her vessel and in some ways already acts similar to a persona given she gifts her powers to Byleth before completely fusing with him. For Fukurokuju, he is the god of wisdom and longevity which are both things Byleth possesses. He also was noted to be a hermit before being reincarnated as one of the Seven Lucky gods which can kind of tie to Byleth being quite isolated as a child before he really came upon his own godlike powers. Also Fukurokuju being the only one of the Seven Lucky gods to resurrect the dead could be seen as similar to Byleth being able to "resurrect" the dead by rewinding time

Arcana: Judgment
Persona(s): Alvis / Ontos & Prometheus
Extra: There are a few reasons Shulk fits into the judgment arcana. "Characters of the Judgement Arcana are well-aware, quite intelligent and view the world with infinite possibilities. Most powerful when combining their intuition with their smarts, their thought process is among the most vast and realistic" is basically Shulk in a nutshell. Given his visions he can open up possibilities that might not have been there prior and combine that with his natural smarts and you've got a major threat. The personas themselves are generally tied to judgment of humankind, which is something Shulk does himself (maybe he's just the persona LMAO). As for personas, his Xenoblade related one was a bit of back and forth. On one hand I could see him having Zanza given he is the god who manipulated Shulk, but given the ill intent of his actions and Shulk opposing him, I settled on Alvis/Ontos since he is the one who aided Shulk on opposing Zanza and becomes heavily tied with him. For Prometheus there are 2 reasons I chose him: 1. his name means "forethought" which I tied with the concept of foresight which Shulk has and 2. he is the one who gifted humanity with knowledge and technology which both have heavy ties to Shulk as well (obviously technology was very different but the concept is there lol)
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Seriously though, it’s more amazing because I think Joker and Lunaris have plenty in common and might have actually gotten along had things been different. I definitely look forward to a confrontation between them! Lunaris could very well be a warning as to what one could become if different choices were made!
It definitely will be very interesting to see how they react to one another. Luckily Joker is somewhat familiar with the concept of what he could have become if wrong choices were made given his own rival, but it would definitely force him to realize what exactly he's dealing with
He's not fit to be anyone's dad wejwfbhfbfjwen
View attachment 1162731
He's literally the bottom in this template sdkjhwbwkhegb

Ike is NEVER left alone lmao
I can just imagine the repulsion on his face if he ever meets his fans. "Yune almighty, you people are depraved..."

Lucas: *Tries to lean in and kiss Lyn*
Lyn: "Aww, are you trying to kiss me?"
Lucas: "No! I was gonna....bite your nose!"
Kudos to you if you got that reference

Rath is a solid pick ngl, he's my second favorite out of Lyn's possible husbands, but I always loved the idea where Lyn and Kent elope together to Sacae and stuff after all is said and done. The noblewoman and her loyal knight. It always reminded me a lot of Zelda and Link from BotW.

And yeah I'm having Lyn be very jaded when it comes to romance lmfao, she's a bit oblivious to her own harem tho 😆

I imagine this is how Seph wrangles the pits or any kids further evidence losing custody this too funny. He’s forced into parenting 101 of course sleeps through them lol with the belief he don’t need them that he’s above it. Pff

Poor Ike! Ghljef Ike just do what Seph does ignore them he don’t care about his fans or anyone not Jenova.
Also how could I forget, everyone is probably awakening a persona. I’m sure nothing could go wrong with this
Captain Falcon
Arcana: Chariot
Persona(s): Blue Falcon & Phaeton
Extra: Captain Falcon, as a top-tier racer in the "F-Zero" universe, consistently demonstrates unparalleled determination and drive. His relentless pursuit of victory and his capacity to thrive in high-speed, dangerous races align closely with The Chariot's themes of mastery and control. The Chariot is often associated with victory achieved through asserting one’s will and self-discipline. Captain Falcon's success is not just due to his skill as a pilot but also his ability to maintain focus and confidence in chaotic and competitive environments (unless he's fighting Ness (or Lucas), Meta Knight, Shiek, Min Min, or Marth). The Chariot also involves the theme of balancing opposing forces. Captain Falcon, as both a bounty hunter and a racing champion, manages dual identities, blending the intense focus and aggression of a bounty hunter with the charisma and showmanship of a professional racer. This duality reflects The Chariot's narrative of steering and controlling contrasting energies to move forward. His alignment with The Chariot would also emphasize his role as a leader and a symbol of hope and strength to others in the racing and fighting arenas.
Captain Falcon
Arcana: Chariot
Persona(s): Blue Falcon & Phaeton
Extra: Captain Falcon, as a top-tier racer in the "F-Zero" universe, consistently demonstrates unparalleled determination and drive. His relentless pursuit of victory and his capacity to thrive in high-speed, dangerous races align closely with The Chariot's themes of mastery and control. The Chariot is often associated with victory achieved through asserting one’s will and self-discipline. Captain Falcon's success is not just due to his skill as a pilot but also his ability to maintain focus and confidence in chaotic and competitive environments (unless he's fighting Ness (or Lucas), Meta Knight, Shiek, Min Min, or Marth). The Chariot also involves the theme of balancing opposing forces. Captain Falcon, as both a bounty hunter and a racing champion, manages dual identities, blending the intense focus and aggression of a bounty hunter with the charisma and showmanship of a professional racer. This duality reflects The Chariot's narrative of steering and controlling contrasting energies to move forward. His alignment with The Chariot would also emphasize his role as a leader and a symbol of hope and strength to others in the racing and fighting arenas.
Given the chariot arcana in P5 is a huge bro I can not imagine a better fit for someone like Falcon
Arcana: Star
Persona(s): ?????
Extra: Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi. Oh why must you be difficult for me! Arcana wise, it wasn't too bad given the star is a lot about joy and hopefulness tied with internal/external struggles which I'm sure he has, but beyond these thoughts I can't say I really can find personas fitting of him. Perhaps I will come back on this one later
I did indeed come back for at least a non-Mario persona. I decided to look into serpants/dragons in mythology and finally came to settle on Ryujin from Japanese mythology. I can't say I have a lot of ties here but I felt a dragon was close enough to what Yoshi is some people have argued he is a dragon but I ain't opening that can of worms LOL and he is considered a good god which fits Yoshi being the goodest boy. I also felt the idea of Ryujin being a tutelary deity fit Yoshi since they protect one place, person, culture, etc etc so it shows some form of guardianship which Yoshi definitely has

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