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Realistic or Modern Summer Friends

Mark was enjoying this. He made out with Her on the beach, savouring every moment. He then climbed on top of her, and made out even more

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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Lily didn't know what to do when Miriah grabbed her, the same mixed of emotions in her made worse of her light-headedNess. She looked down instead Mariah directly."it's nothing just light headed so going to lay down... Don't worry have fun with Jack. His nice, I don't blame you." She said forcing a smile that ca me out anything but convincing.
"Don't lie to me, come on you know you can tell me anything" Mariah tilted Lily's head up

"Please.." Mariah stared at her "Remember what I would say to you, anytime you were upset or worried?" Mariah placed her hand on Lily's chin "I said..Mi Rose , No importa lo que pueda suceder en la vida tu siempre será mi número uno" She smiled at her. "Okay?"
"Sure seems like it." Lily said darkly her anger coming through as she looked up between the two of them. "Tengo poco tiempo aquí y preferiría no ser ensuciado alrededor!'She said in a raised voice clutching her hand so they wouldn't see it shake. "I had enough that already... " she said before signing. "Lo siento... Just give me a breather, mi bombon... I am gonna rest my head and unpack. We can talk than." She said turning and rushing back to the house.

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Vanguard10 said:
Jack waited for Lily to make some more distance between them before he walked outside and stood next to Mariah.
"Everything okay with Lily?"

"Sigh I don't know i hope so" she looked back art him letting out a smile

"Wanna get something to eat? I'm starving." Mariah said trying To change the subject..and trying to give Jack less too worry about.

"I'll race you back to the house" Mariah said competitively.
Lily rushed back to the house, grabbing her bags and walking to her room. By this point she was quietly sniffing and sobbing, holding on to the stair railing's feeling dizzy but managed to get to her room. She said down on the bed and and opened one of the bags revealing several bottle of pills, she picked out one and had two of its contents before laying back on the bed. All she could do now was wait, letting the sickly feeling past and her herself to calm.
After a while of dancing and having fun with Jack Mariah runs back to the house looking for lily. She runa upstairs into Lily's room

Shocked by what she sees...

"Lily.." Mariah said conceree
Lily was feeling a little better and considered getting up before hearing Mariah. She tensed not liking the tone and wondered what she had seen, the bag of pills? She sighed unsure again of what to do, just staired at the ceiling. "Yeah, I couldn't help I had to get the biggest room and the one with the view. I don't care who called it first."She joked trying to defuse the awkwardness and divert to a less serious topic.
Danny woke up after hearing people shouting. He took his bottle and went to see where the shouting was coming from, "Will you just shut up?!" He threw the bottle to the ground. It shattered into loads of small pieces. It was loud as well and he thought someone outside could probably hear it, "People have bigger problems than our first world country bullshit!"
Mark then noticed at the corner of his eye that everyone had left.

He looked down at Ara, and kissed her one more time."let's go back to the house, it's getting late. Maybe we can continue this there." He then picked her up, and her arms and legs wrapped around his neck and waist. They then walked back to the house, mark Carrying Ara all the way

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Ara just nodded and let him pick them up, everything felt safe in his arms. They laid their head on his shoulder and closed their eyes. When they arrived home the looked up at him with their brown eyes, "What now?" They asked with a smile.

@Akio Chikara
Mariah looked at Lily kneeling in front of her. Grabbing Lily's bag...

"Mi Rosa...what is this?" Mariah had NO idea Lily was taking so many pills

She looked up at her...

"Did you hear me? WHAT.IS.THIS?!"
Lily sighed and sat up, she had a guilty look in her eyes. She didn't want to say anything but with Mariah on her scent she had no choice."I... I told you about my mother.. Right...
Mark smiled at Ara and looked into her eyes. He had never gone this far with a girl before, and He had no idea what to to. He was still drunk, and decided to improvise. He bit his lip and stared at her mouth "would you like me to walk you to your room where we can continue" he whisperd in her ear softly

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Mark walked down the hallway, looking for Ara's room number. Ara was still in his arms, her head leaning against his chest. When he got to her room, he entered and closed the door behind him. He then fell down on the bed. Ara was underneath him, and he stared into her eyes. He kissed her and smiled, knowing he had a exiting night ahead of him

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Edith said:
Ara looked at him and smiled a cute smile. "wow...." they whispered and bit their lip. They didn't really know what to say or do.
@Akio Chikara
Mark giggled and smiled, and stared into her eyes "what do you wanna do now. I've made all the decisions so far" he whispered in her ear softly, as he kissed it

Mariah looked at her.

"Yeah, I remember." Mariah held her hands waiting for an explanation. She cared alot about Lily she was the only one besides Danny that she told everything to. She kissed her forhead letting her know she's not going to judge her
"Well... " She said with a look of her face which said she had hoped she didnt need to say more. Still she smiled when Mariah kissed her forehead and hugged her in return." It turned out to be heritable.... I am sick."
Arabella thought for a second. "I want to eat and then I want you to play me something on your guitar" They said and looked at Mark.
Mark smiled "sure, id like that" mark then got up off of her and stood up. "just let me change into something more appropriate" mark was still in his bathing suit, and needed to change

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"Ill be right back. let me get ready" Mark then made his way to his room. he then took a quick shower and changed into his regular attire. he fixed his hair and made sure he smelt nice. smiling in his bathroom mirror, he then walked back to Ara's room and knocked on the door. he had his acoustic guitar in hand, and was ready to play her a song

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Arabella got ready as well, they took a shower, redid their makeup and got dressed. They also french-braided their hair very quickly. When someone knocked on the door they smiled and opened really quickly. "Heyyyy" They said and smiled.

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