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Suleneim; The Shattered Lands (Looking for Partners)


*Internally Screaming*
Are you searching for adventure? Grasping for a tale to delve into? A world of magic, shadowy secrets, a lost people, and forgotten wonders? Then you've come to the right place. I'm looking for a detailed someone or couple of someones to venture with me into such a world, be you friend or foe and discover what mysteries lay in wait.

Here's the background:

King Athallian, rightful ruler and direct descendant of the Unifier of the elvish provinces of Aesteon, Fangrinn, Kyrn, Veilan, Hallows Deep, and the Valley of Drakos, is dead and in his wake has left no queen and no heir to rule in his stead. The kingdom is thrown into chaos as infighting amongst the noble families over rights to the throne divides the lands once more. War ravishes the kingdom, weakening their bonds for more than two-thousand years, leaving each people to their own devices as slowly the old kingdoms, no longer unified under common rule, turn their backs on one another and declare their own sovereignty once more. All, that is, but one. While Aesteon is split even further into the eastern mountain kingdom and western plains, the woodland elves of Fangrinn hide themselves within their forest territory, the goblins of Hallows Deep close their underground realm off from the upper lands, and the dark elves of the Valley of Drakos build high walls around their kingdom to the south, reaching out very rarely to their brothers. Kyrn the once-great capital and very center of elvish magics, ranging from the northern border to the heart of the lands, falls into disrepair while the people reach out to other sources for aid. With an empty throne and a crumbling palace, Kyrn has become a bustling trade center to keep itself alive, saved from the ravages of war by the wards maintained by the ancient magic flowing within its foundations. The colorful people of this province, having few ties left to nobility, eagerly welcome their brethren as well as humans, dwarves and any number of cultures to trade in their city as long as the peace in maintained. Only Veilan did not feel the the weight of the war as the city itself and all of its people mysteriously vanished in the blink of an eye after the death of the king. Though much speculation has gone into the disappearance, and many have sought after the lost kingdom over the centuries, very little is known of how such an event came to pass or to whence they have gone. It is said that those who seek after The Lost often vanish themselves into the mists shrouding the moors where the kingdom is said to have once stood, never to be seen again. It is now the common year 722 in the second age of Adas. Velathorn, High King of the four kingdoms of man, seeks to strengthen his people through alliance against a growing uneasiness in the land, but men are distrusted by many races, even more so now that he has successfully reached out to the goblin ruler of the secluded Hallows Deep. Much is stirring in the world as whispers of an unnamed darkness spread from land to land. The forests have become a dangerous place. Creatures that have not been seen for centuries have begun to reemerge from the shadows and all manner of demons are said to prowl on the darkest nights. The Veil between realms has become increasingly thin, so much so that even the Fae cannot turn a blind eye and a foul wind blows across the Nuuruhuine Mountains from the south bringing fear and sickness in its path. Is a sinister power rising within the sands of Southern Wastes? Could it be connected to the shadows seeping into the land, or is something much more ancient stirring from a long slumber? There is still a great wealth of knowledge to uncover in these troubled times and many discoveries to be yet made in the world of Suleneim. Will you be the one to venture forth and uncover these mysteries, or perhaps insight yet another war? The choice is yours.

There will be more once I've made the actual thread for the rp. This is just a very basic, quite condensed backstory. More history and lore will be placed in an information thread once I have a partner or two chosen.

So this is me:

-I am a 22 year old female, so I prefer my writing partner to at LEAST be 18.

(It's nothing personal, mind you, I just think it's more appropriate to collaborate with someone closer to your age group.)

-I play both male and female characters quite happily and have no real preference over the two

-I prefer to write in paragraphs and generally require at the very least a well constructed paragraph, meaning more than four flimsy sentences. 

(I'm willing to work with you if you need it but don't be upset if I ask you for more detail or more development in a character)

-I'm a pretty detailed writer so giving me a one line reply will likely end our rp completely.

-Do not under any circumstances send me a reply that looks anything like this: "Wut u wont frum the store?" or "K grl, c u l8ter." If English isn't your first language, that isn't a problem. Everyone makes spelling and punctuation mistakes, but please use as much proper grammar, spelling and punctuation when writing with me as possible. If I feel like I'm receiving a text from an illiterate 12-year old I will not respond

-I'm fine with adding an element of romance to an rp as long as it isn't the sole focus of the story. 

-I am a give and take sort of writer so if the two of us are collaborating then the two of us need to be coming up with equal shares of the plot and action. If one of us is completely carrying the story then it takes the fun out of things.

So! If you're interested then go ahead and let me know either here or in a pm. I'll be happy to work out a plot within this world (or neighboring worlds) that we'll both enjoy so don't be afraid to throw ideas my way. I'm flexible, and I love input. 

Thanks for stopping by!
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I am interested, but I am a little young. If you would still consider me, I'm almost seventeen, I do write as if I'm older and since I have had a rougher childhood I did have to grow up quickly and I am probably more mature than most other people my age. The roleplay sounds fun, very hard fantasy, which is something I don't see many people do or pull of successfully. I hope you can still consider me, but if you think I am too young, I understand. 
I am very interested in this roleplay idea!! I love playing elves. (≧◡≦)
I am very interested in this roleplay idea!! I love playing elves. (≧◡≦)

That's great! I'd love to hear some ideas on what sort of SL and characters you'd be interested in using. If you'd like more information, don't hesitate to ask questions. I always welcome and encourage them. Also, let me know if you'd be more interested in a PM or thread roleplay.
 I'm not sure what SL is, but I would be happy to share my characters with you! I am more comfortable with PM's, so I would prefer to be there.
That sounds really interesting and I would love to explorer this world!

Sounds great! Shoot me a PM with any questions and ideas you have and let me know whether you'd prefer a PM or a thread. We can come up with characters and choose a SL that suits us both and give each other a sample of our writing. Then if you don't like the way I write, no worries. ;)
 I'm not sure what SL is, but I would be happy to share my characters with you! I am more comfortable with PM's, so I would prefer to be there.

SL is storyline :)  and PM's are absolutely fine. Just send me a PM with any questions and ideas you have, and we can work out getting some sample writing from there.
That background hits hard if you call that condensed, I love the idea. Anyways, enough with the compliments. I'm very interested in taking part in this roleplay. I, myself, am writing a book, and I am also a quite a bit of a grammar Nazi. I'm horrid with punctuation, but it is slowly getting better. I am eighteen, soon to be nineteen. I have been writing stories since I was ten, whether they're good or not, I didn't care, I know how to carry a plot on at least. Since the age of twelve, I've been playing D&D, meaning that I know how to make a character that ins't stereotypical, and I generally get very into the character creation. I am also pretty carrying a story along , but if we're writing together, I'd also like a lot of collaboration on the story line before anything happens. Personall, I'd like to do a male and female story. And finally a question; Would you be okay with doing the RP over a chat service, say Skype, or Discord? 

Ps: Dis grmer gud enof fur u? (I can't look. This is physically giving me a headache. I'm sorry.)
That background hits hard if you call that condensed, I love the idea. Anyways, enough with the compliments. I'm very interested in taking part in this roleplay. I, myself, am writing a book, and I am also a quite a bit of a grammar Nazi. I'm horrid with punctuation, but it is slowly getting better. I am eighteen, soon to be nineteen. I have been writing stories since I was ten, whether they're good or not, I didn't care, I know how to carry a plot on at least. Since the age of twelve, I've been playing D&D, meaning that I know how to make a character that ins't stereotypical, and I generally get very into the character creation. I am also pretty carrying a story along , but if we're writing together, I'd also like a lot of collaboration on the story line before anything happens. Personall, I'd like to do a male and female story. And finally a question; Would you be okay with doing the RP over a chat service, say Skype, or Discord? 

Ps: Dis grmer gud enof fur u? (I can't look. This is physically giving me a headache. I'm sorry.)

Well, you certainly fit the requirements in that case. I' more than happy to work with you on a MxF story. I play either gender quite comfortably so it is up to your preference on who will play whom. I have both Skype and Discord so if you would prefer to use one of those services, I'd be willing to give it a go. Most of my work is on on RPNation now, but I used to run my own site with a couple of friends before this so I'm comfortable wherever you're comfortable. Also, don't worry about punctuation too much. As long as you have a good grasp on where quotations, periods, and question marks go we should be just fine. Almost everyone messes up comma/colon/semicolon placement at some point or another. I know I do. (Curse you, colon/semicolon... thou, bane of my existence...) 

So, I'm really only a minor grammar Nazi. It'll bother me if someone doesn't use proper grammar or if I have to reread a sentence multiple times to understand what it was meant to have said, but as long as I can actually understand I'm not too put off. The better your grammar, however, the easier it is to read, and that makes my world as the recipient much easier. 

That said, I'd be more than happy to collaborate a storyline with you to get the ball rolling. Send me a private message and we can hammer out a few details and swap chat service info.

Oh and -before I forget-


I've had people send me messages like that before...

I still have nightmares...

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