• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Summer Shores CS


Above all else, do no harm
Name: (we all have one)
Age: (just no infants alright?)
Race: (anything so long as their not op)
Appearance: (description or image will do)
Role: (farm hand, wanderer, wizard etc..)
Abilities: (be they trained or magic, non combat abilities wanted and needed)
Place Of Origin: (island or over seas, if island you don't have to specify a town, you can make up a town)
Clothes: (armour or clothing)
Items: (weapons or tools)
Strengths: (Strong willed, brave etc..)
Weaknesses: (Coward, short temper etc...)
Backstory: (at least one paragraph)
Personality: (at least one paragraph)
Other: (anything else you feel you should mention, family, relationships etc...)


Also you can have multiple characters
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  • Name: Macie Vedette
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Race: Verminus - Mouse variant
    Place Of Origin: Between Altum Visu and Kinallen.
    Role: Petty thief, and 'bandit' scout.
    Other: One from a litter of twelve, Macie has eleven brothers and sisters from the same litter, and thirty-nine that she knows of all with the same surname.


  • Name: Macie Vedette
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Race: Verminus - Mouse variant
    Place Of Origin: Between Altum Visu and Kinallen.
    Role: Petty thief, and 'bandit' scout.
    Other: One from a litter of twelve, Macie has eleven brothers and sisters from the same litter, and thirty-nine that she knows of all with the same surname.

Name: Fenfir layken
Age: 10
Race: Aelf
Role: Fisherboy / Bard
Swimmer: Learned from having the odd tool fall from his boat, or maybe from just swimming fro enjoyment
Decent Cook; If there is fish available them he'll be able to throw something enjoyable and healthy together
Lute Player: He can play a variety of simple and pleasing tunes on his lute.
Place Of Origin: Silmit
Fishing Hat: Just a simple hat to keep the sun out of his eyes.
Village Attire: Again just some simple clothes that his mother made for him, a little blue shirt made from a light and soft fabric.
Shorts: Again some simply made, soft and light shorts, it gets hot rather often so its good to keep your legs cool
Fishing Trident: His fishing trident, spear fishing is a common method of obtaining food in Silmit.
Small Knife: A small knife that Fenfir uses fro various things, gutting fish, whittling bits of wood. A sturdy tool.
Old Lute: Fenfirs family lute, it was his fathers and his fathers before his and so on.
Teddy Bear: His teddy bear that he's had for as long as he can remember, again made by his mother, the teddy bear, named "Ruffles" never leaves his side.
Energetic: Given his young age, Fenrif has a lot of energy to use.
Optimistic: Fenfir is a happy boy, generally looking at the bright side of things. Sometimes it can be infectious.
Lute Player: While he's not the best lute player he can still play some happy tunes to help brighten the mood.
Do Good: Fenfir isnt a troublemaker meaning he often avoids any altercations.
Easily Flustered: He's used to a simple life, anything includes lots of noise and movement can easily fluster him and make him uneasy
Introvert: Fenfir would much prefer to spend time alone, reading a book or making a small figure out of some wood, hes a perfectly happy boy but his social skills arent that good
Fear Of The Dark: Much to his embarrassment, Fenfir is frighted of the dark.
Not Strong: Again given his young age, he's not strong at all.
Backstory: Fenfir was born in the village of Silmit to a loving mother and father. Since his father was a fisherman he would often take him out to fish with him. Luckily for him he found it to be more akin to play than work so generally enjoyed his life as a fisherboy, occasionally taking breaks to try and learn songs on his families old lute, and given that neither his mother or father could play it, it was difficult. However on day, to Fenfirs joy, his father had brought home a song book he got from a travelling merchant, and luckily it was a book for beginners so he found theme easy to learn.

However it seemed that all good things could not last, for one day Fenfirs father did not return from a fishing trip and his boat had washed ashore, it was assumed he was dragged out by the current and capsized, leaving him to drown. This not only destroyed Fenfir but his mother as well. However Aelfs are stalwart folks and she tried her best to stay positive as did Fenfir. The two had each other and so where able to withstand the grief with incredible success. That was until Fenfirs mother became ill, now normally this would be no problem as the town healer would come along and cure whatever ailed the person. Unfortunately the town healer was in Altum Visu and wouldn't be able to return to the village in time. And within a few days Fenfirs mother had died.

Now the village wouldn't have the boy face such grief alone, in a sense he became the towns son, everyone caring for him in their own way. This has lead to him remaining happy and content with life.
Personality: Fenfir is a rather solitary boy, often preferring to spend his days alone, reading or playing his lute but he's not a solemn child, he's a happy and bright albeit socially awakward. He's a peaceful boy who enjoys his life in Silmit, everything is slow and warm and nothing is rushed, in a sense Fenfir is very much part of the village, it being one of the few places he feels truly comfortable. He is a genuinely caring boy, he hates to see other people in distress,generally because it reminds him of his mothers death. Of course given the fact that he's a child he can be short tempered, while if he does get angry or fed up with something he usually has to take a few minutes to himself, or be appeased in someway.
Other: Family is a touchy subject for him, he normally gets quite when the subject comes up.
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: Erik Lanson
Age: 21 years old.
Race: Human
Appearance: A tall average framed young man, his earnest brown eyes shine gold in the evening sunlight as his dirty brown hair draped over them with no real coordination or sense of style. From his blue wool shirt down to the rolled down over alls around his waist, strong sturdy boots upon his feet and fingerless gloves on his arms, his total appearance is easily to put to the image of a farmer.

His body is strong from years of hard work and his deft hands had held many a tool in it's day. more often than not you would find a bag filled with tools at the ready with him, all one would need to conduct farm work.

If one would see him, you would feel he is a genuinely friendly person, if a tad covered in dirt and occasionally manure.
Role: Farm hand
Nature affinity: As a farmer, you must work as one with the ebb and flow of nature, learning the quirks of the land and how to bond with animals of many types. Some find themselves more capable of bonding and understanding the land and beasts than others, an uncanny understanding between them and the world around them, though direct vocal contact with nature, without the beast actually knowing any words, is practically impossible of course.

Know how: being a farmer is hard work, but at times work is not always available to do, as such most find this time perfect for learning and doing other jobs as well. Be it repair work on tools, learning how to use a weapon, learning how to survive out in the bush, mining(Good money in the winter months), and many other things one might do in their freetime. A jack of all trades, but a master of none, but always better then a master of one.

Tough skin: hard work, accidents involving a hammer and your thumb, tends to build rather thick and tough skin, or at least tolerance to pain.

He has a surprisingly good sense of smell, it's almost uncanny... And it makes hiding any sort of sweets from him a living hell.
Place Of Origin: Outskirts of Mossley
Clothes: Thick but breathable wool shirt, dirty overalls.
Items: Strong sturdy hoe, sharpened sickle, hand axe, several bags for holding stuff, flint and tinder, rope, dried fruits and meats, waterskin, Rock pouch(A pouch of rocks, duh.), money pouch(On a chain around his neck, gift from his big sister)
Strong of body.
Good common sense.
Handy in just about anywhere.
Good source of sage advice.
Surprisingly proficient cook.
Good at telling people apart.
Clumsy: It is exactly as it says, the guy's center of balance may just be a little bit off, or maybe he just doesn't know how to stand on his two feet? Either way, he just has the worst ability to not make a fool out of himself.

Bad luck: Have you ever felt like the world had it out for you? Well, this young man lives like that. If anything is left to luck, you can bet that things won't go his way.

A tad new to the way the world works outside of his hometown, as such he is rather naive when it comes to worldly things.
To describe in one word the young man's life so far, odd.

Left on the doorstep of a farm with no trace of the people who left him there, he was taken into the family by the welcoming and warm hearted family rather easily. Given the fact they had 12 children (Identical) already, having one more(that didn't look like the others) couldn't hurt. Especially after his adopted mother put her foot down on the matter.

Since then the years passed quickly, he and his many, many sisters grew up together, each having a hand in the farm chores, well, some more than others as they were pushed upon younger siblings. But Erik never minded working, he found the act of raising animals and plants to be as easy as breathing, taking to it like a merfolk to water! Despite the fact the world seemingly didn't want him doing just about anything slightly dangerous, and was more than willing to give him a cut or two.

Even while in school, he thought about the fields, in the cold winter months, he thought about the next planting season, and while the hot summers rolled around he wasted no time making certain the fields and animals were happy and healthy. As he continued cultivating and exercising his green thumb, so did he grow. And the more he grew and grew, the more his sisters started to go off on their own.

It was his eldest sister that planted the seeds of adventurous spirit in his mind, having became a merchant of some renown, much like her younger siblings, she told him and her sisters of the great wide world outside of the mining town and the farm. The great cities, the beautiful landscapes and the oddities she has witnessed.

It was a bit of time before the young man worked up the grit to finally move out onto an adventure of his own, knowing that there would be many struggles down the road, he took up what he could, worked for what he could earn and set off into the big wide world in search of whatever lays beyond the one he only knew off.

And some new and strange plants to discover!

Despite the worries of his parents of course, knowing the boy's natural clumsiness and... Well... Luck in general.

And perhaps during this adventure, he may just find out where he came from in the first place!
A earnest young man with a heart filled to the brim with a love of nature and adventure. This, admittedly, somewhat airheaded young man shall always put in the hard work for something, never faltering even as the world around him falls apart due to the disastrous luck he holds within.

If you ever need a helping hand and a friendly smile, he's the man to come to. Just don't come for anything to involved in the field of intellectuals, he may be a good source of wisdom at times, but he will straight tell you he never really listened to much during the classes he was forced to take.
Despite the fact he has 12 identical adopted sisters, he can accurately tell each and every single one of them apart, a feat even his parents could not perform.

A great cook, just about the only thing he CAN do without something horrible going wrong.

is next to impossible to anger, that cheery, earnest smile never goes away.


: Erik Lanson
Age: 21 years old.
Race: Human
Appearance: A tall average framed young man, his earnest brown eyes shine gold in the evening sunlight as his dirty brown hair draped over them with no real coordination or sense of style. From his blue wool shirt down to the rolled down over alls around his waist, strong sturdy boots upon his feet and fingerless gloves on his arms, his total appearance is easily to put to the image of a farmer.

His body is strong from years of hard work and his deft hands had held many a tool in it's day. more often than not you would find a bag filled with tools at the ready with him, all one would need to conduct farm work.

If one would see him, you would feel he is a genuinely friendly person, if a tad covered in dirt and occasionally manure.
Role: Farm hand
Nature affinity: As a farmer, you must work as one with the ebb and flow of nature, learning the quirks of the land and how to bond with animals of many types. Some find themselves more capable of bonding and understanding the land and beasts than others, an uncanny understanding between them and the world around them, though direct vocal contact with nature, without the beast actually knowing any words, is practically impossible of course.

Know how: being a farmer is hard work, but at times work is not always available to do, as such most find this time perfect for learning and doing other jobs as well. Be it repair work on tools, learning how to use a weapon, learning how to survive out in the bush, mining(Good money in the winter months), and many other things one might do in their freetime. A jack of all trades, but a master of none, but always better then a master of one.

Tough skin: hard work, accidents involving a hammer and your thumb, tends to build rather thick and tough skin, or at least tolerance to pain.

He has a surprisingly good sense of smell, it's almost uncanny... And it makes hiding any sort of sweets from him a living hell.
Place Of Origin: Outskirts of Mossley
Clothes: Thick but breathable wool shirt, dirty overalls.
Items: Strong sturdy hoe, sharpened sickle, hand axe, several bags for holding stuff, flint and tinder, rope, dried fruits and meats, waterskin, Rock pouch(A pouch of rocks, duh.), money pouch(On a chain around his neck, gift from his big sister)
Strong of body.
Good common sense.
Handy in just about anywhere.
Good source of sage advice.
Surprisingly proficient cook.
Good at telling people apart.
Clumsy: It is exactly as it says, the guy's center of balance may just be a little bit off, or maybe he just doesn't know how to stand on his two feet? Either way, he just has the worst ability to not make a fool out of himself.

Bad luck: Have you ever felt like the world had it out for you? Well, this young man lives like that. If anything is left to luck, you can bet that things won't go his way.

A tad new to the way the world works outside of his hometown, as such he is rather naive when it comes to worldly things.
To describe in one word the young man's life so far, odd.

Left on the doorstep of a farm with no trace of the people who left him there, he was taken into the family by the welcoming and warm hearted family rather easily. Given the fact they had 12 children (Identical) already, having one more(that didn't look like the others) couldn't hurt. Especially after his adopted mother put her foot down on the matter.

Since then the years passed quickly, he and his many, many sisters grew up together, each having a hand in the farm chores, well, some more than others as they were pushed upon younger siblings. But Erik never minded working, he found the act of raising animals and plants to be as easy as breathing, taking to it like a merfolk to water! Despite the fact the world seemingly didn't want him doing just about anything slightly dangerous, and was more than willing to give him a cut or two.

Even while in school, he thought about the fields, in the cold winter months, he thought about the next planting season, and while the hot summers rolled around he wasted no time making certain the fields and animals were happy and healthy. As he continued cultivating and exercising his green thumb, so did he grow. And the more he grew and grew, the more his sisters started to go off on their own.

It was his eldest sister that planted the seeds of adventurous spirit in his mind, having became a merchant of some renown, much like her younger siblings, she told him and her sisters of the great wide world outside of the mining town and the farm. The great cities, the beautiful landscapes and the oddities she has witnessed.

It was a bit of time before the young man worked up the grit to finally move out onto an adventure of his own, knowing that there would be many struggles down the road, he took up what he could, worked for what he could earn and set off into the big wide world in search of whatever lays beyond the one he only knew off.

And some new and strange plants to discover!

Despite the worries of his parents of course, knowing the boy's natural clumsiness and... Well... Luck in general.

And perhaps during this adventure, he may just find out where he came from in the first place!
A earnest young man with a heart filled to the brim with a love of nature and adventure. This, admittedly, somewhat airheaded young man shall always put in the hard work for something, never faltering even as the world around him falls apart due to the disastrous luck he holds within.

If you ever need a helping hand and a friendly smile, he's the man to come to. Just don't come for anything to involved in the field of intellectuals, he may be a good source of wisdom at times, but he will straight tell you he never really listened to much during the classes he was forced to take.
Despite the fact he has 12 identical adopted sisters, he can accurately tell each and every single one of them apart, a feat even his parents could not perform.

A great cook, just about the only thing he CAN do without something horrible going wrong.

is next to impossible to anger, that cheery, earnest smile never goes away.


Brilliant! Your in

Bronwen "Winnie" Mayflower

She's an extremely skilled apothecary and healer
Place Of Origin:
An Island native from a small village named Hilar
She normally wears something similar to the picture.
Whenever she's out she wears cloak to protect her from the wind or rain and sturdy boots suitable for hunting through the woods for certain herbs. Her dresses usually have minimal detail, but enough that her femininity is obvious.
An extensive collection of herbs, salves, poultices, and various herbal and alchemical remedies.
She was raised well, having good morals and just the right mix of old and new knowledge to really give her an edge when it comes to medicine. She's a sharp young woman with a great memory, she is also relatively strong compared to girls her age.
She's very emotional and almost can't help but say yes to most things. She's also quite naive and a bit of a hoarder.
Hailing from the small village of Hilar, Bronwen was the 3rd of 5 children. Her parents were simple dairy farmers, raising her off of the land and teaching the young girl all about nature. She left the island as a young adult to study medicine, and had recently returned to start a calmer life than the one she had lived while learning. Her valuable schooling led to several settlements needing her aid. After travelling from town to town and treating the sick for the first few years, she decided to settle down and has been living a fairly calm life cultivating herbs in both the forest and her personal garden.
Bronwen is a very lively and forward-thinking young woman . She was raised with very strong morals, and is a very sensible and loyal girl. She is also known to occasionally be a bit of a martyr , sometimes playing the victim when it isn't necessary. Since she was a middle child, she developed a few strange techniques to get attention from her parents and they can still show through in her adulthood-- Such as a mild hoarding problem and a competitive streak a mile long.
She's new to the town, which explains why she doesn't have many friends so to speak of.

Bronwen "Winnie" Mayflower

She's an extremely skilled apothecary and healer
Place Of Origin:
An Island native from a small village named Hilar
She normally wears something similar to the picture.
Whenever she's out she wears cloak to protect her from the wind or rain and sturdy boots suitable for hunting through the woods for certain herbs. Her dresses usually have minimal detail, but enough that her femininity is obvious.
An extensive collection of herbs, salves, poultices, and various herbal and alchemical remedies.
She was raised well, having good morals and just the right mix of old and new knowledge to really give her an edge when it comes to medicine. She's a sharp young woman with a great memory, she is also relatively strong compared to girls her age.
She's very emotional and almost can't help but say yes to most things. She's also quite naive and a bit of a hoarder.
Hailing from the small village of Hilar, Bronwen was the 3rd of 5 children. Her parents were simple dairy farmers, raising her off of the land and teaching the young girl all about nature. She left the island as a young adult to study medicine, and had recently returned to start a calmer life than the one she had lived while learning. Her valuable schooling led to several settlements needing her aid. After travelling from town to town and treating the sick for the first few years, she decided to settle down and has been living a fairly calm life cultivating herbs in both the forest and her personal garden.
Bronwen is a very lively and forward-thinking young woman . She was raised with very strong morals, and is a very sensible and loyal girl. She is also known to occasionally be a bit of a martyr , sometimes playing the victim when it isn't necessary. Since she was a middle child, she developed a few strange techniques to get attention from her parents and they can still show through in her adulthood-- Such as a mild hoarding problem and a competitive streak a mile long.
She's new to the town, which explains why she doesn't have many friends so to speak of.
will be approved when finished
Name: Charles Hensworth

Age: 29

Race: Human


Role: Wandering Merchant

- Tracking: Being on the move constantly, Charles is able to find hidden paths and shortcuts just by the trails left by animals or people.
- Mapping: His knowledge of terrain and directions make him an excellent mapper. He even sells his maps for a fair price!
- Convenient Merchant Powers: All Merchants have this ability to appear outta nowhere to sell their wares. This can be done anywhere and at any time.

Place Of Origin: Altum Visu City or Kinallen Town, depends on how you ask.

- Traveling cloak
- Light plate armour

- Mumbler: An ancient longsword he found in a dungeon. It talks. Maybe.
- Aelfen Longbow
- Bags of holding

Clever - "Well not to brag but I managed to outsmart plenty of people. And traps, yes. Gotta watch out for those sneaky traps in the ruins."

Silver-tongued - "Pssshh. Ignore that, I'm no liar. Speaking of which, I heard some interesting rumors about treasure... Wanna hear?"

Cunning - "Gotta be cunning living the life I live, Kiddo. You'll never know what's around the corner."

Shrewd - "Come on, as a merchant, you got to be a little shrewd in your deals. All for profit. But he does stop himself from outright scamming customers. No point paying fines for stupid crimes. You'll lose profit!"

Opportunistic - "Sure I told him about the puzzle. Sure I wasn't agile or light enough to actually solve the bridge trigger. But he made it. I think. ..... Yeah he did. I traded some of his treasure for a rare herb."

Greedy - "Hey, what can I say? Sometimes the coin is more important then some stupid kid. Even if he is in danger... And about to die... *Runs back* I BETTER GET SOME FINE TREASURE OUT OF THIS!"

Charles Hensworth, born into the rather reputable Hensworth family of traveling merchants and cartographers, Charles was groomed from a young age to be a traveling merchant and was taught the tricks of the trade. By the time he turned 12, he had accurately mapped out his hometown of Kinallen Town and served as an apprentice to another fellow traveling merchant. By 18, he had managed to earn himself enough profit and knowledge to finally go solo. His travels brought him all over the place, from the highest of mountains to the deepest of caves. All in the search for rare materials or treasure to sell and earn a profit. As a side business, he also sells handmade maps and information about various dungeons to other budding adventurers. Nowadays, he's out and about as always. Never sticking to a single location unless needed.

Charles Hensworth is what you may call the standard traveling merchant. Suave, silver-tongued, and a touch greedy. His personal motto in life is, "Life is full of potential profits, keep an eye out for them." A motto he follows seriously with each heckle and sales pitch. He stands his ground when people can't meet his price points and has never backed down no matter how loudly or pitifully someone begs. Even so, he can be rather nice and would offer them something cheaper or some info that can lead to what they want. After all, a happy customer will always come back. And he knows that to be true.

: Keeps his private life private. He rarely speaks of it and seems committed to his job.
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Nathaniel Clear-Ripple
Race: Goliath; Large and long-lived humanoid race that stands a full head-and-shoulder above the average man. Rare to see and even rarer to meet, goliaths tend to keep to themselves and most are solitary, private people. Despite their size, they are gentle giants and they enjoy the outdoors, and each one has a unique connection to their surrounding environment, as shown in their appearances which differ based on their locale. They are known for befriending various wild creatures and tending the natural plants in their territories and they are commonly seen roaming across the lands caring for the vast array wildlife. Some folk tell tales of the goliaths keeping watch in the wilds, of lighting bonfires and merry dances under the moonlight, and while these stories are often only rumour, there is no doubt that the strong and delicious ale brewed by the giantkin is enough to provoke some spontaneous festivities on its own.

Age: 178 years on the human calendar

Nathaniel is a sight to behold in the wilderness of the Yampan Riverbanks, striding through the deep woods and wading across the river crossings that he names as his home territory. His dark skin is a shade of green that matches the water plants and lively frogs he looks after and he is very proud of his long beard that resembles the tangling strands of weeds growing on the damp riverbed stones. He still stands tall despite his age, towering over the tallest man in the woodland village nearby, and his body still shows the efforts of the healthy fitness and great strength of his younger days. His face is kind and friendly, a perpetual smile on his lips and a sparkle in his wise old eyes, and a ringing jolly tone in his frequent laughter.

: River Warden; A mixture of fisherman and ferryman, Nathaniel guards the riverbanks of the Yampan, securing safe travels up, down, and across the river's many waterways. He travels along the waters on his humble barge, often stopping to fish an afternoon away or assist a traveler over to the other bank. He enjoys the passing company, trading his services for stories and supplies, and he ensures a pleasant and relaxing journey for any who request a ride. While a pacifist by nature, he has been known to fight off bands of river pirates if necessary, especially if the safety of his passengers is at stake.

Abilities: Possessing an affinity for the wilderness common among all goliaths, Nathaniel has spent his whole life among nature and has learned many things from it. His own variety of the goliath magic rests in his ability to commune with the river, sensing the flow of the water for the smoothest travels or fortelling the weather by the way the water ripples when he skips stones across its surface. He also has a bond with the wildlife that live nearby, able to understand the whispers of the reeds as the winds blow through them or chatting with a noisy kingfisher as it flutters around his head looking for the sleeping fish below. He has a special connection with a particular river otter, whom Nathaniel has named Fitch and keeps as a constant faithful companion by his side.

Place Of Origin: Born on the island, he spent his first few years in the rolling hill country traveling with his family as they migrated across the countryside. When he was old enough to set out on his own, Nathaniel set out to find a place of to call his own and found it alongside the banks of the Yampan River. His longing to wander kept him from rooting himself to one place, and so he built his barge, little more than a simple log raft with a humble shack built at the stern, and set to spending the rest of his days out on the water wherever it may lead him.

Clothes: Dressed simply, his clothes are made of whatever fabric travelers will trade to him in exchange for a ride. As a result, his clothes are worn and patched, but still holding together as he sews and mends them when he has the need to. However, he has an almost strange adoration for pockets, and he often affixes spare scraps of cloth onto whatever patch of clothing is still available in order to hold various stones, berries, plants, and whatever other supplies he feels the need to carry on his person. His greatest accessory is a sturdy satchel, a bag large enough to hold quite a lot, once he even carried a human child in it (but that's another tale for another time).

Items: Nathaniel is a man of very little means, he enjoys living simply and he finds most of what he needs in his boating travels or through trading with the passersby. However, he has a few possessions which are of great worth to him and he would not trade for the entire world. First and foremost is his trusty fishing rod, a stout and flexible willow branch he has dutifully kept and used for many, many years now. It was given to him by a traveler who came to be ferried across the river and back again. The man regularly, and he and Nathaniel often would tell stories of their adventures or discuss their take on the world around them. One day, the man came once more, a new look of sadness deep in his eyes. When the trip was finished, he told Nathaniel he wanted to thank him for his friendship all of these years and that he had a gift for him. It was then the man gave him the rod, and for the first time that day a smile came to his face. Then he left down the woodland trail and that was the last time that Nathaniel ever saw him again, left holding the last gift of a traveler whose name he had never once asked for.

Strengths: Kind and good-natured, Nathaniel is a friendly and obliging sort. He has a large heart and a wise mind, often offering advice and guidance to any who ask it of him. Just as content to sit in silence and watch the water as he is to share a joke or spin a story, Nathaniel has empathy as deep as the river for those around him, always tailoring his attitude to what would best suit whoever's company he is presently keeping. If a task is within his capabilities to do so, he will more often than not lend a hand in any way he can. He is skilled when working with his hands and he is able to live rather comfortably just through the things finds and gathers and makes for himself from his surroundings, even developing his own variety of the giant's ale that he brews himself and shares around with his fellow travelers. All he really seeks is a peaceful and quiet life, and he tries to settle conflict without inflicting any harm to anyone at all.

Weaknesses: Being somewhat of a hermit, at times Nathaniel can be relatively ignorant to the world outside of his daily domain. He is often too trusting, and if one is cunning or clever enough, he can be tricked or persuaded to help with things he does not fully understand the consequences of. While he tries his best to repress anger, if he discovers he has been fooled into harming another against his will, or that someone under his care is going to suffer if he does not intervene, he has been known to release outbursts of fury and while he may not be as strong as he was in his faraway youth, he is still a terrible enemy to make.
Nathaniel Clear-Ripple
Race: Goliath; Large and long-lived humanoid race that stands a full head-and-shoulder above the average man. Rare to see and even rarer to meet, goliaths tend to keep to themselves and most are solitary, private people. Despite their size, they are gentle giants and they enjoy the outdoors, and each one has a unique connection to their surrounding environment, as shown in their appearances which differ based on their locale. They are known for befriending various wild creatures and tending the natural plants in their territories and they are commonly seen roaming across the lands caring for the vast array wildlife. Some folk tell tales of the goliaths keeping watch in the wilds, of lighting bonfires and merry dances under the moonlight, and while these stories are often only rumour, there is no doubt that the strong and delicious ale brewed by the giantkin is enough to provoke some spontaneous festivities on its own.

Age: 178 years on the human calendar

Nathaniel is a sight to behold in the wilderness of the Yampan Riverbanks, striding through the deep woods and wading across the river crossings that he names as his home territory. His dark skin is a shade of green that matches the water plants and lively frogs he looks after and he is very proud of his long beard that resembles the tangling strands of weeds growing on the damp riverbed stones. He still stands tall despite his age, towering over the tallest man in the woodland village nearby, and his body still shows the efforts of the healthy fitness and great strength of his younger days. His face is kind and friendly, a perpetual smile on his lips and a sparkle in his wise old eyes, and a ringing jolly tone in his frequent laughter.

: River Warden; A mixture of fisherman and ferryman, Nathaniel guards the riverbanks of the Yampan, securing safe travels up, down, and across the river's many waterways. He travels along the waters on his humble barge, often stopping to fish an afternoon away or assist a traveler over to the other bank. He enjoys the passing company, trading his services for stories and supplies, and he ensures a pleasant and relaxing journey for any who request a ride. While a pacifist by nature, he has been known to fight off bands of river pirates if necessary, especially if the safety of his passengers is at stake.

Abilities: Possessing an affinity for the wilderness common among all goliaths, Nathaniel has spent his whole life among nature and has learned many things from it. His own variety of the goliath magic rests in his ability to commune with the river, sensing the flow of the water for the smoothest travels or fortelling the weather by the way the water ripples when he skips stones across its surface. He also has a bond with the wildlife that live nearby, able to understand the whispers of the reeds as the winds blow through them or chatting with a noisy kingfisher as it flutters around his head looking for the sleeping fish below. He has a special connection with a particular river otter, whom Nathaniel has named Fitch and keeps as a constant faithful companion by his side.

Place Of Origin: Born on the island, he spent his first few years in the rolling hill country traveling with his family as they migrated across the countryside. When he was old enough to set out on his own, Nathaniel set out to find a place of to call his own and found it alongside the banks of the Yampan River. His longing to wander kept him from rooting himself to one place, and so he built his barge, little more than a simple log raft with a humble shack built at the stern, and set to spending the rest of his days out on the water wherever it may lead him.

Clothes: Dressed simply, his clothes are made of whatever fabric travelers will trade to him in exchange for a ride. As a result, his clothes are worn and patched, but still holding together as he sews and mends them when he has the need to. However, he has an almost strange adoration for pockets, and he often affixes spare scraps of cloth onto whatever patch of clothing is still available in order to hold various stones, berries, plants, and whatever other supplies he feels the need to carry on his person. His greatest accessory is a sturdy satchel, a bag large enough to hold quite a lot, once he even carried a human child in it (but that's another tale for another time).

Items: Nathaniel is a man of very little means, he enjoys living simply and he finds most of what he needs in his boating travels or through trading with the passersby. However, he has a few possessions which are of great worth to him and he would not trade for the entire world. First and foremost is his trusty fishing rod, a stout and flexible willow branch he has dutifully kept and used for many, many years now. It was given to him by a traveler who came to be ferried across the river and back again. The man regularly, and he and Nathaniel often would tell stories of their adventures or discuss their take on the world around them. One day, the man came once more, a new look of sadness deep in his eyes. When the trip was finished, he told Nathaniel he wanted to thank him for his friendship all of these years and that he had a gift for him. It was then the man gave him the rod, and for the first time that day a smile came to his face. Then he left down the woodland trail and that was the last time that Nathaniel ever saw him again, left holding the last gift of a traveler whose name he had never once asked for.

Strengths: Kind and good-natured, Nathaniel is a friendly and obliging sort. He has a large heart and a wise mind, often offering advice and guidance to any who ask it of him. Just as content to sit in silence and watch the water as he is to share a joke or spin a story, Nathaniel has empathy as deep as the river for those around him, always tailoring his attitude to what would best suit whoever's company he is presently keeping. If a task is within his capabilities to do so, he will more often than not lend a hand in any way he can. He is skilled when working with his hands and he is able to live rather comfortably just through the things finds and gathers and makes for himself from his surroundings, even developing his own variety of the giant's ale that he brews himself and shares around with his fellow travelers. All he really seeks is a peaceful and quiet life, and he tries to settle conflict without inflicting any harm to anyone at all.

Weaknesses: Being somewhat of a hermit, at times Nathaniel can be relatively ignorant to the world outside of his daily domain. He is often too trusting, and if one is cunning or clever enough, he can be tricked or persuaded to help with things he does not fully understand the consequences of. While he tries his best to repress anger, if he discovers he has been fooled into harming another against his will, or that someone under his care is going to suffer if he does not intervene, he has been known to release outbursts of fury and while he may not be as strong as he was in his faraway youth, he is still a terrible enemy to make.
Name: Fritter Alshuk
Age: 15
Race: Mothfolk
Appearance: Being a tiny foot in size Fritter is obviously quiet light in size too at about 5lbs. she doesnt wear any clothes as it would make it a little harder for her to fly stay quietly. Her body is covered in very soft feathers that let her fly quietly through the air and land without a peep, her eyes are completely black and she has two antennae that lets her sense vibrations in the air.

Role: sneaky breky Scout
Extremely quiet - her movements may as well not make any sound, allowing her to get through anywhere without anyone noticing her.
Versatile Flight - Fritter can fly backwards, forwards, and sideways at full speed without much trouble! oh also she can hover easily
Air Sensitive - using her antennae she can sense vibrations in the air, disturbances in airflow lets her predict what is coming in size but nothing else in details.
Place Of Origin: unmarked moth village somewhere out there, maybe here
Clothes: Her fluff boi
Items: spyglass, tiny but sharp knife,
Strengths: Silent, fast, tiny, camouflaged, compassionate
Weaknesses: Easily attracted to bright lights at night, fragile, cares too much, Pacifist

Backstory: (prepare for filler writing)
Born in a small village Fritter didn't know much about the outside world, her people were simple gatherers, food for eating and random trinkets here and there. out of the entire village Fritter was quiet the outlier, she was the most curious and would usually venture into places her parents and elders would tell her not to go. This had obviously lead her into many dangerous places as well as places with unique and valuable things.

one venture lead her to a plains area at night, there was a light moving across and she was curious as well as attracted to it. Flying down low on open ground told her instincts danger, but her curiosity was too much, upon closer inspection of the light it was a torch and it looked like a human was carrying it. it was a small little boy who was looking for something, when he noticed something was behind him he whipped around and saw what was basically a one foot bipedal moth for about the first time. Predictably he panicked and fell backwards, Fritter was both confused and amused by it and the two of them began to converse about what he was looking for.

But being out and in the open was dangerous for moths, not very many dangers on the ground however it made it easily for birds to see her and swoop down to get her. And that, one did however Fritter managed to dodge the first surprise swoop using her antennae to sense it. With no where to really find cover she quickly flew towards the child who didn't realize what was going on still. She swooped under him and cowered and then he realized what was happening and attempted to shield her by grabbing her and running to the trees. The bird kept trying to pick at the pair while the boy swatted futility in the air at it.

Yelling the boy fell over but didn't let go of his newly found friend as the bid kept picking at them, but the commotion had caught the attention of more humans. They drove the bird away and the boy let go of fritter who was slightly injured with a bite to her arm and bruises from the boy shielding her. It turns out that they were from a village not too far from hers, they even knew where her moth village was and that they simply stayed away. Along with his father the boy took Fritter back to her village. The mothfolk aren't strangers to humans, seeing them every time the caravan comes around to trade. But seeing a human holding one of their own and not with the familiar caravan

They flocked all around the trio with a mix of emotions, and to make a story short Fritter explained to them once they had calmed down, there was a small celebration as the two humans were the heroes and once they left fritter was chastised again. however this interaction had opened the mothfolks minds to the world, and soon trade between the human and moth village started up along with the caravan who came to the moth village every so often. Right after the incident happened Fritter waited for caravan to came by to dropped by more trinkets and food for her people and one day she used the caravan to leave her home. She had grown tired of the people being so careful and chastising her for adventure so she simply left. not forgetting to write a letter for her parents of course.

Personality: having be sheltered for most of her life Fritter is naive and childish. She is usually carefree however this would be more of the fact that she probably doesn't know about whats going on or doesn't comprehend it all. she loves sticking to the shadows, out of instinct more than anything but she is usually a bright gleaming ball of energy. She doesnt like it when her friends are sad and would try to lift their spirits. She is through and through a pacifist, she couldnt hurt a fly let alone someone else, she normally stays away from conflict and fighting as se is also fragile.

Other: she doesnt know about any other moth folk other than the ones in her village
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(picture soon(tm)
: Fritter Alshuk
Age: 15
Race: Mothfolk
Appearance: Being a tiny foot in size Fritter is obviously quiet light in size too at about 5lbs. she doesnt wear any clothes as it would make it a little harder for her to fly stay quietly. Her body is covered in very soft feathers that let her fly quietly through the air and land without a peep, her eyes are completely black and she has two antennae that lets her sense vibrations in the air.

Role: sneaky breky Scout
Extremely quiet - her movements may as well not make any sound, allowing her to get through anywhere without anyone noticing her.
Versatile Flight - Fritter can fly backwards, forwards, and sideways at full speed without much trouble! oh also she can hover easily
Air Sensitive - using her antennae she can sense vibrations in the air, disturbances in airflow lets her predict what is coming in size but nothing else in details.
Place Of Origin: unmarked moth village somewhere out there, maybe here
Clothes: Her fluff boi
Items: spyglass, tiny but sharp knife,
Strengths: Silent, fast, tiny, camouflaged, compassionate
Weaknesses: Easily attracted to bright lights at night, fragile, cares too much, Pacifist

Backstory: (prepare for filler writing)
Born in a small village Fritter didn't know much about the outside world, her people were simple gatherers, food for eating and random trinkets here and there. out of the entire village Fritter was quiet the outlier, she was the most curious and would usually venture into places her parents and elders would tell her not to go. This had obviously lead her into many dangerous places as well as places with unique and valuable things.

one venture lead her to a plains area at night, there was a light moving across and she was curious as well as attracted to it. Flying down low on open ground told her instincts danger, but her curiosity was too much, upon closer inspection of the light it was a torch and it looked like a human was carrying it. it was a small little boy who was looking for something, when he noticed something was behind him he whipped around and saw what was basically a one foot bipedal moth for about the first time. Predictably he panicked and fell backwards, Fritter was both confused and amused by it and the two of them began to converse about what he was looking for.

But being out and in the open was dangerous for moths, not very many dangers on the ground however it made it easily for birds to see her and swoop down to get her. And that, one did however Fritter managed to dodge the first surprise swoop using her antennae to sense it. With no where to really find cover she quickly flew towards the child who didn't realize what was going on still. She swooped under him and cowered and then he realized what was happening and attempted to shield her by grabbing her and running to the trees. The bird kept trying to pick at the pair while the boy swatted futility in the air at it.

Yelling the boy fell over but didn't let go of his newly found friend as the bid kept picking at them, but the commotion had caught the attention of more humans. They drove the bird away and the boy let go of fritter who was slightly injured with a bite to her arm and bruises from the boy shielding her. It turns out that they were from a village not too far from hers, they even knew where her moth village was and that they simply stayed away. Along with his father the boy took Fritter back to her village. The mothfolk aren't strangers to humans, seeing them every time the caravan comes around to trade. But seeing a human holding one of their own and not with the familiar caravan

They flocked all around the trio with a mix of emotions, and to make a story short Fritter explained to them once they had calmed down, there was a small celebration as the two humans were the heroes and once they left fritter was chastised again. however this interaction had opened the mothfolks minds to the world, and soon trade between the human and moth village started up along with the caravan who came to the moth village every so often. Right after the incident happened Fritter waited for caravan to came by to dropped by more trinkets and food for her people and one day she used the caravan to leave her home. She had grown tired of the people being so careful and chastising her for adventure so she simply left. not forgetting to write a letter for her parents of course.

Personality: having be sheltered for most of her life Fritter is naive and childish. She is usually carefree however this would be more of the fact that she probably doesn't know about whats going on or doesn't comprehend it all. she loves sticking to the shadows, out of instinct more than anything but she is usually a bright gleaming ball of energy. She doesnt like it when her friends are sad and would try to lift their spirits. She is through and through a pacifist, she couldnt hurt a fly let alone someone else, she normally stays away from conflict and fighting as se is also fragile.

Other: she doesnt know about any other moth folk other than the ones in her village
accepted, smol moth
Name: Lior
Age: 11
Race: human
Role: self-taught witchling

magic--she's learning how to make potions, tinctures, and salves, mostly for healing purposes. (Sometimes for other things.)
horticulture--growing, identifying, and harvesting plants
sewing--not great, but she can patch up a tear or hem a skirt

Place Of Origin: Altum Visu City

Clothes: A red linen dress, bracelet, brown leather belt with pouches, and brown boots.

The Really Useful Book (an almanac/spellbook that updates its contents constantly)
journal & writing tools
pocket knife
mortar and pestle
leather bag

self-sufficient--Lior hates asking for help, and will do as much as she can on her own.

socially awkward--Did I mention she hates asking for help?

Backstory: The youngest daughter of a large merchant family, Lior grew up well cared for, but a little overlooked. Her family was comfortable, but never rich, and sold a large and varied assortment of goods, partially from their shop in Altum, partially from their traveling wagon train. When Lior was seven or so, her parents came into possession of a very old, very battered book that appeared to be blank. Since they couldn't sell such a worn journal, Lior's parents gave it to her when she asked.
It was not empty when Lior opened it.
Instead, it was a magical almanac, full of information about moon phases and tide charts and holidays and weather patterns, as well as magical plants and spells to heal and enchant objects. Knowing that her parents would sell it if they ever found out, Lior has kept the book secret, and her family is under the impression that it's simply her diary. Whenever she has the chance, Lior sneaks off on her own to read the book and practice from it.

Personality: Shy and quiet, Lior rarely talks to people, even her family. She's much more comfortable by herself, or in the company of her pet dog. However, she's not terribly afraid of getting into trouble--she goes and does what she wants, and if she gets caught, well, she'll deal with the consequences then.

Other: Lior came home with a puppy she found a few years ago. She named the puppy Pickles. Pickles is now a big black mutt dog with a good temperament, and you rarely see one without the other.
Name: Lior
Age: 11
Race: human
Role: self-taught witchling

magic--she's learning how to make potions, tinctures, and salves, mostly for healing purposes. (Sometimes for other things.)
horticulture--growing, identifying, and harvesting plants
sewing--not great, but she can patch up a tear or hem a skirt

Place Of Origin: Altum Visu City

Clothes: A red linen dress, bracelet, brown leather belt with pouches, and brown boots.

The Really Useful Book (an almanac/spellbook that updates its contents constantly)
journal & writing tools
pocket knife
mortar and pestle
leather bag

self-sufficient--Lior hates asking for help, and will do as much as she can on her own.

socially awkward--Did I mention she hates asking for help?

Backstory: The youngest daughter of a large merchant family, Lior grew up well cared for, but a little overlooked. Her family was comfortable, but never rich, and sold a large and varied assortment of goods, partially from their shop in Altum, partially from their traveling wagon train. When Lior was seven or so, her parents came into possession of a very old, very battered book that appeared to be blank. Since they couldn't sell such a worn journal, Lior's parents gave it to her when she asked.
It was not empty when Lior opened it.
Instead, it was a magical almanac, full of information about moon phases and tide charts and holidays and weather patterns, as well as magical plants and spells to heal and enchant objects. Knowing that her parents would sell it if they ever found out, Lior has kept the book secret, and her family is under the impression that it's simply her diary. Whenever she has the chance, Lior sneaks off on her own to read the book and practice from it.

Personality: Shy and quiet, Lior rarely talks to people, even her family. She's much more comfortable by herself, or in the company of her pet dog. However, she's not terribly afraid of getting into trouble--she goes and does what she wants, and if she gets caught, well, she'll deal with the consequences then.

Other: Lior came home with a puppy she found a few years ago. She named the puppy Pickles. Pickles is now a big black mutt dog with a good temperament, and you rarely see one without the other.
accepted, pretty bodacious

Syndral Morlynn
(goes by Syn, or Syndra)




Town Healer

Healing - She is able to heal just about anything. But the extent of her power can only go so far. The main reason for her having healing properties is by the runes that run down the side of her face and fall all the way down her right arm.

Hand-to-Hand Combat - Syndra was taught hand to hand at the age of 13 by one of the people she looked up to most: Her teacher. Her body today, is now a weapon, no matter how vulnerable she looks.

Place Of Origin:

Her dress. (Shown above)
Wears flats for her shoes.
Has a hat from time to time when outside.

A pouch to hold money hangs from her waist.
When getting things for her clinic or visiting homes, she carries around a basket to hold her medical items or herbs. (since she likes doing things naturally as well)

Confident - Syn is pretty confident when it comes to healing or taking care of others. Being raised around those who've gotten sick and hurt, she was trained to learn to care for those and thus has the confidence that she could help with just about anything and everything. When attending parties, she makes sure that she shows her confidence through her style and her appearance. Showing that she has no fear or lack of confidence.

Strong willed - Even during her last dying breath, she will push her body, push her mind to the end. Syn may be weak at the time, but she wouldnt care not one bit. Her drive keeps her going till she can no longer move. In dire situations, if she needs medical attention (when her energy is too drained to heal) she will use anything she has on her to an advantage to stop the bleeding and keep running till she found help. She wouldnt give up.

Caring - She cares about everyone and everything, wounded? She'll do her best to heal you. Sick? She'll give you the best herbs she can and maybe use her magic to make the torture less. Perhaps need a place to stay? Syn would offer her home for the night and take good care of the person till the next day. Rarely does she ignore those in need.

Cooking - She can cook a lot of things, stews, meats, anything that doesnt involve baking. This is one of her strong suits and loves to make a nice dinners when she has visitors.

Blinded by anger/rage - Once angered or in a rage, she is blinded to what could actually happen to her. Sometimes this could result in her being injured or worse if not properly watched or stopped. The way to calm her down is to get aggressive with her. Grasp her shoulders tightly, cup her face or perhaps even yell at her. It's the only way to finally snap her from the blindness she caused herself.

Dead silence - Whenever there is dead silence, it tends to cause Syndral to slowly gain anxiety. The silence itself tends to worry her and makes her nervous. If there is someone else next to her, she will be a little more comfortable but still have that rising anxiety within her mind.

Baking - She will burn everything. No doubt. She cant bake a cake, or bake cookies, not even bread. She's just naturally bad at making sweets. One time she managed to bake some cookies, but after they cooled, they turned into hockey pucks and were no longer soft and chewy cookies.

Syn was born into a family that consisted of a Doctor, a Botanist, an older brother and an older sister. Both of which who went to specialize in other things. When she was born, however, she was born with runes running from the side of her face, down her right shoulder and down the right arm down to her hand. No one knew why she was born with such runes, but after being raised for a couple of years, her parents began to realize that not only were the runes basically a birth mark, they actually glowed! Mainly whenever she was sleeping or when she would get a wound that almost instantly healed. With such rare magical power, her parents sought out a wise man who knew about magic, despite how rare it was and was informed that Syn had magical power within her, and from what her parents described, he concluded that she had the magical power of a healer.

This was tested by simply pricking the little girl's finger and watching as the runes glowed and the small prick heal. Since then, Syndral's parents taught her to use her powers for healing, making others feel better. At the time as a child Syn felt and saw the happiness she brought to other people whenever she helped them with her gift. Thus it made her want to be a doctor with her father and a botanist like her mother, and so she had. Having the drive to become one. With the help of her parents and her older siblings's support, she was able to grow into a beautiful woman who became the town healer. Gathering herbs, taking care of the sick, and the wounded, she was able to get to know many of her clients and become a pretty friendly Aelf. One of which grew in popularity and was loved by the people.

Syndral is definitely caring when it comes to others. If they are in need, she will more than likely help them. Even though she may be a caring woman, she has quite the temper if the right buttons are pressed to trigger her anger. When it's not by a person, it could be by something that frustrates her. Such as fixing something. Syn is also courageous and adventurous, when she sees an opportunity for adventure, she takes it and spends a couple of hours out or stays out till nightfall before returning home. When it comes to the medical field, the Aelf is very intelligent and filled with wisdom on health. She knows of many herbs and many ways to cure things naturally and by her own magic. She is also very fun when she attends parties and celebrations, not leaving any stone unturned. Dancing, having fun, maybe having a drink or two and hanging out with her friends.However when it comes to her friends, she can become protective over them and would like to keep them safe whenever she can. When it comes to lovers... She's quite... Different to say the least.

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Syndral Morlynn
(goes by Syn, or Syndra)




Town Healer

Healing - She is able to heal just about anything. But the extent of her power can only go so far. The main reason for her having healing properties is by the runes that run down the side of her face and fall all the way down her right arm.

Hand-to-Hand Combat - Syndra was taught hand to hand at the age of 13 by one of the people she looked up to most: Her teacher. Her body today, is now a weapon, no matter how vulnerable she looks.

Place Of Origin:

Her dress. (Shown above)
Wears flats for her shoes.
Has a hat from time to time when outside.

A pouch to hold money hangs from her waist.
When getting things for her clinic or visiting homes, she carries around a basket to hold her medical items or herbs. (since she likes doing things naturally as well)

Confident - Syn is pretty confident when it comes to healing or taking care of others. Being raised around those who've gotten sick and hurt, she was trained to learn to care for those and thus has the confidence that she could help with just about anything and everything. When attending parties, she makes sure that she shows her confidence through her style and her appearance. Showing that she has no fear or lack of confidence.

Strong willed - Even during her last dying breath, she will push her body, push her mind to the end. Syn may be weak at the time, but she wouldnt care not one bit. Her drive keeps her going till she can no longer move. In dire situations, if she needs medical attention (when her energy is too drained to heal) she will use anything she has on her to an advantage to stop the bleeding and keep running till she found help. She wouldnt give up.

Caring - She cares about everyone and everything, wounded? She'll do her best to heal you. Sick? She'll give you the best herbs she can and maybe use her magic to make the torture less. Perhaps need a place to stay? Syn would offer her home for the night and take good care of the person till the next day. Rarely does she ignore those in need.

Cooking - She can cook a lot of things, stews, meats, anything that doesnt involve baking. This is one of her strong suits and loves to make a nice dinners when she has visitors.

Blinded by anger/rage - Once angered or in a rage, she is blinded to what could actually happen to her. Sometimes this could result in her being injured or worse if not properly watched or stopped. The way to calm her down is to get aggressive with her. Grasp her shoulders tightly, cup her face or perhaps even yell at her. It's the only way to finally snap her from the blindness she caused herself.

Dead silence - Whenever there is dead silence, it tends to cause Syndral to slowly gain anxiety. The silence itself tends to worry her and makes her nervous. If there is someone else next to her, she will be a little more comfortable but still have that rising anxiety within her mind.

Baking - She will burn everything. No doubt. She cant bake a cake, or bake cookies, not even bread. She's just naturally bad at making sweets. One time she managed to bake some cookies, but after they cooled, they turned into hockey pucks and were no longer soft and chewy cookies.

Syn was born into a family that consisted of a Doctor, a Botanist, an older brother and an older sister. Both of which who went to specialize in other things. When she was born, however, she was born with runes running from the side of her face, down her right shoulder and down the right arm down to her hand. No one knew why she was born with such runes, but after being raised for a couple of years, her parents began to realize that not only were the runes basically a birth mark, they actually glowed! Mainly whenever she was sleeping or when she would get a wound that almost instantly healed. With such rare magical power, her parents sought out a wise man who knew about magic, despite how rare it was and was informed that Syn had magical power within her, and from what her parents described, he concluded that she had the magical power of a healer.

This was tested by simply pricking the little girl's finger and watching as the runes glowed and the small prick heal. Since then, Syndral's parents taught her to use her powers for healing, making others feel better. At the time as a child Syn felt and saw the happiness she brought to other people whenever she helped them with her gift. Thus it made her want to be a doctor with her father and a botanist like her mother, and so she had. Having the drive to become one. With the help of her parents and her older siblings's support, she was able to grow into a beautiful woman who became the town healer. Gathering herbs, taking care of the sick, and the wounded, she was able to get to know many of her clients and become a pretty friendly Aelf. One of which grew in popularity and was loved by the people.

Syndral is definitely caring when it comes to others. If they are in need, she will more than likely help them. Even though she may be a caring woman, she has quite the temper if the right buttons are pressed to trigger her anger. When it's not by a person, it could be by something that frustrates her. Such as fixing something. Syn is also courageous and adventurous, when she sees an opportunity for adventure, she takes it and spends a couple of hours out or stays out till nightfall before returning home. When it comes to the medical field, the Aelf is very intelligent and filled with wisdom on health. She knows of many herbs and many ways to cure things naturally and by her own magic. She is also very fun when she attends parties and celebrations, not leaving any stone unturned. Dancing, having fun, maybe having a drink or two and hanging out with her friends.However when it comes to her friends, she can become protective over them and would like to keep them safe whenever she can. When it comes to lovers... She's quite... Different to say the least.
Is good, welcome to the party
Raykai uses Fire that bypasses resistant spells and/or runes. Because of this, he is resistant to Fire-based attacks.
When you say he uses fire I get that he is resistant to fire but are you saying he has some sort of fire attack that bypasses any sort of defence spells?
KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor Not ANY defence spell, only one particular defensive spell. For example, if he were to face up against someone who had a fire-defensive spell that completely blocked his attack and did no damage, it'd still be able to do damage. Any other defensive spell wouldn't be bypassed. I can change it if it's unacceptable.
KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor Not ANY defence spell, only one particular defensive spell. For example, if he were to face up against someone who had a fire-defensive spell that completely blocked his attack and did no damage, it'd still be able to do damage. Any other defensive spell wouldn't be bypassed. I can change it if it's unacceptable.
so your telling me that his attack will just go through any fire defense spell? and what kind of fire attack is it?
Yep. Since it's his only ability (and you can have three according to the rules), I thought that instead of adding other abilities, I could add properties that increases the power of his only ability. And it's any attack in his arsenal that has to do with fire. Again though, it's your role play, so I don't mind changing it if it's too overpowered.
Right mate, im gonna be straight up with you, there a a number of problems with your cs

Who attacked the temple and why?
"any attack in his arsenal" is a very broad term, make it specific, like a fireball or such
what are the specifics of their magic, what is the scale, limits, and control
i said 2 or 3 powers, not specifically 3
the kid making weapons also could just give his brother the weapon and would that weapon melt? would it freeze the it?
how large can these weapons be? what are the limits?
why have both siblings got one cs (granted i didn't say make a separate cs, so its partly my fault) you've made 2 characters that share 1 cs

Remember that this is a peaceful roleplay, i'm fine with a tragic backstory but your character i geared towards combat. Your character will rarely use those abilities anyway.
KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor

Well, it seems I've got this RP mixed up with a combat-based RP. Don't worry about it, friend, I'll just back away from the roleplay and delete my CS. Sorry for the inconvenience I've caused. Have a nice day! (:
Name: Charles Hensworth

Age: 29

Race: Human


Role: Wandering Merchant

- Tracking: Being on the move constantly, Charles is able to find hidden paths and shortcuts just by the trails left by animals or people.
- Mapping: His knowledge of terrain and directions make him an excellent mapper. He even sells his maps for a fair price!
- Convenient Merchant Powers: All Merchants have this ability to appear outta nowhere to sell their wares. This can be done anywhere and at any time.

Place Of Origin: Altum Visu City or Kinallen Town, depends on how you ask.

- Traveling cloak
- Light plate armour

- Mumbler: An ancient longsword he found in a dungeon. It talks. Maybe.
- Aelfen Longbow
- Bags of holding

Clever - "Well not to brag but I managed to outsmart plenty of people. And traps, yes. Gotta watch out for those sneaky traps in the ruins."

Silver-tongued - "Pssshh. Ignore that, I'm no liar. Speaking of which, I heard some interesting rumors about treasure... Wanna hear?"

Cunning - "Gotta be cunning living the life I live, Kiddo. You'll never know what's around the corner."

Shrewd - "Come on, as a merchant, you got to be a little shrewd in your deals. All for profit. But he does stop himself from outright scamming customers. No point paying fines for stupid crimes. You'll lose profit!"

Opportunistic - "Sure I told him about the puzzle. Sure I wasn't agile or light enough to actually solve the bridge trigger. But he made it. I think. ..... Yeah he did. I traded some of his treasure for a rare herb."

Greedy - "Hey, what can I say? Sometimes the coin is more important then some stupid kid. Even if he is in danger... And about to die... *Runs back* I BETTER GET SOME FINE TREASURE OUT OF THIS!"

Charles Hensworth, born into the rather reputable Hensworth family of traveling merchants and cartographers, Charles was groomed from a young age to be a traveling merchant and was taught the tricks of the trade. By the time he turned 12, he had accurately mapped out his hometown of Kinallen Town and served as an apprentice to another fellow traveling merchant. By 18, he had managed to earn himself enough profit and knowledge to finally go solo. His travels brought him all over the place, from the highest of mountains to the deepest of caves. All in the search for rare materials or treasure to sell and earn a profit. As a side business, he also sells handmade maps and information about various dungeons to other budding adventurers. Nowadays, he's out and about as always. Never sticking to a single location unless needed.

Charles Hensworth is what you may call the standard traveling merchant. Suave, silver-tongued, and a touch greedy. His personal motto in life is, "Life is full of potential profits, keep an eye out for them." A motto he follows seriously with each heckle and sales pitch. He stands his ground when people can't meet his price points and has never backed down no matter how loudly or pitifully someone begs. Even so, he can be rather nice and would offer them something cheaper or some info that can lead to what they want. After all, a happy customer will always come back. And he knows that to be true.

: Keeps his private life private. He rarely speaks of it and seems committed to his job.
All good, broham

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