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Fandom Transformers: Beast Age

This Rp takes place during War For Cybertron/Fall Of Cybertron, but with the twist of Maximals and predacons joining the fight. Please keep that in mind, however, that all characters, canon or not, are allowed, just please follow these rules here:

1. No God Modding! Unless given permission.

2. Please be descriptive, these are robots fighting, so feel free to go all out.

3. No excessive swearing. Be like Ironhide, and curse when needed.

4. If you make an OP character, you must make a weakness to balance it out.

5. If no balance is made, You will be asked to tweak your character.

6. Romance is allowed, but please fade out if it goes beyond PG-13 in terms of that.

7. Respect other roleplayers! If there is a problem, take it to the PMs, and talk to me about it. I do not want the OOC filled with angry posts.

8. Have Fun!

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