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Super school


Fabulous Queen reindeer
Perfect your super powers to become the best super hero or super villain you want to become! We can kinda make up the story as we go! Something villainy will happen and we will join or save who knows!!

Apparently can only write here for now. Not sure on rules yet.
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Raiko walked up to Genna and waved. "Hey there! So how was class? " Raiko had just gotten back from his class and he hated it.

((Like this ok?))
"Hey! I was just looking for you!" Genna said as Raiko seemed to pop out of nowhere. "Class sucked. Are you hungry?" Genna was starving and couldn't wait to eat. She looked over at Raiko to see if he was hungry.

"I'm famished! Ooh, I'm going to get a huge pulled pork burger! Mmm. What do you want?" Raiko said summoning a pulled pork burger from thin air. He walked over to the closest table and sat down. He patted the seat next to him and said, "Pop a squat." Smiling.
Genna was amazed with Raiko's powers not so much with them in general, but his control over them. "I want a BLT!!" She said without hesitation. "Mmm, sounds so good!!" She sat down next to him and smiled back. " Do you think I'll ever have control over my powers like you?" She asked slightly blushing from being embarrassed about not being able to control them
"Hell you will have such good control of your powers it will make me explode." Raiko said summoning a BLT in Genna's hands. He took his first bite and fell in love with his burger. He continued to eat his burger and waited for a response of some sort from Genna.
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Genna smiled, she was so excited that someone was going to help her. She was amazed at the belt that suddenly appeared in her hand. She expected it, but it still seemed amazing to her.

"So what should I be capable of really?" Genna looked over at Raiko wondering if he even knew and then took a bite of her food. 'Mmm, so good!' She thought as she continued to eat. "Thanks by the way!" She said before Raiko had a chance to answer her.


((Sorry I didn't get an update :( ))
"We'll your power is to control people. You can control other people's power to a certain degree. Or you can move their bodies like your telekinetic." Raiko said smiling. He was enjoying his burger and when he saw Genna enjoying hers he felt happy that he was able to do that. He loved his powers.
"Oh, that reminds me!! During class I controlled mr elastic!!" Genna stopped eating and was staring at Raiko with big eyes. "It was the first time ive done that! Can you believe it?!? I just did what you said and it worked!!" She couldn't be more proud of herself or excited. She excitedly grabbed raiko up in a bear hug "thank you thank you thank you!"

Raiko put his burger down knowing she was going to hug him. "Very nice! I told you you could do it! But if he finds out you're dead!" Raiko said laughing. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to hug Genna back, so he did anyway it felt good to be in someone's arms. "I'm so proud of you my young grasshopper." Raiko said smiling.
Genna laughed and felt him hug her back and she hugged tighter. She felt so happy she felt all bubbly inside. It had been a long time since she felt the comfort of someone hugging her.

She let go and smiled at Raiko. "So we should go to my place and work on our powers! You know, since we got kicked off the roof" Genna giggled just thinking about being kicked off the roof. "The rest of my classes are miscellaneous anyway. What do you think?" She really wanted to get her powers figured out the thrill of using her powers telepathicly on a teacher was amazing.
"Ya. Sure. Lets go to your place." Raiko just noticed how wired that sounded. Oh jeez. A girl has never asked for me to go to her place. What do I do? Raiko thought to himself. He decided to just roll with it. "Alright! Lets go! We are going to get so strong!" He was so ready!
" Okay!" She was excited she had never had anyone come over before. When they arrived at her place they got in the elevator and went to the top floor where they emerged into a high class flat. "It's kind of messy, sorry" there were a few designer clothes on the floor here and there but clean otherwise. Everything she had was high class and designer of course, because she used her powers to her whatever she wanted. "Make yourself comfortable, " she threw her keys down on the counter "I'm going to go change ill be right back" she called as she walked into her room. Huge windows scaled the farthest side of the room to show the city and a balcony out the sliding glass door.

"Nice place. You should see my room if you want to see messy." Raiko said with his jaw dropped. When Genna said she was going to go change he got nervous because that was the first and probably the last time he would here that from a girl. "Alright. Have fun." He didn't know what else to say. He sat down on a couch and just stared at everything waiting for Genna to get back.
Genna changed into some gray sweatpants and a pink tank and put her hair up into a pony. Walking out she saw Raiko on the couch and came and jumped over the back and onto the other side of the couch. Giggling from the jump she looked over at him. "Okay, so what first?!" She asked, not sure where to begin.

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Raiko laughed at Genna's jump. "We'll umm. We can start with focus. You seemed to have a little bit of trouble with that." Raiko said standing up. "Alright. I am going to make a ton of noise. If its too much just say and I'll stop." Raiko was planning on making a lot of psychic noise. It could be a little too much, but it's for the purpose of training. He offered his hand to help her up.
Genna took Raiko's hand and smiled "okay!" She said excitedly. Standing up, she braced herself mentally. Closed her eyes and began focusing in on Raiko.

"Just try to move my arm. Are you ready for the noise? Well too bad if you aren't." Raiko made construction noises in Genna's head. He could tell that she didnt like it but it was all a part of training. "You have to ignore the noises and only think of me. Try it." Raiko said telepathically.
Genna closed her eyes tighter as the noise started. It was so loud she couldn't focus on anything but she kept trying. Through the noise she kept repeating 'think of Raiko, think of Raiko' after a little bit, she finally broke through the noise into a silent land of her own thoughts. 'I did it!' She thought, but as she got excited the sound began to drift in again. She concentrated harder. Finally, she drowned it out and went back to her land it was the same set up that was in reality but outside of gennas body as if she was looking at everything in third party. She pictured Raiko raising his hand and grabbing her own.

Raiko's hand grabbed her hand. He was so proud of her. He stopped the noise and squeezed her hand lightly saying, "You did it! I'm proud of you! I bet we can make you move my entire body through the air! Maybe not now but sometime very soon!" Raiko was so proud, while he was laughing he hugged her.
Genna snapped out of her trance when she heard Raiko talking. "Yay!!" She hugged raiko back tight and laughed. " I can't believe I did it!! That was insane!!" She realized she had been hugging him a bit long and pulled her head back to whisper in his ear "thank you!" She hugged him again.

"Thank only yourself." He whispered back. He continued the hugging. He didnt notice it but this was the longest hug he has ever had. It felt wierd. In a good way though. He never wanted to let go. He wasn't sure if Genna felt awkward though. He read her mind and saw that she did indeed like hugging him.
Raikos words made genna smile. She finally pulled back and stopped hugging him and sat back down on the couch. She felt a little awkward after the long hug not knowing what to do "um so.." she kinda giggled and looked up at Raiko. 'Do I like him?!' She thought to herself.

Raiko let go, sadly, and stood there awkwardly. Right before he decided to sit down on the couch he heard Genna's thought. He decided not to tell her that he could read minds. "Alright would you like to take as break or keep training?" Raiko said trying to make it less awkward.
"Um" Genna said as she was thinking. "Let's take a break and get to know each other!" She realized she hardly even know him.


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