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One x One Sunrise for the Damned [sraes]

I probably won't kill her again. xD And would it help if I promised it would grow back? (':3)

Night! Wish I could say the same - alas my studies must continue. :P
Hahah ^^'''' And that's awesome xD I don't actually mind, chop away. Even if it didn't grow back he would still be a badass.

Sorry if these scenes are annoying where like 'Sid instantly shot a thing". I think I've had my fill now xD And anyways there is no way Kade wouldn't notice these things first. If Sid had a perception stat it would be 0.
Good to know xD

And nah, it's great - how else would they manage to feed Kade? He's a growing boy, needs his protein. ;D
It'll still be sad as fuck but sad is good >.<

And aw yeahhh (>u>) Sid wouldn't want him to go hungry.
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Sad is p much our default world state. xD

Yup, need to keep his energy levels up. (B')
4 sho xD They've had a nice break, though. Crystal waterfall.

Now to swerve around the big army in Roke and they'll be golden :V
Very nice if you ignore the kidnapping/interrogation routine. xD
Yeah apart from that (>u>)

idk, more Waste things? We could almost fast-forward the next day or two completely if it's just more walking, cos plenty of time for cute chatter between here and Laeyth.
Kade is so extra sometimes, whyy my son.

And yeah, I don't have anything else planned for the Waste atm - we can flash forward to Roke if you'd like. ^^
Hahahahha Sid is such an easy target as well <3 <3

and cool, will do :)
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I think I'm getting diabetes from the sheer sappiness flowing from these two. :'D Too cute

Also I made the most bomb ass muffins today, I can't stop eating them and I may need to eventually be rolled out of my apartment to get to class. It's a problem.
:'D I know. Not enough to stop.

And that sounds pretty amazing xD Always a double-edged sword making your own tray of muffins. What type?

edit: I may sleep actually goodnight ^^
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Holy crap they look so good x.x and I have all those ingredients... nfff. Actually I'm throwing a party friday, so thanks to you I think all my friends get nutella donut muffins :D

I skipped them a bunch, it's now midday on the second day in Roke if that wasn't obvious, and the army is far south-east of them. Hope that's ok!

Also the baron despite insanity actually has a practical reason for these shenanigans, which idk if you want to know or not? It may not ever become relevant to the story but some NPCs may know, potentially Laeyth if she's smart enough to have spies.
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Heelll yeah, best host ever. xD

I wouldn't mind knowing :D Laeyth probably has a spy or two, given how unstable Thomas has been, but I don't know how well they'd be able to get reports to her with how many soldier he has stomping about.
xD I'm not the best baker so hopefully

And cool ^^ Ok so, despite the name Iron was not originally a foundry - it was a coal mine. That's how they're smelting scrap in the middle of a treeless plain, using these mountains of leftover coal as fuel. Roke has basically no other resources, and prior to Iron being built by Thomas snr. the barony had a very low population. The population grew as people were able to trade for food, and the province is now above capacity.

Anyways, after years of continuous use Iron is about to run out of coal, so this is the baron's last grab for power before Roke fades from relevance. Incidentally he is kinda doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, in that without the metal trade there will probably be famines.
Hhaahah just realised I put the army in the wrong place go me xD Maybe I should have looked at my own damn map. I was trying to make it so they're heading to Laeyth (*^*)(*^*)

Happens to the best of us - we can pretend you said they were across the river to the south west yeah? I didn't notice either.
lol no worries, cheers mate. Now I see why fantasy writers actually plan this shit. I thought I put Hammerlin on the other side xD
And why they have editors to check that shit. ahhh fun times
Also I'm out of town this weekend so my replies may be slow as hell, we're going snowboarding up in the mountains and there's no wifI in the cabin we are renting.

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