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Fantasy Stuck In a Fantasy Game

Your grammar is a bit rough around the edges but it's still comprehensible and intelligible .. Besides, by writing and RPing you will only get better. You just have to hone your craft a little
Though sometimes it's hard to think of good ideas sometimes...

I'm like this

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When I have a blank mind I'm like this


Minus the part where it says "He is not amused."

and right now btw I'm like this since I don't know what to do next since my character is knocked out xD
Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel rush .. By all means, take as long as you want and don't feel like you have to reply/post

  • 40bbfccc6ff8587d252768f62b4dbc0c.jpg

    Name: Haru Kaori

    Age: 17

    Backstory: Haru is just your average teenager. Nothing entirely big happened in her life (or at least, she thinks so) and to her, there wasn't really much to talk about in her past. The only thing she could brag about was her achievements in traditional arts. She's artistically inclined and specializes in watercolor.

    She had won contests but when she transferred to her new and current school, she decided to lay low for a while. It was also in this school where she discovered the game and she started playing it simply because her crush was playing it.

    So far, she had yet to reveal her real talent in drawing and painting because she didn't want too much attention. As of now, she's just another face in the classroom, one who is neither popular nor bullied.

    Personality: Haru is a quiet, reserved person although that doesn't mean she's shy. She just prefers to keep things to herself because she doesn't want to catch anyone's attention. She likes to draw in her notebook when she's board and although she may seem like a snob as a first impression, she is actually kind.

    In game, she's almost the same because she didn't want to waste energy
    acting out of character. She likes to help new players, even in the simplest of ways. She loves the attribute speed, which explains her class and stats. She keeps her identity a secret, never revealing important information about her.

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Name:Simon Allen Piolo

In Game Name:Sinlon


In Game:20

Backstory:Simon was a well educated man, always known as the smartest in class, but has a careless and cheerful personality. He usually uses videogames as his favorite passtime. He found this game...Interesting. Without knowing where it would lead him, he will play it.

Personality:Cheerful, Careless, Kind




In Game:

Magic:Black Magic-Fire and Thunder

Class:Red Mage
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