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Realistic or Modern sucker for pain


☯ b a r b i e ☯



When the Secret Society dropped Chemo into the heart of the city, Belle Reve was reduced to a nightmarish wasteland, blighted by streets flooded with toxic waste, hostile mutants, and Chemoid spawns. To contain the fallout, the United States government quarantined the city, sentencing the survivors to imprisonment in the lethal zone. In spite the efforts of Envirotech Hazmats to decontaminate the city and the SHADE Atomic Knights to bring some semblance of order to the ruins, the situation in Belle Reve has crumbled drastically.

Rallying together various mutant and survivor factions, a Belle Reve Warlord has turned Belle Reve into a bloody warzone. Reports are coming in of mutants attacking Hazmats, ambushing patrolling Atomic Knights, and multiple attempts to breach the quarantine zone. All outside attempts to suppress the revolts have resulted in costly failure. Worst of all, there is a possibility that the Belle Reve Warlord has seized control of Command-D Bunker, an underground government facility with experimental mutagenic chemicals and bio-weaponry.

Unable to risk the release of Command-D’s most dangerous experiment, all Shade and Envirotech forces have been forced to retreat. With both time and options running out, Waller has been forced to deploy Task Force Y to shut down the riot and reclaim Command-D Bunker before the Warlord releases a weapon so deadly and so transmutable that the entire planet may suffer the same fate as Belle Reve.
Hi! So if you didn't understand what happened, here's a quick summary of the plot. A rich billionaire hired the Secret Society to drop Chemo in the heart of the city and caused havoc. Amanda Waller has deployed Task Force Y, the next generation of Task Force X containing the children of Task Force X. The new task force will have to go through hell to save the city. If the task force complete the mission and save the city, they will have time off their sentence otherwise they will be blamed and terminated.
Alrighty then, here are some rules:

- My co-gms are @Adira and @z e p h y r. Mess with them and I'll mess with you.

- Let's not have ten harley quinn children and just one different child.

- This is not first come first serve, please wait until we go through everyone's sheet.

- I may add more rules later.


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