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Such a Cliche But I Can't Help Myself

Har Harls

Miss Quite Vexing

Alright so a bit about me beforehand (though I'm sure some of you have seen me around bc I am annoying omf)

I am 21 years of age.

Call me Cass!

I have like 5 years experience of RPing.

I like paras/multi paras and descriptions.

I work a lot but most evenings I have to my writing.

Anyways, I like finding plots and ideas so basically anything I post is not my original idea that I have found or someone has relayed back to me. I found this one and it's so reminiscent of 10 Things I Hate About You that I would so love to play it out!

Character A is basically the jock of the school, the popular guy that all the girls drool over and die for his attention. His father basically owns the school because of how much money he gives it which pretty much made the school not want to mess with that family. Because of so much fame and spoiling Character A became the most cocky and careless person you’ll ever meet, he doesn’t care about people’s feelings or thoughts, he just cares about what he wants and how he’s going to get it. Character B, who is unlike all the girls in the school that drool over Character A, she hates him and how he uses everyone. She has quite a few things to tell him, but in order to finish school with no drama and problems she prefers to keep her mouth shut and stay away from all the attention. It’s been working out for her quite well till one day Character A decides to bully Character’s B friend and she quickly defends her. That was the very first time Character A realizes she exists and for some reason the fact that she doesn’t drool over him or wants him like all the others pisses him off and he makes a bet with his friends that till the end of that year, he has her in love with him. But what happens if the one that falls in love is him? 

This doesn't have to be a high school, it could be a college or even a work place if we decide to make our muses older!

I only play MxF! (I would prefer to play the female role as I have had to be males a LOT but I'm good with a doubling discussion)

I prefer using real FCs and a small character sheet will be necessary if you are interested!


I really love cliche things like this, would love to do it, but was wondering if you'd be okay if the plot strayed a little bit? Or I'm assuming you probably want it to begin like that, either way, it's been a long long time since I've RPed anything...
I really love cliche things like this, would love to do it, but was wondering if you'd be okay if the plot strayed a little bit? Or I'm assuming you probably want it to begin like that, either way, it's been a long long time since I've RPed anything...

Oh gosh SAAAAME xD  I am sucker for all things cliche! And I am so down with the plot having twists and turns and adding elements or removing them. I am a pretty flexible RPer lol
Rad! I just made this profile (and just found this site) so if you want to make a thread or whatever for our RP, posting your charrie info and I'll create mine? (wow I feel so out of date with this stuff, am I even using the correct slang terms? haha) ANYWAY, yes, this would be great.

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