Anime & Manga Subbed or Dubbed Anime

Always subbed, tried dub once when it was hard to take in all the details at once, didn't like it though, and prefer pausing it for a bit when there's too much to take in instead.
90s and 00's usually I prefer subbed because the dubs were kind of terrible...but there are a few early 90s dubs that I can't not watch dubbed.

But I think a lot of dubs today are fantastic and well done. So no real preference, I guess if I start an anime today subbed I will watch all of it subbed, and if I start it dubbed I will watch all of it dubbed.
It rrly depends on da anime. Some shōnen anime always have main character voiced by old woman in sub....can’t take em seriously. So dub is preferred in dat situation but I would always try sub first when tryin new anime but sometimes....I gotta watch da dub as it is only way 4 me to tolerate
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