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One x One Sunrise for the Damned [sraes]

Thanks! Best part so far was scaring the shit out of my brother and his two friends though. xD

Alright, so the cabin we rented is well up into the mountains right? Pretty far removed up a bumpy ass back road and basically there's no one else around. Theres the main house with five rooms and a guest house about a one minute walk away with another two bedrooms.

SO, my family gets there around five friday. Sets up and all that - My dad/step mom in one room, sis/nephew/bro in law in another, stepsister and her son in one, my uncle in another, and then the last room in the main house is mine.

Which leaves my lil brother and his two friends - all high school juniors, althletes, etc - all alone in the guest house.

So I finally show up around midnight that night and check in with my dad, just to let him know I made it alright, and he tells me that after dark the boys had had to come by the main house to grab some headache medicine for TJ.

Those big bad football players? Ran the entire way with sticks in hand, scared of their own shadows. You can literally see the guest house from the front door of the main.

Big sister that I am, my first reaction to hearing this was "I need to go over there and scare the shit out of them"

So I did.

I walked over to the guest house (calmly, did they think mountain men were gonna show up and kidnap them or smth?) The front door was locked and there were no first floor windows and I couldn't scale the wall to the balcony SO I went around to the back where the bedroom windows were. Then proceeded to chuck pebbles at the window of the room they were in and hide anytime they looked out.

This went on a good 20 or so minutes? Until they were freaked out enough, THEN I went back to the front door. I knocked then perched out of sight on the porch banister were I couldn't be seen unless they came out the door and just waited. I could hear them through the door calling Guerro - the bro in law - who was in town still and telling him to knock it off, trying to convince someone ELSE to open the door, and generally freaking out. After a few minutes they threw the door open to see... nothing, cause I was still on the banister. Yelling and general mayhem followed until Matt finally was practically showed put the door with the stick.

Didn't see me til I said "boo" from my shadowy perch. Screaming ensued. A+++ sistering.
HAHAHAHahaha omg that is so much more elaborate than I was anticipating, glorious. A++++ indeed.

Sometimes I swear to god multiple teenagers get way more terrified than any single one would alone. They're like a terror feedback loop. Well glad to hear you're already having a good time :V

My friends thank you for muffins.
Very true, one starts freaking and it's like a domino effect. Ahhh teenagers.

I am having a good time, even if my entire body is one giant ache from snowboarding for hours today. x.x So many bruises. So worth it.

And they're very welcome! Glad they liked them :)
Ah yeah, snowboarding haha. Sounds fun. I stick to skis on the rare chances I get. I like not being in constant pain and not falling on my butt xD

Man I miss snow though. It's not something you can do easily or cheaply here.
The pain is worth it xD I don't think I'd ski very well, too many bits of equipment to keep track of. :P

I feel ya though, minus that freak snowstorm a few months back snow is rare af anywhere outside the mountains. Not as bad as over there probably but still pretty unusual.

Anyways, I'm for sleep. Hopefully when I wake up I'll feel less like an overcooked noodle.
ugh, kinda realising my plan for this section was a bit weak sorry. We can skip more? Or I can put in some actual events, but that'll just mean taking ages to get to Laeyth, which is probably more interesting.
lol what a legend.

Should have just continued that conversation forever but instead I put in some dumb scout xD
Happens. I'm sure Kade'll find a way to bring it back up sometime ;D
If only they'd learn to ask for what they wanted instead of assuming straight off that they couldn't have it. </3
Hahahah yeah...

Maybe they'll learn an important lesson about communication from this?

Who am I kidding (>u>)
Ahahahha poor Kade, needs to get it in writing xD

Rein it in Sid, wouldn't want him to think you like him :V
Wouldn't want to give him the wrong impression, no? xD
:3 noobs. One day Sid will have a nice dream. Not today.

Do you use skype by any chance? Or maybe I should ask if you want to be skype stalked by me >.>
Eventuallllyy xD

And I do, as rare as it is for me to remember x-x
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