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Realistic or Modern Super children Characters

The Dark Creator

Not fun at parties
Role (Child, Guard, Researcher, Caretaker, Small facility roles like janitor or chef, etc)
Level (For Child or guard. Children levels are Safe, Cautious and Dangerous, cautious requiring constant watch by a level 1-2 guard while dangerous needs multiple level 3 in their cell. Level one guard has light vest and a taser, level two are equipped with a riot smg, loaded with rubber pellets and a Level 3 has a lethal pdw, taser and heavy armor.)

Required from Child characters:
Power/Mutation specifics
Guard Watching them (Cautious only)
Must be under 16
Can be overpowered, but must have a weakness to very powerful abilities.

Required from Staff:
A reason to be hired. Must be a family member of a staff member, or picked for doing an incredible achievement (Rapidly making healthy meals, lots of arrests without any sort of force, etc)
Must be over 18

Max of two characters, nobody else can be site director, and please no off topic conversations.
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Name: Natascha
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Role: Guard
Level: Captain
Reason for being hired: Spetsnaz soldier responsible for over 300 deaths
Gear: MP412 Rex, Taser, Remington 870 Air Shock

Name: Cole Roman
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Role: Child
Level: Cautious
Power: Werewolf. Remains in control when transformed, but becomes really hungry. Becomes aggressive if not fed quick enough.
Guard: Bryson Cortes (LV1)
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(Status: Complete)

Name: Disollutio Incognita Verminosa , Case K-4977. "Kevin"
Age: The inhabited organism appears to be around 11 or 12.
Gender: Male
Role: Child
Level: Cautious (Nonviolent, but unpredictable and dependent on surveillance and rigorous safety measures).
Description: The organism affectionately entitled "Kevin" is a biological anomaly of unknown origin. Completely exsanguinated and lacking normal human bodily needs and functions, Kevin houses a black, gelatinous substance that seems to be independently sentient and functioning, able to climb up walls, traveling at remarkable speeds. Samples taken are caustic, at temperatures high enough to melt plastic, and will attempt to latch onto and seep through porous objects, especially human skin. When exposed to lab rats, within 48 hours the substance had completely absorbed itself into the animals, which, in a breach of security, immediately fled the lab and have not been recovered. All individuals tasked with this study have been terminated for this lack of precaution. Since the incident, D-Verminosa has not been tested on live subjects. Currently, all samples of the contaminant are kept in a specialized iron container, frozen at -30° Fahrenheit.

Appearance; Identifying Characteristics: Kevin is 4"5 and weighs only about 58 pounds (partially explained by his lack of blood volume). He has the outward appearance of an 11 year old male of ethnically ambiguous origin (DNA tests come back inconclusive, but suggest possible Greek and Israeli descent). He has olive skin, dark brown hair that comes down to a bit below his chin at the longest point, cut in wavy layers. His eyes are dark brown and have a jaundiced yellow tint to the sclera, and he is rarely seen making sustained eye contact. Four of his back teeth are missing, and show no signs of growing back in despite nearly four and a half years of detainment in the facility. Observations show that he is ambidextrous.​

Behavioral & Anomalous Observations: K-9477, and all other known contaminated organisms, is incapable of speech or other forms of communication (though he seems to understand simple and direct verbal commands). He is distant, often seeming weak or lethargic, but showcases physical endurance and pain tolerance unlike any normal human child. He does not bruise or react to the test shocks administered, but it appears that his skin and bones are fragile and easily damaged. An open wound on K-4977 would almost certainly result in a security breach; for this reason it is unsafe to perform a biopsy or inject him with any instrument other than a small hypodermic needle.

K-9477 is surprisingly co-operative with psychological and behavioral examinations.He performs well on complex memory tasks, exhibits limited cognitive empathy, and can read (but will not write or draw anything but simple shapes and barcode-like scratches). He seems to have a full range of expressive and human-like human facial expressions and gestures, but often reacts unpredictably to even familiar stimuli.

While under surveillance, Kevin spends most of his time actively observing his surroundings, feeling walls and floors as if looking for cracks. He seems intrigued by the staff and security, and may be observed following them. It is advised to vary routine checks and watchtimes, as he may be attempting to memorize the schedule in order to manipulate it.
Kevin must not be allowed access to a map of the building, unsupervised access to any room with outside doors or windows, or anything with which he may cut his skin. He may attempt to create a laceration and use D - Verminosa as a means of escape.

Guard: Noah Prebenson​
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(w.i.p - will describe his appearance and what not in a bit)

** subject suspected to be the direct cause of a disturbance in alabama two years ago involving a supposed 'haunting event' in a local marketplace.

Subject informed staff that he cannot recall his name. Has been called Nikolas since then.
AGE: Thirteen (Birth Date: ██/██/████ )
ROLE: Child
LEVEL: Safe ('The subject is docile in temperament with a weak leveled ability that does not warrant placement with a guard.')
ASSUMED POWER / MUTATION: Levitation. Tests came back inconclusive as to the exact limitations of the ability, but its utilization at the time seems limited to levitating small objects. It is suggested that with time and practise that larger items could be lifted. The subject's inability to focus is the foil to their ability to learn.

  • Name: Lyra Elmonta
    Age: 9
    Gender: Female
    Role: Child
    Level: Safe
Name: Doctor Josephine (Jo) Wagner
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Role: Researcher

Reason for being hired: Jo's father, Doctor Rudolph Wagner, has been a researcher at the Foundation for over 25 years. Jo was always curious about the mysterious job her father had that could never be talked about. She worked hard in school, eager to one day be smart enough to join the Foundation herself. It was a proud day in the Wagner house when Jo was hired, she didn't even have to put in an application!

Level: Jo was assigned as a researcher for the children subjects. Her youth and bright nature are qualities her superiors thought would work well with the children. Her goal is to gain their trust. With trust, she can start to understand them, maybe even come up with a way for them to have a more normal life. Jo is starting to notice, however, that the Foundation isn't all it seems to be. The subjects aren't the only things that are mysterious.

(may come up with another character later on)
Name: AHS-734 "Ari"
Age: 14
Gender: Male?
Role: Child
Level: Safe
Description: Although physically similar to a human of equivalent age, 734 has the distinction of only being roughly half an inch tall, and apparently does not need to breathe. Otherwise, it requires all the sustenance that would be expected, although naturally scaled down amounts.

734 also possesses the ability to shift into the form of inanimate objects, presumably which it has observed in the past. Although no exact limitations have been established, it seems to prefer smaller forms, the largest recorded being a guitar of unknown model.

It seems capable of speech, but currently most vocalisations appear to be meaningless. It does, however, appear to fully understand English, and is largely compliant with instructions. However, in recent months, it has become increasingly defiant, often spending large periods of time 'hiding', using its abilities to evade detection.

Note: Despite being classified as Safe, Site staff are reminded that 734 should not be allowed free movement around classified areas. Although it has never attempted to breach containment, it may have to be upgraded to Cautious if incidents persist.
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Name: Ashley (There are no records of her last name, so she just uses Alterion where applicable)

Age: Unknown. Her body perpetually remains at 9 years old

Gender: Female

Role: Child

Level: Safe Cautious

Description: Subject is a small child with short platinum blonde hair, tied with a brown ribbon. She is 4'10", and typically wears a black dress and black heels. Her irises are normally yellow in color - If they turn red, staff are advised to exercise caution, and ensure that they do not do anything to provoke her. She sometimes also carries a silver staff and a brown leather tome with unidentified writing, although where she procures these items from is unknown.

Ashley was found in ██████, after a staff member's close friend reported some strange behavior from his adopted daughter, such as speaking out loud to an unseen entity, and an abnormal awareness of far more mature subjects than her age would suggest. Facility staff arrived to investigate, and after an interview with the child, who was fully willing to cooperate with them, they learned that her body contains the spirit of a supernatural being she calls "Alterion". Ashley refers to Alterion as a "Shadow Elemental", a being from ages long past who possessed immense dark power, up to and including immortality. Ashley claims to have been born in this era, having gained Alterion's power after he was sealed inside her body, and living as a 9-year-old child ever since. It has also been discovered that Ashley is able to give Alterion control of her body, should she decide the situation calls for it. She appears to also be able to take away that control just as easily, as well. When Alterion is in control, her yellow irises shift to a deep red color, and her voice is backed by a low male's, which some would define as sounding demonic.

While Ashley was initially classified as Safe, that had to be changed to Cautious after an incident where subject █████ breached containment. Ashley passed control of her body to Alterion, who used his power to help re-contain █████. He appears to have a strong dislike for facility staff, and decided not to avoid collateral damage, resulting in the destruction of sectors █, ██, and Lt. ██████'s MP3 player. Several staff were injured in the incident, although thankfully there were no casualties.

Ashley is currently allowed to roam the facility with proper supervision. However, should Alterion be given control of Ashley's body outside of specialized rooms, he must be subdued and brought to his containment area. These specialized rooms must be lined with circuits of silver, which conduct Alterion's magical energy, that lead down into the ground beneath the facility, where it can be dissipated safely. Construction staff are advised to note that silver plates will not work nearly as well, as the circuit has to direct the energy outwards, not contain it within itself. These circuits must each be 1 1/2" in diameter. As for Ashley herself, it is advised to keep her happy and entertained with new things, as while she has been wholly cooperative with facility staff so far, she may attempt to breach containment if she gets bored of what she has currently.

Guard Watching them: Therese Falcon

Weakness: She possesses Alterion's immortality, however that doesn't mean she's untouchable. Her body is still that of a 9-year-old child, so she is physically weak, and all of the standard knockout methods for normal Humans will be just as effective on her. The difficulty in this is getting to her in the first place, but even with all of her power, she is still just one child. Staff are advised to note that she is also able to contract illnesses as well. Please refrain from testing that involves lethal or otherwise painful diseases or procedures, as while she cannot die from them, they hurt her a great deal and take exceptionally long for her body to recover from. This Shadow Elemental thing is clearly already pissed off at us, we don't need the girl against us too.
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Name: Bryson Cortes
Reason for being hired:
His brother, James, was killed on duty. In a bid to quickly replace him, Bryson was chosen to join the guards force.
Relatively inexperienced, but largely familiar with the equipment he is provided with. Like his brother, he is unlikely to run in the face of danger, although hopefully he's a little bit smarter...
Name: Noah Prebensen
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Role: Guard
Level: 1
Reason Hired: It runs in the family

Name: Ava Prebensen
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Role: Guard
Level: 2
Reason Hired: It's a family thing
Clementine Mathers, nicknamed "Clem"



Clem is rather short, standing at a mere 5'0" and weighing a measly 96 lbs. She has fair skin dotted with freckles, especially across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks. She has long, silky brown hair that flows down the length of her back but is always kept in a high ponytail. She has big sea blue eyes that compliment her thick (but well kept) eyebrows.



Clem is capable of both precognition and retrocognition, meaning she can see both the future and the past. She can purposely induce a vision by coming into contact with a specific object or person. She is also subject to stronger, unexpected visions that can cause violent seizures. Extremely negative visions can significantly impact her emotionally, leaving her drained for a few days.

Ava ( mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties )
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To those that may be wondering, the site director will be an NPC and not an actual character. Additionally, you should look at the main rp page to vote on how the roleplay should turn out.
Name: Francis Sato
Age: 13
Gender: Cisgender male
Role: Child
Level: Safe
Power/Mutation specifics: Francis has the ability to change the form of others and himself. This ability is limited to animal and human life. Even in an altered form, those who are changed retain their cognitive and lingual abilities despite anatomical changes that would logically hinder speech. Francis claims that it is much easier to change his own form than somebody else's, due to both the effort required and his own personal morals.
Guard: TBD
Appearance: Short, thin, with a slim jaw and black hair of moderate length, and black eyes that are narrow and monolid. Slightly curved brow, pronounced canines, flared nose.

Name: Therese Falcon
Age: 29
Gender: Transgender female
Role: Guard
Level: 1
Merits: Therese is very good at conflict de-escalation, and has impressive skill in restraining people without hurting them.
Appearance: Average height, with a build between hourglass and topheavy, and skin in the darker range of olive. Long, curly, black hair usually kept under a rainbow bandanna. Square jaw, high arched eyebrows, green eyes, and average nose.
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StrixDesmodus StrixDesmodus Sorry, we're kinda loaded on Cautious level children. Would you mind having higher or lower characters, or maybe even another guard for one of the two other cautious children?
I figure they meet the criteria for "Cautious," if they had bad luck, but could easily be "Safe" instead. So I guess the options are either giving my characters better luck, or dropping Sam in favor of a guard. Which would you prefer?


Name: UE-0777 "Deity", B-42 "Vi-Vi" (Formerly Known As), FXR-632 "Franklin" (Formerly Known As), AD-45 "Theo" (Formerly Known As), A-01"Matthias" (Formerly Known As), RY-55 "Angelica" (Formerly Known As), H- 32 "Joey" (Formerly Known As), OP- 618 "Chris" (Formerly Known As), SS-05 "Michelle" (Formerly Known As), (along with 25 more possible matches)

Age: 16 (While physically fitting, its real age is incalculable)

Gender: Male (Despite everything else, his appearance fits)

Role: Child

Level: Dangerous

Required from Child characters:

Power/Mutation specifics: Deity is believed to have more than one power, but due to lack of evidence and proof, they have yet to find out. What they do know though, are these basic abilities:
Shadow & Light absorption; Deity can absorb darkness and light alike for later usage. (Mostly just temporary bursts of light or blackouts)
Super-positioning; Deity can appear in more than one place at once. The catch is, its all up to chance to find his real location.
Light Amplification; Deity can refract light several times to the point that it gains destructive capabilities. (Think of a magnifying glass using sunlight. Except, he can take the feint glow of a light bulb and turn it into a laser beam.)
Shadow Solidification; Deity can grant shadows the ability to physically interact with the world around him. (Limited to his own shadow and any darkness he's stored up.)
(Suspected to have) Absolute burning; Generate blue flames that burn anything the user wills it to.
(Suspected to have) Flight; Defy the law of gravity.
(Suspected to have) Void; Draw in everything and anything in range while completely annihilating it.
(Suspected to have) Fusion; Merge and become one with any inanimate/animate thing. There are heavy risks for any living things consumed.

Powered Being/Mutant Specs:

Physical Desc: Unlike most abnormal beings in the facility, Deity is tall and unexpectedly healthy. In fact, he'd probably easily fit in society with his looks. Safe for the half-black-half-white halo with small wings hovering over his back of course... Otherwise, he'd fit in pretty easily. Deity is 6' exact, his skin is an untouched pale, hair a polished black with gold highlights while cut short. His facial features though often smug, are soft and innocent. Honestly, he's a looker.

Mental Awareness/Observed Behaviors & Habits:
Deity appears to be one of the most human creatures here at the facility. His noted cycles are using his powers to walk around outside while at the same time sitting quietly in his heavily secured cell. He watches the workers of the facility, and has even participated in a few experiments, where his powers were put to use in dealing with the other inhuman inhabitants here. Deity is prideful, and has proven on many occasions his ignorance and in contrast his understanding and ability to reasoned with. Otherwise, he seems nice enough to the staff. Although it must be said, as witnessed on camera a while back, he considers the others like him as family, and if in the presence of mistreating or anything remotely similar to his brethren, he won't hesitate to kill them. Deity knows full well the extent of his powers, often reminding those around him to know their place. He's a force, and while not on the best terms with most folk interested in his past and how he came to be, it must be said that he and the director are... aware, of each other.

Over the last few days, Deity has formed some kind of relationship with his captors to the point that they play board games with him sometimes, although he seems to be very good at these games. This is believed to have deeper meaning, and somewhere lies proof that the subject has more emotion than what was evaluated.

Handling Methods:
Deity's cell is lined with candles, and painted white. The guards are equipped with reflective gear, night vision, shadow vision (think sun glasses, but were made to fight off bright lights just enough to deal with Deity), along with their original gear normally assigned to them when dealing with Dangerous Level subjects. Currently they have no safe way of dealing with his shadow solidification nor super-positioning, but due to his restraint and understanding, they figured he wouldn't try anything.

"Never forget who's presence you're in, I'm everywhere, and nowhere. I am a god." One of Many recorded messages from corrupted footage.

While papers of the event were confirmed to be completely destroyed, a file was found a little while ago showing bits of info relating to a horrible incident dealing with the large decline in supernatural kids, and what exactly happened to them. Not to mention, what it all has to do with Deity's sudden appearance. While this may have no beginning, it is strongly believed, that 2 subjects labeled "Void" and "Fusion", along with 10s of kids and a few unlucky guards were all meshed into one being. Again, this is just a speculation, and will be expanded upon soon.

Scientists have been working on a room built for silencing Deity whenever he got out of hand as while just a child, he was smart and knew well enough how to use his gifts. So far they haven't had to use it, but they do know of its effectiveness and has made their project aware only to those higher ranked and the big one themselves.

[To those viewing this file, updates are always underway, as besides the destroyed history and lack of information, there's evidence and just enough material to somewhat aid in the understanding of this subject. ...Thank you for your patience.]
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He seems to be fine as a safe child. He's got morals and the effort drawback, so he should be fine without a guard keeping an eye on him. The last thing i want you to obviously do is get that guard assigned to someone. Thanks for joining.
He seems to be fine as a safe child. He's got morals and the effort drawback, so he should be fine without a guard keeping an eye on him. The last thing i want you to obviously do is get that guard assigned to someone. Thanks for joining.
Thanks, and you're welcome.

Name: Cierra Phillips
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Role: Child
Level: Dangerous

Cierra is a blonde haired, blue eyed, Caucasian child who has just recently been inducted into the site. She was extracted from Virginia, ███████ on █/█/████, when a portal manifested in her home and brought out a swarm of hostile entities. The casualty count exceeded ███, but the exact number is not known as the beings would occasionally devour the dead bodies. The anomalies eventually evaporated, but not without causing severe harm to the environment.

Her personality is not in any way dangerous, besides its volatile aspects. She's a well-mannered little girl, often very polite and sweet. However, there are a few things that set her off, and if she doesn't get her way, she likes to throw fits. Fits which can leads to portals, which lead to death. It may not be her intention, but it’s a consequence of her spoiled nature.

Power/Mutation specifics:
Cierra's anomalous effects occur at her will, or when she feels a strong emotions. These effects create portals that spawn sentient, supposedly self-aware anomalies based on her emotions at the time. The creatures are usually prone to interacting/playing/comforting Cierra, and don't usually pose a threat, but when her emotions are too negative they start to become hostile and violent, easily shredding the environment around Cierra and, once, nearly causing a site-wide containment breach, hereafter referred to as ███████. The creatures dissipated before being able to fully breach the facility.

"But the fact still remains that these monsters were nearly able to push past us. Precautions need to be taken, and if that means killing the little girl, then that means killing the little girl. If you think of her as less human, it takes more of the guilt away."

The summoned beings are known to be highly intelligent, and generally lethal if they become aggressive. These creatures' form vary greatly, but if they come out of the same portal, they often appear to be the same species. It isn't known where these portals connect to, but it is theorized they might be from Cierra's 'mind space', which she has mentioned on several occasions. After a few hours of exiting the mind space, the anomalies will generally dissipate into a strange vapor, but variations have occurred in which the beings stay both longer and shorter with no explicable reasoning.

If Cierra is spawning these creatures and somehow becomes unconscious, the beings will immediately go on the defensive and become hostile to any living things in the room, probably with the intent to protect Cierra. It is recommended that all personnel do not engage the creatures, as that will set them off on a rampage, similar to that of the site-wide near containment breach ███████ of █/█/████. Even in her unconscious state, portals can still form, and as such, it has been deemed safer that Cierra is either consciously calmed if upset, or killed as quickly as possible.

Upon death, all previous creatures will dissipate, a portal will immediately open, and flood the room with liquid (it resembles water, but appears to have a higher concentration of oxygen that allows for lungs to function) until it is filled; afterward, glowing beings will slip out of the breach and surround her for several hours. Upon closer inspection, its seen that these creatures appear to resemble humanoid anglerfish. The glowing light seems to be vital to helping 'reconstruct' Cierra, as the light is usually directly over Cierra's remains. Depending on the damage, these creatures can either take several hours or even days, but they will get the job done. Attempts at harming these beings have little to no effect (the beings that die are quickly replaced with new ones), and causing further harm to Cierra will only delay the inevitable. After the process is complete, the beings will all simultaneously flee, and the liquid-- nothing else-- will be sucked back into the breach.

Cierra will act normal upon waking from her coma-esque state, but will usually feel guilty. She will generally apologize after being confronted about it, experiencing the guilt and shame of a child who had just stolen a cookie. Episodes do not usually occur for a while after this, until she forgets her guilt, and her spoiled nature must be stroked once more. It's a bit of an endless cycle.

And recently, she's demanded to see people more her age... What a dilemma...

Guard Watching them: Multiple Level 3s

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