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Fantasy Stuck In a Fantasy Game


New Member
A new game came out, a game called "Fantasy Realm" a virtual world full of fairies,knights,humans, all sorts of species,classes, and good character customization :D It was just like any kind of beta fantasy game. A free game that just recently came out from any o'l website and of course for free. Thousands, millions of people started playing the game every single day getting more and more players since it was such a good game. But after the first week of the game's release a virus leaked into the game making all players stuck playing in the game. Nobody could log out no matter how they tried, a lot of people reported this situation but none of the admins or creators of the game responded back. It has been announced that a team of hackers hacked into the game creating an "Ultimate Virus" that literally made players like they were "living" in the game. And which ever guild that wins in the Fantasy Realm Tournament gets to do whatever they please in the game, including releasing millions of people from the game's grasp, but.. whoever looses dies in real life. Which guild would win? Would everyone go that far to kill someone to be release from the grasp of the game or do something else entirely?
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I don't wanna wake up......

Ellie stared at her computer clicking away as she equipped items for her character. Ellie was in her room for about 12 hours just endlessly staring at the computer screen. It's now 1:02 pm and she hasn't been out from her room for days ,she could hear noises from the living room. She can hear her family laughing and sounded like they were having a grand time, as always... without her. Ellie just turned up the volume for her rock music she was playing, blocking off any sound from reality. She just wanted to be alone. Don't wanna wake up from any reality that would only lure her to pain.

"It would be nice if time turned back.... It would be nice if I drowned myself in virtual reality." Ellie said with a smirk.


Ellie laughed for a while, then returned to her game. Living in virtual reality would totally be a dream for her, she can do whatever she wants, be whatever she wants, and can just run free. Ellie would love to take the oppurtunity for that kind of life, she would claim it and not think for a second. Besides she was already tired of life anyway. All she knew in life was that her family forgot her existence and her entire life was just a lie in the first place so...

"What's there to look forward to..."

Ellie always questioned this, what is there to look forward to in life? It's was just an entire lie in the first place anyway. No one would care for her if she died, no one would notice her if she dissapeared. No one would ever remember her... ..


"That's right no one would remember me." Ellie touched her chest, which her heart was beating fast and floods of tears started pouring out.


Ellie punched her keyboard hard as some keys flew out and made a clink noise as it hit some objects from various directions.

Suddenly at the right corner of her computer screen she saw a file that popped out and said the words

"Trip to Virtual Reality"

"Virtual reality?" Ellie said in total confusion and curiosity...... then she widened her eyes.

Ellie smiled and then said "Sure."

And clicked on the box.....suddenly.... the next thing she knew.

All she saw was black.
He had spent all week grinding to max level so that he could get into this dungeon raid. The raid had started smoothly, with everyone playing their roles. There was a Knight and a Barbarian both playing the tank. A Mage and a Priest handling crowd control and healing. And a Necromancer summoning a wall of skeletons to keep the magic users at a safe distance from the enemy. Eric himself was handling melee DPS as an Assassin. His pair of daggers cut deep into the back of one goblin: The Back Stab skill. But they were only fighting their second mob and already the formation was beginning to break down. What had begun as an easy dungeon raid was quickly turning into a frantic mess of everyone fighting for themselves. The first to turn tail and run was the Priest. The Mage quickly followed. Both the Knight and the Barbarian stayed on the front line, battering down one enemy after another that dared to stand in front of them. But neither tank was looking to protect the other party members.

"Back in formation," ordered Eric through the voice chat. "Knight, fall back and protect the Necro. Mage, Priest, both of you get behind the Barb and stay safe. I'll take out the goblin archers at the back and then you'll be able to handle the rest of the mob."

But even as he gave the orders the Priest quit. It was so difficult to find a good healer. Then the Mage also left, leaving the four of them in the dungeon without any healers or crowd control.

"Alright, Necro, you're on crowd control duty now," said Eric. "Use your skeletons to wall in the goblins before they can flank us."

"Ball to this," shouted the Necromancer down his mic before he logged out.

Great. Now it was just two tanks and an Assassin.

"I'm sorry, dude, but we need casters against the boss," said the Knight. "The three of us can't do this alone. I'm out of here." He logged off.

"Ditto," said the Barbarian before he also logged off.

Now it was just Eric alone, in the hardest dungeon raid in the game.

"Nobody asked for your help anyway," said Eric, mostly to himself. "I only needed a party of six to start the raid, I don't actually need any of your help."

He wasn't usually so unruly but he despised other players that held him back. Occasionally he played with a select group but they hadn't been online all week. So he was forced to play public.

A simple Whirling Blades skill and he spun through the goblin hoard. Holding down the "W" key he made his way to the archers. A dash attack to close the distance and interrupt their next attack, then Back Stab once he had dashed behind them. The first archer went down as the other four took aim. The goblin hoard was rushing towards him and he only had a matter of seconds to dispatch the archers. He cast Shroud of Invisibility to hide from them, gaining some vital time to re-position himself.

Then an email popup took over the center of his screen. Eric crossed it off as fast he could but once back in the game he found that his invisibility had already worn off and the goblins slashed away the last of his health. Dead.

"It had best be an important email," he mumbled to himself.

Quickly logging out of the game; he browsed through his computer to find his emails. The latest, the one that had ruined his raid, was from his cousin. They spoke little, but his cousin occasionally dabbled with online gaming. Not to the same extent as Eric. In fact Eric barely spent any time logged out. He read through the email as quickly as possible, wanting to return his game.

"Hmm ... I guess I'll check it out," said Eric.

As per his cousin's email request; Eric was loading up his web browser to download the client to a new MMO. From his cousin's description it seemed worth checking out. Apparently it had, and I quote, a "crazy ass level of character customization". And his cousin sited it as being right up Eric's street. It was already getting late and all of the Americans would be online soon. If this game wasn't any good then would attempt the dungeon raid again, this time with a new group of randoms.

Eric found himself on the game's website. Quickly he went to the download link and started it. It came in a measly 3 mbps. Eric guessed that there must be a lot of people downloading it. It had only been released a week ago. It was a free game too, though he thought it would be supported by adverts or online purchases. Once the download was complete he started up the installer.

A simple strip of text loaded onto the screen: "Trip to Virtual Reality."

"At least the games understand how boring the real world is," commented Eric.

The screen went black. No, not the screen. Eric couldn't see anything.

Ellie opened her eyes to see a tree with multi colored leaves.. And not just any normal tree you see everyday but a tree that has many colors, blue,pink, and white.

"Wait... A multi colored tree?!"

Ellie widened her eyes and noticed something else entirely different. The tree looked way farther and bigger to her, and last when she remembered when she last went outside normally trees aren't like that. Ellie then stood up and looked around. "Huh?" Before Ellie she can see giant green tall plant figures that reminded her of grass. "Wait.." Ellie reached out and touched the plant figure. "It is grass?!" Ellie yelled, then in a panic way looked everywhere but only saw a field of grass and behind her the bark of the tree she first saw upon.

"Is this a dream?! How did I shrunk?!" Ellie said in a confused tone. She then looked at herself and saw she was wearing a blue dress with a pink sash, and her hair looked to be also white with a pink headband. Her shoes were black cowgirl boots. But what startled her more was... "WINGS?!" Ellie looked behind her to also see white fairy wings. "DID I DIE ALL OF A SUDDEN?!" Ellie said screaming "But wait how did I die?" Ellie then thought "What if after I blacked out somebody contiounsly shanked me in my room!!! Then threw me in a pit full of god knows what!!" Ellie's "dead" soul felt like it was flying to Donut heaven. "I didn't even say goodbye to all of my favorite Xbox Games...MASTER CHIEF!!!!!" But... Wait.. Suddenly she felt a familiar sensation with these types of clothing and view, but the only time she saw this was when she was playing........

Fantasy Realm.

Quickly Ellie remembered the file she clicked on that said "Trip to Virtual Reality," and how suddenly things turned dark. "That only means.. That I actually did transferred into virtual reality." Ellie said. "At least I didn't die..."

But how was that possible? Ellie's head started hurting a loud high pitched ringing of a bell ranged in her ears. Holding her head Ellie dropped to her knees, trying to stand but end up just falling as a white leaf fell next to her.
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When Eric opened his eyes he had expected to find himself at his computer desk. But he hadn't fallen asleep at his computer or on his keyboard. Instead he found himself in a field. The grassy fields seemingly ran for miles all around, over hills and into valleys unseen. In the near distance was a vibrant tree of many colors. He had studied all kinds of fauna, trees both coniferous and deciduous, but this was none of them. He had only seen such plant life in a video game.

"I guess that limits the possibilities of where I am," commented Eric. "I'm not on Earth. But the last thing I remember was downloading a game." And it had asked him to take a trip into a virtual reality. "You can't be serious. Am i really in a game world? Then I guess what comes first is finding out what type of game I am in. Shortly after that I will have to stop talking to myself. Especially if it's a multiplayer game. Other people will start to think I'm crazy." Which, for the record, he isn't.

Everything was so bright. The grass a lush green, impossibly well cultivated and all sharing the same shade. Not a single patch was out of place. Only a game could be so pristine. Unless this was all just a bad trip. But of course it wasn't, it had been some years since he last used. Eric found himself staring at the tree. It had broad and blue leaves, thin and pink ones that spiraled around almost like flower, white leaves that splayed out in an elaborate pattern. The thick trunk of the tree was made of of various hues wound and knotted together. A silver-lined branch, akin to a silver birch, protruded from a section that was an oaky red in color. The top leaves were supported on thin, spangling arms of ash-black that splintered into a dozen more branches. At the tree's base were thick roots that had entrenched the entire spectacle of wood work into the ground. The tree was the only visible landmark and maybe from the lofty perch of its branches he could, perhaps, catch a glimpse of a civilization that was too far to see at ground level.

"Clearly this game is set in a fantasy world," he said to himself as he set off walking towards the tree. "But is it a role playing game? Or multiplayer? Is it supposed to be the game that the email told me to play?" Although he wasn't sure, he had guessed right.

Eric Lance was now trapped in the online game that he had just downloaded.

Aki chewed lightly at her thumb while she was browsing online for new games. All her other games were already played and beaten, and her friends wouldn't be online. They were probably studying for school. `school...` Aki thought with a dark expression. Her gaze brightened when she found a game advertisement, advertising a new virtual reality game. She examined the advertisement, at the side of her browser's screen and twirled some of her light brown hair in her finger. Her hand moved down to her mouse as she clicked the ad and a small box popped up in the middle of her screen. She read every word and drank in every detail that the letters brought.

``Alright. Here goes nothing.`` She muttered to herself as she clicked the "Launch" button, but then.. the world disappeared around her and she was out.

When the teen girl did come to it was dark, the only light coming from a small direction behind her. The front of her body was laying flat on the cold ground but her head was turned to the side to face the opposite direction of the light. ``Oh.. I feel awful...`` She moaned. `Did I fall asleep on the floor again? No, my room is carpeted. Carpets aren't this cold.. but then, where am I?`

She turned her head to turn towards the light flooding into a cave entrance. `Oh. I'm in a cave... okay.` She thought again with a bored expression, before it finally hit her and she quickly jumped up until she was sitting down on the hard rock floor. ``Wait a minute.. A CAVE??`` She looked around wildly before taking a deep breathe. ``Right, I'm in that virtual reality game. Weird though, should I have gotten in differently? And what about my avatar what do I look like, what's my class?`` Aki, clueless to being trapped in the game with no way out, brought her hands up to examine them. Her hands did look smaller, and frailer. Her body's frame seemed to have gotten smaller as well, Aki observed as she looked down at her avatar's body appearance. She was in a strange outfit, long white sleeved that you would usually see in the older days, the black torso and skirt for her dress. It was all sorts of weird.

``I just hope I'm not ugly.`` She muttered to herself as she stood up and brushed her skirt down to get the dust off from it. She looked around curiously, when she suddenly heard a deep growl from behind her. She slowly turned herself, only to see a large bear-like creature, or most of it anyways. It had the legs of a deer and sharp horns sticking out from it's head between in ears. It had a long cat-like tail, but the rest of it appeared bear.

Aki screamed bloody murder as it growled at her and she turned to flee, but the beast behind her lashed it's tail around and grabbed at her ankle to make the girl trip. Her eyes widened. `This feels so real.. I feel like I'm going to die, right now, right here.` She thought. She knew she wouldn't REALLY die though, but she felt like she just shouldn't die to this monster anyways. Kicking it's tail off of her leg she managed to stand up quickly again and run as fast as she could out of the cave.

A while after running, she finally turned to see the monster wasn't following her and she slowed herself to a stop, only to fall over and nearly knock out. It was the fear that something else would come right after her if she did fully pass out, though, that kept her barely awake. `Oh my gosh...` She thought miserably.
When Eric arrived at the tree he he stared up at the higher branches. Maybe it wasn't so bright an idea to even attempt climbing this tree for a better view of the surrounding area. He looked around. But saw nothing. So he sat down, with his back leaning against the tree.

"So what do I do?" asked Eric to himself. He simply looked down, at the ground. "If it's an online game then maybe I can find other players who know what to do." Though he would prefer to avoid others as much as possible. "What is that?"

He stood up, staring at the strangest thing lying on the ground. Was it a tiny person? With wings. Slowly he approached what seemed to be a sleeping fairy.

"Hello? Are you awake?" asked Eric.
Ellie tried to open her eyes for a bit, the ringing sound has died down, but she felt something overcoming her body... a hot feverish feeling. She couldn't move no matter how hard she tried. Then she suddenly got a feeling. Her eyes widened and a flash of white was shown before her, suddenly a vision came showing what it looks to be a young girl being chased by a bear in a cave, after that it was just all white. What... Ellie thought.

"Hello? Are you awake?"

Ellie managed to turn to see a human boy before her looking at her as if what he saw was the strangest thing he has seen.

"Help...." was the only thing she muttered before closing her eyes again.
"Help? How?" asked Eric. "You're too small for CPR. And I don't know if it works on fairies." Being as gentle as possible he picked her up and held her in the palm of his hand. "Don't worry, I'll get you to a hospital. Or a healer. Or something. I just need to know where the nearest town is, so that I can take you there."

For a moment he was genuinely concerned about the fairy. But then it dawned on him: What if she was just a NPC. Can NPCs even die in this world? And does it even matter if a piece of digital code dies? Or she could another player. Surely another player would regenerate health over time and was none of his concern. Not important! What was important is that this little fairy needs help. Now. Eric forced attention to the protection of the little fairy. She was so small, and dainty.
Carter chugged the last of his energy drink and slammed it down onto his desk as his eyes came back to focus on the monitor before him. His fingers rapidly flew across the keyboard as he hit hotkeys and his character began using skills. "Come on..." he whispered under his breath and the giant being before his character came crashing down. "Yes!" he yelled as he jumped out of his cair. He quickly sat back down and typed into the chat log on the bottom of the screen.

Paladis: Nice game guys lets keep this up!

Carter waited with a grin as he received a few thanks from other players for the joining and some thanking him for taking some of the aggro off of them. Yet none of them stayed soon enough the area cleared and the party list emptied. After a sigh Carter logged off of the game and leaned back into his chair. His screen then flashed and a pop-up appeared on his screen, "Better not be another attempt to give me a virus or whatever." he mumbled as he leaned forward again. "Oh it's just an email." he spoke again in surprise as he pulled it up. The email read as such

Tired of typical gaming why not try out Virtual Reality!!!

Carter sighed and scrolled down to find a button for him to click on saying yes. He clicked it when the world suddenly went black; when he awoke he lurched forward at the unexpected light last thing he had remembered was clicking a link and then everything else was fuzzy. He sat up and looked around to see what was around him. "A field... well that's just great." he muttered to himself. Silence soon follows as he brushes dirt off of him taking note of the fact he is now wearing what felt like leather armor he sighs and walks around he scans the field he quickly took note of a girl in a dress fall out of a nearby cave. "Crap..." he said with a slight amount of volume as he ran towards her. "Hey! Are you alright" he yelled as he ran towards her.
Ellie felt something lift her, it felt like a hand or something like that. Ellie opened her eyes once again and noticed how she was picked off of the ground. She can tell by this because the grass now seems smaller and normal size. Ellie wanted to tell the person in front of her something important.

" There's.... a town just..... near here.... and..... *Coughs* I'm not small your just big."

Aki rolled over, her breaths coming in sharp and quick. She was in a field outside of the cave she had just run out of, and thankfully, so far there didn't seem to be any more of those scary monsters coming up to sniff at her. She shifted her small body a bit before twitching to the sound of someone's voice. Her eyes opened wide as she heard the male tone, and managed to remove herself from being glued to the ground. She sat in the short grass, glaring up at the approaching figure with her now sharp brightly lit pink eyes. Her pink hair flowed with a breeze from the wind and onto her unhappy expression towards the approaching person.

``I'm fine!`` She said when he came close enough. She managed to bring herself up enough to start standing up, but as soon as she managed to, she shook and fell on her hands and knees again. She wasn't used to so much running in the real world, and even though this world was virtual, she still had the same problems as she did when she was in the real world. She just remained on her hands and knees as she glared up to examine the male in front of her, her eyes unfriendly and threatening.
Carter made a small chuckle as he dropped to a knee and offered his hand for support to the fallen girl before him, "You sure you're good?" he calmly asked as shifted his gaze away from the seemingly angry female. Instead he looked around their environment only to focus entirely on the cave that she had just stumbled out of; he stared into the darkness and thought while he braced for the feeling of an unfamiliar weight to take hold of his arm. "Also not to be rude or anything but what exactly are you running away from?" he asked out of sheer curiosity. Before she can answer he shakes his head looks back down into the threatening eyes before him, "Sorry I shouldn't be nosy you must be new here too, names Ca..." he caught himself before clearing his throat and correcting himself, "Name's Paladis what about you?" he said as he gave her a friendly smile.

Aki nodded a bit when he asked her if she was good or not, slowly but surely, she thought she was feeling better. ``Yes, I'm good..`` She said as she again attempted to stand on her feet. Her legs were still a bit shaky, but she was able to hold herself up. She brushed grass from her new outfit and listened to the new person as he talked. She just frowned at him.

`I need to calm down. He just came over here to help me, and I never act like this in my other online games.` She sighed. When he introduced himself, she caught onto what he did. He traded his real name for a game name. Aki gave a sudden small smile ``Hello Paladis, I'm WalkingVision, or just Vision is fine.`` She said, using the gamer name she always used in virtual reality games. ``I apologize for my mood a moment ago, the thing in the cave just scared me is all.`` She said, giving an apologetic bow.

Aki did note that her hair was now pink, and she felt that it was up in pigtails.

She stood herself up straight again and looked back at the cave. ``I have no idea what is the thing in there, just what it looks like, but whatever it is I want to be as far away from it as I possibly can.`` She said. Her statement was firm. She shakily brought one foot in front of another and began to walk away. ``See ya, mr. Paladis.`` She said, looking back to look at him. She assumed that he was a more advanced player in the game, and wanted a shot to killing the monster in the cave. Aki did not want to stick around for that, especially when she didn't even know what her own powers were.
Carter turned to look at Vision as she walked away, he turned to look back at the cave only to turn away and catch up to Vision. "Mind if I tag along I'm fairly new here and well I'd at least like to find a town." he said as he mentally prayed she would join him. "Besides it's better to travel in a pack right." he added. He took a deep breath and looked around to see if there was any other landmarks nearby as he awaited her answer. A small breeze blew around him as he pushed his white hair out of his eyes and continued to focus on the surrounding areas for camp sites or towns or anything that could be nearby. He stopped and turned his attention back to Vision and awaited her answer.
Judging from the steady rise of the fields they were nearly in the foothills to the mountains in the distance. Mountains meant caves and dungeons on games. So the nearby town was in the opposite direction. This was definitely the online game that his cousin had wanted him to play. His surroundings reminded him of the graphics on the site.

"What happened to you?" asked Eric. "Did someone hurt you?"

No. Though it was difficult to know the biology of fairy without study, it seemed as though she was just suffering from shock. No surprises there. If she had found herself in this game world just like him then going into shock was a perfectly normal response.

"Okay. I'm going to ask you some basic questions and I want you to try to focus on them," said Eric, trying to use a soft tone of voice. For once he was being kind when playing a video game. Well, playing is the wrong term. Trapped in a video game was more accurate. ""Let's start with your name. Do you know your name?"

Aki gave a tiny smile when he asked to come with her. ``Sure.. I guess your right on that.`` She said softly, but loud enough for him to hear. She was a bit surprised to hear that he too, was new to this game. Besides, finding a town sounded like a good idea, maybe she could get information from there such as a help guide for newbies and such. Although, finding a town would probably be difficult since both of them were new.

``I have no idea where to start heading first, though.`` She said, feeling a bit helpless in this game. It made her shake to feel that way. Being helpless always scared her, probably due to her past. Her pink eyes darted from side to side for a moment to view what was around them. The field was wide open, and little cover was around. That was a good and bad thing. Good since no creatures would be able to sneak up on them, but then bad since they were wide open. `Why is this game so weird and different compared to most?` Aki wondered. `Most of the time, I'd be able to create my own avatar or just pull my avatar from another game, or I'd at least be able to chose my class.` She thought.

`Wait a minute.. what if I'm not even in a class!?` This thought scared her, if she didn't even have a class to be in, or any powers to defend herself she was just a sitting duck. She'd probably have to depend on other people for help if she was just a plain neutral. ``What class is your character anyways?`` Aki asked, turning her gaze to look at the male following after her. She managed to make herself seem calm and not show her panic towards her thoughts.
Carter rubbed his chin and thought for a minute at the question presented before him, "Now that I think about it don't know either I just woke up here..." he said with a small bit of confusion in his voice. "Nice call there if we don't know our class we can very much fight efficiently. Maybe we can find out when we reach a town." He continued to think about this as he walked forward, Now that he thought about it he wasn't even sure about his appearance he pulled some of his hair down enough for him to see that he still had the same white hair he had in the real world. he sighed although sad about not having character creation at least he wasn't totally strange. He then returned to scanning the environment to look for signs of a town. although he didn't know where one was most games usually had one near where you started. "What do you think we should do now this isn't normal for most games to just throw us in without an explanation." he said still confused as to what to do now.
WalkingVision~ Aki Ayumu


Health: 100%

Energy: 49%

Strength: 96%

Damage: 0

Magic: 100%

Aki was a bit surprised to hear that he was in the same boat she was. She had gotten here and woken up just the same, without even customizing herself to her own liking like most games did.

She nodded to what he said. ``I was thinking that to, maybe a help guide or something is in a town. Well, maybe if we can find a river and walk along that we can find a village or town. In real life that's probably what we would do, and I'm thinking that this game might have the same basics as the real world.`` She suggested. All they would need to do is find a river, but there might not be one nearby. Aki sighed internally, normally players would SPAWN in villages or towns or at least near them, near enough to at least see them! Why not here? ``Either that or we could just head North and keep going until we come across one.`` She also suggested, a small smirk playing into her lips as she slid herself into a different position. Her hand rested on her hip. As she awaited a response from him. She examined him again, this time not comparing her own strength to what she assumed was his.
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Carter spun back around to look at the cave Vision came out of, "Maybe past this lies the town and going through is dangerous but what about going over it?" he asked a bit of eagerness in his voice as he cracked his knuckles at the thought of climbing the structure. "Besides maybe a little height can help us find a town or village or at at least a good camp site." he said with hype beginning to fill his voice. Carter turned to look at Vision one more time looking her up and down. "What do you think about that or does it seem too far gone..." he said still holding onto the thought that the plan would work out in the better for them. Carter then moved next to the cave and scanned the walls for a place for any handholds as he waited for Vision to give him her thoughts on the plan.
WalkingVision~ Aki Ayumu


Health: 100%

Energy: 49%

Strength: 95%

Damage: 0

Magic: 100%
Aki didn't really want to go back near the cave, but it was a good idea. And it would give them a good view of their surroundings. She sighed in defeat and nodded. ``Alright. I like that idea..`` She said slowly. She could tell he wanted to climb on the cave anyways, the look in his eyes gave it away. Besides, if they died, it wouldn't mean anything. This was a game. If this was real life she probably would have run away from him in the start. That was the weird thing about her, the difference between her in a video game and in real life.

``Although.. I'm not to big on heights...`` She confessed. That might be a problem. Plus she couldn't climb, especially not in this outfit, but she wasn't just about to go loading him with her problems. She felt a bit guilty already for having a fear of heights when his plan was so perfect. She sighed. ``Sorry, I don't mean to load you with my problems.. I can climb if there's no other choice.`` She said, looking at Paladis.

She suddenly wondered what he looked like in real life. She looked down at her small hands and flipped them over to examine them. `So much for knowing the back of my hand.` She thought. `It feels like I just transferred bodies or something.` Although, that might kind of be like what being in a virtual reality game is. Transferring yourself into a new body and using it in a new dimension. She remembered the feeling she had earlier from running. `This game is good. It felt almost real.` She thought as she looked up again at Paladis.
Paladis watched Vision and thought about what to do in this situation he couldn't very well leave her here and just climb up the cave's mouth and in all honesty he really wanted to do so. Suddenly a thought came into his mind. "What if I carried you or we looked for something to help get you up there?" he said with hope that this plan could still be salvaged besides she even admitted to liking the plan. Although Carter was still a bit uneasy as he was usually not the leader of the group he left that to others while he tanked the damage. Carter sat down and thought harder about the task at hand and attempted to look for any other solutions that he could find. 'There has to be a better way.' he thought to himself. "Wait wait the game itself what do we do about items we don't have bags with us so maybe the game has an inventory system or a map something like that if not then this game is just out to kill us." he said out loud unsure of whether or not he just scared the pink haired girl or spouted out absolute genius. He turned to look at Vision as he waited to hear her thoughts on the matter.

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