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Realistic or Modern ☼Summer Vacation☼


From Dusk till Dawn

Need a Summer Vacation

Who does need a summer vacation I mean any teenager/young adult would love to travel and go to other places and have fun at the same time. Even though they have there summer jobs going on what is wrong with that.These teens just want to have a nice time and forget all the stuff that had happen in high school and worry about that next year or ever again.Party,Life,Sex,Drinking,Smoking,Drama,Relationships,Hearts broken is what they all do best. The are all going on the best trip of their lives.Can they all take the heat of being friends or enemies.Let's find out. Now to tell you some stuff about me, My name is Aaliyah and I am 16 years old. I have a very busy because of school and stuff like that,I am only on when school is off or After-school. I will be on daily no matter what happens. I am just looking for 1 paragraph that's it and I will also right this in the rules but since you are reading this, every post must be in 1st person. Just to make it easier for me and you. I have the right to decline your character sheet if I feel your not fit for it. I will also have to say always fade to black when things get steamy and that's it, if you still want to join please make your character sheet and you can have lots of characters just make sure if you can handle them all. Well Bye :D
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