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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Random prompt for y’all:

The 2024 Smash Olympics are being hosted in Lumiose City! What sport events would your characters compete in and how well do you think they’d do? (I meant to ask this during the actual Paris Olympics but I completely forgot rip. Welp, the Paralympics are still going on so shhhh it still counts 😅)
I’m gonna include some winter sports just for variety and fun!

Joker: There are a couple options I could see for him. Given he actually trains with a gymnast in P5 and he’s agile and flexible, gymnastics could be fit for him but I think shooting would also be a solid option since he is a skilled shot after all I actually was gonna draw him as the one shooter from the Olympics that was going around and other artists were doing redraws of but never did

Pyra: This one is a bit silly but I thought discus throwing would fit her. Have you seen how she can throw her sword so effortlessly? I bet she’d throw pretty damn well for discus if given the chance to!

Mythra: Given I’ve doodled Mythra as a figure skater before I feel like picking that even though I have no real reasoning behind it other than it would be a bit shocking to see her perform in something so elegant and refined given how she is

Byleth: There aren’t many events I think would fit him but I’m sure he could easily pick up fencing and compete given his skill set. Either that or something like javelin throwing since there are javelins in FE and all lol!

Sora: I could see him fitting into a few different things. He could easily do more of the acrobatic gymnastics given how he is very acrobatic himself or he could do the swimming events since he did grow up on an island and spent a lot of time around water plus ya know they love throwing Sora in water in the openings LOL. He could also be in something like long jump due to his whole acrobatic nature and all

Shulk: I don’t really have any specific thoughts for him that tie to his character but my brain for some reason imagine snowboarder Shulk and that’s the answer we’re getting cuz it’s silly
Zelda: Orginally I wasn’t sure since unlike the other Zelda’s this girlie isn’t an archer and doesn’t have a sheik form to rely on for any gymnastics events. But then I remembered in echoes of wisdom there’s going to be a horse riding mechanic so I’m gonna take that and say she’d probably do an equestrian sport like show jumping or Dressage. Chdjfjf Unfortunately I think there’s too many horseback riders in the Smash Ultimate cast for her to place on the podium, but she definitely cheers for Young and Botw Link when they compete in the events!

Inkling: After being disappointed that turf war/paint ball isn’t an official Olympic sport, Inkling signs up for shooting, probably either in one of the pistol or rifle events. If Joker is doing the Yusuf Dikec pose then Inkling’s totally got on the Kim Yeji fit. It takes some getting used to shooting a non ink based gun but she’d probably still do decently well. Oh! And she’d 100% also do basketball! (Gah I miss the basketball hoop in Splatoon 1’s training area 😭)

Pichu: Pichu’s had plenty of practice competing at the Pokeathlon back in Johto so he’s for sure signing up for a few track events! He’d probably do stuff like the relay races, hurdles, and sprints. Dhsjdjd although poor Pichu will likely end up competing against Sonic in most of those so it’s unlikely he’ll be earning any gold medals 😅

Isabelle: After having to use a vaulting pole to get around the Island in New Horizons, Isabelle is well prepared for the pole vault! Along those lines since swimming is also a mechanic in new leaf and horizons I could see her doing a Marathon swimming event as well. However she ends up being way more interested in trading pins with the other athletes
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Inkling: After being disappointed that turf war/paint ball isn’t an official Olympic sport, Inkling signs up for shooting, probably either in one of the pistol or rifle events. If Joker is doing the Yusuf Dikec pose then Inkling’s totally got on the Kim Yeji fit. It takes some getting used to shooting a non ink based gun but she’d probably still do decently well. Oh! And she’d 100% also do basketball! (Gah I miss the basketball hoop in Splatoon 1’s training area 😭)
Now you're just tempting me to draw the two of them like this LOL. I was looking for some motivation to doodle so maybe I found it now
SheepKing SheepKing I quickly got to work and I deliver this mess doodle because I couldn't let it just remain a concept
The poses together are a lil wonky but idc LOL

Also bonus full version of the Joker with a different expression cuz why not
Random prompt for y’all:

The 2024 Smash Olympics are being hosted in Lumiose City! What sport events would your characters compete in and how well do you think they’d do? (I meant to ask this during the actual Paris Olympics but I completely forgot rip. Welp, the Paralympics are still going on so shhhh it still counts 😅)
I do not watch the Olympics, but I'm sure the Pits would rock archery and shooting competitions. Toon Link might compete in fencing, swimming, and diving. With how strong T'ink is, it'd be funny if he competed in wrestling and weight lifting too!

Off topic, but a sweet thought I had (and this is by no means something that needs to happen in the RP) was of Zelda keeping her word to let Dark Pit go, but she still wants him to come back one day, so she gives him one of her ribbons, or a scarf or other piece of cloth a lady may carry, and tells him it's for good luck. She's only letting him borrow it, however, and gets him to promise to return it to her once his own mission is complete.

On another topic, have a very quick, very messy concept of Bastian, Stefan/Lunaris's Lorulean counterpart! I always have the time and urge to draw when I have a migraine.
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Did a couple lil doodles today involving a couple characters from here based on characters from Octopath Traveler. I was gonna do all 8 but ran out of steam after only 3 so I offer them
Please ignore my horrendous handwriting LOL
Poor Pyra doesn't understand military culture. Don't worry, by the time Lunaris is defeated, she'll know some marching cadences and be throwing around Knife Hands! XD
It took a while, but I finally wrote another Stefan story!

SheepKing SheepKing I just want to make sure you know that while the stories I'm writing for Lunaris are "canon" to his character, Zelda's involvement in these stories is for flavor and can be disregarded for the RP.

To most of the inhabitants of Hyrule, the Lost Woods were a place of legend, superstition, and danger. To Stefan, however, it was a place of peaceful solitude and hope. The toadstools that grew in the woods provided the apprentice wizard temporary relief from his chronic illness, and the secret pitfalls and tunnels were the perfect hiding spots for when he wanted to be alone and enjoy a smoke without the risk of being caught by his elders.

It was in one of these secret spots that Stefan was putting the finishing touches on his magician's outfit for his performance at the Harvest Festival taking place that evening. He had found the den while foraging for toadstools two years prior, and over time he had turned it into his own little hidden base complete with cushions, a small worktable and alchemy set, and a chest to keep safe the things he could not leave in his room at the castle.

The outfit Stefan was putting together was nothing grand, being made on a teenager's allowance, but it would do the job nicely: a simple blue tunic with a matching hooded cloak, a white long-sleeved undershirt, blue-grey leggings and gloves, and a pair of black boots. Now for the finishing touch! Stefan opened the chest and carefully dug around its contents until he found what he was looking for. It was a grinning theatre mask of silver and gold, a family heirloom that had been passed down to him the day he had been taken in as an apprentice many years ago. Stefan breathed on the mask and rubbed it with his sleeve to make it shine in the lantern light. The mask added mystery and whimsy to an otherwise plain and simple costume. It was perfect!

The distant howl of a Wolfos alerted the young Hylian of evening's approach. Stefan draped the cloak around his shoulders and slipped the mask over his face. The Harvest Festival will be starting soon! Time to make his debut!


The Harvest Festival was held in Castle Town as it always had in years passed. The square was alive with activity! Vendors stood by their stalls selling produce, snacks, and souviners. Faire games ranged from dart throwing to a dunking tank, and costumed performers delighted and terrified adults and children alike. Pie eating contests, vegetable size competitions, and apple bobbing games were proof of the year's abundance. It was an autumn to remember!

From the shadows of an alleyway, Stefan watched as Mazaad the Magnificent performed magic tricks for an enchanted crowd. Mazaad was a handsome young man, tall and dark, with chisled features and mocha-brown hair tied in an impressive top-knot. With his ruby red doublet and flowing gold cloak, he looked every inch the magician. Stefan scoffed behind his mask as Mazaad paid particular attention to a maiden in the front of the crowd, flipping cards, pulling a blue rupee out of her ear, and gifting her with a red rose he had pulled out of his doublet. It was the apothecary's granddaughter, Sheba. With her long ebony hair, olive skin, and eyes as blue as a clear lake on a cloudless spring day, she was a beauty to behold! Stefan always found his breath taken away whenever he looked upon her, making her grandmother believe his chronic illness was flaring up in which she would force him to take another awful dose of bitter medicine before he left her shop.

"The moon has risen," a deep voice behind Stefan muttered. It was a Goron, a large and formidable fellow. Around his neck was a silver chain with a blue crystal pendant. Stefan raised his eyes to confirm the Goron's words. Indeed, the full moon had risen, and Stefan felt the sickness melt away from him, replaced with the flow of powerful magic. It was euphoric!

It is time!

Stefan smirked as he eyed Mazaad and Sheba once more. Mazaad the Magnificent, hah! Mazaad the Mundane is far more fitting! A mere performing clown whose "magic" amounted to simple party tricks! This night, Castle Town shall bear witness to real magic!

The bonfire behind Mazaad suddenly exploded into teal flames, the force sending the young magician stumbling forward and falling on his face. A hush fell upon the festival as all eyes turned to the flames which bathed the fairgrounds in an eerie blue-green light.

"The full moon rises,
and down went the sun,
Citizens of Hyrule, behold!
Magical mischief mesmerizes,

The night of Lunaris has begun!"

The crowd gasped as a grinning silver and gold face materialized within the flames. Then, with a twirl of his cloak, Stefan, now Lunaris, leaped from the bonfire, landing neatly onto Mazaad's back and cutting off his protests. Lunaris spread his cloak wide and a shower of golden stardust fell upon the festival. Cheers erupted from the crowd, and the apprentice sorcerer felt happiness swell in his breast. Yes, this was what he was meant to do!

In the back of the gathered spectators, Lunaris spotted a royal carriage come to a stop, and from it emerged the young Princess Zelda herself and her nurse, Impa. This was Lunaris's first show and already he has gained a royal audience!

Lunaris started simple. He made a light tossing motion with his right hand and three crystal clear orbs appeared, juggled flawlessly. He dipped his left hand and the crystal balls rolled down the arm. Weaving both arms hypnotically, Lunaris rolled the crystals up and down, neither breaking the flow nor dropping them. The crowd watched entranced until Lunaris rolled all three crystal balls onto the tip of his right finger. He blew into them, and the three crystal orbs became hundreds of bubbles drifting gently over the heads of the delighted faire-goers.

The masked magician then turned to a crowd of small children nearby. He reached into his cloak and tossed origami butterflies toward them. The children reached out to catch them, and the paper butterflies became real butterflies upon their touch, drawing impressed ooo's and ahh's from the crowd.

Lunaris smiled behind his mask as he beheld Princess Zelda giggling happily as she clapped along with the audience. He noticed a cart of pies nearby and had an idea. With a snap of his fingers, an apple pie disappeared from the cart, much to the astonishment of the baker, and reappeared in Lunaris's hand. He tossed the pie into the air, took a deep breath, then exhaled blue flames from the mouth of his mask. Applause broke out as Lunaris balanced the pie on the cone of flames for a good ten seconds before letting the hot pie fall into his waiting hand.

Princess Zelda and Impa were startled as Lunaris suddenly appeared before them with a small pop, the pie still in hand. The little princess's eyes widened with recognition. She has seen that trick many times before! Before she could get a word out, however, Lunaris leaned in close and brought a finger to the mouth of his mask. Zelda instantly understood and clapped her hands to her mouth, giggling. Lunaris passed the pie to her and tickled her pointed ears before teleporting back to the bonfire, landing upon poor Mazaad's back once more.

Lunaris's heart skipped a beat. Still standing in the front of the crowd was Sheba, and she was smiling and clapping. For him! Lunaris stepped forward, sending his rival magician's face into the cobblestone, and outstretched a closed hand toward the maid. He opened it, revealing a bud that opened into a beautiful pale blue lotus flower. Sheba gasped softly, a hand pressed to her heart and her cheeks stained with pink. A Zora lotus! Her favorite flower! How did he know?

Lunaris silently placed the lotus in the girl's hair, gently caressing her cheek as he did so, before he stepped back. Sheba looked away, overcome by shyness while two other maidens held her hands and squealed with excitement for her.

Lunaris took a brief moment to bask in the cheers and applause of his audience. Then, a butterfly fluttered in front of him.


The sound of the butterfly being smashed between the magician's hands echoed through the cool night air. A silence fell upon the crowd, followed by murmurs of disapproval and the whimper of a child. The smile fell from Zelda's face. Sheba went from smitten to disgusted. This did not perturb Lunaris as he grinded the butterfly between his hands. Then he held his clasped hands out toward the crowd and spread them open. A small winged ball of light, a fairy, fluttered from Lunaris's hands. The ominous silence was shattered with the cheers and whoops of the audience. Lunaris bowed deeply. He was about to perform another trick when the baker's enraged voice shouted.

"Hey! You didn't pay for that pie! THIEF!"

Lunaris straightened in alarm. Grabbing his cloak, he twirled it around himself and disappeared along with all the rupees that had been tossed at his feet! Laughter broke out as the baker, a Hyrulean guard, and an angry and humiliated Mazaad rushed to the smoldering ash that was once the bonfire, seeking any trace of the mysterious masked magician.


Outside the walls of Castle Town, Stefan and the Goron huddled together, counting out rupees and splitting it amongst themselves. A crooked smile was on the Hylian's face as his pointed ears picked up on the joyful noise coming from the town. "Haha! They loved it! Any luck on your end, chum?"

The Goron removed the pendant from around his neck and the illusion fell away, revealing Mugorl the Moblin. He took out a couple of rolled up parchments. "The rabbitmen of the swamplands have been growing more bold according to this bounty. There are concerns of a tektite infestation near the mountains, and Like Likes have been causing issues for merchants."

Stefan tucked away his share of the rupees and donned the mask once more, becoming Lunaris. "The night is still young, Mugorl. Let's get started!"
Random prompt for y’all:

The 2024 Smash Olympics are being hosted in Lumiose City! What sport events would your characters compete in and how well do you think they’d do? (I meant to ask this during the actual Paris Olympics but I completely forgot rip. Welp, the Paralympics are still going on so shhhh it still counts 😅)
I think the Ice Climbers might participate in skiing or bobsleding! They wouldn’t be gold-medal worthy, but they'd still do very well!

Ike would def do weightlifting. He'd do pretty good, probably get in the top 5 I'd think.

Lana might have fun participating in ice skating or gymnastics, since those just came to mind when thinking of her. She'd probably get a little nervous and fluke somehow 😬

Lyn would have a blast in the archery competitions. She would definitely win a medal, for sure.

HW Zelda would participate in fencing, no doubt. After fighting in a war with little but a rapier in your hand, you would think you would get a gold medal! (But she places second 😭)
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I bring more random doodles. This one comes from a random lil prompt Grumpy tossed at me in vc like 2 months ago and originally was a concept for Mythra, but I wanted to draw Pyra so here we are

For reference the prompt was a different class for my characters. I pulled from FE's variety of classes and specifically based her off the War Clerics from Awakening
I bring more random doodles. This one comes from a random lil prompt Grumpy tossed at me in vc like 2 months ago and originally was a concept for Mythra, but I wanted to draw Pyra so here we are
View attachment 1184251

For reference the prompt was a different class for my characters. I pulled from FE's variety of classes and specifically based her off the War Clerics from Awakening
That came out great! This Pyra will either bless you or smite you!

If I were to draw class-changed Pit, Dark Pit, and T'ink, I think I'd make Pit a Monk, Dark Pit a Druid, and T'ink... I dunno. Barbarian maybe? It'd be funny!
That came out great! This Pyra will either bless you or smite you!

If I were to draw class-changed Pit, Dark Pit, and T'ink, I think I'd make Pit a Monk, Dark Pit a Druid, and T'ink... I dunno. Barbarian maybe? It'd be funny!
Thank you! It randomly popped back into my head cuz I was going through the ideas I had saved for doodles and I thought I'd give it a go. I don't remember the other ones I had so we just get Pyra. I probably wouldn't draw the others anyways cuz lazy lol!
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- I had an amusing thought of Agahnim, after the events of my latest story, learning about a masked magician who performs tricks in Castle Town, as well as taking care of criminals and monsters that are causing problems in Hyrule, every full moon night. Stefan is incapable of lying, so when Agahnim tries to get him to reveal what is going on, the two get into a battle of words to see who slips up first.

I imagine word battles are a common thing between Agahnim and Stefan, especially whenever the former suspects that the latter has gotten into mischief!
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- I had an amusing thought of Agahnim, after the events of my latest story, learning about a masked magician who performs tricks in Castle Town, as well as taking care of criminals and monsters that are causing problems in Hyrule, every full moon night. Stefan is incapable of lying, so when Agahnim tries to get him to reveal what is going on, the two get into a battle of words to see who slips up first.

I imagine word battles are a common thing between Agahnim and Stefan, especially whenever the former suspects that the latter has gotten into mischief!
Tell me Why my mind just imaged the two wizards having an articulate Shakespeaream rap battle? 😂
Tell me Why my mind just imaged the two wizards having an articulate Shakespeaream rap battle? 😂
Stefan after smoking that Hyrulean hash in his little hideout:

Agahnim and Stefan rapping is a far more hilarious way to take what I said lol

As Stefan cannot lie, he had to learn how to talk like a lawyer.
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Stefan after smoking that Hyrulean hash in his little hideout:

Agahnim and Stefan rapping is a far more hilarious way to take what I said lol

As Stefan cannot lie, he had to learn how to talk like a lawyer.

Now I'm also tempted to write of prompt of Agahnim introducing Stefan to the Hyrulean equivalent of weed 😂
Off topic but Persona 3 Reload just got its DLC and Joker was added as an optional boss fight. It has reminded me why he can’t just be running around with Satanael here LOL
Now I'm also tempted to write of prompt of Agahnim introducing Stefan to the Hyrulean equivalent of weed 😂
Oh no

Shiri scolds Stefan every time she catches him smoking, but he responds that he's already sick so he might as well have this.

After a long back and forth, Agahnim decides to go to Zelda. "Princess Zelda, sweetheart, do you know anything about the funny masked magician?"
Zelda tries her hardest not to tell, but she's 6. Stefan is glaring daggers at Agahnim.

I like the idea of Agahnim having a gut feeling that Stefan and Zelda are up to some sort of mischief and he has to figure out what. Sometimes he wonders if making Stefan her tutor in the magical arts was really a good idea.

Off topic but Persona 3 Reload just got its DLC and Joker was added as an optional boss fight. It has reminded me why he can’t just be running around with Satanael here LOL


Joker, buddy, can we just talk about this over a cup of coffee?

Joker, buddy, can we just talk about this over a cup of coffee?
I don’t think he wants to talk over a cup of coffee. The person who posted that clip posted a longer version on YouTube and it’s even funnier. I thought he whipped that out like a few turns in but nah he basically said “Fuck using Arsene. I’m ending this immediately”

Here’s the full version for just a bit of silly

Apparently his boss fight is complete bs and I find that extremely funny
School has started up again for me, so unfortunately replies are going to be taking a bit longer than usual. I'll definitely post for Cia today though, since that post is almost done. And hopefully I'll write for Lyn by the end of this week.
Let me know if I cooked or not, boss 😤 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
The room is filled with the soft glow of enchanted candles, casting flickering shadows on the walls covered with ancient tomes and mystical artifacts. Agahnim sits behind a large desk, a faint smile playing on his lips as he looks at Stefan, who stands in front of him with his arms crossed defensively. Agahnim has just heard about the "Masked Magician" and is eager to confront his apprentice.

Agahnim: (with an amused but knowing tone) So, Stefan... word around Castle Town is that a certain masked magician has been making quite the impression at the Harvest Festival—and beyond. Apparently, he’s also been dealing with some of Hyrule’s more... unsavory elements. I wonder, do you know anything about this character?

Stefan: (immediately defensive, avoiding eye contact) Me? A masked magician? Agahnim, please. If I were going to perform, I’d at least have the decency to, I don’t know, not get accused of petty theft afterward. That guy sounds like a real amateur.

Agahnim: (nodding slowly, trying to hide his smirk) Hmm, yes, yes, of course. It’s just that the descriptions I’ve heard—young, magically inclined, perhaps a bit theatrical—they sound strangely familiar.

Stefan: (shrugging) Could be anyone. There’s a lot of theatrical people in Hyrule, you know. Maybe it’s one of those traveling performers. You’re always saying how I should “expand my horizons” and “learn from others,” right? Maybe this magician’s doing exactly that.

Agahnim: (leaning back, resting his hands on his stomach) True, true. But this magician seems to show up every full moon. Quite the punctual fellow. And wouldn’t you know, you always seem particularly... energized around that time. Something about the moon affecting your magical strength, if I remember correctly?

Stefan: (a bit too quickly) Pure coincidence! I’m sure there’s a hundred people out there who feel the same. Full moons are, you know, very... magical. Everyone knows that.

Agahnim: (grinning now) Everyone does know that, Stefan. But not everyone has a Goron friend who’s been spotted with this mysterious magician, acting a bit... different. Now, what do you suppose Mugorl has been up to lately?

Stefan: (narrowing his eyes) Mugorl? Probably doing what all Gorons do—crushing rocks, rolling around, minding his own business. He’s definitely not getting involved in any moonlit performances or anything.

Agahnim: (playing along, stroking his chin) Of course. It just strikes me as odd that both you and Mugorl have been rather... busy on full moon nights. Busy, yet always returning with a bit more coin than when you left. I suppose that could just be lucky gambling at the tavern, yes?

Stefan: (sighing, his posture becoming more guarded) Look, Agahnim, we all have hobbies. Some people collect stamps, some people grow herbs. What I do with my spare time is my business. You’re not going to find me in the alleyways tossing rupees at merchants if that’s what you’re implying.

Agahnim: (leaning forward now, eyes twinkling) Oh, I’m not implying anything. Just... curious. But I suppose if you’re not involved, there’s nothing more to discuss. Perhaps I should ask Princess Zelda what she thinks of this masked magician. After all, she’s been seen at the festivals lately, and who better to ask about magical performances than the princess herself?

Stefan’s eyes widen for a split second, but he quickly narrows them again, glaring at Agahnim.

Stefan: (through gritted teeth) You wouldn’t.

Agahnim: (standing up with a grin) Oh, but I would. And you know, Zelda’s always been a terrible liar. Just one little question and she’ll spill everything.

Stefan: (panicking, trying to stay calm) She’s six! She doesn’t know anything about... moonlit magicians or, or... spontaneous pie theft! Besides, what would she even say?

Agahnim: (raising an eyebrow, his tone playful) Oh, I’m sure she’d say plenty once I ask her about the pies, the butterflies, and the peculiar fire tricks. I can already picture her trying to hide that cheeky little grin of hers.

Stefan grits his teeth, visibly conflicted. He knows Zelda wouldn’t be able to keep the secret if Agahnim questions her. A bead of sweat forms on his brow, his mind racing.

Stefan: (muttering) You’re playing dirty, Agahnim.

Agahnim: (innocently) Who, me? I’m simply looking out for the wellbeing of Hyrule and its citizens. Someone has to ensure this masked menace doesn’t get out of hand.

Agahnim moves toward the door with purpose, clearly intending to go find Zelda. Stefan finally breaks, throwing his hands up in frustration.

Stefan: (exasperated) Fine! It’s me! I’m the magician! Happy now?

Agahnim: (turning slowly with a grin of triumph) Oh, very.

Stefan: (glaring) You’re insufferable, you know that? It’s harmless! I’m just putting on a show, maybe scaring a few bandits, and making some extra rupees on the side. What’s the big deal?

Agahnim: (seriously now) The big deal is that you’re running around Hyrule causing mischief with powerful magic, Stefan. You’re still learning, and while I trust your intentions, things can go wrong. And let’s not forget the part where you stole a pie.

Stefan: (rolling his eyes) It was one pie!

Agahnim: (mocking his tone) One pie today, a royal banquet tomorrow. These things escalate, Stefan.

Stefan: (grumbling) I’m not some common thief. Everything I’ve done has been for good reasons. The monsters I’ve taken care of? I’ve done more than half the guards around here!

Agahnim: (calmly) I’m not saying you haven’t done good, Stefan. I’m saying you need to be smarter about it. There’s a reason I’ve trained you carefully, and running off on full moon nights in disguise isn’t exactly the safest or wisest choice.

Stefan: (sighing) Alright, alright. I’ll ease up on the theatrics. But you have to admit, the people love it. It’s not all bad.

Agahnim: (softening) No, it’s not all bad. But you’re still grounded. I won’t have you running around unguarded, performing dangerous magic, and tempting fate.

Stefan: (groaning) Of course I’m grounded. Fine. But you know you loved the butterfly trick.

Agahnim: (smiling) I did. And Zelda? She’s completely enamored with Lunaris. You’ve made quite the impression.

Stefan: (smirking) Well, I guess if the princess is a fan...

Agahnim: (crossing his arms) Yes, well, she won’t be pleased when she hears you’re grounded.

Stefan: (shrugging) Eh, she’ll get over it. We can always plan our next escapade once I’m free again.

Agahnim: (sighing with a laugh) Why do I get the feeling you’ll never stop getting into trouble?

Stefan grins cheekily as Agahnim shakes his head, exasperated but fond. The two walk out of the study, their banter still echoing as they head into the halls of the castle, both aware that mischief is never far off when they’re involved.
Shows off Arsene, then went, “Sike!” lol

This Joker has no chill.
He showed Arsene as a false sense of security. He clearly had full intentions of showing off his demon lord persona along with the move he used to kill a god

I do have the idea of him actually getting Satanael very late in the rp (like final battle late) but also the thought of him having access to him the whole time yet not feeling a need to use him until late is an amusing thought. His whole group wondering why he didn't bring this kind of firepower out earlier. Definitely not what I plan to do especially since I had him fail to summon him already but funny nonetheless

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