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Realistic or Modern sucker for pain


☯ b a r b i e ☯

I'm feeling quite lazy so here's the uncoded SU information:



Age: (18-23)



Alias: (What's their villain name?)



Body figure:


Eye color:

Villain costume:

Virtues: (5+)

Vices: (5+ You don't have to explain for Vices or Virtues)


Backstory: (2+ include why they were sent to Belle Reve)

Parent: (Who's your mother/father?)

Powers: (Not everyone can be OP)

Other: (Anything else?)

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Avalon Moone

Ava - 19 - Pan - Cis Fem - Enchantress
h e i g h t


w e i g h t


b o d y - f i g u r e.

slim but not anorexic.

h a i r

naturally black like her father but she dyes it silver.

e y e - c o l o r

ava has heterochromia, this means that her eyes change from color to color from time to time. ava's eyes change from blue to green to murky grey but when she's enchantress, her eyes turn to a dark black.

v i l l i a n - c o s t u m e

ava's costume is a classic witch style unlike her mother. her style is simple and black with the enchantress chrest as a necklace. her sleeves have a thin black mesh to compliment the look and on her body are multiple markings on her body and arms.


p e r s o n a


+ calm

+ intelligent

+ observant

+ creative

+ quick-witted.


- manipulative.

- schizophrenic.

- arrogant.

- sarcastic.

- secretive.

q u i r k s

fiddles with her hands and fingers alot.

no matter how much you try, enchantress always looks dirty and will have a cloud of faint black smoke around her.
In Depth
b i o g r a p h y

ava was born on October 31st to Dr june moone. avalon grew up with no fatherly figure, her mother never spoke about her father was would always changed the subject whether he came up. avalon and her mother lived in the forest, isolating themselves from society. june would leave her child during the day to work with a male friend of hers and come back home at night to care for her child. june would keep her distance from her child in case her alter ego ever decided to show. onw night while they were sleeping, enchantress awoke and took over june. enchantress woke up ava, scaring the child. she began to cast the curse onto ava, giving the child her powers and a new enchantress.

as time flew by, ava's persona changed, she began to see hallucinations and voices in her head. avalon began to fear for her life and at the age of fifteen, she ran away from home in fear of hurting her mother. ava ran to the city and began to her life their, isolating herself in a small studio. she ruined her studio with drawings on the wall, smashed walls and broken lights. with the aura building up in her, enchantress took over ava's body and began to duty as a villain. enchantress took a group of people captive and began playing her mind games with the police force. it wasn't until waller released task force x on enchantress, ava and her mother had a magical fight before ava gave up and passed out. she was sent to the belle reve for her crimes.

p a r e n t s

june moone (enchantress) & unknown male.

p o w e r s:

like her mother, ava can fly and has the ability to manipulate magical energy. she can also walk through walls and teleport in a 7km radius.

o t h e r

she has an allergy to cats.

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chelsea josephine kerr

"i was always told to smile"

dark and twisty
name. chelsea josephine kerr

age. twenty two

gender. cis female { she/her }

orientation. biromantic asexual

birthday. october 5th

zodiac. libra

alias. the ace

power. wip

build. toned athletic

height. 5feet 9inches

weight. 133lbs

hair. died electric green, much like her father

eyes. dark brown, almost black

costume. outfit / makeup


parents. the joker


are you deranged like me?
vices. (5+)

virtues. (5+)


mental health.

biography. (2+)

why are they in belle reve. (3+ sentences)

other. (anything else?)


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The WIP to rule all WIPs

Female // Homosexual // 21 // Slipknot

Fc: Undecided

"Gotcha bitch."
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Wippity bibbity wip





n a m e

Trinidad Zoe Smart

n i c k n a m e

Trini, Silver, Grenade

a g e


o r i e n t a t i o n


g e n d e r

Cis-Male (she/her)

a l i a s

Death Lily


h a i r-c o l o u r

Salt and pepper

e y e-c o l o u r


b o d y-f i g u r e

Slim and tall, with curves here and there.

h e i g h t


w e i g h t


v i l l i a n-c o s t u m e



p e r s o n a

Trini was extremely quiet. she rarely spoke growing up, and rarely spoke to those she knew. Although she was quiet, she was not timid. Trini is a very fierce girl for someone who doesn't talk. She appears to exhibit a stern, business-like demeanor however, more often than not when fighting, she wears a self-assured smile and politely bows to the opponent, showing confidence on the battlefield, smiling throughout the entire fight, whilst silently mocking and taunting. Trini is also shown to have a slightly psychopathic and cruel side, but she does seem to exhibit fear and hesitance when she knows she's outmatched, fleeing if her opponent proves to be as such.

She is imperious and cunning, also can be ruthless and cruel. Usually, she maintains a calm and collected demeanor, and is willing to take over a fight if necessary. Trini also seems to be ambitious and demanding, and more often than not, she is very direct on the matter at hand. She doesn't tolerate failure, preferring for her goals to be successful regardless of the situation. She also prefers that such problems be solved quickly, and is seen to give very direct orders, and doesn't like when she is disobeyed.

q u i r k s

- twiddle knives when bored

- bites her lip or thumb when something is wrong

- laughs when someone thinks they can kill her

b i o

Trini grew up in a small neighborhood just outside of the main city in Long Island, New York with only her mother at her side. She never knew who her father was, but always wanted to meet him. Her mother said many things about him, and always mentioned that he would have been so proud of his little girl. At times, Trini did believe that wasn't always true, which made her develop that need for perfectionism. She wanted to get everything perfect and just right, so that nothing could be stated on imperfection. It was her life, body and soul to show her father one day of what she became.

But something felt...Different. Her mother never told her about the true side of her father, the fact that he was a deranged madman with powers up his sleeve. She started seeing things; where to cause the most pain on a person or easily find her mother in a 10km radius. She was only 8 years old at the time, knowing fully that she had needed to know her father much more before she confronts him. Eventually, she started training her powers, mostly on her own and by researching the most she could, till one day she grew tired.

Being confined in books all day can make you go mad. She had nothing else to do but sit and read and wait for nothing to show.

She decided she was ready enough to try out her powers for a test drive. How else was she going to perfect her powers? Not by being confined in books thats for sure. And with that note came her first massacre. The entire neighborhood she once lived in was splattered with both blood and the smell of death. She couldn't stop. She didn't want to stop. She felt like if she did, then her movements wouldn't be as perfect anymore. She kept practicing and practicing, the trail becoming never ending. Then he came to see her.

Trini was quietly standing in a array of lilies, a place she stumbled upon for whenever she needed to "clear" her mind. In the midst of her random brainstorming, she felt a bud slide onto her hair. She turned around and there he was, her father, standing right in front of her with her protective suit on. She didn't have one herself yet, but that didn't mean she couldn't protect herself. He simply nodded at her. A sign of approval. She actually did it; she started to become perfect. Since then, she has never stopped her efforts for her father's wishes, still holding onto that lily bud in her hair.

p a r e n t

"DeadShot" and another woman.

p o w e r s

-Intermediate Marksman

-Junior Assassin

-Physical Condition


-Hand to Hand Combatant (Intermediate)


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Caterina Santana

Cat - 20- Bi - Cis Fem - El Diablo
h e i g h t


w e i g h t


b o d y - f i g u r e.


h a i r

raven black.

e y e - c o l o r

dark brown.

v i l l i a n - c o s t u m e

outfit / make up / hair

In Depth







183 lbs.

Body Figure:

Muscular but not overly


It is normally midnight black like her unknown father she thinks but she dyes it salt and pepper because she loves the color.

Eye Color:

Dark Brown

Villain Costume:






name....Rose Candy Quinn

alias....Ros, Candy, or Sweet Silence

age/zodiac....19 years old | Leo

birth date....July 31st

sexual orientation....Lesbian

romantic orientation....Panromantic

gender....Cis-Female | she/her

They say smashing things are bad. I say it's a way to relieve stress and smash stuff. Plus you get to hurt people while doing it....which is just therapeutic.



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