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Realistic or Modern Sub Rosa; Murder Mystery [Open!]


The ‘Friend of a Friend’
Sub Rosa
The House of Leaves

"You have been invited to the Labyrinthinne Manor
in Oradour-sur-Glane, France, for an evening of
grace, beauty, intrigue, and opportunities.
I pray you may grace my sights again.
- Mr. Labyrinthinne


In the small and tired town of Oradour-sur-Glane, there is a man by the name of Jean-Joel II B. Labyrinthinne, best known as Mr. Labyrinthinne, or as some prefer to call him, 'Sir Deficit', nicknamed due to his extravagant and lavish lifestyle lead by a life of greed and avarice. As one of the leading faces of the French Industrial Revolution, known for his monopoly in both silk and textile-related fields, Mr. Labyrinthinne has been able to secure an impressive amount of wealth for himself during his lifetime. A monopoly that is currently on the brinks of crumbling. From a son that finds himself more infatuated with music and literature than with business, to the loss of both his wife and his daughter, little stands below the man to secure his fortune when he passes. To make matters worse, it has recently become a rumour that the baron will soon perish from the very disease and sickness that took his wife and daughter.

Then you come in.

Perhaps you are an inventor who met him at Exposition Universelle and he had taken a quick liking to you, later going on to fund many of your intricate inventions and designs despite you secretly working for his greatest rival company. Perhaps you are one of the many other barons that he had rivaled with him, Mr. Labyrinthinne seeming to only have invited you as a move to demonstrate his own power and wealth, unknowing that you are only weeks from buying out his entire staff. Perhaps you are a gorgeous maiden that he had met a year prior over a cruise back to her small hometown, him unaware of your true intentions to murder your husband the moment you stepped through the small house's door. Perhaps you're a servant to the Labyrinthinne Manor, a doctor to aid Sir Deficit himself, slowly replacing each piece of his medication with sugar pills.

No matter the cause, each of you are here for the same reason. He has nobody to turn to. No wife or daughter, not like he would pass his fortune to either of those loonies. No male heir with half a brain enough to uphold the business, not like he would give it to that invert anyway.

That is where you come along, at least, that is what you suppose. Why else would he summon you to this old and dodgy manor than to try and figure out which of those he had brought should be selected to take his seat at the table of wealth once he passes? Then again, there's something wrong about this whole situation. He seems calmed for once, tame even. He speaks with each of the guests politely and then raises a glass. It's only after each person has taken their fill from the bloody red liquid that the fuzziness begins and then darkness follows soon after.

When you awake.. It will be too late.. You can always try to run from the monster inside the mansion, bloodsoaked clothes and the same cold eyes with a soft smile, but you could never escape whatever lingers in the forest just outside.

You have been invited to a wealthy business man's manor for a dinner party. Either our of greed, selfishness, or simply wanting to see the bastard perish, you agree to attend. Upon arrival, you travel through a dense forest to reach his house before being greeted by the man, oddly calm for the situation of the meeting. You mingle with him and the other party-goers for a little bit before dinner arrives. Everyone sits down to eat when the man offers a toast, each of the people of the party drinking except for him, everyone abruptly falling ill before passing out. Upon awakening, Mr. Labyrinthinne is found coated in blood with a few of the party-goers missing. He seems excited. As you try to run from the mansion though, you come to find that perhaps an even greater beast lurks outside, just waiting for someone to leave the safety of the mansion and its gardens.

Late 1900's, Oradour-sur-Glane, France.

My best phrasing for this is a reverse murder mystery. Everyone knows who the killer -- or at least one of them -- is. All that's left is to figure out how to avoid being the next victim.

Rules & Important Stuffs
You must put effort into your post. I would like to see at least two decent paragraphs in each post as well as attention to detail and care with your actions.
No controlling other people's characters. If someone has directly stated that a character belongs to them, then you are prohibited from controlling their character unless otherwise stated. (If a character is labeled as an NPC, you may control them, though you must follow their general personality which will be described briefly at the end of each post with a new NPC.)
My word is final. Please, if I tell you to stop doing something because it is harming the roleplay, then listen to me. I promise it's all for a good reason.
This is a mature roleplay. Severely mature, actually. There will be quite a few dark topics in here, though nothing too grotesque. Expect small amounts of gore, (I'll make sure it doesn't go over the top,) Strong language, possible racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. There will also be some sensitive topics regarding mental illnesses. (Let me know if I or anyone else ever oversteps any bounds! This isn't meant to be a hurtful roleplay! Just a reaslistic one!)
Stay in character. There will be an OOC chat created that will be separate from this.
Understand other people's schedules! Since this roleplay will probably have about five or six people in it, it is going to take a decent amount of time between posts. All I am saying is that try to understand if people cannot reply immediately, it'll be a slow roleplay. However, I'll make it a little easier and say that if someone is offline for over twenty-four hours, their turn can be skipped and they can join back in next time it is their turn.
Saying it again because it's important, please put effort into your posts! I'd prefer semi-advanced lit or even Novella.
This roleplay is going to have a lot of puzzles and red herrings to it, so it is suggested that you research things you may not understand, as I will have many clues spaced throughout the story.

Well gee! This looks fun! How do I join?
Make a character sheet. Please, spend a lot of time considering your character sheets! I want interesting and relevant characters that can tie into the plot in interesting and new ways! Some of the main things I would like in a character sheet is a picture of your character, (Realistic or Anime if you want, it doesn't both me,) a personality, a job, a slight backstory, (Feel free to keep the backstory vague! I love a little intrigue. Just give me enough for me to question what the character is hiding,) I want some strengths and flaws for your characters, (Give me some real flaws, not something like 'they're too nice for their own good'.) I'd also like to start this roleplay with something interesting, when you send me your character sheet, give me three rumors and two truths about your character, though don't tell me or anyone else which is a rumor and which is a truth, (Using it to make the characters all know each other better since they should all have a degree of publicity due to being invited to this party.) I think that's about all. If you want to give me a sample of your roleplaying skills, either done for this or from a whole different roleplay, it would make it more likely for you to be accepted, but I won't require it.

Make sure to send me your character sheet privately so that I can approve it or disapprove it. If I disapprove it, I may give you a chance to revise some sections, but it depends. I'll let you know if you're accepted tomorrow or late tonight.

P.S. Feel free to use any of the character backstories briefly listed above like the inventor or woman stories, they were to serve as examples but I am A-OK if someone decides they want to use one of them.

Currently, only one character sheet is complete, (Mr. Labyrinthinne's son,) though more will appear as either a.) More people join. or b.) Once I finish some smaller character sheets for NPC's as well as Mr. Labyrinthinne's character sheet.

Name : Beowulf Jacques B. Labyrinthinne
Name Meaning : His first name was derived from his mother, of whom had a passion for literature and stories. His second name was given to him by his father, named after a competitor of Mr. Labyrinthinne's textile industry, Mr. Labyrinthinne ruining the man's public appearance, business, and eventually leading the man to commit suicide after Mr. Labyrinthinne had clawed away all the scraps of possessions that the man had left, Mr. Labyrinthinne taking the man's first name and giving it to his son as a warning for others. His second middle name was derived from a long family-running name that passes through each generation, being derived from when the bloodline had no middle name and had been forced to take on a simple letter during a consensus at their old residence many generations ago. The final name is the well-recognized family name.
Age : Beowulf is twenty-one.
Personality : Throughout much of the publicity concerning the family, while his sister would often be tucked in the shadows behind her younger brother, Beowulf would be made out as a lazy and incompetent son who would "Drive the economy of France into the ground with his lack of intelligence." Due to this publicity, Beowulf has learned to speak very little and perform less, even despite his musical and linguistical talents. Various tutors and others who have spoken to the boy directly have noted him to be rather intelligent, though lacking much motivation in the field of business or even in the arts for that matter. Nonetheless, he remains polite towards others and seems to always be glued to his father's side.
Strengths : Beowulf is skilled at taking a step back and keeping his mouth shut in order to see the full picture behind everyone's actions. This allows him to oftentimes recognize certain facts a couple steps before others.
Weaknesses : While Beowulf is skilled at analyzing things, he has very little motivation to put forth the effort to change things. Whether this is due to constant criticism over most of his actions that have steadily worn down his ability to act for himself, or due to a mere indifference to most facts of life, it is hard to tell.
Job : Beowulf seems to have a fascination with literature, similar to his mother, and music, similar to his sister. Despite this, these are both hobbies of his and he spends most of his time assisting his father with the businesses.
Backstory : Beowulf has always been held to high standards, whether by his mother or by his father. During the life of his mother, it was oftentimes a war between her and his father over whether he would go on to assist her in writing or whether he would assist his father in the family business. Unbeknownst to both, he began to learn music with his sister. This started off with the two of them practicing singing together, later moving onto his sister allowing him to hide in a closet and listen in during a private piano lesson. Eventually, Beowulf was able to practice during breaks when the mentor would be out of the room, his sister even being able to use the excuse that she was supervising her brother and letting him directly watch her play the piano.
After the loss of his sister and eventually his mother, Beowulf abandoned the idea of continuing to learn to play the piano, though still practices writing both epics and poetry in his spare time without the watch of his father.
Two Truths and Three Rumors :
Beowulf has secretly adopted the penname of the slightly obscure but vaguely recognized author "Oakland", using this name to publish various short stories and poetry.
Beowulf is the bastard child of the deceased Mrs. Labyrinthinne and a one of Mr. Labyrinthinne's rivals of the textile industry.
Beowulf has a secret lover who has been addressed in various notes witnessed by the servants claiming that the lover's name is 'Hawthone'.
Beowulf has a tendency to visit the nearby village on multiple occasions, oftentimes paying people to 'Tell him their stories'.
Mr. Labyrinthinne is currently arranging to have Beowulf be set up in an arranged marriage with Ms. Alesche Irvine, a lady whose father is associated with the British Parliament.

Name : Jean-Joel II B. Labyrinthinne
Name Meaning : Named after his father, Jean-Joel the First, Mr. Labyrinthinne has strived many years to fulfill his family's legacy. It is only recently that he has begun to insist that he be addressed by anything other than his name, preferring Mr. Labyrinthinne and even the title of 'Sir Deficit' .
Age : Mr. Labyrinthinne is forty-two years old.
Personality : Mr. Labyrinthinne is a careful and articulate man full of greed and avarice. He excels in the area of managing financials as well as managing those below him. He is violent and brash with his tactics, even showing great pleasure in ruining the reputations and wealth of others. Most publicity surrounding him paints him as somewhat of a 19th-century playboy, enjoying his own extravagant wealth and enjoying women.
Strengths : Mr. Labyrinthinne is highly skilled at seeing through people's goals and intentions, oftentimes leading him to have no filter in the terms of calling things as he sees them. This allows him to be capable of analyzing the desires and fears of a person.
Weaknesses : It is a well-known rumor that Mr. Labyrinthinne is unstable. Whether from the loss of his daughter, soon followed by his wife, the brutal beatings and lessons that his father had taught him, or the likely case that he is nearing his death, Mr. Labyrinthinne is beginning to snap. It is unknown how this will play out, some spreading tales that he will simply off himself and perhaps even his son, others claiming that he will merely 'shut down' and pass his business on before eventually dying.
Job : Mr. Labyrinthinne is a well-known businessman in the textile industry as well as a French politician.
Backstory : Mr. Labyrinthinne was born to the Labyrinthinne bloodline and was immediately held to high standards by his tedious father. During his schooling, his father would oftentimes beat him for simple mistakes. Eventually, the child began to notice the patterns behind the beatings and what answers would provoke which responses, leading the boy to begin lying to specific questions in order to avoid his father. As this was discovered, the beating and criticism grew more and more harsh. Bruises began to mysteriously show on his neck and face, drawing the attention of the public as people began to suspect the father of abusing the young boy.

Perhaps it is this visible abuse that lead to the public indifference as the father mysteriously vanished one night, the boy seeming to take his place in less than a night. Everyone knows what probably happened. A fight that the father could not win, he was getting old anyway. It didn't matter anyway, the boy was just as intelligent as the older man, perhaps even more intelligent in the field of finances.
Two Truths and Three Rumors :
Mr. Labyrinthinne had given himself the bruises over his face and neck in his childhood.
Mr. Labyrinthinne secretly dabbles in the manufacturing and distribution of opium.
Mr. Labyrinthinne made a deal with the devil in order to reach the amount of wealth he has secured, the payment only recently becoming due.
He refuses to lay a hand on his son after years of cruelty from his own father.
Mr. Labyrinthinne is currently arranging to have Beowulf be set up in an arranged marriage with Ms. Alesche Irvine, a lady whose father is associated with the British Parliament.

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Forgot to mention! If anyone has any questions or would like help building their character or coordinating, then feel free to ask me here or in PC, I'd be glad to help.

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