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Realistic or Modern ☼Summer Vacation☼


From Dusk till Dawn


Please wait until we have started



The alarm went off and it was 8 am and she pulls up her arm and slams the alarm clock to snooze it. After she did that she gets up slowly with her hair all over the place and looked half asleep, she didn't want to get up but she had to go to the beach and work for 4 hours today. Aaliyah took her phone off her lamp stand and looks to see 10 text messages with 20 tweets and 30 instagram notification. She rolled her eyes and got up wearing her shorts and a tank top and takes her towel and phone and goes to her bathroom to take a quick shower so she get ready for work. Once she got out the shower Matt came in her room and says "Nikki I'm going to be out late today with April".

She nodded her head at him and says
"Okay douche, I will be out too, me and my friends are meeting up at the beach tonight". He nodded at her and says "Aaliyah just home by 11, okay don't want you to stay out late". She rolled her eyes at him and says "Okay dad whatever you say", she shuts the door in his face and she would go in her walk in closet and pick out and nice white summer dress and under was her black and red 1 piece bathing suit she had to wear. She then ties her hair in a high pony tail and outs her nike white and black cap on with her black and white converses to match. She grabbed her phone and ran down the stairs and grabbed her some breakfast, which was 2 pancakes and some bacon. Her phone started to go off when she got a text from work saying......

Hi Aaliyah can you get work the Shake and Bake for me instead of watching beach
Yea but my shift ends at 1 today
That's fine it's just Carrie not coming today
That's fine I will be there in 30 minutes

After texting her boss she got up and says out loud
"MATT I'M LEAVING TO GO TO WORK OKAY". Matt then screams back saying "OKAY I'LL SEE YOU LATER NIKKI". She walks out the house going to her Red BMW and she opens the front door to put her purse and closes the door to go to the other side to the driver seat. Aaliyah would check her minors and turns on her car, but before she starts her car she puts her sun glasses on and smiles in one of the minors and puts on some music and drives away to the beach.

@Aio @Tsiwentiio @PitchBlack @Ecstasyia @Dandelion Princess
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"Hurry up Cam!" Corie yelled to her brother, of course it was basically her own fault for waking up late, it was strange that even through Cameron worked as a mechanic he sure did take for ever to get ready in the morning. "You can't rush perfection Corie" Cameron yelled back to his sister and he turned on the faucet and wet a washcloth and rinsed off his face, he placed a little bit more gel in his hands and fixed his hair. He looked at himself one last time before walking over to the door and opening it sightly so he could look at his twin "What's the password sis" he gave her a devious smile, Corie crossed her arms raising her eyebrow "If you don't move auntie would love to know what happened to her favorite vase" Cameron moved away from the door opening it wider and gestured for her to step in, then he walked out. Corie shut and locked the door behind her.

Cameron walked into his room, he changed out of his pajama pants standing in his boxers and started looking through his dresser and closet for something to wear, thankfully today was his day off, so he just put on a plain black t shirt and khaki shorts, he grabbed his watch that his mother got him for his 18th birthday, he walked into the living room and sat down, his mother was in the kitchen, maneuvering around in her wheelchair, she was very strict about being able to do things on her own.

Corie finished up in the bathroom, she was already dressed, she had picked out a light blue dress, very casual. She quickly checked her hair and walked into the kitchen, she hugged her mother and went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, unlike her brother she had work, and so she walked over to the garage door and grabbed the keys to her car and said good bye and walked out. Cameron watched as his sister left and looked back at the TV and smiled when he seen an advertisement of a beach, both him and Corie loved the beach.


Spencer R. Staton

Lately Spencer had gotten into the habit of getting up early, despite the fact that he was on vacation. He was up and already on his laptop by 7:00 am had slipped down stairs to work on his webcomic. Spencer knew that he should probably take a break from all the work but he feared that he'd end up doing something he regretted if he stopped pouring all his energy into working. He was pushing himself too much and it started become apparent in his sketches...Which is why Marvel probably turned down his variant covers in the first place.After an hour of working on the same image, Spencer had pulled himself from the computer program and chose to make breakfast for himself and anyone else that wanted to eat. He warmed up the skillet and started to prepare his infamous chocolate chunk pancakes. While the skillet warmed up Spencer pulled out some fruit and began to chop up strawberries, mangos, and bananas for a nice breakfast smoothie. Soon enough Spencer was distracted by something again; he was in a breakfast-making trance as he started to sing as he prepared the food to start the day.

"Morning Spencey!" a bright peppy voice started Spencer; it was his baby sister, Robin.

"Mornin' Robs," Spencer smiled in response, "you up for some of my infamous pancakes?" Spencer grabs a plate and places two pancakes on it, sliding it over to his sister.

"Oo, yum!" Robin shouts gleefully as she practically eats the first pancake whole, "Are you going to see Matthew this morning before you head out to the beach? That's if Cassie will let you..." Robin looks up at her older brother as she licks the chocolate smudge off her lips.

"I'm paying child support, she better let me see him especially after what she did. God, I just wish I could take him with me... Matthew would love Hawaii." Spencer closes the conversation with Robin quickly and begins to pack up the rest of his things. As he heads out the door he turns to Robin, "Hey, that's your 5th pancake. Leave some for Allison and Michael!"

Spencer was on his way to see Matthew. Once he had arrived, he spent the first 10 minutes arguing with Cassie and then another two hours talking and playing with Matthew. For the looks of it, Cassie took care of Matthew just enough to get by. She didn't really seem to care to have the child; it's almost as if he was some kind of 'immunity' object to her. Matthew was the only reason why she wasn't in jail. Spencer probably would have spent another hour playing with his son but Cassie seemed anxious to get him out of her home. For once, Spencer didn't put up a fight. He walked out the door and looked Cassie in the eyes, "Having a hard time living with the guilt, huh?" The door slams in his face with no vocal response from Cassie. Once again, Spencer was off but this time, to the beach. With the windows rolled down and his music up, Spencer announced his thoughts to the world, "Hawaii, HERE. I. COME!"
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Aaliyah got to work around 10 o'clock, she parked her car and turns it off while taking her phone and her purse from the other seat and walks out the car and sees people already having a good time at the beach. She was walking on the boardwalk own her way to work and she saw that Shake and Bake was packed and she had to get in from the back door. Aaliyah looked at one of her co-workers and says "Jen can you take over the cash register, and Cole I will take over the Shakes and Smoothies while you make the food." They all nodded and it got everything done faster and the crowd getting smaller. Aaliyah smiled as there was only about 3-5 people left on line. So she told someone else to take care of her job while she was on break. She took her phone and she went down to the beach and takes off her dress and converses and went into the water feeling the waves push her back every time and it made her feel good. Once she got out the water she sat down on an towel and on her phone texting Spencer and enjoy air.

@Dandelion Princess


Jamie had just finished up working an extra shift in the restaurant. Wiping his hands on the towels, he checked his phone for the time.

With a grin he finished up his last shift before he would be hitting up Hawaii. Collecting his wages, cash in hand he made his way out

to his car. He sat back with a sigh, since high school they had all changed so much Jamie included. He wondered how they would

all get on together, all of them had not been together in a long while.

Jamie shook his head and started his car, this trip would be awesome. One for the records even, he thought to himself as he headed for home.

His bags were already packed, all he planned to do was chill out for the night. Throwing his keys down he got a beer from the fridge and popped it open.

Taking a drink he relaxed with a sigh.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nnfje0GhVA1us34qoo1_250.gif.2c397340225a6bb63f5bfaa63cc925ac.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nnfje0GhVA1us34qoo1_250.gif.2c397340225a6bb63f5bfaa63cc925ac.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nnfje0GhVA1us34qoo2_250.gif.76f0de1e817adb7acc42d00e7ef29cf0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_nnfje0GhVA1us34qoo2_250.gif.76f0de1e817adb7acc42d00e7ef29cf0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryder worked his last shift yesterday, so today he had the day off. Even though he technically could sleep in, he decided to get up early. He was exited for this day. He'd never been to Hawaii, and the thought of it gave him chills. With a grin on his face, he got out of bed and started rolling a joint. For a moment he had worried that he wouldn't be able to smoke in Hawaii, but a dude at his workplace had hooked him up with a Hawaiian dealer. Now everything seemed to fall into place.

He walked to the kitchen and sat down in his kitchen window. He always smoked his morning joint in the window. With a smile he enjoyed the morning sun on his face and the smell of weed filling up the room, feeling truly happy.



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"Maven!" the little boy screamed into her right ear with a giggle. The nineteen year-old flinched at the sudden loudness of the kid and she sprung awake with a skipping heart beat, "Holy f- Oliver!" she sat up glaring down at the five year-old monster and he just stood at the edge of her bed, giggling away at his accomplishment, "Mom says wake the beast!" he exclaimed and hurried out of the room, "You better run!" She shouted back to him while shaking her head.

She stepped from her warm bed, looking out the mass window that overlooked the beach. She sighed, running a hand through her messy blonde beach waves. Her alarm buzzed away on her phone and she reached down to look at what it said, "Hawaii Trip" Maven's eyes grew wide and she almost screamed with excitement. She picked up her brick of a phone and started typing:

Hey crazy, you were planning on heading to the beach right? Mind picking me up?

She grinned to herself before getting on her favorite white bikini and pulled a loose, red surfing t-shirt over it and a pair of daisy-dook shorts. She let her long waves hang down and she smiled at herself in the mirror, she never put any makeup on, only for special occasions. And the beach wasn't one of them. Maven grabbed her purse and phone before slipping on a pair of converse and stepped into the kitchen, finding her mom making eggs and toast. Maven sat down, stealing a buttered piece and scarfed it down along with two eggs, "I'm going to the beach with Spencer before we head out to Hawaii." she started but her mom gave her a daring look, they weren't suppose to talk about the trip with Ollie around or else he'd have a fit. Oliver whimpered, "Wh-what? You're going to Hawaii?" his eyes gleamed with on coming tears and Maven's mom sighed, bracing for the unneeded screaming and tears. Maven concaved into herself as she grabbed a second piece of toast before scurrying out the door before the tantrum hit. Just as she stepped off the porch, she could hear the salty tears and begging begin before a full on scream took place that made her flinch and she hurried off the lawn before being called in to apologize.

She texted Spencer again,

One second thought, meet me there...

And she was off on her own way down the street towards the sandy coast.

{ @Dandelion Princess }
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_n9stt8JEGz1stce7po1_500.gif.35068f50eb5842c713db7bee2cb49129.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/tumblr_n9stt8JEGz1stce7po1_500.gif.35068f50eb5842c713db7bee2cb49129.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Avalon sat up right in her bed for a good hour or so before actually getting up. She had been up all night trying to get some last minute studying before the month-long trip knowing she most likely wouldn't have any time. It was still early and she only had to shoot out a few more emails for her father before she would be able to leave. For most of the year her father has opened up his work to Avalon, giving her small tasks every now and then for some money. This is how she made money for her trip. Clicking away at her keyboard she gained her freedom and decided it was about time to get ready.

In a few hours everything was packed and ready, her tickets in had as she looked around the empty house. She wondered if she should shoot out a text to everyone to see how ready they were and being Avalon it was expected of her to do so. She was always the smiles and giggles in the group and not seeing them for so long. Avalon concocted a message in her head before she decided to send it out to everyone. She wanted their time together to be perfect.

My Babes
Hey my lovies. Can't wait to see you all and be able to share this experience with you all! I hope everyone is as excited as I am. Who knew we all be able to do this with each other one day! Okay Okay I promise I won't get into one of my speeches but I'm just so excited to see you all again! Extra lovin to you all! See you soon !



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Spencer R. Staton

The afternoon sun hit Spencer's face and the wind whipped-up his hair. He sang along to the radio at the top of his lungs. For once in his life, he didn't really seem to have a care in the world. Spencer's smile was genuine...well, at least until he hit the lunch rush traffic, "Are you fucking serious right now?!" He cocked his head in frustration and dug his teeth into his bottom lip -grinding his teeth against the cushion of his lips. "Why does everyone have to eat lunch on the beach? The last time I checked people didn't like sand in their burgers." With the traffic hardly budging, Spencer gave his phone a quick glance. A text from Maven and one from Aaliyah. He began his response to Maven but threw his phone down once he noticed a low in the traffic and his chance to take the next exit to the beach. Maven wasn't too far anyhow.

He pulled up to an empty parking lot to respond to his friend text. She had sent another one.

Hey crazy, you were planning on heading to the beach right? Mind picking me up?
One second thought, meet me there...
No worries Maves. I'll meet you there, even grab a smoothie for you when you arrive.

Spencer figured that she probably had something crazy going on this morning. He drove on towards the beach, hoping his hipster friend didn't get too caught up in conflict. Once he arrived to the beach Spencer grab a soda and took a seat on the hood of his car. After taking a few sips of the Mountain Dew, he shot Aaliyah a text.

Hey, Bae. [/COLOR][/FONT] ;) [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#404040] At the beach. Meet me at my car? I have sodas.

Spencer lightly laughed at text. He had 100% no romantic feeling for Aaliyah but it's always been a joke of theirs to flirt with each other and rate the attractiveness of male actors 5 minutes later. It was a weird friendship that they established but Spencer got a weird sense of safety from it as well.



Jamie was chilling at home, he had nothing more that needed to be done. Hell even his cab to the airport tomorrow was booked.

Thinking of everyone meeting tomorrow filled him with a nervous excitement. Looking back on it, he had missed them more than

he realised. His phone buzzed and he opened it, grinning at the message. Same as ever, opening up the text he started typing a message.

The Avengers (^U^)
Hey my lovies. Can't wait to see you all and be able to share this experience with you all! I hope everyone is as excited as I am. Who knew we all be able to do this with each other one day! Okay Okay I promise I won't get into one of my speeches but I'm just so excited to see you all again! Extra lovin to you all! See you soon !
Still the same as ever Ava, yes yes excited, thrilled and all that Jazz. Meet at the airport starbucks in the morning?

Closing the message down he called and ordered a pizza, deciding to call up Ryder and see if he wanted to chill out.

Dialling the number he waited for an answer before speaking

"Yo Ryder, wanna come over and hang out?, got a few beers and a Pizza is on the way"

@Aio @Lilli


Ryder had just finished the joint, when he received a text message from Avalon. It was freaking long. Girls, he thought. Everyone was getting so sentimental over this trip. He just wanted to chill. He closed the window and walked into the living room. In that moment his phone started ringing and he almost had a heart attack. It was Jamie. "Yo man," Ryder said while concentrating on sounding less high.

"Yo Ryder, wanna come over and hang out?, got a few beers and a Pizza is on the way" Jamie said, sounding really happy. "Yeah, sure" Ryder answered. He glanced at his watch. "When are we meeting the others?" he said the words really slowly to make sure they sounded right.

@Haus Of Alaska



Jamie chuckled over the phone, he could tell Ryder was buzzed in fact that's why Jamie was looking to hang out. He just wanted to veg out and get high before this trip.

Chuckling he spoke up.

I think the plan is to meet for starbucks before the flight tomorrow, thinking of making a home made Irish coffee bro, I will need alcohol they will be too hyped up for this"

Throwing himself on the couch he threw his feet up. He made no comment about Ryder being stoned up.



"Cool, I'm in" Ryder said. He blinked a couple of times. "Uh, I'll meet you at your place in.." He concentrated really hard. "Five minutes? Twenty maybe?". It was a question, but he hung up the phone.

Without further thought, he walked out of his apartment and locked the door. Jamie's place wasn't too far. He could drive there or take an uber or something, but he felt an intense urge to skateboard so that's what he started doing.



Jamie chilled out after the call finished, the TV was turned on but mostly for background noise. He already had cash for the food, now he was waiting for Ryder.

The relaxed evening in it meant that he could unwind before the hurricane that was the group got together tomorrow at the airport.

Stretching out, he took a drink of his beer while he channel surfed. He had invited Ryder over because he was bored.


Skateboarding while high always felt amazing. He closed his eyes and pretended he was flying. Time suddenly disappeared, and he felt chills all over his body. He didn't really know how much time had passed when he knocked on Jamie's door, feeling bored and happy at the same time.



Jaime jumped up and went to open the door. Spotting Ryder he grinned and gave a pat on the back

"Just in time dude, the pizza ain't here yet"

He let you in and went to the fridge and pulled out some bottles of beer

"Hey you want a drink?"

He asked as he came over and sat down before popping open the bottles and passing you one



"Yeah," Ryder said. He grabbed the drink and sat down. "Here," Ryder said and threw the bag of his leftover weed at Jamie. "You want some? I have to get rid of if before we go to Hawaii."

He grabbed his phone and looked at it. "Who do you think will hook up on this trip?" he asked, and took a long zip.



Jamie looked thoughtful at the question as he put his bottle down and started rolling a joint.

Once it was lit and he took a hit he relaxed on the couch, letting the smoke go after a few seconds.

"Pfft in our group?, god knows. Most of the girls are romantics. Romance of an age kind of bull"

Jamie took a drink followed by another go of the joint

Me?, not sure. feeling in a guy mood lately so may find a native guy to hook up with, what about you?, any girls on the go?"


Ryder shook his head with a grin. "I bet Cameron will try to hook up with all the girls." He laughed at the idea. "He'll probably manage to bang Aaliyah". He grabbed the joint out of Jamies hand and took a hit.


It was now 1 o'clock and her work at Shake and Bake are now done,she started to grab her things out the locker and she changes from her uniform to what she was wearing before which was an white summer dress. Before she left one of her co-workers said "Have fun on your trip tomorrow Aaliyah". She waved goodbye to her and says "Oh I will, I really need to get away from things, see you in a month" she added a smile at the end and starts walking her way back up to her car. While she was doing that her phone she was turning on her phone and got lots of text messages. There was one from the group chat and another from Spencer. So she stop for a minute and leans back on the raking of the board walk to look at these text messages......

Friends for Life ♡
Hey my lovies. Can't wait to see you all and be able to share this experience with you all! I hope everyone is as excited as I am. Who knew we all be able to do this with each other one day! Okay Okay I promise I won't get into one of my speeches but I'm just so excited to see you all again! Extra lovin to you all! See you soon !
Still the same as ever Ava, yes yes excited, thrilled and all that Jazz. Meet at the airport starbucks in the morning?
Sounds good since I love starbucks and i'm am thrilled I need to get away from drama and work

Spence ♡
Hey, Bae. [/FONT] ;) [FONT='Courier New'] At the beach. Meet me at my car? I have sodas.
Hey Hun, I will be there in a minute walking to my car

Aaliyah and Spencer love to flirt back at each other, it's their thing they been doing for years a lot but she has no type of romantic relationship at all 100%. They are just close neighbors and good friends. Aaliyah was walking over to the parking lot and sees Maven and Spencer and says to them both
"Hey guys what's up?"




Jaime chuckled and took a hit of the joint once Ryder finished his turn

"I'm not betting on that, the answer is obvious. Of course he will try but the question is will she let him"

He took a hit of the blunt and passed it back as he was feeling the high. Taking a drink he chuckled for no reason and lounged back and stretched out.

Hearing his phone buzz he ignored it for now.

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"I think she will," Ryder said. "I mean, everyone's losing their shit for this trip. I can only imagine there will be some hookups." He was feeling really high, but still in control. Weed never made him lose his head anymore. He's phone buzzed and he picked it up. "Do you think we should be heading to Starbucks soon?" he said after reading the text messages form the group chat. "I feel like they'll kill us if we show up late and stoned again."



Jamie looked at the time and shook his head

Dude flying out tomorrow, were fine"

He lounged out, taking another hit and letting the smoke fly, he frowned as he passed the blunt back to Ryder and finished his drink.

He was barely getting buzzed from it. Shaking his head he went into the bag he had and pulled out a small baggy. He had been unsure when he got them,

but if they were chilling out for the night why not try one.

"Do you think we should?"

He asked holding up the bag to Ryder


"Sure," Ryder said. He was starting to question if he had the ability to care about stuff. Honestly, he just wanted to get really buzzed and pass out.

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