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Fantasy Stuck In a Fantasy Game

Welp hi there OOC.

It's easy to tag people, just type out @xXDeathXLifeXAngelXx and your good.

And anyways, no worries on rushing me if that's what you meant. I had just gotten home and was reading ur replies anyways when you brought it up xD
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I'm gonna ask my friends who has been here longer or just go to the Help Thread they posted here to find out how to tag people.


and you don't have to write too much but thanks for typing.
Eh, I probably wouldn't have been able to properly get my character into the game if my reply was short, so it's long.
I've been caught ^w^

Aye I used the appearance of Karuta for Aki Ayumu or WalkingVision ^^
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So I have two questions:

1) Can you tell us more about the game's word or are we building it as we go? Such as locations/geography, enemies and monsters, history or lore.

2) Other than it being an online fantasy game we don't really know much about the game. Obviously we have classes (any class), magic of varying types and equipment (such as weapons and armor). So will we get to know more about the way the world that they're in is supposed to function?

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